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MONSTER INTEGRATION Grim Battlefield 11 Chapter 340 Fort Cavendish

It’s a City! That is the first thought as it looked quite big even thousands of meters high. I thought fort
Cavendish would be an outpost, I did not expect it to be a city. Few minutes after that, I felt the airship
descend and as the airship came closer to the Ground, I got a good look at the city below. This city seemed
no different than any other city. In the center of the city, there seemed to be a mile-long structure that looked
similar to that of old era forts I’ve seen in the movies. That Gigantic fort is situated in the center of the city and
around it, the city is established. There seemed to be hundreds of Airships of various sizes that could be seen
coming and going through the fort and our Airship was likely to be docked at the Airbase of that Giant fort as
well. Seech! Our airship finally landed on the Airbase seeing that I got out of my suite. When I entered the
Great hall, I saw many people exiting the Airship through the various exits in neatlines. Ting! I also stepped
into the line and as I got out of Airship, a mail notification rang out in my holowatch. It is from Fort Cavendish,
it documents information on Grimm battlefield and Fort cavendish. The document is quite large but I have no
choice but to read it since I have no idea what to do next. I sat on the empty chair and started to read it, like
other people who had an exit out of the airship. As I read, I got more surprised and sometimes shocked by the
information written here.It took me a little more than two hours to read the full document but after finishing it I
got a basic understanding of how things work here. Fort Cavendish is one of the many outposts of Grimm
Battlefield 11, it is also the place which is situated at the boundary of the Grimm battlefield that is why it’s best
the place for rookies. There is no restriction in the Fort Cavendish, one can stay and buy whatever they want
as long as they have enough merit points. Merit Points are the currency in the Grimm Battlefields which
one can earn by hunting the Grimm Race. We as newly arrived rookies did not have any merit points but we
can make a one-time exchange with credits. Fort will give us 10,000 merit points for 10 Million Westblood
credits, this exchange rate can only be allowed only one time, after that, one will have to earn the merit
points either hunting Grimm race or in other ways. There is a very close and strict network across all
Grimm Battlefields, if I have to contact family or friends then one has to go to the communication points, where
all my calls will be monitored so no one could not leak any info related to the Grimm Battlefield. The hunting
system of Fort Cavendish seems a lot similar to that of westblood city, there is a free lease on hunting,
one can go out for any time they want. The only difference between them is that it is very very dangerous
after one leaves the city and this time their hunting target is not some dumb monster species with the same
level of intelligence as themselves. One small mistake on their part could make them lose their life, one has to
be very careful once they step out of the city gates. That is why most of the people hunt in a group, they form
a party whenever they go out and in the documents, It cautioned the rookies especially that they became part
of Party. All fourteen battlefields are controlled by the people of the central continent through Adventurers
Paradise and it is written that people that fought in the Grimm Battlefield 1 to 3 exclusively come from the
central continent. If we locals of this continent want to fight there then one has to be extremely powerful, only
then one will have a chance to enter Grimm Battlefield No 1 to 3. The last and most important point in the
document is Grimm Race, the document has given quite a detailed description of them.

MONSTER INTEGRATION Chapter 341 Fort Cavendish II

When I first looked at the projection of Grimm Race, I wondered if I had been seeing bipedal monsters or not.
Because the Grimm Race looked eerily similar to that of Bipedal monsters, at first it was theorized that Grimm
race is likely to evolve from the monster race but after extensive research of thousands of years, it is found that
Grimm Race is completely different that of monster race. There may be many similarities between them and
Dark energy of Grimm race affect monsters both physically and mentally but still, monster race and Grimm
Race are different but they are still called monsters because of how cruel and Ruthless they are. The Grimm
race monsters look like Bipedal monsters are intelligent as humans using different types of artifacts like us.
There is no fixed size of them, they come in every size and many of them can increase their size depending on
their power level, it is different from ours. Their power practice started from Stage 1 which is equal stage
Corporal stage, Stage 2 equal to the lieutenant stage, Stage 3 Colonel Stage, Stage 4 is Equal to Marshal
stage. Like us humans, there are many Grimm race monsters that we’re able to fight beyond the level and
they also have something that gives them a boost akin to Rule power that gives us.
