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KPIs for FP&A:

1. Forecast Accuracy

Aim for 5–10% accuracy.

Be the expert at predicting performance.
Measure how close forecasts are to actuals.

2. Budget vs. Actuals

Spot issues with 10%+ variances.

Track budget vs. actual spending closely.
FP&A roles require proficiency in budgeting.

3. Cash Flow

Cash is the lifeblood of business.

Cash conversion cycle time, operating CF to net income ratio.

4. Revenue Growth

While not everything, revenue trajectory matters.

Understand what's driving momentum.

Keep a sharp eye on year-over-year growth.

5. Customer Metrics

Leading indicators predict future revenue.

Track the NPS and churn rate.

6. Margin Analysis

Gross, operating, and net margins reveal a lot

Compare to industry benchmarks.

7. Sales Efficiency

Optimize sales with key data points.

Sales cycle time, win rate, and deal size.
Improve forecasting and quota setting.

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