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Patriarchal College Virtue and Science

4th primary (…..) Connect plus 4

Name:……………… Model Exam

A. Listening

1. Listen and circle the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:

1.Timmy was building a ……………….

a) house b) dog’s house c) doll’s house d) tall tower

2. Jane was building a ……………….

a) house b) dog’s house c) doll’s house d) tall tower

3. Mrs Thomas was so proud of ………………

a) Thomas b) Timmy c) Jane d) the children

4. Timmy is …………………… and generous.

a) beautiful b) helpful c) colorful d) careful

B. Reading

2.Read and complete the text/ dialogue with the words from the box:

(Develop-health-watching TV-video games-as well)

It's fun to play video games sometimes, but it's good to be active as well. Sitting
still for a long time isn't good for your (1)…………… . Sometimes people eat
more unhealthy snacks when they are (2)……………… or playing on the
computer. Try not to (3)……………unhealthy habits.

3. Read the following text and answer the questions below:

A laptop is like a desktop computer. A laptop, though, is portable. In other

words, it can be carried around. Often, it is called a notebook computer. A laptop
can do a lot of the same things as a desktop computer such as storing, retrieving,
and processing data.

Unlike desktop computers, laptops are an all-in-one device. The keyboard,

monitor, and speakers are all built into the laptop. In a desktop computer, the
pieces are separate. Also, a laptop does not use a mouse. Instead, it uses a touchpad
built into the design. However, one can still connect separate pieces to it. For
example, a mouse can be hooked up to a laptop. The laptop can act as a desktop,
but the pieces can be removed. Then, the laptop can be carried as a portable

A laptop is charged by a battery or an AC adapter. This is a device that charges the

battery while plugged into an electrical outlet. The battery lets the laptop be used
without being plugged in. It is also a back up supply. The life of a battery will
vary. This depends on the battery and how the computer is being used.

Choose the correct answer:

1- ……………. can do a lot of things such as storing, retrieving and processing


a)-A laptop b)-A desktop c)-A laptop and a desktop d) A desk

2- A desktop uses a …………………..

a)-mouse b)- touchpad c)-notebook d) a camera

3- “It” refers to the …………………..

a)-laptop b)- desktop c)- mouse d) charger

Answer the following questions:

1. What are the similarities between the laptop and desktop?



2. How can we charge a laptop?



The Reader

4. A) Read and write T(True) or F(False):

1. Zeinb and her grandpa visited the factory. ( )

2. Zeinab’s friends are very clever. ( )

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

3. Zeinab’s grandpa wanted to be an engineer or a teacher, when he was a/an


a. baby b. child c. man d. elderly person

4. Zeinb and her friends have a great ………………

a. teacher b. party c. job d. bazaar

C. Writing
5. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1. It (doesn't snow - is not snowing- snows - don't snow) in summer.

2. Germany is (the most difficult - more difficult – easy – the easiest) than English.

3. Those books belong to me and Layla. They're (theirs- ours- yours- our).

4. (Before – After – Although – So that) I went to the club, I met my friends there.

6. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences:

1. the –There –liters –human –five –are –of –about –in –blood -body


2. Bats -that -are –the- fly -only –can- mammals.


3. Music- important- in- was- Egypt- ancient


7. Write a text of FORTY (40) words using the following guiding elements:

How do we know about the history of Egypt?

Guiding words: scribes- write down – hieroglyphs- pictures or symbols- tombs and





One day Timmy and Jane were playing with blocks. Timmy was building a tall
tower and Jane was building a house. As they built they slowly ran out of blocks.
Timmy looked at Jane's house and saw that she still needed 5 blocks. Timmy said,
"Here you go Jane, you can have these blocks to finish your house." Jane smiled.
"Wow Timmy! That was so nice of you!" said Mrs. Thomas. Timmy felt happy
because he made Jane and Mrs. Thomas happy. Mrs. Thomas told the class, "My
friends I am so proud of Timmy for sharing with his friends!" "I hope that we can
all share with our friends!"

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