These stages of Grimm Race powerhouses found around in the range Grimm Battlefield and around fort
Cavendish, there are also some Stage 5 as they are way more powerful than the other four stages, at Stage 5
they got qualitative change in their strength, just like us when we level up Marshal stage to completely different
stage. After reading everything, I go to the small covering booth which is set up for the rookies to convert their
credits into merit points. After converting 10 Million credits into 1000 Merit points, I called the hovercar to take
me to the place where I will be staying. I had already booked a good apartment for 1000 merit points, it may
not be as good as my previous apartment but it still looked quite good through the photos. The hovercar here
is different from what we have in the Westblood, all of them are military graded for the maximum defense and
speed but I ordered it run at its slowest speed, so I could take a look at this outpost properly. As the hover car
sped by, I got my first ever glimpse of the city and with one look, I could tell that Fort Cavendish is way different
from the Westblood. Westblood city, despite being a city of adventurers gives a feeling of the normal city
where people wear whatever they want and do whatever they want but here is completely different. 50% of the
people walking on the street are wearing full battle gear from armor to boots and weapons hanging on their
bodies. It looks like they are either going for battle or coming back from it. The other 50% are wearing serious
clothes, like combat boots and a leather jacket and from their attitude, it looks like they are ready to fight any
second. One special thing I noticed is that the people here have weapons hanging by their waists or on their
back. Swords, axes, War hammers, Saber, Gauntlets, and having a weapon on the body seemed to be in
fashion here. One more interesting thing I notice about weapons that people carry is that all of them are Totem
Artifacts. These are not the Totem artifact they had brought but created themselves, one can create a Totem
artifact of their own after they reached the Lieutenant stage. 99.99% of people here are above the lieutenant
stage and are above twenty years old, we are those who came from republics are different. Normally to come
to The Grimm Battlefield, one has to be a super-elite of Captain stage or at Major stage but now we came here
with the exception, the Rule power. With us comprehending the Rule power, our power had reached the
minimum threshold to participate in the Grimm Battlefield. There is a whole fighting atmosphere in the city and
it could be seen with architecture here. The buildings here are tough-looking, very few delicate and beautiful
buildings could be seen here, even if those delicate and beautiful looking buildings have a fighting aura about
them. Like these Silver Butterfly Guild buildings, their building looked extremely delicate and beautiful with
small and big statues of beautiful silver butterflies placed all over. At one look the butterflies statues looked
very beautiful, all silver and pretty but if one took a closer look, they will find that wings of butterfly statues are
extremely sharp and their eyes are very ferocious filled with fighting intents that made one feel as if he was not
looking at statues but a real Silver Butterfly. Whoever carved these statues must be a master, normal
sculptors can’t do what he has done. I thought I was looking at these statues from afar as I am in the hovercar.
If Micheal would have seen it from near, he would have definitely been able to sense the Rule power from
those statues. I spotted many guilds building through the Hover Cars, first when I read about them in the
document, I did not put much thoughts on it thinking they are only gimmicks of Grimm Battlefield and would not
have as much influence as the documents had stated but now looking at near hundreds guilds building I am
seeing through the window of my hover car, I am started to think they are a bigger deal than I had previously
thought. The Guilds are only special to the Grimm Battlefields, they have mostly formed by a group of powerful
people. They can be said to be mini organizations of the Grimm Battlefield, Guilds are the places where one
will get safety, intelligence, and people to do missions together. More than 90% of the people fighting in the
Grimm Battlefield are affiliated to Guilds as with guild behind your back, hunting became quite easy as you not
only have a vast intelligence network of Guild but will also have comrades to do missions together. I also
thought of joining the Guild at some point in this week but now I have to do it sooner. There are thousands of
Guilds in the Fort Cavendish, it is said that as long as one pays the fees and is at the General stage, they can
create the guilds and that is why there are so many of them. The Guilds are divided into four classes across
Grimm Battlefield and what class they define their power. A, B, C and S, C Class is the lowest Class while S is
the Highest Class. Most of the guilds are fits into the C Class, they have average fighting power and their
members are a mediocre category, nearly 80% Guilds out there are fits in C Class but C Class guilds are also
guilds which boost greatest numbers, the members of the other three, the B Class Guilds are more powerful
than the C Class guilds, one B Class guild could easily crush tens of C Class guilds. The A-Class guilds are
elite guilds, they are very powerful and there are not more than fifty A-Class guilds in the Fort Cavendish but
despite their small numbers, they have the power to crush all the B and C Class guilds, that is how powerful
they are.


