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1. Advertising Agency:

Definition: An advertising agency is a company that provides services to

plan, create, and execute advertising campaigns for businesses or

Sample Sentences:

a. Our company hired an advertising agency to develop a marketing

strategy for our new product.
b. The advertising agency produced a series of creative advertisements
that increased brand awareness for the client.

2. Advertisement/Ad:

Definition: An advertisement, often referred to as an ad, is a promotional

message or communication aimed at promoting a product, service, or idea
to a target audience.

Sample Sentences:

a. I saw an ad for a new smartphone on television last night.

b. The magazine is full of colorful ads for various clothing brands.

3. Copywriter:

Definition: A copywriter is a person who specializes in writing

persuasive and engaging text, known as copy, for advertisements,
marketing materials, websites, and other promotional content.

Sample Sentences:

a. The copywriter was responsible for crafting catchy slogans and

compelling product descriptions.
b. Our company hired a talented copywriter to write engaging content
for our social media campaigns.

4. Write Copy:
Definition: To write copy means to create written content specifically for
advertising or promotional purposes.

Sample Sentences:

a. The marketing team assigned me the task of writing copy for the new
product brochure.
b. As a copywriter, my job involves writing persuasive copy that drives
sales and engages the target audience.

5. Brand:

Definition: A brand is a unique name, design, symbol, or combination

thereof that represents a product, service, or company and differentiates it
from competitors.

Sample Sentences:

a. Apple is a well-known brand recognized for its innovative technology

b. The company invested heavily in building a strong brand identity
through consistent messaging and quality products.

6. Logo:

Definition: A logo is a visual representation, typically a symbol or a

graphic element, that represents a brand or company.

Sample Sentences:

a. The company's logo features a stylized bird, which has become

synonymous with their brand.
b. The logo design received positive feedback for its simplicity and
ability to convey the company's values.

7. Slogan/Tagline:

Definition: A slogan or tagline is a short and memorable phrase that

accompanies a brand or product to communicate its unique selling
proposition or key message.
Sample Sentences:

a. Nike's famous slogan "Just Do It" has become synonymous with their
brand and inspires people to push their limits.
b. The company introduced a new tagline to emphasize their
commitment to sustainability: "Live Green, Live Better."

8. Unique Selling Point/USP:

Definition: Unique Selling Point (USP) refers to the distinct and

compelling feature or benefit that sets a product, service, or brand apart
from competitors in the market.

Sample Sentences:

a. The USP of our new smartphone is its long-lasting battery life, which
outperforms other devices in its category.
b. The company's USP lies in its eco-friendly packaging, providing
customers with a greener choice.

9. Promote:

Definition: To promote means to raise awareness, generate interest, and

encourage the use or purchase of a product, service, or brand through
various marketing and advertising activities.

Sample Sentences:

a. The marketing team developed a comprehensive campaign to

promote the launch of the new fashion collection.
b. Our company is using social media platforms to promote our latest
discounts and special offers.

10. Publicity:

Definition: Publicity refers to the attention and coverage gained for a

product, service, or brand through media channels or other promotional

Sample Sentences:
a. The new restaurant received significant publicity after being featured
in a popular food magazine.
b. The company's PR team worked tirelessly to generate positive
publicity for the charity event.

11. Press Release:

Definition: A press release is an official statement or announcement

issued by a company or organization to the media with the aim of
providing news or information about a particular event, product launch,
or other newsworthy developments.

Sample Sentences:

a. The company sent out a press release to announce its expansion into
international markets.
b. The press release highlighted the key features of the new software
update and its benefits to users.

12. Door-to-Door Sales:

Definition: Door-to-door sales refers to the practice of selling products or

services by personally visiting potential customers at their homes or

Sample Sentences:

a. The company trained a team of sales representatives for door-to-door

sales of their new line of cleaning products.
b. Door-to-door sales can be an effective strategy for reaching customers
in local communities.

13. Poster:

Definition: A poster is a visual graphic or printed notice that displays

information, advertising content, or artwork for promotional or
informative purposes.

Sample Sentences:

a. The concert poster displayed the date, venue, and lineup of the
upcoming music event.
b. The travel agency put up colorful posters around town to promote
their vacation packages.

14. Billboard:

Definition: A billboard is a large outdoor advertising structure, typically

located alongside highways, roads, or in urban areas, used to display
advertisements to a wide audience.

Sample Sentences:

a. The billboard showcased a striking image of the new car model with
the brand's logo and slogan.
b. The company invested in a series of billboards strategically placed
across the city to maximize visibility.

15. Sponsor:

Definition: A sponsor is an individual, organization, or company that

provides financial or other support to an event, activity, or cause in
exchange for advertising or promotional benefits.

Sample Sentences:

a. The sports team secured a sponsor to cover their uniforms and

equipment expenses.
b. The music festival attracted several sponsors who benefited from
exposure to a large audience.

16. Merchandise:

Definition: Merchandise refers to goods or products available for sale,

typically associated with a particular brand, company, or event.

Sample Sentences:

a. The merchandise table at the concert offered a variety of T-shirts,

CDs, and posters featuring the artist.
b. The company launched a new line of branded merchandise, including
hats, mugs, and backpacks.

17. Consumer:
Definition: A consumer is an individual who purchases or uses goods or
services for personal use, typically as the end-user of a product or service.

