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Education Conclusion Essay

Writing an essay on the topic of "Education Conclusion" can be a challenging task that requires
careful consideration and thoughtful analysis. This type of essay necessitates a comprehensive
understanding of the various aspects of education, ranging from its historical evolution to
contemporary challenges and future prospects.

One of the difficulties lies in synthesizing a vast amount of information into a coherent and logical
argument. Education is a multifaceted subject that encompasses not only the academic aspect but
also social, economic, and cultural dimensions. Crafting a well-rounded conclusion involves
addressing these diverse elements and drawing connections between them.

Moreover, a compelling education conclusion essay should go beyond summarizing key points. It
should offer insights and reflections that prompt the reader to contemplate the broader implications
of the discussed ideas. Analyzing the significance of education in shaping societies, fostering
personal growth, and addressing global issues adds another layer of complexity to the essay.

In addition, staying up-to-date with the latest developments in education is crucial. The field is
dynamic, with constant changes and innovations. Incorporating recent research findings, policy
shifts, and emerging trends can elevate the relevance and credibility of the essay.

Balancing a critical perspective with constructive suggestions for improvement is another challenge.
While it's essential to highlight the shortcomings and challenges within the education system,
providing viable solutions and recommendations demonstrates a nuanced understanding of the

In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of education conclusion demands a comprehensive grasp
of the subject, the ability to synthesize diverse information, and a skillful articulation of insights. It is
a task that requires dedication, research, and critical thinking to deliver a thought-provoking and
impactful piece.

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Education Conclusion Essay Education Conclusion Essay
The New Approach For Professional Learning Development
Disciplined Inquiry as a technique to frame the new approach for Professional
Learning Development for Educators in Tonga. Teachers and educators need to take
professional development more seriously as they are the only means by which they
will be able to be updated, enriched and to keep up with changes occurring in the
educational world and to keep up with new developments. Bell and Gilbert (1996)
found that effective professional development needs to meet teachers professional,
personal and social needs. They also argue that professional development programs
need to provide teachers with new teaching ideas, new resources and equipment to
improve the learning of their students. The advisory group for Professional Learning
and Development (PLD) in their report (June, 2014) saw the need for change in PLD
and therefore put forward six principles that frame a new approach for PLD. One of
these six principles is Disciplined Inquiry (DI). I strongly believe that DI is central to
PLD and will aid in the transforming of schools in Tonga since it provides teachers with
opportunities to improve their teaching skills, arouse students curiosity and cause
motivation which will accelerate valued students outcomes. In addition this enables
teachers to develop their expertise, initiate collective responsibility based on evidence,
deepen their subjects knowledge, while also being responsive to the diversity of leaders
and teachers learning needs. Timperly and Parr (2010) state that
Skeletal Muscle Lab Report
Introduction Muscle is formed with a long and thin tissue called muscle tissue which
moves the organs and organisms, and the muscle tissue is made out of a group of cells
called the muscle fibers. There are three types of muscle: skeletal muscle, smooth muscle,
and cardiac muscle. Skeletal muscle is the musclewho moves the bones, it has much
longer fibers than the smooth muscles. Smooth muscle forms the walls of organs, for
example, the wall of a stomach. Cardiac muscleis the muscle that forms the heart. From
the cross section view of a muscle, it shows that there is a layer of muscle sheath
around the outermost layer of the muscle. The blood vessels that brings glucose and
oxygen to the muscle are weaved in the fibers, and there is a layer of epithelial cells
around the muscle to keep the fibers together.Muscle tissue can repair itself, but with
round scar tissue instead of long, stretchy fibers. Skeletal... Show more content on ...
ATP is a molecule created by glucose and oxygen that are brought with the blood, in an
aerobic respiration with the waste products of carbon dioxide and water. Each cell must
make its own ATP, and some aerobic cells can also do anaerobic respiration if they have
to. Skeletal muscle cells can shift to anaerobic respiration if needed, but they make less
ATP per glucose molecule and produce lactic acid as a waste product. The glucose and
oxygen that make ATP are carried by the blood, and blood is a connective tissue made of
three kinds of cells: red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. The red blood cells
carry oxygen, the white blood cells are those who help fight diseases, and the platelets
are the pieces of cells for blood clothing.There is a type of liquid called plasma liquid, it
carries the cells platelets and other important cells and molecules such as
NER Case Study
As I mentioned earlier, mutations in your NER or more specifically your GG NER is
responsible for genetics diseases such as XP. This disease is mostly linked with the
inability to repair cells that contain photoproducts in your DNA that is initiated by UV
light. These photoproducts include the (5 5) and (6 6) cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers
(CPDs) and the (6 4) pyrimidine pyrimidinone dimers (PDs) that can involve T and C
pyrimidines [7]. As these DNAare not repaired due to the lack of NER proteins, a
mutation will occur which will substitute a Cytosine base to a Thymine base, it is most
common when there are two Cytosine bases next to each other where it will go from
CC to TT. This is very commonly found in protein p53. Patients with XP C... Show more
content on ...
Patients with XP V will have different, more mild symptoms compared to other XP
patients, as they can still remove the damaged DNA.
There are no chromosomal abnormalities present in XP unlike Down s syndrome.
Chromosome abnormalities is associated with defective DNA repair. Irradiation of
normal and XP cells by UV light induces chromatid and chromosome aberrations, and
one study indicates that more chromatid aberrations are found in XP cells than in
normal cells 24 hr after irradiation [11, 12]. As Sasaki et al. [12, 13] showed, XP
lymphocytes were more prone to growth delay and chromosome aberration production
of 4 nitroquinoline 1 oxide (4NQO) but in XP cells, the 4NQO reparation is defective.
As XP is autosomal recessive, only carriers with both recessive allele will show
symptoms of the disease. Studies of DNA repair in XP heterozygotes have revealed that
heterozygous cells show the same levels of DNA repair as normal cells. There are
currently no cures for XP, the only solution is consistent UV radiation protection which
can significantly decrease the amount of skin lesions or cancer. Keratosis can be treated
with cryotherapy or fluorouracil. It hasn t been attempted but according to Halpern et al.
[14], theoretically by inserting functional endonuclease genes into every cell in the body
using the gene editing tool CRISPR, it might be able to cure XP and allow NER to
function normally.
XP is a rare autosomal recessive disease that
Essay on The Civil Rights Movement
The purpose of this essay is to outline the main events of the African American Civil
Rights Movement. Specifically, the focus will be on the main activists involved in the
movement such as Martin Luther King Jr and Rosa Parks and the major campaigns of
civil resistance.

