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Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A (Applied Physics & Engineering) 2023 24(1):56-63;


Finite volume method-based numerical simulation method for

hydraulic fracture initiation in rock around a perforation
Yu ZHANG1*, Shaohao HOU1, Songhua MEI2, Yanan ZHAO2, Dayong LI1
College of Pipeline and Civil Engineering, China University of Petroleum (East China), Qingdao 266580, China
Hunan Provincial Key Laboratory of Key Technology on Hydropower Development, Zhongnan Engineering Corporation, Changsha 410014,

1 Introduction which transient coupled pore pressure and tempera‐

ture equations for non-isothermal conditions were
Hydraulic fracturing is a technique for increas‐ developed based on conservation laws. Furthermore,
ing permeability in oil and gas resource development, Wang and Dusseault (2003) used a thermo-poro-elastic
grouting reinforcement in mine management, and geo- model that accounted for the coupling of heat conduc‐
stress measurement. For the purpose of enhancing hy‐ tion and thermal convection to calculate the shear stresses
draulic fracturing in horizontal wells, oriented perfo‐ on the surface of a linear elastic porous medium around
rating methods have been developed (Kurdi, 2018; a wellbore. However, although thermo-pore-elastic
Michael and Gupta, 2020a; Yan et al., 2020). Fluid is models have been applied to vertical or inclined well‐
injected into the rock through perforations, which in‐ bores (Nguyen et al., 2010), they have rarely been ap‐
creases fluid pressure within rock and decreases rock plied to perforations. Most models ignore the impact
temperature. Then, the rock around the perforation is of convective heat transfer from fluid flow, assuming
fractured. Therefore, fracture initiation pressure is inti‐ that only conduction causes heat transfer from the
mately connected to the reservoir’s physical and me‐ wellbore to the reservoirs.
chanical properties, geo-stress, and temperature (Mor‐ Because the maximum principal stress is from
gan and Aral, 2015). Accurate prediction of fracture the overlying rock pressure, perforations drilled in the
initiation pressure is crucial in the design and con‐ direction of the maximum horizontal principal stress
struction of hydraulic fracturing systems (Zeng et al., are more susceptible to fracture initiation (Zhou et al.,
2018; Michael and Gupta, 2020b). Understanding the 1996). Russell et al. (2006) investigated the Tullich
oil field, where the maximum principal stress is the
properties of the reservoir and state of stress around
overlying rock pressure, and drew similar conclusions.
the wellbore is an effective method to predict fracture
Zhang et al. (2017) studied the effects of geostatic
stress, fluid injection rate, and perforation parameters
Kurashige (1989) proposed a thermo-poro-elastic
on the hydraulic fracturing process with a modified
model based on Biot’s pore-elasticity model consider‐
particle flow code (PFC) model. Morgan and Aral
ing thermal effects. The Kurashige model was used to
(2015) studied the propagation of fracturing fluids in
analyze the effect of stress distribution around the
impermeable media with a finite volume fracture net‐
wellbore on fracture initiation. A thermo-poro-elastic
work model and verified the model by comparison
model that accounts for the effect of convective heat
with the results of a hydraulic fracturing experiment.
transfer was developed by Farahani et al. (2006), in
Wellbore diameter, azimuth, and inclination angle are
significant controllable parameters in the study of
Yu ZHANG, fracture initiation in horizontal wells. These studies
Received Apr. 13, 2022; Revision accepted Oct. 24, 2022; considered the effects of stress or stress-flow coupling
Crosschecked Jan. 4, 2023 on the perforation well, but rarely considered thermal
© Zhejiang University Press 2023 effects.
J Zhejiang Univ-Sci A (Appl Phys & Eng) 2023 24(1):56-63 | 57

