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Compare Contrast Essay Examples Middle

Writing a compare and contrast essay, especially on the topic of "Compare Contrast Essay Examples
Middle School," can pose its own set of challenges. The task requires a thorough understanding of
the subject matter, the ability to identify key similarities and differences, and the skill to present them
in a coherent and organized manner.

Middle school-level essays often demand a balance between simplicity and depth of analysis.
Finding suitable examples that are relevant to the academic level and engaging for middle school
students adds an additional layer of complexity. Moreover, ensuring that the essay is not just a list of
comparisons but includes insightful analysis and a clear thesis statement requires careful planning and

One challenge is to strike the right balance between highlighting similarities and differences without
sounding repetitive or losing the reader's interest. It is essential to structure the essay in a way that
guides the reader through the comparison, providing clarity and coherence in each section.

Furthermore, middle school essays demand a level of clarity and simplicity in language without
compromising on the depth of analysis. This balance can be tricky to achieve, requiring the writer to
carefully select vocabulary and sentence structures that are both accessible and intellectually
stimulating for a middle school audience.

In conclusion, crafting a compare and contrast essay on the specified topic for middle school can be
a challenging task. However, with careful planning, research, and attention to detail, it is possible to
create an informative and engaging essay that effectively compares and contrasts relevant examples.
If the process becomes overwhelming, it's worth considering external assistance. Platforms like offer a range of services where similar essays and much more can be ordered,
providing valuable support to students facing writing challenges.
Compare Contrast Essay Examples Middle School Compare Contrast Essay Examples Middle School
What Structures Do Successful Organisations Develop...
In today s fast changing economy, companies have to focus on their capability to meet
constantly evolving customer expectations. Therefore, managers have to adapt their way
of running a company to promote a supporting environment for innovation. As defined by
Van de Ven, innovation is the development and implementation of new ideas by people
who over time engage in transactions with others in an institutional context (1986). This
involves the employees and managers within the company, and all the external area like
the clients and shareholders. The challenge is also to find the more conducive structure
to achieve the goals of increasing individuals and organisation effectiveness. Nowadays,
companies move away from the traditional organization structures described by Taylor,
Ford, Weber or even Fayol. Although some companies are still partly based on this type
of structure, most of the companies rely on new organisational forms. This leads to the
following question : what structures do successful organisations develop in fast changing
and innovative environments ? On one hand, this assignment will examine the abandon
of the classic theories and their universal principles about the structure of businesses. On
the other hand, it will highlight the adoption of new organisational forms, and analyse
them. The traditional organization structures described by Taylor, Ford, Weber and other
theorists are based on a systematic and rational approach. The organisation and its
Corrie Ten Boom in World War II
This Flyer is based on WWII, and the Ten Boom family. Corrie Ten Boom is one of the
family members. Her family and her, helped many people in WWII, and risked their
lives to save other people. They helped other people because the Nazis were looking for
them. The Family were Christians, and would help anyone no mater what.

Early Life
Corrie Ten Boom was born on April 15, 1892, in Haarlem, Netherlands. In her family,
Corrie was the youngest child. She had one brother, Willem, and two sisters, Betsie and
Nollie. Her father was Casper Boom, and was a watchmaker and jeweler.

They lived in the Barteljorisstraat house in Haarlem ( Beje house ). Below was their
fathers watch shop and above they had their rooms. Their house was open to anyone
who needed a place to stay. They would hide jews and dutch underground workers
until they could find another safe house. In Corrie s bedroom she had a secret hiding
place, for up to six people. This was a place for people to go when security came
through the house. And their was an air system that was installed in the hiding place as

Beje Movement
In the Beje movement, Corrie became the leader, who would look for other safe
houses in the country. She would search for Dutch families who were brave enough to
take in people. Most of her life was spent trying to protect, and keep them hidden from
the Nazis. Through her hard work she was able to save over 800 people in WWII.

