Battlegroup - Overlord D-Day Scenarios

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vehicles or guns on board the landing Landing Craft and Morale
Ana:i:iogrTse,:::oau:spetvbei:yus craft are also destroyed, and a battle Landing Craft take unit morale tests
different to a conventional land counter must be taken for each. as per the normal rules, except they
battle, and requires many special will never be abandoned (where
Damage from Small Arms and would the crew go?). Abandoned
pieces of equipment and many
naval vessels (rarely present in land Machine guns results counts as pinned instead.
battles!). These require some special Landing Craft aren't very vulnerable iiiE
rules to deal with on the tabletop. to damage from small arms. Each OTHER SPECIAL RULES
shooting action by a unit with small Duplex Drive
LANDING CRAFT arms or machine guns against a Tanks driven by the Duplex Drive
Movement landing craft can cause a maximum (DD) are amphibious and, as such,
Landing craft have a single of 1 hit (so two hits for the Open Fire can cross water features. A tank
movement value, for their movement Order). Extra hits are ignored. with the DD special rule can move
at sea. This is the maximum distance D6" per move in water, treating the
they can move in good sailing Disembarking water as dangerous terrain. If the DD
conditions. The sea conditions can Troops can get out of the landing tank rolls a 1, and would therefore
craft when it is within 1" of the only move 1", it is in danger of being
(and will) affect this, but on flat sea
they can move up to this distance. shore, using the normal disembark swamped. Roll another D6. On a
Being boats they carmot move on order. Instead of placing all the units 1-2 the tank is swamped, sinks and
land - of course. inside within 4", infantry units are is destroyed. On a 3-6 it ships some
placed within D6", to represent them water but struggles on 1", phew!
Pinning climbing over the sides, wading the
Landing craft are treated as open- last few yards or swimming if needs Seaborne Artillery
topped armoured vehicles when be, as well as running from the front For the invasion, some artillery was
rolling for pinning. In an exception ramp. Vehicles are placed up to 6" set up to fire from the landing craft
to the normal rules, landing craft from the front ramp. A maximum of at targets on the shore. Artillery
that become pinned can still be given three vehicles per turn may exit any with the Seaborne Artillery special
the Top Speed order as normal, landing craft. rule may be given the Open Fire!
but cannot fire any weapons or
disembark transported units (they are
taking cover inside). Landing craft
don't have anywhere to hide anyway,
so they just keep going! This does not
apply to DUKWs, which are treated
as normal.

Landing craft that are hit are treated
as soft-skinned vehicles and have a
number of hits. Once a landing craft's
hits have all been lost, the landing
craft is destroyed and sinks. 2D6
infantry passengers inside are also
killed and the rest are placed with 4"
of the ship, and must now swim. Any

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order to fire from their landing craft, Mined Sea Obstacles beaches could not bear the weight
using Area Fire only. They may not Submerged obstacles designed to of armoured fighting vehicles. Each
use Aimed Fire or Indirect Fire. If damage landing craft, sea obstacles is a 10" by 10" area. If an arrfoured
the Area Fire roll was a 1, then the are assumed to be just below the vehicle (not soft skin) moves over an
landing craft they are firing from waterline, and thus not visible on area of soft sand, then roll a D6. On a
takes lD3 hits from swamping. the tabletop (although they can be 4+, the vehicle becomes immobilised.
represented by a few obstacles just
Grapple Launchers and Ladders sticking up above the waves). Any Bunkers and C,asemates
Used to scale the sea-cliffs. An landing .craft, DD tank or other vessel These are dealt with by the main
infantry unit equipped with ladders that moves within 10" of the shoreline rules, mostly by providing a
or grapple launchers, or mounted in counts as moving in dangerous Hardened Cover 2+ save for the
a boat equipped with them, can use terrain, regardless of the sea inside (which will be the
them to scale sea cliffs. The infantry conditions (so there movement rate is :::`--:i:`= target of any fire), rather than

now treat the sea cliffs as dangerous reduced to a D6). In addition to this, the buriktr itself . Bunkers themselves
terrain instead of impassable terrain. each time a unit moves, the defender carmot b-.I:`-.:-:-`:-: geted by fire, but any
should roll a D6. On a 6 the vessel (or damage icted on the unit(s) inside
Swimming Infantry DD tank) has set off a mine. It takes also rep nts damage to the bunker
If a landing craft sinks out at sea, a 5/5+ high-explosive hit, with an itself. Guns mounted inside bunkers
then any surviving infantry are going armour penetration value of a D6. are treated exactly as for normal
to have to swim for the shore. This Swimming infantry are not affected deployed guns, so they can take
isn't easy: remember they are all by mined sea obstacles. damage as well as their crew.
carrying heavy equipment, weapons
and ammunition. An infantry unit Beach Mines bunker-mounted
that has to move through the sea The beach is liberally strewn with a guns have limited ammunition, as
zone treats it as dangerous terrain (so mix of anti-persormel and anti-tank per armoured vehicles. All bunkers,
moves D6 inches, with a maximum mines. Any unit that moves on the ammo capacity is 10. They can be re-
result of 5). If the dice roll is a 1 beach has a chance of setting them supplied just like armoured vehicles.
or a 2, then, as well as struggling off . Each time any unit takes a move This does not apply to small arms,
towards land by 1" or 2", D3 infantry on the beach, the defender should MGs and autocannons.
are removed as casualties from roll a D6. On a 6, the unit sets off a
drowning and must take a morale mine. It takes a 5/5+ high-explosive Any units inside a bunker when it
test. If an infantry unit has any hit, with an armour penetration value is destroyed by demolition charges
special equipment or weapons, of a D6. are also destroyed (any survivors
such as demolition charges, mortars Lanes can be cleared up the beach surrenderanyway).
and machine guns, then they are using engineer units or engineer
automatically lost. The men count as vehicles with mine flails or B`each Demolitions
having small arms only when/ if they bulldozers. Mark the lane, 2" wide, All these obstacles and mines can
get to shore. behind the unit or tank (with thin be cleared, and many engineering
white tape would be a nice touch!). units were given this vital task on
Offshore Mines D-Day. Engineer urLits equipped
Sea mines make the approach to the Beach Obstacles with demolition charges can use the
beach dangerous. If the defender Designed to prevent landing craft standard engineering demolition
has chosen offshore mines, then any moving up the beach, an area of beach rules to remove up to 5" of sea or
movement at sea, 10" or more from obstacles is impassable to all vehicles, beach obstacles, per demolition
the shore, has a chance of hitting except those with a bulldozer. Beach charge set.
one. Each time a unit (landing craft, obstacles count as in the open ground
DD tank, etc) takes a move at sea, for infantry behind them (they aren't Bangalore Torpedoes
the defender should roll a D6. On a much cover), but still count as cover Designed to rapidly breach barbed
6 the unit hits a mine. It takes a 7/2+ if an infantry unit wishes to use the wire, any infantry unit with
high-explosive hit, with an armour Fallback! special rule. bangalore torpedoes that crosses a
penetration value of 10. Swimming length of barbed wire should roll
infantry are not affected by sea mines. Soft Sand a D6. On a 3+, remove up to 5" of
Sodden sand over a clay under- the barbed wire, clearing the way
1ayer meant that areas of the landing for units behind. Once a section of