The last is the S Class Guilds, they are on a completely different level compared to the other three Classes of
Guilds. If there were a comparison then other classes of Guilds are normal evolvers then S Class Guilds are
Super Elites, each member of S Class guilds are force itself, they are killing machines when they are
hunting. Due to them being so exceptional, these guilds have fewest members compared to other guilds and
also have the fewest number of themselves. In the fort Cavendish, there are only five S Class Guilds in
Fort Cavendish and that Guild Silver Butterfly also is the S Class guild. It will be impossible for me to join
Butterfly no matter how much I try, Silver Butterfly as it only accepts female members. Soon my hover car
stopped in front of the huge concrete square building. I got out of the car and walked into the apartment
building. As I got into the lobby, I found it became a little silent all of a sudden and I became the object of
many gazes. Some were of wonder and confusion while others were surprised and jealous. I could understand
their emotions, if I were at their place, I would likely feel the same as them. All the people here looked twenty-
five years and above and have the power of Captain stage at minimum, with them seeing an 16-year boy with
Sergeant stage power is a rare sight. Ignoring their gazes, I board the elevator for my apartment. Soon the
elevator reached the 22nd floor and I walked out. Finding my apartment, I opened its door through my
holowatch. The apartment is exactly the same as the pictures I have seen. It has one hall, one-bedroom, and
a kitchen and has all the basic necessities that one will need. It is quite good for the single person to live. The
only flaw of this apartment is that this apartment is not on the prime spot, and is a little away from the important
areas of Fort Cavendish. The best area in the Fort Cavendish is near the Fort Cavendish which was the Giant
Fort which I’ve seen from the above, from which this outpost is named. The area near fort cavendish is the
prime location of this outpost but the prices of the apartments there are insanely expensive, they are so
expensive that I can’t even afford a shoebox-size apartment near that area. The next most expensive
locations are near Famous Guilds and Adventurers Paradise buildings that are found all over this outpost.
Still, this apartment is not bad to live inside it for a month and If I am lucky this month then I will have enough
merit points that I will be able to move to a better place next month. I have a rough idea of what I have done
reading the document that Fort Cavendish has provided but I still won’t hear the conversation and ask around,
so I will not make any mistakes that rookies do when they arrive at a new place like this. The apartment feels
cold and empty as long as it does not have your personal things. Without wasting any time, I started to take out
my things to put in the apartment. I put my clothes in the wardrobe, I also placed Ashlyn's favorite chair on the
balcony in which she likes to rest and many other things. Two hours later, the cold and detached apartment
became warm and cozy. After changing into clothes that suit this city's style, I hung the sword to my waist and
walked out of my apartment. This time I also received numerous gazes but like last time, I did not mind them
and walked out of my apartment building. In a place like Fort Cavendish or any other place, if you want to
meet new people and want to know about current affairs then Bar’s is the best place. Adventure Paradise also
does that job but they are not as good as Bar’s and I am already walking toward one of the good bars in my
area. The only problem is that there are two hours till evening, the bars would not be full at this time, if I had
come two hours later I would have found jammed packed bars without a question but I was so excited to go out
that I didn’t want to wait for two hours. After walking for half an hour while receiving numerous gazes on the
way, I had arrived at one of the most famous bars in my area and when I opened the door, I came across a
nearly-full bar with barely any seats left. This bar is a tavern-style bar which seemed to be a popular style of
bars when I was searching for the right bar earlier, I found most of them are in tavern style. I sat on the empty
table which was for three people and ordered two drinks, one for me and another for Ashlyn. Thank god, there
was a low alcohol content drink in the bar otherwise I would have had to order a normal drink which would
have made me angrier at me. "Aww, what a cute little bird." I had just taken a sip out of my drink and started
to listen to a conversation about me when I heard the voice and the next second I found a fair white hand
petting Ashlyn lovingly. Ashlyn did not even react to seeing someone petting her, she has gotten used to
people petting her. Whenever we go out, someone always comes wanting to pet Ashlyn, most of the time
these people are little gills who got fascinated by Ashlyn shiny silver fur and her cute chubby little size but
sometimes adults also pet her like this girl in front of me. I was surprised when I looked at the girl in front of
me as I did not expect to find a girl the same age as me in this bar. Although there were many people of my
age who came to Fort Cavendish with me, fort cavendish is quite big and I did not expect to run across each
"Can we sit here?" I heard another voice, only to see a handsome boy about the same age as me in front of
me, standing beside the girl who is still busy petting an unresponsive Ashlyn. I nodded and both of them sat
opposite of me. "You have such a pretty monster, I wish my Celina was this pretty and cuddly." said the girl
with slight sadness as she looked at Ashlyn lodging. "Are you one of the people that came from Castellan
today?" asked handsome boy a question, I was surprised by his question as I was under the impression that
they also came from republic seeing how both of them are the same age as me and are at Peak Master stage,
as only those who comprehended the Rule could come to Grimm battlefield if they are below captain stage.
