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Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports
Responsible, Outstanding, Active Learner, Respect


⚫ Responsible
⚫ Outstanding
⚫ Active Learner
⚫ Respectful
Letter Word Definition

R Responsible Students are able to do what is right and meet expectations.

O Outstanding Students distinguish themselves through positive actions

A Active Learners Students engage in their education

R Respectful Students treat others with kindness and are polite.

UNO Roberto Clemente – Approach to Building a Positive School Culture
Criteria for Classroom Environment – Proficient level in Danielson Framework pg.4

•High quality Instructional

•Interactions Effective Highly
•Tone and Words Engaged
Instructi Predicta
onal ble and •Clear Expectations
Efficienc Consiste •Systems of Consequences
•Transitions y nt
•Spending time with the students
motivates the teacher

2a: Creating an 2b: Establishing a 2c: Managing Classroom 2d: Managing Student 2e: Organizing Physical Space
Environment of Culture for Learning Procedures Behavior
Respect and Rapport
Classroom The classroom culture Little instructional time is Standards of conduct appear The classroom is safe, and learning is
interactions, both is characterized by lost because classroom to be clear to students, and the accessible to all students; the teacher
between teacher and high expectations for routines and procedures for teacher monitors student ensures that the physical arrangement
students and among most students and transitions, handling of behavior against those is appropriate for the learning
students, are polite genuine commitment supplies, and performance standards. The teacher activities. The teacher makes
and respectful, to the subject by both of non-instructional duties, response to student effective use of physical resources,
reflecting general teacher and students, occurs smoothly. misbehavior is appropriate including computer technology.
warmth and caring, with students and respects the students’
and are appropriate demonstrating pride in dignity.
to the cultural and their work.
differences among
groups of students.
Why Reinvest in ROAR pg.

⚫ To unify our school with a behavior system

⚫ To create deeper buy in into their own
⚫ To have a common theme within our
⚫ To have it used more often
⚫ So teachers have more involvement within
the classroom setting
⚫ To hold ourselves accountable for the
system we created. ROA
⚫ Invest (reinvest) in the culture
(voice level)
pg. 8

0 - Silent - Bathroom
- Voices are off - Hallways
- Stairwells
1 - Whisper - Classroom – think
pair share
- Working with a

2 - Talking (normal volume) - In classroom

- Lunchroom
3 - Loud talking - Playground
How to Use PAWS
⚫ Teachers can now give paws out in their own classrooms
as incentives
*If a teacher has a different incentive system they
would like to use, they can equate them to paws (i.e.
money $10 = 1 paw, top color on clip chart = 1 paw)
⚫ Paws will be given out for same positive behaviors as
before (recounted on pages 5-6)
⚫ Winning Stamp Award of the week = 1 paw per child in
⚫ Perfect uniform, 5 days in a row = 1 paw per child in
⚫ Perfect attendance, 10 days in row = 1 paw per child in
⚫ Tickets can be given to other teachers for a drawing for
a gift card each month
- Paws can be given for…..
*Helping another teacher/doing a friendly favor
*Managing their class impeccably in the hallway
*Great co planning, vertical alignment, cross grade
How to ROAR…..
Bathroom pg. 5-7
Letter Word Classroom
R Responsible Students are able to do what is right and meet expectations.
- Go quickly and quietly
- Go to the bathroom
- Wash hands
- Are eco friendly with the water and TP
- In full uniform
O Outstanding Students distinguish themselves through positive actions
- Clean up a mess made by another student
- Being proactive by reporting any problems in the bathroom
∙ For example: writing on the walls
∙ Broken locks
A Active Learners Students engage in their education
- Helping others who are not ROARing
R Respectful Students treat others with kindness and are polite.
- Students treat bathroom politely
- Being private in the bathroom
- Being respectful of others privacy
- Not talking or playing
∙ Level 0 voices
How to ROAR…..
Cafeteria pg. 5-7
Letter Word Classroom
R Responsible Students are able to do what is right and meet expectations.
- Remember lunch cards
- Get their lunch and sit down quickly
- In full uniform
- Clean up after self
- Eating a healthy lunch (all food groups)
O Outstanding Students distinguish themselves through positive actions
- Help others get situated at lunch
- Remind other students of the rules
- Help others clean up, are table washers
- Set a good example – lining up quickly
A Active Learners Students engage in their education
- Actively helping others follow rules
R Respectful Students treat others with kindness and are polite.
- Students listen respectively to lunch duty teacher
- Leave the lunchroom as clean as it was when they got there
- Students follow lunchroom rules
∙ Eat own food/ I will not share
∙ Don’t play with food
∙ Sit at assigned lunch table
∙ 2 sounding voice in the cafeteria
- Staying at your won table
How to ROAR…..
Playground pg. 5-7