The mechanical properties of rocks at high tem‐ heat flux by the fluid flow C w ρ w vT. The governing
peratures are related to their deformation and strength equation for the temperature field is obtained without
characteristics. Mechanical parameters such as elas‐ the source term:
ticity modulus and Poisson’s ratio vary in relation to
temperature. An experimental study was conducted ¶T
λÑ2T - C w ρ w ÑTÑP = Cρ , (1)
on the thermoelastic deformation of rock around a ¶t
wellbore under a triaxial stress state from 20 to 600 ℃
to study the variation of the elastic modulus and where λ is the thermal conductivity, T is the tempera‐
Poisson’s ratio with temperature (Xi and Zhao, 2010). ture, P is the fluid pressure, t is the time, v is the flow
From room temperature to 200 ℃, the elastic modulus rate, C w and ρ w are the specific heat capacity and density
decreased by an average of 0.036 GPa per 1 ℃ in‐ of water, and C and ρ are the specific heat capacity
crease, and Poisson’s ratio increased from 0.25 to and density of the reservoir, respectively.
0.35. The effective stress is the overall effect of normal Based on the continuity equation of fluid flow
stress and pore pressure. Mathematical relationships and Darcy’s law, the transient fluid flow equation is
between the effective stress and permeability were es‐
K 2 ¶P
tablished by fitting experimental data with the effec‐
Ñ P + D T Ñ2 T = β 0 ϕ + α 0 ( 1 - ϕ )
,] (2)
tive stress as the variable and stress sensitivity models
for the reservoir (Wu et al., 2019; Hu et al., 2020).
However, few results have been applied to the study where DT is the average thermal diffusivity, α 0 is the
of hydraulic fracturing. compression coefficient of the porous medium, β 0 is
In this study, a thermo-poro-elastic model is ap‐ the compression coefficient of the fluid, K is the per‐
plied to horizontal perforation with consideration of the meability of reservoir, μ is Poisson’s ratio, and ϕ is
interactions of fluid flow and heat transfer. A numerical the effective porosity. The detailed process of calcula‐
method based on finite volume method (FVM) is pro‐ tion of the relevant parameters and their stress sensi‐
posed for simulating fracture initiation of the rock tivity analysis are described in Section S2 of ESM.
around a perforation considering the stress sensitivity.
The simulation verifies the correctness of the method
for two types of situations. To analyze fracture initia‐ 3 Numerical simulation method based on FVM
tion of perforations more accurately, the variation of
3.1 Numerical simulation simplification
elastic modulus and Poisson’s ratio with temperature
is included. The interactions of fluid flow and heat transfer
must be considered in a thermo-poro-elastic model.
For a cylindrical coordinate system, if the interaction
2 Theoretical model and polar angle are not related, decoupling the interac‐
tion of fluid flow and heat transfer can be carried out
2.1 Thermo-poro-elastic model
in 2D by applying an axisymmetric method. Thermally
Deep oil and gas reservoirs are found in high induced stress and hydraulic induced stress are not
temperature, high pressure, and high geo-stress condi‐ affected by the polar angle. Furthermore, the effect of
tions. Therefore, a thermo-poro-elastic model was ob‐ stress on fluid flow is also independent of the polar
tained by superposing in-situ mechanical, hydraulic, angle because the stress uses the average stress. The
and thermal induced stress effects. The detailed process effect of stress on heat transfer is not considered.
is described in Section S1 of electronic supplementary Therefore, decoupling the interaction of fluid flow
materials (ESM). The reservoir material was assumed and heat transfer is simplified to a 2D question.
in the model to be homogeneous and linearly elastic.
3.2 Spatial and time discretization
2.2 Governing equations of fluid flow and
The wellbore is arranged vertically while inter‐
secting the perforation, and the perforation are hori‐
Temperature affects fluid flow with heat flux, zontal well. A quarter of the rock around the wellbore
which includes the rock heat transfer -λÑT and the and perforation is selected for numerical simulation
58 | J Zhejiang Univ-Sci A (Appl Phys & Eng) 2023 24(1):56-63

validation. The wellbore diameter is 5 mm, the perfo‐ (Cp)U (T Ut + Dt - T Ut )DxDy =

ration diameter 1 mm, and the length 4 mm. The model
size is 50 mm×50 mm, which is divided into 100×
| S | c UT U + ∑c AT A + d U P U + ∑d A P A  ) (8)

100 meshes (Fig. S3). The injection fluid is water

 c U = ∑(-c A ),
and the flow rate is 25 mL/min. The time increment where c and d are coefficients, c A =λ
|d |
is 0.001 s. The simulation parameters are detailed in
 d U = ∑(-d A ) and c tU = (Cρ)U
1 DxDy
Table S1. d A = C w ρ wT A .
|d | |S|
The discrete equation of fluid flow is obtained
by integrating the partial differential equation: 3.3 Iterative algorithm

∭ ¶P The stress σ t + Dt is a function of fluid pressure in

[ β 0 ϕ + α 0 (1 - ϕ)] dxdydt = the wellbore P w (t), with porosity ϕt, fluid pressure P t 
¶t (3)
[ β 0 ϕt + α 0 (1 - ϕ)t ] U ( P Ut + Dt - P Ut ) DxDy and temperature T t in the reservoir. The iterative for‐
mula is as follows:
∭ Kμ Ñ P + D Ñ Tdxdydt =

(4) σ t + Dt = f ( P w (t) ϕt P t  T t ), (9)