"Are you not from the republic?" I asked in surprise, "No, we are not. We were just lucky to comprehend Rule
power by chance and came here." he said casually which really shocked me.

MONSTER INTEGRATION Chapter 343 Combat Score

I was a little shocked by his revelation. I thought all the people that had comprehended the Rule power and are
below Captain stage came from the Republic but look like we are not the only lucky ones who got the chance
of their life, there are other people also. "When did you come to Fort Cavendish?" I asked, feeling curious,
"Oh, we came six months ago." replied the handsome boy. "How rude of us, we sat on your table and hadn’t
introduced ourselves!" said the girl who was petting Ashlyn a few seconds ago. "I am Ruby and this fellow
here is Seth, and we are from Ardeia." said Ruby as she introduced herself, "We are neighbors then!" I said
with a laugh as the Republic and Ardeia are neighboring countries. "You guys from castellan are really lucky
to comprehend Rule from Awakening Ground, here everyone has to pay a shitload of Merit points if they want
to comprehend Rule power," Ruby said as he looked around the bar where many people looking at us with
envious gazes. "You can comprehend Rule power here?" I asked in surprise, I had guessed in the place like
Grimm Battlefield there would be facilities that help people comprehend the Rule but I did not expect it to have
it in the Fort Cavendish as it just outpost of Grimm Battlefield 11, not one of the important battlefronts and there
is no mention of it in the introductory document that provided to us by Fort Cavendish. "Yeah, Fort Cavendish
has a Rule palace but it costs one shitload of Merit points if one has to do that." "We were quite lucky to get a
chance to comprehend Rule power without paying anything, these people have to work hard for at least a year
before they could amass enough Merit points to enter the Rule palace," said Seth as he looked at the people
sitting on the bar. I could only nod to that, I don’t know how much merit points needed to enter the Rule palace
of Fort Cavendish but it is huge to make Captain evolver work hard for a year to amass them. "Have you guys
joined the Guild?" I asked the question that I had been wanting to ask for quite a while. Hearing my question,
their faces lit up like a lightbulb and a look of pride had appeared on their faces. "Of course we joined the
guild, we joined the very week we landed in the fort Cavendish," said Seth laughingly. "If you don’t mind me
asking, which one is it?" I asked, before coming to the bar, I had read about all the A, B and S Class guilds of
fort Cavendish. "It’s Black Thunder." both of them said in unison and the look of pride couldn’t be more
apparent on their faces. As they said the name of their guild, I started to remember details of the guild that I
read less than an hour ago. "Our guild is A-Class guild and counted in top 10 A class guilds in the Cavendish
City and our guild is also an official subsidiary of Raging Thunder, the S Class guild in the Fort Cavendish."
informed set in a sort of bragging voice. His voice is also pitched louder as if he wanted to let the whole bar
know that he was from Black Thunder. His loud voice got the intended effect and many people in the bar
looked at him enviously, a trace of lodging could be seen in their eyes as they looked at black lightning bolt
badge on Seth and Ruby’s chest. I have noticed many people wearing badges in their chests, these batches
seem to be a representation of their guilds. "Micheal, seeing how we hit it off, I can refer you to my Guild but
to get in you will have to have a combat score of 1000 at least." Combat Score, this is a special term of Grimm
Battlefield which is used to measure combat power. I did not understand this term properly when I read it the
first time in the introductory document but after talking with Seth, I understood it properly. In the Grimm
Battlefield, one’s level is not the correct way to measure combat power as most of the people here have Rule
power, so they have a combat score which shows the real power of one. It may not be a perfect way to
measure up but it is way more accurate than the conventional method. "So, Micheal, when do you plan to
measure your combat score?" Asked Seth, "Tomorrow." I replied straightforwardly. There is no going ahead
without measuring up the combat score, it is a must for joining the guilds as every guild demands a certain
combat score to become their member. "Do you guys know the combat score requirement of Guilds?" I
asked, "Of course, we know," said Seth, excited to share his knowledge. "To join a C Class guild, you won’t
even have to submit your Combat score to them, they will take you in knowing enough that you have Rule
power," Seth said. "As for B Class guides they require a combat score of 500 or above, it goes higher
depending upon how powerful that guild is." "A Class Guild will require a minimum Combat score of 1000 but
that is for normal people as some A-Class guilds will make a compromise for people like us who had
comprehended Rule power at such a young age." "If you want to join our Guild Black Thunder, you will at
least need more than 1300 points, their requirement could be lessened 10 to 20 points if you have a
recommendation, if you manage to get recommendation from high-level member of Guild them a requirement
could be lessened to 100 points maximum," Seth said. "What about the requirements of the S Class Guild?" I
asked when he didn’t say anything about it. "Hehehe S Class guild." Seth laughed weirdly.