The Civil Rights Movement refers to the movements in the United States aimed at
outlawing racial discrimination against African Americans and restoring voting rights in
Southern states.African Americans were able to gain the rights to issues such as equal
access to public transportation, right to vote, right to fair trials, and many others.
The many movements lasted roughly from 1955 to 1968. During this time African
Americans were constantly degraded and reminded of ... Show more content on ...
The driver noticed a white man standing and then demanded her entire row move as
blacks were forbidden to sit next to whites. After refusing to move, Rosa Parks was
reported to the police and arrested for violating the whites first bus laws. Her case was
used to fight segregation laws which pushed for complete desegregation on public
transport. 50,000 of Montgomery s African Americans supported the boycott which
lasted for 381 days until the local ordinance segregating African Americans and whites on
public buses was lifted. Ninety percent of African Americans in Montgomery took part in
the boycotts until a federal court ordered Montgomery s buses desegregated in November
1956. Martin Luther King Jr was a prominent leader in the African American Civil Rights
Movement. A baptist minister, he became a civil rights activist early on. The
Montgomery Bus Boycott was planned and pursued by fellow activist leader E.D Nixon
and soon led by King. During this time King s house was bombed and he was later

The Freedom Rides were journeys taken by Civil Rights activists on interstate buses into
the segregated southern states of America. These were organized by the Congress of
Racial Equality (CORE), the first Freedom Ride left Washington D.C. on May 4, 1961.
Activists travelled to the highly segregated South and sought to integrate seating and
desegregate bus terminals, restrooms and
Effective Treatment Of Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C is an inflammatory condition of the liver that ultimately results in cirrhosis
consequently leading up to liver cell cancer due to a blood borne virus. The infection is
usually asymptomatic showing how those who are infected with Hepatitis C are unaware
of its presence until the condition has become potentially life threatening. The main ways
in which the virus is transmitted is from the transfusion of unscreened blood, improper
sterilization of invasive medical devices used in surgery and other internal examinations
of the patient and the reuse of syringes by health care providers for common ailments or
by narcotic users. Evidently, Pakistan as the second highest prevalence rate of hepatitis C
ranging from ... Show more content on ...
I will be analysing these ethical issues with the use of my chemistry and economical
knowledge. The research question An investigation into the mortality and morbidity of
drug pricing from Hepatitis C in Pakistan mainly uses pharmaceutical sciences to
underline and justify the main objectives of drug pricing whilst identifying the human
implications from both perspectives of economics and chemistry. Economical
66% of Pakistan s population live in rural areas underlying the geographical issues with
suffering from Hepatitis C. The geographical consequences mainly ly with the isolation
the rural population have from the productive and thriving urban cities of the country.
Individuals are unable to be a part of an exponentially growing economy as they are
unfortunately marked as the less prosperous part of the country. This evidently leads to
unemployment. Unemployment is defined as the people of working age who are without
work, available for work and actively seeking employment. This effectively contributes to
the prevalence rate as due to being unemployed people are unable to afford necessities,
such as Hepatitis C treatment, since there is no government system in place in aid of the
unemployed. However, if an individual is employed and earning an income, the income
may not be sufficient enough to accommodation an appropriate and successful course of
treatment. In order to access treatment, the amount of

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