Climate Change and The Use of Solar Power

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Climate change and The Use of Solar Power

1. Solar Power Companies in Maine
2. solar solutions near me
3. Solar Panels Portland Maine

Words: 1000
You might think that rising temperatures are the main effect of climate change. But the story
doesn't start with the temperature increase. Changes in one place might have an impact on
changes in all other areas since the Earth is a system in which everything is interconnected.
Climate change may have an impact on our work, housing, safety, and ability to grow food.
Some of us are already more vulnerable to the consequences of the climate, such as citizens of
small island nations and other underdeveloped countries. Long-lasting droughts are putting
people at risk of starvation, while conditions like sea level rise and seawater intrusion have
progressed to the point that entire communities have been forced to evacuate. The quantity of
"climate refugees" is anticipated to increase in the future.
Fossil fuels, which include coal, oil, and gas, are by far the biggest cause of climate change,
contributing more than 75% of all greenhouse gas emissions and almost 90% of all carbon
dioxide emissions.
The heat from the sun gets trapped on Earth as a result of greenhouse gas production. Global
warming and climate change result from this. Let’s discuss some major causes of climate

Private households are responsible:

Private households are responsible for a significant portion of the world's greenhouse gas
emissions. The richest 1% of the world's population together contribute for more greenhouse
gas emissions than the lowest 50%, hence they suffer the biggest burden.

Food production have major impact:

In addition to deforestation and clearing land for farming and grazing, digestion by cows and
sheep, the production and use of fertilizer and manure for planting vegetables, and the use of
energy to run farm machinery or fishing boats, typically with fossil fuels, all contribute to the
production of food, which results in CO2 emissions, methane emissions, and other greenhouse
Transportation accounts for the majority of carbon dioxide emissions related to energy. In
addition, trends suggest that over the next few years, energy use for transportation will rise

Power generation:
The bulk of the world's electricity is still produced by burning coal, oil, or gas, which releases
nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide, two strong greenhouse gases that surround the planet and
trap heat.

An estimated 12 million acres of forest are burned annually. Destruction of forests reduces
nature's capacity to keep emissions out of the environment because they absorb carbon
dioxide. A percentage of the world's greenhouse gas emissions are caused by deforestation,
along with farming and other changes in land use.
You can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by changing the way you live, how you use energy,
what you eat, how much you throw away, and how you move around.

Now let’s discuss the effects of climate change:

Rising temperature
The global surface temperature rises along with greenhouse gas concentrations. Higher
temperatures exacerbate heat-related ailments and make it more challenging to work outside.
When the weather is hotter, wildfires start easily and spread more quickly, which contribute to
global warming.

Increase in severity of storms:

Tropical storm frequency and strength are both impacted by the warming of the ocean. These
storms frequently demolish homes and towns, resulting in fatalities and significant financial

Increasing draughts:
As deserts grow, there is less space for agriculture. The threat of regularly not having enough
water affects a lot of people today.

Oceans are most affected:

Most of the heat from global warming is absorbed by the ocean.
Global food shortage:
Global hunger and poor nutrition are on the rise for a variety of reasons, including climate
change and an increase in extreme weather events.
There are uncountable negative impacts of global warming, but there is still a lot we can do for
our environment and restore it to some extent.

Going solar Is the key

Future greenhouse gas emissions can be decreased in part by using solar energy. Photovoltaics
(PVs) would lower yearly worldwide carbon dioxide emissions from expected rising levels by
10% in 20 years and by 32% in 50 years if they were to offset 50% of all future increases in
thermal electricity generation.
In order to protect humans, animals, and ecosystems, it is imperative to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions and prevent climate change. In addition, using solar energy helps reduce water usage
and improve air quality.
If you are from Maine, then you must be interested in knowing about solar power companies
in Maine that will help you get your solar solutions near you. Don’t worry, we will discuss that

Positive impact on the environment:

Solar energy is a clean, environment friendly form of energy that can reduce carbon foot print
significantly. Solar energy can greatly lower your carbon footprint. Nothing about solar energy
pollutes the environment.

Less loss of electricity:

There are many uses for solar energy. You can produce heat or electricity. Solar energy can be
used to distill water in areas with a shortage of clean water, generate electricity in places
without access to the electrical grid, and run satellites in space. There are a lot of good solar
power companies in Maine that will help you go solar!

Less maintenance required:

Solar energy systems often require minimal upkeep. They only need to be kept moderately
clean, so a few times a year of cleaning will work.

Free source of energy:

No one can monopolize sunlight, which gives us more energy than we could ever utilize.
Although you will begin saving cash as soon as your system is switched on, the advantages of
solar electricity are best realized over the long run.
“Solar solutions near me”?

Well, you don’t need to worry. There are some pretty well-rated solar power companies in
Maine that will help you install solar panels, reduce your carbon footprint, and get your solar
solutions near you. Some well-reputed companies are:
1. Maine Solar Solutions

2. Assured Solar Energy

3. ReVision Energy
4. Maine Community Solar
5. SolarLogix, LLC
6. Goggin Energy

There are many more good service providers beside these that will help you install Solar Panels
in Portland Maine.

Th price of solar panel in Portland Maine as of November 2022 is $3.26/W. An average

installation price for solar panels in Portland, Maine, costs between $13,855 and $18,745, with
the average gross price for solar in Portland, ME, coming in at $16,300, given a solar panel
system size of 5 kilowatts (kW).
Compare the pricing and solar plans of companies providing these services and get your work
done soon to contribute to restoring the environment.
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