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Enumeration Essay

Crafting an essay on the theme of enumeration might initially appear deceptively straightforward, but
as one delves into the intricacies of the task, the complexity gradually reveals itself. Enumerating
ideas, concepts, or objects might seem like a mere listing exercise, but the challenge lies in the art of
organization, coherence, and depth that one must bring to the table.

To begin with, choosing the right items to enumerate becomes a meticulous process. The selection
must not only align with the essay's central theme but also contribute meaningfully to the overall
narrative. The risk of veering into mere repetition or triviality is omnipresent, demanding a careful
balance between inclusivity and relevance.

Moreover, the structural aspect poses a unique challenge. Enumerations often require a logical flow, a
progression that makes sense to the reader. This demands a strategic arrangement of ideas, perhaps
by category, importance, or chronological order, depending on the nature of the enumeration.
Achieving a seamless transition from one item to the next requires finesse in language and an acute
awareness of the essay's overarching purpose.

Furthermore, delving into the details of each enumerated item necessitates a profound understanding
of the subject matter. It's not merely about listing; it's about providing insightful commentary,
drawing connections, and offering a nuanced exploration of each element. This demands extensive
research, critical thinking, and the ability to discern the significance behind each enumerated point.

Conclusively, the challenge in writing an enumeration essay lies not in the act of listing itself but in
elevating the enumeration to a thoughtful, coherent, and purposeful piece of writing. The complexity
arises from the need to infuse meaning into each enumerated item, ensuring that they collectively
contribute to a richer understanding of the topic at hand.

