Lesson Plan

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Grade Level: Grade 12


effective conflict resolution and teamwork skills

Learning across curriculum:

1) English - Discussing effective communication strategies in resolving conflicts in

the workplace.

2) Psychology - Understanding the psychological factors that contribute to effective

teamwork and conflict resolution.

3) Sociology - Exploring the impact of teamwork and conflict resolution on social

relationships in the workplace.

Review Motivation:

[Teaching Strategy: Role-Playing]

[Instructional Materials: Scenario cards, props]

1) Divide the students into groups and give each group a scenario card that involves
conflict in the workplace. Instruct them to role-play the scenario, focusing on effective
conflict resolution and teamwork skills.

2) Show a video clip of a team successfully resolving a conflict in the workplace.

After watching, facilitate a discussion on the effective strategies used and how it
contributed to teamwork.

3) Invite a guest speaker who has experience in conflict resolution and teamwork to
share their insights and experiences with the students.

Activity 1: Conflict Resolution Skit

[Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning]

Materials: Skit scenario cards, props

Significance: This activity allows students to apply conflict resolution and teamwork
skills in a creative and interactive way.


1) Divide the class into small groups and give each group a skit scenario card.

2) Instruct the groups to create a skit based on the scenario, focusing on effective
conflict resolution and teamwork.

3) Provide time for rehearsal and preparation.


- Effective conflict resolution strategies (10 pts)

- Teamwork and collaboration (10 pts)

- Creativity and presentation (10 pts)

Assessment Questions:

1) What are some effective conflict resolution strategies used in the skits?

2) How did teamwork contribute to the successful resolution of the conflicts in the

3) How did the skits demonstrate the importance of effective conflict resolution and
teamwork in the workplace?

Activity 2: Team Building Workshop

[Teaching Strategy: Experiential Learning]

Materials: Team building activities, markers, flipchart

Significance: This activity allows students to experience firsthand the importance of

teamwork and conflict resolution in achieving common goals.

1) Divide the class into small groups and assign each group a team building activity.

2) Instruct the groups to complete the activity while focusing on effective teamwork
and conflict resolution.

3) After the activity, facilitate a discussion on the challenges faced, strategies used,
and lessons learned.


- Effective teamwork and collaboration (15 pts)

- Conflict resolution strategies (15 pts)

- Reflection and insights (10 pts)

Assessment Questions:

1) How did effective teamwork contribute to the success of your group in the team
building activity?

2) What conflict resolution strategies did your group employ during the activity?

3) What insights did you gain from the team building activity about the importance of
teamwork and conflict resolution in the workplace?

Activity 3: Case Study Analysis

[Teaching Strategy: Case Studies]

Materials: Case study scenarios, laptops or tablets

Significance: This activity allows students to analyze real-life workplace scenarios

and apply their understanding of conflict resolution and teamwork skills.

1) Provide each student with a case study scenario related to conflict resolution and
teamwork in the workplace.

2) Instruct the students to analyze the scenario and identify effective conflict
resolution strategies and teamwork skills that can be applied.

3) Facilitate a class discussion where students share their analysis and insights.


- Analysis of conflict resolution strategies (10 pts)

- Application of teamwork skills (10 pts)

- Critical thinking and reflection (10 pts)

Assessment Questions:

1) What were the effective conflict resolution strategies identified in the case study?

2) How did the case study demonstrate the importance of teamwork in resolving
conflicts in the workplace?

3) What insights did you gain from the case study about effective conflict resolution
and teamwork skills?


Activity 1 - The skits demonstrated the students' understanding and application of

effective conflict resolution and teamwork skills in various workplace scenarios.

Activity 2 - The team building activities provided students with firsthand experience
on the importance of teamwork and conflict resolution in achieving common goals.

Activity 3 - The case study analysis allowed students to analyze real-life workplace
scenarios and apply their understanding of conflict resolution and teamwork skills.


Understanding work immersion involves comprehending the significance of effective

conflict resolution and teamwork skills in the workplace. By discussing and practicing
these skills, students can develop the ability to resolve conflicts and work
collaboratively with others, leading to a more productive and harmonious work

[Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning]

Task 1 - In groups, students will create a project proposal that focuses on improving
conflict resolution and teamwork skills in a specific workplace setting. They should
incorporate effective strategies and provide a rationale for their proposed

Task 2 - Individually, students will write a reflection paper discussing a personal

experience in the workplace where effective conflict resolution and teamwork skills
were demonstrated. They should analyze the impact of these skills on the overall
work environment.


[Teaching Strategy: Discussion]

[Instructional Materials: Rubrics, discussion guide]

Question 1 - How did the project proposals demonstrate an understanding of

effective conflict resolution and teamwork skills?

Question 2 - What insights did you gain from the reflection papers about the
importance of conflict resolution and teamwork in the workplace?

Question 3 - How did the project-based learning tasks allow students to apply and
showcase their understanding of effective conflict resolution and teamwork skills?


1) Research and write a short article about a successful team or organization that
exemplifies effective conflict resolution and teamwork skills. Include specific
examples and lessons learned. (Assignment Overview: Research and Article

2) Interview a professional who has experience in conflict resolution and teamwork.

Create a podcast episode or video presentation summarizing the interview and
highlighting key insights. (Assignment Overview: Interview and Multimedia

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