Although, on February 28, 1944, the family was

Joan Of Arc Catholic Hero
Joan of Arc once said, I am not, may God put me there; and if I am, may God so keep me
. When Joan was only thirteen years old she heard the voice of God. She also had
various visions that powered her to lead an army that would give France victory over
England in the Hundreds year war . She was named a roman catholic saint almost 500
years after leading her army into battle. Some may say that Joan of Arcdoes not get as
much recognition as what she deserves. She did what no woman could have done at that
time. Although some people believe that Joan never was actually called upon God, that
she was just hallucinating because doctors and scholars have diagnosed Joan of Arc with
disorders ranging from epilepsy to schizophrenia , according... Show more content on ...
However other people argue that she was sent the devil and practiced witchcraft. To
begin with, Joan lead army and that was not something that you could traditionally
find a young woman doing in the 1400 s. She went through a lot too. When Joan had
to travel across enemy land to get to Charles VII, she cropped her hair and dressed in
men s clothes for her 11 day journey according to She had to do this
because it was dangerous to travel across the enemies land, let alone being a woman in
this time era. The reason Joan first believed that she could create success on the
warfield was because she had many visions and heard voices, ones she believed were
sent by God. She then vowed to remain a virgin the rest of her life. In these messages
sent by God, they said to go on a journey to save France from England and give Charles
VII his place at the throne. In an interview with historian, Professor Charlotte Baune
she says, in the 15th century there was a strong belief that God could alter the course
of history . So when the word got out that Joan had been hearing messages from God,
they looked past gender roles and let her lead an army into Orleans. Lastly, Joan of Arc
wanted to reclaim Paris for France, but her plan failed and Charles VII no longer
wanted to support her troops. According to a video Uploaded on, the
English found it insufferable that a young girl was leading an army against them and
that she was victorious against the English army . To the English, this meant she had
been sent by the devil, and the only way to get rid of her was to burn her to death. This
is the tragic part of Joan s story. People at this time did not believe that a woman could
lead an army to victory, only men could. It was so absurd to them, they actually believed
she was sent by the devil and practiced witchcraft. Because of this, she was burned to
Garner Down Syndrome
Kawanda Garner Down syndrome
Down syndrome is a condition in which a person has an extra chromosome.
Chromosomes are small packages of genes in the body that determine how a baby s
body forms during pregnancy and how the baby s body functions as it grows in the
womb and after birth. (CDC, 2014) John Langon Down first described Down s
syndrome or Trisomy 21 in 1866. Trisomy 21 is caused by a combination of birth
defects when there is a nondisjunction or an error in cell division during meiosis,
resulting in a trisomy of chromosome 21. (Porth, 2011, p. 119) While the cause in
unknown, evidence from cytogenetic and epidemiologic studies supports the concept of
multiple causality. (Perry, 2010, p. 1183) Children with Trisomy 21 can be born ... Show
more content on ...
(Chang Kelly, 2007) According to the article published by Salimbene, (2000), children
are highly valued and welcomed in most Bosnian families. Culturally, Bosnian s hold
Physician s to a higher standard than nurses. They may request to hear a diagnoses or
treatment options from the physician rather than a nurse. Teaching may become
difficult if a relationship is not formed. The nurse should introduce themselves and
state that the doctor has asked him/her to perform which ever test or procedure it is
that is needed. The purpose of the upcoming testing should be explained thoroughly
without going into the specific details about the procedure. (Salimbene, 2000)
Bosnians prefer herbal or spiritual approaches to health care over western health care.
Language barriers may become an issue as well so an interpreter should be utilized as
needed to ensure information is passed along appropriately. It is critical to assess each
patient individually and not make cultural assumptions about a patient s beliefs or health
practices. (Chang Kelly, 2007). Many factors affect this process of parental adaptation,
for example, the nature and severity of the child s conditions, preexisting family
functioning level, cultural background, income level, the availability of social support,
and the attitude of healthcare providers, especially at the time of diagnosis. (Choi, Lee
Yoo, 2011, p. 113) Providing a calm
Cultural Imperialism And Globalization
Globalisation is the process of interconnectedness and the integration of national and
regional culture, economies, and society through the global network of communication,
immigration, transportation and trade (Financial Times Lexicon, 2017). According to
Reiche (2014), globalisation did not mean much in the past fifty years. It could be
primarily focused on the trade and also foreign direct investment which are the economic
side of the world but it has been expanded to a broader range which including media,
culture, technology, trades and political factors nowadays. Although globalisation is
considered as a wide range nowadays, it still can be classified as four main characteristics
which are stretched social relations, intensification of flows, increasing interpenetration,
and global infrastructure (Held, 2004). However, cultural imperialism has the most
typical impacts on globalisation. This essay will define and explain cultural imperialism
and its impact from the pessimistic globalist and transformationalist perspective.