∑μ ÑP | S | +∑D T ÑT | S | 
and the corresponding parameters also need to be
K K PA - PU T -T
where ÑP = , D T ÑT = D T A U , and
μ μ |d | |d |
K t + Dt = K 0 e-M ( σ - α P ),
t t t

the subscript U is the center of the calculation, A is the M (σ t - αt P t )
nearest point to the center, including the four direc‐ ϕ t + Dt = ϕ 0 e 3
 (11)
tions, N, S, W, and E (Fig. S4), Dx and Dy represent
the time increments, | d | is the distance from point A where K 0 is the initial permeability, M is the stress
to U, and | S | is the area of the calculation. Therefore, sensitivity factor of permeability, ϕ 0 is the initial po‐
rosity, and σ is the average stress.
[ β 0 ϕt + α 0 (1 - ϕ)t ] U ( P Ut + Dt - P Ut ) DxDy = For non-Darcy flow, the permeability should be

( )
corrected for:
| S | a U P U + ∑a A P A + b UT U + ∑b AT A 

K Nt + Dt = . (12)
K 1 β ρ w K t v t + Dt
t + Dt
where a and b are coefficients, a A =  aU = 1+
μ |d | μ

∑(-a A ) b A = D T | d |  b U = ∑(-b A ) and a tU = [ β 0 ϕt +

Therefore, a numerical simulation method based
DxDy on FVM for hydraulic fracturing is proposed (Fig. S5),
α 0 (1 - ϕ)t ] U .
|S| which includes the fluid pressure, fracture initiation
The discrete equation of temperature is pressure, fracture initiation location, and fracture initi‐
ation time.

∭ Cρ ¶T
dtdydx = (Cρ) (T - T U
t + Dt
U )DxDy, (6) 3.4 Simulation setup and boundary conditions

∭ λÑ T - C ρ ÑTÑPdxdydt =
w w
There are three boundary conditions to be re‐

∑λ(ÑT) | S | +∑C
solved in this model: a symmetric boundary, inner
w ρ wT(ÑP) | S | 
boundary, and outer boundary (Fig. S6).
No fluid crosses the symmetrical boundary (a sym =0).
T A-T U P - PU The nodes (δx)W and (δy)S, next to the inner boundary
where λÑT=λ  and C w ρ wTÑP=C w ρ wT A .
|d | |d | 1 1
Therefore, are half of the original (Fig. S7): a in = a b in = b,
2 2
J Zhejiang Univ-Sci A (Appl Phys & Eng) 2023 24(1):56-63 | 59

1 1 ϕ (1 - 2μ )
c in = c and d in = d, and the subscript “in” means where η = .
2 2
2(1 - μ )
the inner boundary.
The fracture initiation pressure is 75.67 MPa in
The outer boundary nodes of the model are macro-
the H-W model and 40.18 MPa in the H-F model. In
scopic internal nodes for the reservoir. Therefore, a
this study, the minimum fracture initiation pressure is
nodal algebraic equation is added outside the boundary
40.95 MPa when the wellbore wall is permeable and
to modify the nodal coefficients of the outer boundary.
the maximum is 58.22 MPa when the wellbore wall is
impermeable. All fracture initiation pressure results
ì P = PM + 1 + PM - 1  a = a  are intermediate in relation to the H-W and H-F mod‐
ïï M M+1 M
2 (13)
í els, which indicates that the model is correct.
ïïT M = T M + 1 + T M - 1  c M + 1 = c M 
î 2 4.2 Results analysis

where the subscript M is the point of outer boundary, 4.2.1 Effects of the perforation azimuth
M+1 and M − 1 represent the internal and external Fig. 1a shows that the fracture initiation pressure
points next to the node M, respectively. is higher when the wellbore wall is impermeable than
The fluid pressure and temperature in the well‐ when it is permeable, and the pressure increases with
bore and perforation are always P in (t) = P w (t) and the rise of the perforation azimuth. The minimum
T in (t) = T w (t), respectively. The reservoir temperature fracture initiation pressure is 41.58 MPa when θ =0°
gradient is 3.6 ℃/100 m. At the start of fluid flow (t= and the wellbore is impermeable. The fracture initiation
0), the fluid pressure at any location within the reser‐ pressure increases rapidly between 0° and 60°. Beyond
voir is considered to be the initial pore pressure (i.e.,
P(r 0) = P 0). The temperature at the horizontal height
of the perforation is 135 ℃.