Letter Word Classroom

R Responsible Students are able to do what is right and meet expectations.
- Use playground equipment the correct way
- Play nicely with their friends.
- In full uniform
- Staying in the limits of the playground
- Keep woodchips on the ground
- When recess is done, line up with purpose
O Outstanding Students distinguish themselves through positive actions
- Include all friends when playing

A Active Learners Students engage in their education

- Actively use their creative minds to play
- Helps and reminds friend to use equipment safely
R Respectful Students treat others with kindness and are polite.
- Students listen respectively to teacher at recess
- Students follow playground rules
∙ Taking turns
∙ 3 sounding voice
∙ Hands to yourself
- Taking turns
How to ROAR…..
Transitions Hallway
pg. 5-7
Letter Word Classroom

R Responsible Students are able to do what is right and meet expectations.

- Remember what they need for their next class
- Mind themselves in the hallway
- In full uniform with shirt tucked in
- WALKING up and down the stairs
O Outstanding Students distinguish themselves through positive actions
- Help others get situated in hallway
- Mind yourself, not being distracted by other classes and not
distracting other classes
A Active Learners Students engage in their education
- Actively helping others follow rules
- Actively trying to be in a straight line
R Respectful Students treat others with kindness and are polite.
- Students listen respectively to teacher
- Keep your hands to yourself
- Are at a level 0
Let’s Tackle the Beast in your
ROAR Positive Consequences – As it
was…. Pg. 9

Positive Consequences to ROARing

INDIVIDUAL: Teachers will award students with a Lion’s Paw for ROARing.
∙On Fridays, Ms. Neubert will be in the cafeteria for students to be able to redeem
their Paws for the following:
o5 Paws: Pencil, recognized on a public list
o10 Paws: Pencil, certificate, photo to be placed on the wall of fame.
CLASSWIDE: Classes with 100% attendance for 10 days and classes with 5 days of
perfect uniform get a picture taken and more having a class planned field trip

*** Consequences FOR PAWS were directed only to the single student.
ROAR Positive Consequences – NOW
Pg. 9

Positive Consequences to ROARing

CLASS INCENTIVES: Teachers will award students with a Lion’s Paw for ROARing.
∙Teacher will assign a student job/ or middle school helpers can help count tickets in the
class (students can also have ownership over counting their own)
o1 ticket per student in class (32 total) - 10 minutes of recess or class choice technology
o2 tickets per each student (64 total) – dress up day or spirit day
o3 tickets per each student (96 total) – student planned field trip
INDIVIDUAL INCENTIVES: if student has 10, 20, 30 paws he/she will get a picture on the

*** Consequences focused mostly on class incentives rather than individual, to promote
positive peer pressure, class wide data on uniform and attendance will still be taken and
equated to paws
Pg. 12
ROAR POSTERS Posters of the grade cluster rules will go up in each of the classes
and incentive posters (will be provided)
VOICE LEVEL Voice level language will be introduced or will continue to be used
PAW(L) of FAME Students who receive 10, 20, 30 etc paws will get a picture in the
PAW(L) of fame
INCENTIVES Class working together for incentive
- 1 paw each student/ (32 paws) – 10 min extra recess, 10 min
ipad/cow free time
- 2 paw each student/ (64 paws) – dress up or spirit day
- 3 paw each student/ (96 paws) – class planned field trip
Individual incentive
- Students get to be in the PAW(L) of Fame if have 10, 20, 30,
etc paws in a given year
PAW HANDLEING Paws can be handed out by teacher in their own classroom, and
STAMP teacher while they have a class in their classroom
CHARACTER We should be connecting this system to building the students’
RELATION character

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