For those navigating the challenges of such an essay, it's important to recognize that assistance is
available. Similar essays and more can be ordered on platforms like , where
professionals are equipped to guide and support the essay writing process.
Enumeration Essay Enumeration Essay
How Did Michelle Obama Influence The World
Michelle Obama is a powerful women through all the struggles that she has been
through to be successful as a mother, daughter, wife, African American, and a public
figure. She shows us the real key of success that most of us seem to get wrong which is
hard work. This is the journey through her life being a huge influence in the world for
all who aspire to be successful. Her life seems to be more than just perfect but that
certainly doesn t come without any hardships and love. It all started with Fraser
Robinson who was Michelle s father. He was Michelle s inspiration and the reason she
is who she is today. He had a small job that was a station laborer a fancy word for a
janitor. In a time where African Americans didn t get much credit for his abilities that
was all he was offered though he was capable of much more. For him all that he
wanted was a happy home and a good future even if it meant that this job would cause
him to have multiple sclerosis. Michelle had a brother named Craig and the both of
them were raised with an emphasis on education and had learned to read at home by age
Michelle Robinson before she became Michelle Obama was born about six months after
the civil rights act was signed allowing Michelle to go to Princeton University and later
Harvard Law School. It was her father s hard work, ... Show more content on ...
They soon had two daughters named Malia and Sasha who were born in 1998 and
2001. Though their career meant that they will be in the eye of the public constantly
they had a very open relationship and quite similar to other people. You would usually
see Barack Obama cooking food and Michelle Obama teaching her girls how to ride a
bike.Obama meanwhile had been elected to the State Senate, which meant commuting to
Springfield, and then to Washington when he became a US senator, but Michelle stayed
in Chicago so as not to disrupt the children s
Analysis Of Midnight In Paris
The comedy romance movie Midnight in Paris , directed and written by Woody Allen,
portrays a story of a nostalgic writer on his vacation with his wife in the beautiful city
of Paris. The character, played by actor Owen Wilson, is a successful writer from
Hollywood having major setbacks in his current working novel. Gil has deep feelings to
the remarkable and beautiful feature of the city. He takes a car on midnight to the
adventures 1920sthat he claims he will get inspiration. There he meets all the people that
are legendary poets, artists, and writers. However, the theme of the movie has some
confusing misdirection than the way Allen wants to interpret his work. Moreover, the
movies lightning and cinematographic effects contribute to the confusion. The movie
starts with cinematics of the attractive and eye catching views of the city and this camera
angle effect also takes place at night timeof the time travelscenes. However, the lightning
effects in the 2010 scenes are more warn and bright. In the 1920 s the lighting scenes are
dim lights that come from the old street lights. The movie is basically revolving around
the city where one introspective writer s fantasy comes to life so the lightning indicates
that the difference in historical nostalgia and his fantasy. The background music is
always some French classical music, whatever period the scenes in the movie. That
indicates the relating aspects between Gil and his longing of the past. The costuming in
the film
Essay On Transcendentalism In The Scarlet Letter
Nathaniel Hawthorne was an anti transcendentalist who lived during the 19th century.
Obsessed with his great uncle, judge Hathorne, he studied the Puritan way of life.
Hawthorne wrote an array of short stories and books about Puritan societies. His anti
transcendentalist ideas and beliefs are seen all throughout his pieces of work. In in one
of his books, The Scarlet Letter, he depicts the lives of Hester Prynne, her daughter Pearl,
and the people in the town with her. Hester is the town seamstress and she commits
adultery with Mr. Dimmesdale, the reverend. Hester has a child whom she names Pearl.
As punishment for her crime she has to wear a scarlet letter A on her chest. In the Scarlet
Letter Hawthorne uses Reverend Dimmesdale, a... Show more content on
This adds to the theme of guilt by having Dimmesdale being guilty all the time for his
sins and his actions in the book being motivated by this feeling. Second, Hawthorne
uses a leech as a symbol for guilt. Roger Chillingworth is the town s doctor is also
Hester s Husband. When Chillingworth first came to the new world he went ahead of
head of Hester, being captured by Indians, everyone thought he was dead. When he found
out about Hester committing adultery, infuriated he vowed to seek revenge on whoever
Hester committed adultery with. Hathorne explains that Dimmesdale, like many other
personages of especial sanctity...was haunted either by Satan himself, or Satan s
emissary, in the guise of Roger Chillingworth. (Hawthorne 124), Hawthorne is saying
that Dimmesdale is haunted by the devil and that Chillingworth is the devil. This shows
that a leech is a symbol of guilt because in the 17th century doctors were called leeches.
Chillingworth is literally being called a leech and is sucking the life out of Dimmesdale
by haunting him. To further support that Chillingworth is being called a leech by
Hawthorne, chapter 9 of the scarlet letter is called The Leech and the chapter is all about
Dimmesdale and Chillingworth. Hawthorne tells us trusting no man as his friend, he
