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telecommunications (telecom)

What is telecommunications (telecom)?

Telecommunications, also known as telecom, is the exchange of information over
significant distances by electronic means and refers to all types of voice, data and
video transmission. This is a broad term that includes a wide range of information-
transmitting technologies and communications infrastructures. Examples include
wired phones, cellphones, microwave communications, fiber optics, satellites, radio
and television broadcasting, the internet and telegraphs.

A complete, single telecommunications circuit consists of two stations, each equipped

with a transmitter and a receiver. The transmitter and receiver at any station might be
combined into a single device called a transceiver. The medium of signal transmission
can be via electrical wire or cable -- also known as copper -- optical fiber,
electromagnetic fields or light. The free space transmission and reception of data by
means of electromagnetic fields is called wireless communications.

Types of telecommunications networks

The simplest form of telecommunications takes place between two stations, but it is
common for multiple transmitting and receiving stations to exchange data among
themselves. Such an arrangement is called a telecom network. The internet is the
largest example of a telecommunications network. On a smaller scale, examples
include the following:

 Corporate and academic wide area networks (WANs).

 Telephone networks.

 Cellular networks.

 Police and fire communications systems.

 Taxi dispatch networks.

 Groups of amateur (ham) radio operators.

 Broadcast networks.

Data is transmitted in a telecommunications circuit by means of an electrical signal

called the carrier or the carrier wave. In order for a carrier to convey information,
some form of modulation is required. The mode of modulation can be categorized
broadly as analog or digital.

In analog modulation, some aspect of the carrier is varied in a continuous fashion. The
oldest form of analog modulation is amplitude modulation (AM), which is still used in
radio broadcasting at some frequencies. Digital modulation predates AM; the earliest
form was Morse code. Modern telecommunications use internet protocols to carry
data across underlying physical transmissions.

Telecommunications industry and service providers

Telecommunications systems are generally run by telecommunications service
providers, also known as communications service providers. These providers
historically offered telephone and related services and now offer a variety of internet
and WAN services, as well as metropolitan area network and global services.

In many countries, telecom service providers were primarily government-owned and -

operated. That is no longer the case, and many have been privatized. The International
Telecommunication Union is the United Nations agency that administers
telecommunications and broadcasting regulations, although most countries also have
their own government agencies to set and enforce telecommunications guidelines. In
the U.S., the Federal Communications Commission is the primary regulatory agency.

A large umbrella of companies provide different types of telecommunications

services, including internet service providers, telecom equipment providers, wireless
service providers, radio and television broadcasters, cable companies, satellite
television providers and managed service providers.
The three main segments within the telecom industry are manufacturers of telecom
equipment, telecom services and wireless communications. Within these sectors,
telecom equipment is the largest. It includes customer equipment, such as routers and
modems; transmission equipment, such as transmission lines and wireless
semiconductors; and analog or digital public switching equipment. Wireless
communications is the smallest sector.

Large global service providers include the following:

 AT&T.

 Verizon.

 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone.

 China Mobile Limited.

 Deutsche Telekom AG.

 SoftBank Group.

 China Telecom.

 Telefónica SA.

 Vodafone.

 Qualcomm.

 América Móvil.

Recently, service providers have been focusing on growing services, such as data and
video, as opposed to voice communication services

How does telecommunication impact the society?

The Role of Telecommunication Engineering in Society

It has facilitated long-distance communication, leading to increased collaboration in

business, education, and research. Individuals and communities can now connect
effortlessly, bridging cultural gaps and fostering a sense of global unity.

What is the impact of technology on telecommunications?

Technology is constantly changing which stresses the importance of the
telecommunications industry to keep up, but it is even more important that they work
cohesively. With changes and improvements in technology, it has a direct effect on the
telecommunications industry.

Why is telecommunication technology important?

We use telecommunications technologies to communicate, we use it in the delivery of
medical science – be that using Electronic Health Records, telephone / zoom
consultancies with doctors, telemedicine – including the ability for people living remotely
to have scripts filled out using apps, or to consult with doctors ...

What is the impact of telecommunications to the modern age?

The Impact on Daily Lives

Telecommunications has allowed individuals to stay connected with friends, family, and
colleagues across the globe. Whether through voice calls, video conferencing, or instant
messaging, we can communicate in real-time, eliminating geographical barriers and
fostering collaboration.

What is the role of telecommunication in our daily life?

People can communicate via phone calls, text messages, e-mails or through social
media platforms. Telecom has simply made keeping in touch with loved ones more
convenient, efficient and less costly.

What are the advantages of telecommunication?

Following is the list of some advantages of telecommunication:
 Improve efficiency.
 Inspire collaboration.
 Bring flexibility to the workplace.
 Save time.
 Eliminate Face-To-Face contact.
 Increase the communication costs of the company.
 Lead to isolation between employers and their employees.

Where is used for telecommunication?

Electromagnetic radiation is used for communications and transmission of information.
The waves that are used in communication are radio waves, microwaves, infrared
radiation and light. But in telecommunication microwaves is used.

What are the negative effects of telecommunication?

Disadvantages of Telecommunication :
 Cultural Barrier.
 Misunderstanding.
 Prank calls.
 Sometimes expensive.
 High electric bills.
 Remote areas don't have access.
 Remote areas might not be ready to afford the necessary equipment.
 Cannot see whom you're speaking with.

How has the Internet and telecommunications changed society?

The Internet has removed all communication barriers. Online, the conventional
constraints of space and time disappear and there is a dizzyingly wide range of
communicative possibilities. The impact of social media applications has triggered
discussion of the “new communication democracy.”

5 Reasons Why... Telecoms is Important in

1. Telecommunication and Governance
New communication and information technologies are contributing to
good governance. Telecommunication technology keeps citizens
informed. They’re now more aware of what’s going on in their
environment than ever before. This pushes many governments to be
more accountable and to maintain an efficient system encouraging
more political transparency and citizen participation.
2. Telecommunication and Relationships
Enhancing the scope of communication enables people to stay in
touch with loved ones who may not have otherwise been so
accessible. Global figures indicate that migratory displacement is at an
all-time high, families are separated across continents for long periods
of time. The evolving nature of telecoms has enabled people to stay
connected through multiple communication and social media
3. Telecommunication and Education
Many well-established institutions are using telecommunications for
distance learning programs. This provides global students with an
opportunity to access high-quality education from anywhere in the
world. Furthermore, these online courses offer students more flexibility
if they wish to balance educational pursuits with a career.

4. Telecommunication and Healthcare

The development of technology in healthcare has enabled more

frequent contact between patients and healthcare providers, more
timely and accurate medical monitoring and improved management of
data. The increasing level of collaboration has given patients a
stronger, more consistent voice, which helps in the development of
medical services.
5. Telecommunication and Environment
The changing landscape of communication has enabled us to
raise greater awareness for environmental issues.
Telecommunications can make a direct contribution to the
implementation of environmental programs to educate and inspire
change in communities. Consistent local initiatives help align global
incentives to improve environmental quality and human health.

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