Who Am I

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Who Am I?

Name: Victoria Ikponmwosa

Go to www.16personalities.com. Answer ALL of the questions as HONESTLY as you can.

What is the name of your designation? _______Entartainer____________________________

What is your code? ESFP

Letter Percentage

E 52%

O 58%

F 56%

P 63%

What do each of the letters mean?

__E___ = You can get energized by social interaction and tend to openly express your
enthusiasm and excitement.

__O__ = Be value emotional expression and sensitivity, prioritizing empathy, social

harmony, and cooperation.

__F__ = Be self-conscious, sensitive to stress, success-driven, perfectionistic, and eager

to improve.

__P__ = Be good at improvising and adapting. Person tend to be flexible and value
novelty above stability.
Section: List bullet points:


Bold Always wiling to expirience new

Original Experiment with new styles, want to stand out in the crowd

Positive and
Enthusiastic Have a charisma , draw people to them,face experiences with an open mind

Hands-on and Prefer to to do than think about what can happend, they live in the moment , can
Observant notice real, tangible things and changes.

Excellent Love to spend time with people, talkative, witty

People Skills


Sensitive Vulnerable to criticism, sometimes can react really badly

Conflict-Averse Avoid conflicts, tend to say or do what’s needed to get out of the situation

Easily Bored Without constant excitement, create it themselves.Risky behaviors, self-indulgence

Poor Long-Term They rarely make detailed plans for the future

Unfocused Requires long-term dedication and focus is a particular challenge for them

Friendships  The spark of love

& Relationships  The rise of conflict
 A Joyfull Heart
 Making life interesting
 Thrill seekers with gentle souls

Career Paths  Event planners

 Sales representatives
 Trip planners
 Tour guides
 Emergency medical technician
 Paramedics
 Nurses
 Counselors
 Social workers
 Personal coaches
 Consultants

Workplace Habits  Prefer dynamic social spaces

 Share a desire to make the enviroment as friendly as enjoyble as possible
 Trive on changes and new ideas
 Give honest feedback on whether things make sense
 Underfire can become defensive and easily upset
 Happily organazing events and activities inside and outside workplace
 Great at noticing other’s mood and preventing conflict
 Value freedom far more that safety, won’t shy away from finding a new
 Do everythinf they can to pump energy and fun into the day-to-day work
 Jumping into the thick of the work and applying themselves to anything they’d
ask their subordinates

1. Write a reflection using Word on TEAMS (half page minimum) describing:

● How your traits and skills connect to your career plan.
● Whether or not you feel that this is an accurate depiction of your personality.

Don’t forget to:

○ Provide details and examples where possible.
○ Use paragraphs in your writing.

2. Upload the worksheet and your write up to your Portfolio tab on your website.
 Write a short sentence or two explaining what you learned about yourself from this
I want to be a computer scientist. Working on group projects will be easy for me. It will not
be a problem to quickly get along with people, find something in common thanks to my people
skills. Also, my thirst for something new, being original, will help me not have problems coming
up with new ideas. I am the kind of person who will create a great work environment, so people
will feel comfortable working with me, they can be sure that I will tell them the truth about their
work. Also, if something goes wrong, I can easily prevent a conflict, understand how the other
person feels and what words need to be said to calm someone down. And my habit of putting a
lot of effort into work will make me a successful employee. It is important for me to have
freedom of action, it may be possible to work as a computer scientist.
I feel that not all, but a large part of the above suits me as a person. For example, I really
often avoid conflicts, it is easier for me to do or say something that will help prevent the further
development of the conflict than to do nothing. Also, I am not easily-bored, it is easy for me to
interest myself in something for a long time, and I also do not like to risk something just for the
sake of entertainment. For example: I would rather choose to sit at home to watch or read
something instead of going skydiving. I am not so sensitive to criticism and can take it calmly.
For example, if someone tells me that I am doing something wrong in cooking, I will take it into
account so as not to repeat the same mistake. I really like to spend time with people, between
sitting at home and meeting with friends, I will choose to meet with friends. Also, my lifestyle is
to live in the moment, by this I mean that I don't like to think about what might happen or set any
goals for the future. I live with the idea that I need to act on the situation. I do not agree with the
fact that I am positive and enthusiastic. I am the same person who will think about a possible
bad version of events, instead of a good one, it is hard for me to face experiences with an open
mind. Sometimes I just don't want to change what I was used to before

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