4 Results and discussion

4.1 Model validation

To verify the accuracy of the constructed model,

the Hubbert–Willi (H-W) and Haimson–Fairhurst (H-F)
models were introduced. The H-W model gives an
upper limit value of the fracture initiation pressure
without considering the permeability of rock around the
perforation, while the H-F model gives a lower lim‐
it value with high permeability. The H-W model is
given by

P b = 3σ h - σ H + σ t + P 0  (14)

where σ H and σ h are the horizontal maximum and min‐

imum principal stresses, respectively, σ t is the tensile
strength, P 0 is the initial pressure, and P b is the frac‐
ture initiation pressure.
The H-F model is given by
Fig. 1 Fracture initiation of rock around a perforation
3σ h - σ H + σ t - 2ηP 0 under different perforation azimuths: (a) fracture initiation
Pb =  (15)
2(1 - η) pressure; (b) fracture initiation time
60 | J Zhejiang Univ-Sci A (Appl Phys & Eng) 2023 24(1):56-63

60°, the pressure remains almost constant and main‐ 4.2.3 Distributions of fluid pressure and temperature
tains a weak relationship with the perforation azimuth.
Figs. 3 and 4 show the distributions of fluid pres‐
The patterns of crack initiation time and crack
sure and temperature when θ=0°. Fluid pressure is dis‐
initiation pressure are similar (Fig. 1b). As the perfora‐
tributed in an ellipse next to the perforation and reduces
tion azimuth rises, more injection time is required to
gradually from the perforation to the far field when
reach fracture initiation at azimuth angles of less than
the wellbore wall is impermeable. When the wellbore
60°. Beyond 60°, the time remains a constant. Com‐
wall is permeable, the fluid pressure distribution is
pared to when the wellbore wall is permeable, the
spread outwards along the wellbore because fluid flows
fracture initiation time curve is flatter when the well‐
into the reservoir from the wellbore. The temperature
bore wall is impermeable, which indicates a more
distribution around the wellbore and perforation is
rapid pressure increase.
similar to the fluid pressure. However, the reservoir
4.2.2 Effect of the stress sensitivity of permeability temperature increases gradually from the perforation
and porosity to the far field.
When stress sensitivity is present, both fracture
initiation pressure and time are reduced (Fig. 2). The
greater the perforation azimuth, the more noticeable
the reduction in fracture initiation time. The fracture
initiation pressure reduction is not significant.

Fig. 3 Fluid pressure distribution when fracture initiates

(θ =0°): (a) impermeable wellbore wall; (b) permeable
wellbore wall. The grey point represents the fracture initiation
location. References to color refer to the online version of
this figure

For θ=0°, the fracture initiation location is at the

Fig. 2 Fracture initiation of rock around perforation when
the wellbore wall is permeable: (a) fracture initiation top of the perforation when the boundary is imper‐
pressure; (b) fracture initiation time meable, and at the end of the perforation when it is
J Zhejiang Univ-Sci A (Appl Phys & Eng) 2023 24(1):56-63 | 61

Fig. 4 Temperature distribution when fracture initiates (θ=

0°): (a) impermeable wellbore wall; (b) permeable wellbore
Fig. 5 Darcy and non-Darcy areas when fracture initiates
(θ =0° ): (a) impermeable wellbore wall; (b) permeable
wellbore wall. The red represents non-Darcy area; the blue
permeable. The compressive stress of the reservoir represents the Darcy area. References to color refer to the
around the top of perforation is induced, which re‐ online version of this figure
duces the fracture initiation pressure, and the loca‐
tion of the fracture initiation is at the top of the perfora‐ same height. The permeability distribution is spread
tion. However, when θ≥60° the fracture initiation loca‐ outwards along the wellbore similar to the tempera‐
tion shifts to the perforation wall of the maximum ture distribution when the wellbore is permeable. The
horizontal stress direction, with either an imperme‐ increasing permeability in the near-well area causes
able or permeable boundary. an increase in flow rate and a wider range of fluid flow.
The Darcy area is distributed in an ellipse next to
the perforation when the wellbore wall is impermeable
(Fig. 5). When the wellbore wall is permeable, the Darcy 5 Conclusions
area is like a right-angle trapezoid shape because the
perforation channel enhances the flow distance. 1. As the perforation azimuth rises, a longer in‐
jection time and higher fluid pressure are required to
4.2.4 Distribution of permeability
reach fracture initiation. The fracture initiation pres‐
Fig. 6 shows the distribution of permeability sure is higher when the wellbore wall is impermeable
when θ=0°. The permeability above the perforation is than when it is permeable.
higher than at the same horizontal height when the 2. Fluid pressure is distributed in an ellipse next
wellbore wall is impermeable, because the fluid pres‐ to the perforation and reduces gradually from the per‐
sure in the perforation is higher than others at the foration to the far field when the wellbore wall is
62 | J Zhejiang Univ-Sci A (Appl Phys & Eng) 2023 24(1):56-63

wrote the first draft of the manuscript. Yanan ZHAO helped

to organize the manuscript. Shaohao HOU and Dayong LI
revised and edited the final version.

Conflict of interest
Yu ZHANG, Shaohao HOU, Songhua MEI, Yanan ZHAO,
and Dayong LI declare that they have no conflict of interest.

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