could not recognize his enemy when the latter actually appeared. Hawthorne is saying
that Dimmesdale is so blinded by guilt that he cannot
Internal and External Factors of Management
Annually, Fortune magazine releases a list of the top 500 largest companies in the
United States (Time Warner Co., 2008). Being ranked no. 44 in 2008, Microsoft has
increased its revenues 15.4% since 2006 because of its continued efforts to release latest
technology (Time Warner Co., 2008). To understand how Microsoft continues to lead in
profits, sales and technology, the consumer must realize internal and external factors
influence how Microsoft performs and operates. In depth, Microsoft s planning functions
are influenced by the consumer s need, which continues to influence Microsoft s products
and services. The purpose of this paper is to identify and explain the internal and external
factors which impact the planning functions of... Show more content on
The shortcoming is forcing Microsoft management to plan for a way to make up for the
loss in profit (Schenker, 2007, p.1). Electronic business is an external trend that has
developed rapidly changing the way in which businesses market their products. These
changes have influenced Microsoft s management to make plans to pursue the advanced
abilities the Internet has created. Microsoft s current goal is to achieve acknowledgement
in the business arena of advertisement via the online market. Microsoft (MSFT) aims to
stitch together its software, ad serving, and media properties to become a formidable
online power with many of the marketing pieces that advertisers look for as they embark
on Internet ad campaigns (Schenker, 2007, p.1). Microsoft is currently aligning a
strategic and management plan which will appeal to its customers by using their
reputable name and powerhouse infrastructure. Innovation continues to affect different
planning functions of Microsoft. Innovation is defined as the introduction of new things
or methods (Dictionary, 2008). Therefore, planning must be calculated in a strategic,
tactical and operational manner in order to be effective. With strategic planning,
Microsoft must think of long term goals and strategies for its corporation (Bateman
Snell, 2007). Tactical planning is developed to specify goals and plans that target a
majority of the corporation and its consumers (Bateman Snell, 2007).
What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Composite...
n aeroplane is acted upon by a few forces in the sky: Lift, Drag, Thrust and Weight. It
counters the force of gravity by using either static lift or by using the dynamic lift of an
airfoil. A composite material is a material made from two or more constituent materials
with differing physical or chemical properties that when joined together, produce a
material with characteristics different from the individual material. The individual
component remains separate and unique from the finished structure. There are a few
types of currently available composite materials, and they include carbon fibre, fiber
glass and fibre reinforced matrix systems. Almost all new aircraft these days include
some composite material into their designs. The most common composite material that is
used in aircraft is fiberglass. Other composite materials used includes Kevlar, which is
now replacing glass fibers. Composite materials had been used commonly since ... Show
more content on ...
Although aeroplanes go through very stringent checks before flying, more time is
needed to check when it is made with the composite material. As composite materials
do not break easily, it is hard to differentiate if the interior structure has been damaged
at all. Hence, it requires extensive inspection techniques for detection. In contrast, for
traditional materials like aluminium, due to its nature, it bends and dents easily. [6]
Therefore it is quite easy to find out if there is any structural damage. Based on
experience, an aircraft would be grounded for a few days to repair on the composite
material while only a few hours would be needed for a traditional metallic part.
Moreover, repairs can be much more expensive when a composite surface is damaged.
Also, composite repairs are more prone to human error than metal repairs since the
quality of composite repair is highly dependent on the process
Sandwich Generation Thesis
More and more people are delaying marriage and child rearing. Over 20 million
Americans are caught between their aging parents and young children. Adults who are
part of the Sandwich Generation are adults who have a parent that is living and 65
years old or older, but they are also raising a child under the age of 18. Being apart of
the Sandwich Generation can be very stressful. Many young adults are starting to delay
marriage. The percentage of married people in their 20s has dropped tremendously from
2000 to 2006. Young adults are getting married just to get married or because they have a
child involved. Being in the Sandwich Generation tends to affect person s relationship
with their spouse and others. It can cause many arguments
The Cleveland Cavaliers Case Study
The Cleveland Cavaliers were founded by Nick Mileti and established in the National
Basketball Association in 1970. The Cleveland Cavaliers were organized with the
Buffalo Braves and the Portland Trail Blazers. Their inaugural season resulted in a last
place finish with the record of 15 wins and 67 losses. The Cavaliers originally played
their games in the Cleveland arena. In 1974, the team moved to the Coliseum and, as
their exposure to the game grew, the team improved. The year 1976 marked their first
division title which sent them to their first NBA playoff appearance. In 1980, Mileti
sold the team to Ted Stepien. Three years later, he was accused of making trades and