Above: A US 105mm (short) howl.tzer
barbed wire is removed the Bangalore bombards German positions
torpedo cannot be used again (unless Time on Target (TOT) Barrages (US Army Signals Corps)

the squad has more than one). An artillery practice developed by

the American Army to bring extra
available guns into a bombardment, Bren Teams
Drenching B aLrrage
and have the first rounds all land at A British infantry section may detach
The LCT(R)s (landing craft tank
the same time, giving the enemy less its Bren team from the main body of
- rocket) launched repeated rapid
waning and therefore less chance to the squad to operate independently
salvoes Of 5" rockets, `drenching' the
find cover. It proved highly effective, (usually to give suppressing fire
beach assault area in high explosive.
and became much feared by the * support to the rest of its section).
When a drenching barrage is fired,
Germans. This can be done at any time during
place a marker as the centre of the a game, or they can be deployed
target area. This does not deviate.
Time on Target barrages can be separately. When a British section is
Roll for Pirming using Area Fire with
Heavy High Explosive for any unit purchased from the Additional Fire givenanorder,simplydeclarethat
support section of the American army the Bren team is being detached. It
within 30" of the target marker. Any
lists, but they do not count as an now becomes a separate unit-oi3
affected unit takes a Cover save as
Additional Fire support choice. Any men (with the Bren gun!). The rest
US artillery Out not mortar) barrage of the section will now complete the
can be declared as TOT, including order, whilst the Bren team remains
Also roll a D6 for each 5" length
timed barrages. Resolve them as in place and does nothing. From now
Of barbed wire and each inland
normal but, when rolling for Artillery on, the Bren team acts as a separate
minefield. On a 6, the barbed wire
Barrage Accuracy, any results of a unit, so they must be given their own
or minefield is removed from the
1 (which would normally miss) can order, can become pirmed, take their
table, wrecked (or detonated) by the
be re-rolled, with the second result own morale tests and the British
standing. player must take a battle counter if


!¥*LAeyu\h `Ldrm,\aenffi,ifemfu+Of.I,*ryf era ~ ~By x „ i rty „`rmdaL\\`„d.,aac rfu 4cobtraaarfeunur`ype\ -/-L~ gr h thE~ -e t _\.< _-<

the Bren team is destroyed. Once traine and-to-hand combat and, Radio Communications Network
detached, the Bren team does not more •tantly, have the resolve The US Army possessed more and
benefit from any of its parent unit's and courage to use it! When an better radi'os, with even squad
special rules and they carmot re-join infantry unit with the Assault Troops leaders having access to short range
their original squad during the game. special rule is given the Assault walkie-talkies. This meant command
A squad may only detach one Bren order, they automatically pass their and communications were generally
team. experience test to launch the assault. better throughout their units. A
Also, instead of rolling a D6 for their US Senior Officer with the Radio
One Man Turret hand grenades, they roll two D6, and Communications Network special
Some older French tanks, generally use the highest score. rule may use his senior officer re-roll
in German service by 1944, were every turn of the game, not just once
designed to take only a single Auxiliary Per game.
crewman in the turret, as the On D-Day, some units of the
commander, loader and gunner. Organisation Todt (compulsory Automated 50mm Mortar
This had a serious effect on a ta labour units mostly made-up of Parts of the Atlantic Wall were
effectiveness, with no comma prisoners of war from Russia or defended by 5bmln mortars, emplaced
dedicated to finding targets conscripted local workers), were in concrete pits, with automated
and responding to armed and ordered into the defences ammunition feeds. These weapons
Qecause he was also busy operating they were there to build. Led by a few could maintain a high rate of fire, and
the gun). A vehicle with the one man German NCOs, they had little (if any) were pre-targeted on the shoreline.
turret special rule suffers a -1 penalty combat training or desire to fight.
when rolling to spot the enemy for Whenever an Auxiliary unit is given An automated mortar can fire twice
Aimed Fire. an order roll a D6. On a 1 the unit for each shot it would usually fire. So,
fails to do anything and are marked with the Open Fire! order, the mortar
Assault Troops as pinned instead. A unit that has can fire four times! This will use
Some veteran or elite troops are the Auxiliary special rule is always up the emplacement's ammunition
trained and equipped for combat at Inexperienced, but they cannot be capacity (of 10) as normal.
close quarters. They carry more SMGs given the Close Assault order - they
and hand grenades and are specially just aren't that brave. Below: German soldiers seck f or the enemi.
(B undesarchiv , Bald 1011-722-0405-`04, Thechald:



inclusion because it is an example of a

T his section cdtntains scenarios
for using the previous ar
in games on D-Day itself a
terrain set-up, but add their own
unique scenario special rules. US defeat (in game terms). Although,
overall, the landings on Omaha
following few days as the airborne The three historical re-fight scenarios succeed, in this sector, they did not
divisions (now with some extra are for Omaha beach (an example of and, as such, it acts of an example
reinforcements), fought to protect the scenario mentioned above), but of how the Germans can still `win' a
the beachhead lodgement area from this attempts to recreate accurately game set on D-Day.
German counter-attacks, capture their (as we know them) the forces for both
original D-Day objectives and secure sides. This game has been chosen for
and expand their own positions.

First is the generic amphibious

assault scenario. Beachhead is the
game in which an Amphibious
Assault battlegroup is pitched
against the Atlantic Wall defences,
and represents just a section of the
D-Day beaches as the first wave of
assault troops arrive, just after dawn.
It is designed to be re-playable many
times (once you have the models)
and can be used to recreate historical
events too. In this case, players
should feel free toi'''use the scenario
as the basis for the deployment and

/ 3)-/L-1


N REPORT FORCES A D3 of the defender's units may

Today is the day of the invasion of The Attacker must choose his start the game on Ambush Fire.
mainland Europe, the long plarmed- battlegroup from one of the
for D-Day. H-hour is upon you and Amphibious Assault Force army Tidal Conditions: Weather and tide
the first wave of assault forces are lists. The Defender must choose his are going to play a big part in how
on their final run-in to the beaches battlegroup from the Atlantic Wall easy it is to reach the shore. Before
Of Normandy. All around, the air Resistance Nest army list. any units are deployed, the attacker
throbs with the sounds of gunfire
rolls a D6 for the current Tidal
and the overhead shriek of outgoing SPECIAL RULES conditions:
shells, the rhythm of the Higgins This scenario uses all the D-Day
Boat's diesel engine and the sudden special rules for movement at sea, 1- High Swell
crash and splash of incoming fire mines, defences, landing craft, etc. The crossing is a rough one, hand
detonating amongst the racing
out the sick bags! All movement
landing craft. Ahead lies the narrow, Alarm!: Not expecting the dawn at sea counts as crossing difficult
fire-swept beach and, beyond, the attack now approaching through the
ground, so is reduced by a D6 (to a
grey concrete slabs of the Atlantic sea-mist, and hammered by a massive minimum of 1"). For Duplex Drive
Wall defences, which must be naval and aerial bombardment, in the Shermans, the swell counts as
overrun and destroyed. The first first two turn of the game (regardless Dangerous Ground. The defending
assault waves are about to hit the of the size of game), the defender
player can request that the
beaches.„ only rolls a D6 for orders, with no dangerous ground roll be re-rolled
modifiers for officers, or re-rolls. each time, if he so wishes.
ScenarioType:Attack/Defence From turn 3 onwards, he may start to

roll for orders as normal.


2-5-Low Swell
This is going to be a tough journey.
All movement at sea counts as
crossing difficult ground, so
reduced by a D6 (to a minimum of
1"). For Duplex Drive Shermans,
the swell counts as Dangerous
Ground as normal.

6 - Mill Pond
The sea is flat and calm, like a mill
pond. All landing craft may move
at their full normal speeds. The
attacker may choose to re-roll any
Duplex Drive Sherman's dangerous
terrain dice if he so wishes and may
also use the better result.

Beachhead Breakout: The attackers

are trying to fight their way inland.
Once the attacker has three units in
the inland zone, the defender must or the bluffs (hills) leading up from either 10" behind or starting to arrive
take an extra battle counter. For each the beach. It should be about half from turn 2 onwards. The third wave
subsequent thr its the attacker the remaining table after the sea and is just behind the second, or will only
moves into the d zone, the beach. start arriving on the table once all
defender must f urther battle the second wave is on the table. The
counter, repre:,:.:-:`:-:-:-:: the defender's The fourth zone is the inland zone - attacking player must keep a careful
unwillingness tt`,`fight on once the this is inland fields, f arms, villages, note of which units are in which
enemy has bro n through their main woods, roads etc, just as for a landing craft.
defences, due to the risk of becoming standard wargames table. The terrain
surrounded and cut off. for the inland zone can be generated DEPLOY THE DEFENDER'S
using the normal Normandy terrain, BATTLEGROUP
TERRAIN or using any other mutually agreed The Atlantic Wall Resistance Nest
The table is divided into four zones, method. It is the rest of the table defences must be deployed first as
each a rough area of the table, as beyond the main defence zone. follows.

shown on the map. As each player's

terrain is different, it is up to the ORGANISE THE ATTACKER'S Only Sea Obstacles can be placed
BATTLEGROUP in the sea zone, and they cannot be
players to decide exactly which areas
constitute which zones. The attacker must divide his placed anywhere else.
amphibious battle group
The first zone is the sea zone - this into three assault waves.
is just the flat blue/grey sea, with no Each assault wave
other terrain on it. It can extend as should contain a third
far back as you have room for, but of his battlegroup (in
should be at least 15-20" wide. numbers of landing
craft and DD tanks).
The second zone is the beach zone Any extra units from
- this is just flat sand with no other an uneven split can be
terrain or cover on it. The beach zone placed in any assault
should be between 10" and 20" wide. wave the attacking
player wishes. The first
The third zone is the main defence wave will be the initial
zone. Just inland from the sea, this attackers. The second
can be dunes, sea marshes, a sea front wave will follow it,