Cultural imperialism, the main focus of globalisation is defined as the domination of

culture from some countries to the rest of the world (Tobin, 2016). It could be the
cultural goods flow to the other countries, normally from the more influential or stronger
countries such as the United States and some Western countries which inculcating their
values through the goods or advertisements. For instance, the origin of Starbucks,
McDonald s, and
Youth Environmental Stewardship Paper
Introduction Youth Environmental Stewardship (YES), one of the major programs in
Rural Action, provides an exceptionable opportunity for all kids to learn about the forest
and the ecology system in Ohio. In addition, those activities will not only help children to
learn some survival skills and how to communicate with others, but also offer an effective
occasion to promote the relationship between youth and their parents. However, our team
found the flaws and the areas can be improved. The strength, weakness, opportunity and
threat will be illustrated in the next four sections. Strength First of all, the strength of the
Youth Environmental Stewardship is assisting youth to start to build the ability of
teamwork and leadership. In fact,... Show more content on ...
The schools that majority of youth have spent more than ten years to study in, are
wonderful places to educate them the knowledge of the ecology and environment and
expand YES services widely. In the article Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability
, Tulipane (2009) introduces that we should build more facilities, programs and associate
with local schools, even systems in order to help children and teenagers to invest in our
future. Furthermore, Clean Annapolis River Project (CARP), non governmental
organization, has already worked with school to engage youth to participate to the
environment. There is a short video on YouTube that calls Youth Leading Environmental
Change which was uploaded by CARP. There are two groups of young boys and girls
which evaluate their experience in this program. Several young girls mentioned that they
do not learn much about environment in class, and their teachers said that they need to
spend more time on math and self ability instead of on the environment; they actually
learn a lot from the program, such as group work and protect the environment. Thus,
those information indicates that it is a wonderful chance to expand the service of Rural
The Treatment Of Liberal Treatment Essay
Conservative Treatment Conservative treatment are helpful in the early stage of the
disease. Patients who are unfit or unwilling to undergo operative treatment, patient who
are in plateau period without recent exacerbation, patients who present with new onset of
subtle myelopathic findings and radiographic evidence of a soft disc herniation should
undergo for preoperative evaluation, and these type of patient should undergo, physical
therapy for gait training, occupational therapy for improvement of upper extremity
dexterity, and neck immobilization with a hard cervical collar. Patient counseling about
the possibility of symptomatic worsening and hazards of minor cervical trauma should be
done. Follow up of patient every 6 to 12 months is done to look for neurologic function
deterioration. Operative Treatment The approach for surgical treatment of cervical
spondylotic myelopathy are anterior, posterior and combined (ie, anterior and posterior)
approach. Anterior approach include multiple anterior cervical discectomy with fusion
(ACDF), anterior corpectomy and strut fusion techniques with or without the use of
anterior instrumentation. Posterior approach include multilevel laminectomy,
laminectomy plus fusion and laminoplasty. The choice is either an anterior or posterior
approach is determined on the basic of specific procedure is based on multiple factors,
including the source of spinal cord compression, overall sagittal alignment, the number of
vertebral segments

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