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A2 - Oral Mediation 3: Task

Join our team!

There is a new student in your class. Her name is Anne, and she comes from Ireland.
Anne doesn´t have any friends yet and she is very shy. You start talking to her and you
show her all the facilities of the school. You tell Ann that joining the school’s basketball
team is a great idea for making friends and for some physical exercise. She likes sport,
but she has never played basketball before. You are part of the team, so you explain to
her what the benefits are. She will do physical exercise and be less stressed. She will be
able to meet new people that will become friends to talk to. She will also share good
experiences in a nice atmosphere. You
her to know that joining the basketball
she will give her good chance to have a
Join our basketball team if you great
are an active person. If not, join
time at school. Today is the last day to join
the team anyway, no excuses!
You will be training and playing the team. You talk to her in the break
with people that will become
friends! between two classes.

Exams and classes are stressful.

Here you will find the perfect
You have ten minutes to prepare the task.
team to share good values, and You have to tell Anne about the basketball
your self-esteem will increase. team and the good time she will have if she
Basketball is more than just a
sport! joins. Tell her about the benefits of training.
Talk to her for between 2 to 3 minutes to
Physical activity improves your give her as much information as possible.
marks, your memory and will give
you confidence in yourself.
You will enjoy playing and sharing In oral mediation,
good times in the best
you need to be clear
and provide useful
Scoring points for your team is information to the
great, but sharing interests and
meeting new people is even
listener. The language that you
better. Everybody is welcome, so use can be colloquial.
give fun a chance.

Make sure it is clear why you are

Your body will be strong and your talking about the topic. Refer to
mind will be happy. Join today
and enjoy all the benefits that the context.
basketball will give you. Never
played basketball before? No
problem at all. We have different Refer to the document you have
levels. been asked to read, but do not
read it aloud. Use the information

Oral mediation: Join our team! 1|2

given in the text.

Oral mediation: Join our team! 2|2

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