Only Sea Obstacles can be placed

in the sea zone, and they cannot be PLAYING WITHOUT THE SEA
placed anywhere else. One major feature of amphibious landings is the sea and all those landing
Only Beach Obstacles can be placed craft. These represent a considerable investment in such specialist units
in the beach zone and they cannot be and terrain. Hopefully, this scenario, combined with the army lists, make
placed anywhere else. that investment worth it, because you'll find amphibious assaults become
endlessly re-playable, and different each time, just like land battles. But, of
Roll a D6*. This indicates the course, we know that playing Omaha beach with all its LCVPs, LCMs and
number of the defender's units LCTs isn't going to be easy for everybody, so here is an alternative for using
and/or defences that he must place the scenario without the sea of landing craft. You will still need the German
anywhere in the Inland zone, his strongpoints, bunkers and so on, though.
closest reserves.
In this variation of the scenario, the sea is `off-table' with one table edge
All the defender's other units and representing the shoreline. The assault troops will enter via this table edge,
defences must be placed in the main having just disembarked from their landing craft, just off-table.
defence zone, positioning them as
the defending player wishes. When Ignore the sea zone, and set up the terrain and defenders as described
deploying, the defender may pre- above, but with just three zones. The attacker's first assault wave units are
measure distances to get his units each placed a D6" from his table edge, having just landed.
and defences in exactly the right
place, since he has had a long time to From turn three, start to roll for the attacker's second assault wave units. A
prepare these positions. At the start D6 units are placed on his table at the start of each of his subsequent turns
of the game the defender does not until all the second wave units have arrived.
have to reveal what units or guns
are inside,any o'f his defences. This is Once all the second wave units are on the table, start to roll for third assault
Only aled when they open fire. waves units. A D6 units are placed on his table at the start of each of his
subsequent turns until all the third wave units have arrived.
*In :b¥ipany-level game, roll 2D6.
Ina ion-level games, roll 3D6.
DEPLOY THE ATTACKER'S troops either withdraw (if they
THIRD WAVE can) or are quickly evacuated off
?iERPs±EE:;if:ii::I-:--. All the units in the attacker's third the beach, whilst the others must
All the units in the attacker's first wave are placed anywhere in the sea surrender. Their opponent is the
assault wave are placed anywhere in zone, but no closer than 30" to the wirmer'
the sea zone, but no closer than 10" to beach zone.
the shore. FIRST TURN
If there is no room in the sea zone for Roll D6. On a 1-5, the Attacker gets
DEPLOY THE ATTACKER'S these units, then, after the last units the first turn. On a 6, the Defender
SECOND WAVE of the second wave have arrived, gets the first turn.
All the units in the attacker's second from the start of the next turn, start
assault wave are placed anywhere in rolling for the arrival of units of the OBJECTIVES
the sea zone, but no closer than 20" to attacker's third assault wave. D6* There are D3* objectives on the table.
the beach zone. units are placed on the attacker's Starting with the attacker, take it in
table edge at the start of that turn, turns to place these anywhere in the
If there is no room in the sea zone for and in each subsequent turn, until all main defence zone or the inland zone.
these units, then, from the beginning the third assault wave units are on
of turn 2, start rolling for the arrival the table. Objectives cannot be placed within
of the attacker's second assault wave 10" of each other.
units. D6* units are placed on the *In company-level games, roll 2D6. In
attacker's table edge at the start of battalion-level games, roll 3D6 In company or battalion-level
the turn, and at the start of each
games roll a D6* for the number of
subsequent turn, until all the second VICTORY objectives.
wave units are on the tdble. The side which loses all its Battle
Rating first has lost. Their remaining


Dog Green was the westernmost sub-
sector of Dog Sector (western half) of
Omaha beach, and the f ar right flank
of 29th Infantry Division' s assault.
Dog Green covered the important
D-1 exit off the beach, with a road up
a valley between the bluffs towards
the small village of Vierville-sur-Mer.
German obstacles in this sector were,
as for most of the rest of Omaha, a
thick band of sea and beach obstacles,
exposed at the low tide when the
attack landed. First was a band of
anti-shipping obstacles, Belgian Gates
and mined stakes. Behind them, the
beach was lined with wooden boat
ramps, also mined, to destroy or flip
flat bottomed boats. Behind them,
closest to the shore, stood hands
of hedgehogs,/a ain some of them
mined. Beyond the t beach 1 ay the
sea wall, a three metre h bank
of shingle top :``1`` d by barbed wire,
then a lateral road and a short strip Following these first units ashore gun positioned in a bunker, disguised
of overgrown and inundated sea would come more tanks, in the by the first floor remains of the Hotel
shape of two LCTs carrying part of Dellaglois at the end of the D-1 exit.
marsh, again mined, and then the
steep bluffs rose up to overlook the A Company, 743rd Tank Battalion, They also included nine machine gun
beach to a height of up to 100 feet. this time not with DD tanks, with positions and two automated mortar
These slopes had also been liberally more inf antry companies stacked up pits. Left of them, overlooking Dog
behind them, ur\:tit all o£ 1st BaLttalion, White, but still easily in range,lay
sown with anti-persormel mines, and
116th Infantry were ashore at Dog WN-70. To the right lay WN-74; both
there was more barbed wire at the
Green. To their right, the assault were equipped with more 75mm
top. The road up the draw to Vierville
was also mined and blocked by a two would be by C Company of 2nd guns. These positions were manned
Rangers, tasked with clearing the by llth Company, 726th Grenadier
metre high concrete anti-tank wall.
high ground, resistance nest and Regiment, attached from 716th
large radar station on Point de la Infantry division to 352nd Infantry
Dog Green was the planned assault
Percee. To the left, lay Dog White Division and stationed in Vierville.
sector of A Company, 116th Infantry
sector, the target of Company G with As well as their guns, the positions
Regiment, 29th Infantry Division.
all their attendant support. were also backed up by 716th`s
They would be led ashore by the DD
divisional artillery further inland,
tanks of Company 8, 743rd Tank
The main German strongpoints mostly 105mm guns, but with reliable
Battalion and aided by the special
occupied the end of the Vierville telephone lines laid directly to the
engineering task force of 146th
draw and the high ground. There resistance nests' observation posts.
Engineering Battalion's `gap team' 1
was a series of three interlocking The run-in to Dog Green was also
and `gap team' 2 under Lt Kehaly and
under the 155mm guns of the Pointe
Lt Anderson respectively. positions, WN-71, WN-72 and WN-
73, corrected by trenches. These du Hoc battery, itself a special target
for a Ranger assault on D-Day.
positions included an 88mm PaK 43