Sample Sentences:

a. The company conducted market research to better understand

consumer preferences and needs.
b. Consumers can choose from a wide range of options when shopping

18. Market Research:

Definition: Market research involves the collection and analysis of data

and information about consumers, competitors, and market trends to
make informed business decisions and develop effective marketing

Sample Sentences:

a. The company hired a market research firm to conduct surveys and

gather insights about customer satisfaction.
b. Market research revealed a gap in the market for affordable and eco-
friendly household products.

19. Sales Pitch:

Definition: A sales pitch is a persuasive presentation or conversation

used by salespeople to promote a product or service and convince
potential customers to make a purchase.

Sample Sentences:

a. The sales representative delivered a compelling sales pitch

highlighting the unique features and benefits of the software.
b. The entrepreneur practiced her sales pitch before approaching
potential investors for funding.

20. Free Sample:

Definition: A free sample is a small portion or trial version of a product
given to consumers at no cost to encourage them to try the product and
potentially make a purchase.

Sample Sentences:

a. The company offered free samples of their new skincare product to

generate buzz and gather feedback from customers.
b. By giving out free samples of the energy drink, the brand aimed to
increase brand awareness and attract new customers.

21. Special Offer:

Definition: A special offer refers to a temporary promotion or deal that

provides customers with discounts, incentives, or added value for
purchasing a product or service.

Sample Sentences:

a. The store advertised a special offer of "Buy One, Get One Free" on
select clothing items.
b. The hotel introduced a special offer of discounted room rates during
the holiday season.

22. Leaflet/Flyer:

Definition: A leaflet or flyer is a printed promotional document

containing information about a product, service, event, or cause, often
distributed by hand or through direct mail.

Sample Sentences:

a. The local bakery handed out leaflets to passersby, promoting their

daily specials.
b. The charity organization printed flyers to raise awareness about their
upcoming fundraising event.

23. Direct Mail:

Definition: Direct mail refers to advertising or promotional materials,

such as letters, brochures, or postcards, sent directly to potential
customers' physical mailboxes.
Sample Sentences:

a. The company launched a direct mail campaign targeting specific

neighborhoods with personalized offers and coupons.
b. The direct mail piece included a compelling call-to-action to
encourage recipients to visit the new store location.

24. Coupons:

Definition: Coupons are vouchers or codes that offer discounts or special

deals on purchases, typically used by customers at the time of checkout.

Sample Sentences:

a. The grocery store accepted both digital and paper coupons to provide
savings to customers.
b. The online retailer offered a 20% off coupon for first-time customers.

25. Online Marketing:

Definition: Online marketing refers to the various strategies and

techniques used to promote products, services, or brands through internet-
based platforms and channels.

Sample Sentences:

a. The company allocated a significant portion of its marketing budget

to online marketing campaigns, including social media advertising
and search engine optimization.
b. Online marketing allows businesses to reach a global audience and
track the effectiveness of their campaigns more accurately.

26. Online Survey:

Definition: An online survey is a data collection method conducted

through web-based questionnaires or forms to gather information and
opinions from participants on specific topics or research objectives.

Sample Sentences:
a. The company conducted an online survey to gather feedback from
customers about their satisfaction with the recent service
b. Participants were invited to take an online survey to provide insights
on their online shopping habits and preferences.

27. Social Media:

Definition: Social media refers to internet-based platforms and websites

that allow users to create, share, and interact with content, as well as
connect with others in virtual communities.

Sample Sentences:

a. The company maintains an active presence on various social media

platforms to engage with customers and build brand loyalty.
b. Social media has become a powerful tool for businesses to reach and
engage with their target audience.

28. Word of Mouth:

Definition: Word of mouth refers to the spread of information,

recommendations, or opinions about a product, service, or brand through
interpersonal communication between individuals.

Sample Sentences:

a. The restaurant gained popularity through positive word of mouth as

satisfied customers recommended it to their friends and family.
b. The new smartphone generated buzz through word of mouth as tech
enthusiasts praised its innovative features.

29. Television Advertising:

Definition: Television advertising involves promoting products, services,

or brands through commercial messages aired on television networks or

Sample Sentences:

a. The company invested a significant portion of its advertising budget

in television advertising during prime time slots.
b. The television advertising campaign reached a wide audience and
significantly increased brand awareness.

30. Radio Advertising:

Definition: Radio advertising refers to promoting products, services, or

brands through commercial messages aired on radio stations.

Sample Sentences:

a. The local car dealership used radio advertising to announce their

limited-time sale and attract potential buyers.
b. The radio advertising campaign featured catchy jingles and engaging
storytelling to capture listeners' attention.

31. Telemarketing:

Definition: Telemarketing is a marketing technique that involves making

telephone calls to potential customers to promote products, services, or
generate leads.

Sample Sentences:

a. The insurance company hired a team of telemarketers to contact

potential clients and offer them personalized insurance quotes.
b. Telemarketing has become less popular due to increasing regulations
and consumer preferences for alternative marketing channels.

32. Small Ads/Personal Ads:

Definition: Small ads or personal ads are short advertisements placed in

newspapers, magazines, or online platforms by individuals seeking to buy
or sell goods, find employment, or form personal connections.

Sample Sentences:

a. The local newspaper's classified section features small ads for used
cars, furniture, and job listings.
b. She posted a personal ad online, hoping to find a compatible partner
for a long-term relationship.

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