other coach hirings. After the franchise lost $15 million under Stepien leadership, he
sold the Cavaliers to George and Gordon Gund. George and Gordon Gund hired Wayne
Embry as general manager and Lenny Wilkens as head coach. Seven years later,
Wilkens resigned as coach and Mike Fratello took his spot. For the 1994 1995 season,
the Cavaliers moved to Gateway Gund Arena. Fratello used his coaching skills to lead
the Cavaliers to the 1994, 1995, 1996, and 1998 playoffs. However, Fratello was not
able to pass the first round of playoffs in 1999. Thus, Wayne Embry resigned as general
manager and Jim Paxson became the new GM. Paxson hired Randy Wittman and his first
year resulted in a... Show more content on ...
The Cavaliers won 21 games. The next year, they showed no progress which led to the
firing of Scott. Mike Brown replaced him and they acquired the former first draft pick
center Andrew Bynum from the Lakers. However, the Cavaliers only improved to a
33 49 record. As a result of this losing record, this lead to the firing of Brown. Brown was
replaced by David Blatt in 2014. That year in free agency, LeBron James decided that
he wanted to return to the Cleveland Cavaliers. In addition, the Cavaliers traded Wiggins
for Kevin Love, a proven top power forward.
Motivation In Bartleby And Benito Cereno
What is the root cause of a person s actions? Mainly it is their experiences and their
inner feelings regarding their life. If a person s life is privileged, then they are not as
prone to negative actions; however, if a person s life is hard, then they might be more
inclined to try to change their lives and be cruel to those who are making their lives
difficult. Motivation is the initiating factor behind most people s actions, the more
motivated the more likely action is taken. According to Kendra Cherry on,
The incentive theory suggests that people are motivated to do things because of external
rewards . With the right amount of motivation people are more prone to take action in
their lives. What would happen if the roles of... Show more content on ...
Due to the reverse of roles in the control of the ship, the reason the Spaniards did not
continue to try to blatantly take action against the slaves, may have been due to them
not dealing with distress as long as the slaves had, so their incentive to act was not as
strong. According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, Distress
levels may have a role in increasing the motivation to change or search for a change
strategy , therefore, the slaves success in overtaking the ship was heavily motivated by
years of distress and unfortunate circumstances. Melville s short story, Bartleby , also
portrays a role reversal. In Bartleby , the lawyer, who hires Bartleby, slowly becomes
more like an employee than an employer; since, Bartleby refuses to work or leave the
office building and the lawyer simply works around him, instead of being more
insistent that Bartleby actually work or leave the building. Though this role reversal
is not as evident as the reversal in Melville s Benito Cereno , a switch between
employer and employee does occur. Not much information is given about Bartleby, so
it can not completely be explained as to why he is so motivated to refuse to follow
orders and do whatever he desires, but the lawyer s hesitation to become a stronger
willed employer instead of almost an employee can be explained. The lawyer was not
great at handling his employees to begin with, since so many of them had
Essay on Physics Final Exam Version 2b
Physics Final Exam revision b11/7/14
Directions: It is important that you provide answers in your own words. Please focus
only on information from the text/eBook to create your own solutions. Please do not
use direct information from an outside source (especially copying and pasting from an
answer website). Use of direct information from an outside source is against school
policy. All answers will be checked for plagiarism. Instances of plagiarism can result in
probation or possible dismissal from the school.
Grading: Please be sure to follow all guidelines (number of sentences/showing all
calculations) and to provide the correct metric units of measure. It is important for you to
observe the number of sentences, when ... Show more content on ...
Show all calculations leading to an answer.

6. A photon of light has a wavelength of about 800 nm (1nm = 1 x 10 9 m). What is the
energy of this photon of light? Show all calculations leading to an answer.

7. When a wave crosses a surface at an angle from one medium into another, why does it
change directions as it moves across the boundary into the new medium? Use 3 4
complete sentences in your own words to explain.

8. Suppose a piano tuner hears 2 beats/second when listening to the combined sound from
the tuning fork and the piano note being tuned. After slightly loosening the string, she
hears 1 beat/second. Should she continue to loosen the string or tighten it in order to get
it in tune ? Defend your answer with 3 4 complete sentences.

9. What conditions must exist for a converging lens to produce a virtual image? Please
respond with 3 4 complete sentences.

10. Suppose the thickness of an oil film on water is just the right thickness for canceling
yellow light. What color will your eye see? Explain using 3 4 complete sentences.

11. A hard rubber or plastic comb rubbed against wool can often be shown to have a
static charge. Why does a metal comb not readily show a static charge when rubbed
against wool? Use 3 4 complete sentences in your answer.

12. Two electrically charges spheres are suspended from insulated threads a certain
distance from each other. There is a certain amount of

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