iri.rty-A -.,sr -,r`>.±qu' ^ _ ,./ .:ilk+ ,.,. ra¢t n"xl=)Ijl:+V`*X S _ <-

Despite the careful planning gun fire as they sought any cover, base of the draw are the two gun
and heavy bombardment, much including behind the corpses of their casemates, one for the 88 (looking
went wrong as the landing waves comrades. Ten of the DD tanks were east along the beach, not out to sea)
approached through heavy seas, now burning on the sand. Some and the smaller 50mm gun (also
battling the strong west-east current survivors joined the Rangers under looking east).
dragging them off target. A Company the cliffs and fought with them to
did manage to find its correct sector clear WN-73's trenches. Seeing the OBJECTIVES
(one of the few that did). The leading disaster unfolding, the destroyer There are four objectives. The first is
DD tanks suffered badly, many Lrss McCook sailed in close to fire its the 88mm casemate. The second is
drowned, the first tanks to crawl guns onto the cliffs, and Lrss C¢r777{.ck the anti-tank wall blocking the exit.
from the sea were hit hard by the did the same to hit D-1 draw. But The third is the road where it exits
88mm and 50mm guns, and over half the naval fire could not silence the towards Vierville. The fourth is the
were quickly lost. The others pushed German guns. By mid-morning, trenches on the high ground. All
up the beach, ordy to find they could the attack on D-1 draw had been a these start in German hands (and,
not cross the high single bank. complete failure. Planned subsequent yes, when claimed, the American
landings were diverted away player must take four battle
The infantry fared worst. The eastward as it was judged impossible counters). The Germans cannot claim
German guns had not fired out to to come ashore here. Vierville would an all objectives held victory.
sea, at long range, but saved their eventually be captured in the evening
fire for the shoreline. As the landing by troops moving inland and then SPECIAL RULES
craft ramps fell, the Germans opened west from further along Omaha. Heavy Swell: The sea conditions
a withering fire on the six LCAs are heavy swell, see the Beachhead
Scenario Type: Battalion scenario for full details.
the swell, the other five were hit by THE BATTLE Enfilading Fire: The beach is
pre-ranged gun and mortar Play the game on a 6' x 6' table. covered by enfilading fire from the
fire. Most of the neer teams had left and right, both 75mm infantry
failed to find the right sector and Deploy the Germans first. Begin by guns. These hit on a roll of 6, with
ended up further to the east, so lanes positioning their defences as shown a HE rating of 3/4+ and an armour
could not be cleared through the on the map. Any troops can then be penetration value of 1. They can also
obstacles. Every A Company officer placed anywhere the German player be used for Area Fire against targets
became a casualty, as well as most wishes (but on the land!). 2D6 units within 30" of the table edge. This cost
senior NCOs. Almost all of the radios start the game on Ambush fire. no orders to use.
were lost. As an organised fighting Then deploy the American forces.
unit, A Company was all but wiped The first wave of DD tanks is Preliminary Naval Bombardment:
out in the first minutes. By the day's deployed a minimum 10" from Is represented by three timed 6" gun
end, 102 men of its 198 strength were the shoreline. The second wave is barrages from FFS Mo77£cczJ777, all on
dead, most of the rest were wounded deployed a minimum of 20" from Turn 1.
(and 30 of those had been rescued the shoreline. The subsequerit waves
from the sea). Scattered survivors enter via the northern (seaward) table USS Carmick: Fire from the
took some refuge amongst the beach edge on the turn given. destroyer LJSS C¢7i7?€.ck, off table,
obstacles, preventing the engineers is represented by the timed 5" gun
doing their work, and drawing The Americans take the first turn. barrages on turns 9,10 and 11.
accurate mortar fire. The Rangers
on the left in Charlie sector suffered THE BATTLEFIELD Amphibious Assault: All the special
equally; of their 68 men landed, 37 Roughly half the table is sea and rules detailed for Amphibious
never made it to cover across the fire- beach, the other half is Dog Green Assaults and the Beachead scenario
swept sand, to huddle under the sea sector and the D-1 draw. The beach should be used.
cliffs for safety. should be approximately 15" wide,
/ liberally covered in sea and beach ALTERNATIVE FORCES
30 apnutes behind A Company obstacles. The main draw runs back The scenario lists the historical forces
folloived 8 Company. Arriving from the beach between the high for the first hour (roughly) of the
ground, on top of which are placed landings, but players might like to
td=:esc:¥#:et,hrea:e°dIT;;'ihaecyh:::fered most of the German defences. At the use their own miniature collections

to recreate the battle as a `what-if' The German player gets 1,200 points,
scenario. In this case the American and must choose his forces from the
Atlantic Wall Resistance Nest army
player gets 1,800 points and must
choose his forces from the American lists.

Amphibious Assault battlegroup list


First Wave Off Table Battery

3 DD Sherman Squadrons 2 Batteries of 3 105mm guns each (arriving on Turn 2) 3 Timed 6" gun barrages -o7? T#r7t 1

3 Assault Boat Teams in LCAs (Of A Company) Timed 8-26 Air Strike - o7i T7/r7t 2
Engineer Gap Team and Sherman Bulldozer in a LCM Timed 5" gun barrage - o7? T%r7? 9
Time\d 5" gun barrage -oco Tt4rro 10

Third Wave (¢7`rzz7t.7ig o77 Tt/r# 5) Timed 5" gun barrage -o7i Tc„7i 11
3 Assault Boat Teams in LCAs (of 8 Company)
1 M16 Halftrack in an LCVP 2 1st Priority Artillery Requests

Fourth wave (arriving Turn 8) Officers: 11

2 Assault Boat Teams in LVCPs (of D Company) Total Battle Rating: 102

F±£th wave (arriving Turn 10)

5 M4 Sherman tanks in a LC7''

8 20" 1engths of barbed wire (o77 #tc si7tgze sefl zu¢ZZ ¢77d o7t
(For this scenario the three resistance ests have
been comhined into one dig one) top of the bluffs)
Enfilading Fire from right flank, by 1 75mm infantry gun
88mm PaK 43 gun casemate, with loader team Enfilading Fire from left flank, by 1 75mm infantry gun
`Deserters will be Shot!'
(entrance to draw)
50mm PaK 38 gun c `i semate, with loader team
Off Table Battery
(on the beach)
75mm infantry gun casemate, with loader team 2 105mm guns

7 MG34 Tobruk pits, with loader teams (o7t bzttjrs) Reinforcements
2 automated 50mm mortar pits (o7t bzt4#s) (arriving on Turn 4 via the southern table edge)
1 20mm Flak 38 with loader team (o7i Z)Zt/#s) Understrength Grenadier Platoon
oP Bunker (on blur f i) Platoon HQ
10" anti-tank wall and a minefield (o7i fJte ro¢cZ #s Zf c77fers 2 Squads
the draw) 2 MMG Teams
10 Minefields (these may not be placed in the sea or on the
beach. Most where on the bluffi) Officers: 2
5 20" 1engths of Beach Obstacles (¢ZZ o# £7ic be¢c7?) Total Battle Rating: 30+D6



This scenario recreates the famous time. Halfway along their march At 1045, the US artillery barrage
action to capture the La Fiere route, the 3rd Battalion received the ceased fire and Sauls stood up and
causeway on June 9th by 3rd urgent order to immediately attack, simply said `Let's Go', before rurming
Battalion, 325th Glider Infantry, straight from the march, and seize the for the bridge. His lead platoon
supported by survivors of the 507th causeway - the attack was to begin (actually 2nd platoon) followed at
Parachute Infantry Regiment. It is an at 1045 hours. G Company was in his heels, but, as men were hit, the
infantry fight, only a single Sherman the lead, under Captain Sauls - they following squads stalled in their cover.
tank is included (and it hit a mine). would be straight into the fight. E The lead squads took the causeway
The action begins with the arrival Company wias following behind at a dead run moving along both
of G Company, double-timing it up them, with the Weapons Company sides - speed was their best chance
the road from St Mere Eglise, and and HQ Company bringing up the of survival here. Amidst the flying
covers approximately the first hour rear. bullets and exploding mortar rounds,
of the day's fighting. The battle Sauls miraculously made it across,
did continue all day, but by then Captain Sauls set his men to double- along with a few brave men. Many
the centre of the action had moved time along the winding road down others lay wounded or sought the
westwards and the causeway was to the causeway as the artillery thin cover available on the causeway
finallyinAmer;cphands.'- preparation of the 82nd Airborne's from fire coming from front, right and
75mm howitzers, and 155mm guns left. Behind Saul, his second platoon
Game Size: Platoon of 90th Infantry Division, began to (actually lst platoon) was trying to
pound the far river bank. Although get moving too, but the causeway was
SITUATION REPORT promised a smoke screen to cover the becoming choked with men.
The 507th Parachute Infantry had assault, few smoke rounds fell. The
been fighting to captur and hold Germans responded with artillery A Sherman tank from 746th Tank
the main crossing over the erderet and mortar fire against the eastern Battalion made the dash forwards,
river near La Fiere since D-Da They river bank, with accurate fire hitting hoping to barge a wrecked French
had fought tooth and nail with the the causeway itself . Sauls, leading tank out of the way and get to Sauls,
Germans for the valuable crossing his second platoon at the front, saw but it ran over an American mine laid
point, and neither side was willing to the enemy fire and decided to divert by the paratroops and not cleared.
give it up. The paratroopers' initial to the left of the road, through the The Sherman was disabled and seven
D-Day ga s had been repulsed manor grounds to where a sturdy men were wounded in the blast as
by counter ttacks, led by obsolete wall covered his final approach to the the stragglers attempted the crossing.
French tan. two of which were bridge and causeway beyond it. The causeway was strewn with men
destroyed by bazooka fire on the huddling in any cover they could
causeway itself, after which a With his leading platoons paused and against the incoming fire, including
scratched together company under gathered behind the wall, which was behind wrecked tanks and the dead.
Captain Rae had held the eastern end, being peppered by enemy machine
around the La Fiere Manor, under gun fire, Sauls counted down the Meanwhile, Sauls had just 30 men of
harassing enemy artillery fire. minutes as they all hunkered low. his company left when he reached the
Rae's paratroopers, stretched out far bank and he ordered them to start
Fearing that the Germans were on either side of the bridge, were clearing the hedgerows south of the
massing for an attack across the returning fire with small arms and road, from where heavy machine gun
causeway themselves, 3rd Battalion, machine guns to cover the coming and rifle fire was emanating. The few
325th Glider Infantry were ordered attack. Rae's orders were to support buildings at the hamlet of Cauquigny
to relieve Rae's battered and weary the attack with fire, and if it faltered, to the right were the objective of the
survivors. 325th's lst Battalion to throw his own men across the following units and would have to
would be attempting another causeway to aid it. wait. The glider troops began clearing
crossing further north at the same the hedges at close quarters with


ys.Ii=.notox ..,, *v`ngi. I xv. z*!fi» i R>xhi):a~ rmo=: -

grenades, and soon the Germans

were emerging from their foxholes,
hands above heads. The fight wasn't
over though. More glider men found
their way through the jammed
bridge and causeway, now littered
with wounded, dead, malingerers
and a few MG teams firing back into
Cauquigny. These new arrivals set
about clearing the buildings and the
small church. Directed by Lieutenant
Amino, the glider troops pressed
forward and German resistance
quickly broke. 30 enemy soldiers
surrendered around the small
church, and a little later another 22
prisoners were taken in a farmhouse.
German resistance had been broken
by the time the following companies
received their orders to cross - the Causeway of Fear: The exposed group of three buildings) and bridge
battle had moved on, but the intense causeway is swept by heavy with the causeway immediately
shelling continued. fire, crossing it is difficult. Any beyond it. The causeway itself is
American unit wishing to move on lined with low hedges (these are not
Fighting towards the next village the causeway must first take a unit bocage), and blocked by the wrecks
of Le Motley continued throughout inorale test, just as if it had taken of two French R-35 tanks. On the
casualties. If a 1 or 2 is rolled, the unit western bank is the small hamlet of
Sherman tanks had moved acros /theafterno n,butso nmore does not surrender/rout, but instead Cauquigny, including its church (it
to support the new front and the immediately takes a D3 casualties had no spire). Around it are bocage
German resistance was weakening. with no Cover save allowed. These hedged fields and orchards. The area
By evening, Rae's paratroops had losses will cause them to take another has been fought over, so a few craters
also crossed and advanced to capture unit morale check. All other morale can be scattered. The marshes extend
Le Motley, and that night elements Its remain the same (including across the centre of the table from
of the 90th Infantry Division were the Call of Duty). Take a unit the Merderet river to the hedgerows
marching across the causeway to take morale test per movement action. north and south of CaLuquigny.
over the front and continue the push
westwards. The 82nd Airborne had Unmarked minefield: As part of INITIAL DEPLOYMENT
finally completed its D-Day missi6ii-their defence, the US paratroops Deploy the American forces first.
and captured the causeway. have strewn anti-tank mines on the The paratroops can be placed
causeway, and these were not clearedr anywhere on their side of the river.
SPECIAL RULES before the assault. Any vehicle that Reinforcements (the assault troops)
Flooded Ground: The Merderet moves on the causeway must roll a start arriving via the main road from
river has been flooded as part of D6, on a 1 or 2, it hits a mine. Any turn 2.
the Germans' anti-invasion plans. other result means it is OK.
Heavily waterlogged, crossing this Next deploy the Germans. They
I.iver and marsh is difficult going, OBJECTIVES have three platoons, one occupying
and the river itself must be swum. There are three objectives: one on the Cauquigny, one north of the village
The glider troops took the direct bridge over the Merderet, Cauquigny and one south of the village. 2D6
church and the road junction west of German units may start the game
approach, but you might like to try a
different plan. Troops moving across the village where a lane leads off to with the Ambush Fire order. The
the marshes only move D6 inches per Le Motley. German Pre-Registered Target Point
move action. If a 6 is rolled then the must be located somewhere on the
unit moves it's full 5" distance but THE BATTLEFIELD causeway.
loses lD3 men, drowned in the water. Play the game on an 8'x6' table. The
Vehicles cannot cross the river. eastern end is the La Fiere Manor (a The Americans are the Attackers and
take the first turn.


From 1057th Grenadier Regin'ient, 91st Airlanding Division Initial Deployment Turn 3
Survivors Of 507th PIR Glider Infantry Platoon
Grenadier Platoon FAO Team Veteran Parachute Infantry
Platoon HQ 2men Platoon Turn 4
3 Squads off-table battery 1 M4 Sherman tank (75mm)
3 MMG Teams 2 75mm howitzers FAO Team
off-table battery 2men Turn 5
Grenadier Platoon 2 75rrm howitzers Weapons Platoon with
Platoon HQ Forward Signals Unit 2 .30cal MMG teams
3 Squads 12 Foxholes for Grenadier 2men 2 60mm mortar teams
3 "G Teams platoons
off-table battery Turn 6
Grenadier Platoon 2 Improvised Road Blocks 3 75mm pack howitzers Company HQ squad
Platoon HQ (the knocked out R-35s) 10 men
3 Squads 2 1st Priority Requests 2 Combat Medics
3 "G Teane Officers: 3
Battle Rating Total: 37 G Company, Ill Battalion, Officers: 5
1 Sniper in a sniper hide-out 325th Glider Infantry (inchading senior of f icer)
Arriving along the St Mere Battle Rating Total: 39
2 80mln Mortar teams in figlise main road.
mortar pits
Turn 2
1 Pre-Registered Target Senior Officer - 2 men
Point Glider Infantry Platoon


From the very first moments of unacceptable threat to the security of The initial artillery barrage quelled
D-Day, 6th Airborne Division would the Allied bridgehead, and thus had enemy fire from Breville and
play a key role, seizing bridges to be taken at all costs. The attack the assault began in earnest, but
and occupying important locations put in by 12th Parachute Battalion, incoming German mortar fire played
between the Ome and the Dives though successful, would cost the 6th havoc among the troops. One of
rivers to secure the eastern flank of Airborne dearly. 12 Para's companies lost all its
the Allied landings. Withstanding remaining officers to mortar fire just
several German attacks, the men of Shortly before last light, an artillery after crossing their start line. High
6th Airborne were soon bolstered by bombardment commenced firing on explosive gunfire from the German
the arrival of the British lst Special Breville and its German defenders. Marders caused further losses. All
Service Brigade, and the commandos As the supporting Sherman tanks of along the line, the British attack
joined the airborne soldiers' defence. the 13th/ 18th Hussars fired tracer came under heavy fire with very
rounds from their machine guns high casualties among the officers.
In the immediate aftermath of to indicate the route of advance, Many units were being pushed on by
the initial landings, 6th Airborne the paratroopers went forward sergeants and corporals. To this rising
tenaciously held the bridgehead that with men from the 12th Devons in disaster, a further tragic incident
they had carved out to,isecure the support. Already at just two-thirds was added when a British shell fell
landing areas. They repelled several strength, 12 Para would be attacking short and landed in the middle of a
German counterattacks, but the an enemy that was well positioned senior officers' conference. Among
focus of both sides soon gravitated to and supported, was experienced the dead were Lt-Colonel Johnson
the town of Breville, located on t and with a strength almost equal (CO of 12 Para) and Major Bampfylde
strategic Bavent Ridge. Under to those attacking. However, with (CO `D' Company 12th Devons),
attack by the enemy, the Briti their supporting artillery, the tanks while Brigadier Kindersley (CO 5th
Canadian airborne soldiers held on as and the paratroopers' famous `esprit Parachute Brigade) and Lord Lovat
the Germans tried again and again to de corps' it was hoped they would (CO lst Special Service Brigade) were
break into the Allied perimeter. These overcome the odds. all seriously wounded.
attacks began at the German held
tour of Breville.

The events around Breville would be

seen as part of a wider battle that is
viewed by many as one of the most
important engagements of the whole
invasion. Having lost the battle for
Breville, the Germans would never
again be in a position to threaten the
landing beaches.

Game Size: Company

On the night of the 12th June 1944,
the British 6th Airborne Division
launched a surprise assault on the
German-held town of Breville.
This position was deemed to be an


Elements Of 'A' Company, 12th off Table Battery 6th Etompanie, 11 Abteilung, Marder Ill H
Parachute Battalion, 5th Parachute 2 25 pdrs Grenadier Regiment 857 Marder Ill H
Brigade, 6th Aj,rborne Division off Table Battery 346. Imfanterie Diviston Marder Ill H
3 3" mortars
Airborne Infantry Platoon Forward Headquarters Forward Observer Team
Airborne Infantry Platoon Recce platoon Command Comms Relay Team 2men
FIAT Team 4 men in Jeep Grenadier Platoon off Table Battery
FIAT Team Platoon HQ 2 80mm mortars
Vickers HMG Team Airborne Engiveer Section 3 Squads Off Table Battery
Vickers HMG Team Stretcher Party 3 "G Teams 2 80mm mortars
1 1st Target Priority Request off Table Battery
M4A4 Sherman Troop Grenadier Platoon 2 76.2Inm Field Guns
Officers: 4 Platoon HQ
Forward Observer Team a3ritish Forces do not get a 3 Squads Officers: 3
2men Forward Headquarters to roflect 3 "G Teams (including senior of f icer)
Off Table Battery the unusudrly high losses in Battle Rating Total: 31 BR
2 25 pdrs officers during the battle) HMG42 Team
Battle Rating Total: 50 BR HMG42 Team

Command now passed to Colonel or wounded including the CO. On OBJECTIVES

Reggie Parker, who despite being D-Day, the battalion that had jumped There are three objectives on the
wounded by the shell strike, now with over 500 men now resembled tabletop. All buildings in and around
took control of the battle. a weak company with only a tenth Breville.
of their initial strength remaining.
ThaTp'arasnowbattledintoBreville, But despite the losses, Breville was a THE BATTLEFIELD
with NCOs leading the charge into decisive victory. Its capture marked Set-up the terrain as shown in the
the town to force out the German an end to German attacks against map. Defenders deploy first, followed
defenders. Eventually, after house- Ranville and the Ome bridges and by the attackers. British forces
to-house fighting, effectively safeguarded the Allied left deploy in the south-west comer of
secured and Colo Parker moved flank in Normandy. For their success, the table. Germans may deploy in
into the town to co-ordinate its in the face of seeming disaster, the the area marked on map. 2D6 of the
immediate defence in response to a Parachute Regiment still shows the defender's deployed units may the
likely German counter-attack. But battle honour -`Breville'. start the game with the Ambush Fire
3:ic=Jg,ef|ymseTactkp=o:1:ing SPECIAL RULES
defensive fire to break up a German Night Fighting: The battle took The attacker (British) automatically
counter-attack, actually landed on place at right. All spotting is'at gets the first turn.
Breville itself among the British an additional -1 modifier and the
troops, now in the Germans' vacated maximum range for all Aimed Fire Scenario Type: Attack/ Defence.
positions. Most of the remaining and spotting is 30". Area Fire is not In this scenario, the Germans are
officers were killed or wounded, effected. the defenders and the British are
with the attached artillery FOO being attacking.
killed outright. Luckily, his signaller Danger Close: Due to the high
survived and was able to call a stop number of incidents of friendly fire VICTORY
to the disastrous barrage. in the real battle, once per game The first battlegroup to exceed its
the German player may choose to total Battle Rating must withdraw
The expected German counter-attack move a British artillery attack onto and loses the battle. Alternatively, if
never happened and by morning the nearest British unit to the where the British manage to secure all three
the paras were relieved. The attack the marker is placed. Roll attacks objectives, they win. In this scenario,
was a success but at a high price. as normal and place on those units the defender cannot claim an all
Not a single officer remained in 12th within 10" of the chosen unit. objectives held victory.
Parachute Battalion; all were dead


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