"Everyone who was able to enter the S Class guild are demons, there is no requirement to join the S Class
Guild but if one wants to join it then one will need to have combat score 4000 at least and that is just to apply in
it and most of the people who apply to them got rejected." "As I’ve said, S class guilds do not accept normal
people, they only accept demons or those who have potential to become one," Seth said with a mirthless
laugh. Combat Score of 4000, I don’t have any idea how much that is but seeing how handsome the face of
Seth contorted into something ugly, it really must be huge and all that huge score is enough to make an
application and not acceptable, that is really tells something. I couldn’t help but wonder what my combat score
would be. "If you guys don’t mind, can you tell me what your combat score was when you first joined the
guild?" I did not ask what their current Combat Score is that would be too much, I am only asking their
Combat Score which they used to apply for their guild. They both stood silent for a while, seeing their silence I
was prepared to apologize as it may seem too much but before I could speak, Seth replied for my question.
"When I first time measured my Combat Score it was 1368, Ruby’s was a little higher than mine, hers was
1452," replied Seth with the same prideful smile as he was proud of his score.

MONSTER INTEGRATION Chapter 344 Changing Holowatch

I could only nod as I did not have any idea how much power this combat score would amount to, I was only
able to make a comparison when I measure my combat score tomorrow. "Do you guys have any tips for
measuring combat score?" I asked, hoping to glean some tips that could help to get more combat scores
when I measure it tomorrow. "No tips are useful when measuring the Combat Score, still I will tell you what it
entails!" said Ruby while shaking her head. Next few minutes she told me what I should expect when I
measure my combat score tomorrow, hearing that I couldn’t help but frown as this seems very simple.
"Isn’t this very simple, how can they measure one combat power through this simple method!" I asked.
I thought there would be some complicated set of procedures to measure the combat score but what Ruby told
me all I have to fight an android. "It is not as simple as you think, you will understand it when you fight it
tomorrow," Ruby said with a smile. Next hour we kept talking about many other things, some of them were
really out of my expectations, by then I left the bar, most of the questions I had in my mind got cleared.
We exchanged our numbers and Seth again reminded me if I was able to reach 1300 or above, I should call
him for recommendation So that I will have an easier time in getting into his Guild. When I reached my
apartment half an hour later, it was already late evening and it was time for my dinner. I did not order food
from outside, instead chose to cook it myself seeing I want to save as much as merit points for other things and
another reason is food is little more expensive here than the republic as most of the monster meat got imported
from outside as monsters are scarce in the Grimm battlefield. The dinner became ready within an hour and it
was very delicious as all the ingredients I used to make it are from the central continent. After the dinner, I
picked Ashlyn who was lying down on her stomach and placed her on her favorite chair on the balcony while I
sat on the chair beside her as I surfed the net. The web on Grimm battlefield is very closed, it’s completely
disconnected from the outside. The only good thing about it is that it connected with all the Grimm battlefields.
There is only one social network in which is from Adventures paradise on which I have only two friends which
are Ruby and Seth. There may be other dark networks but I don’t know about them yet seeing I have arrived
in the Grimm Battlefield just today. As I was searching the net, I found that for rookies getting Combat Score
more than 1000 at their first try is very hard, only those extremely talented could score that. No wonder that
Seth seemed very proud when he told me his Combat Score and how he was able to get into the A-Class
Guild directly. I kept surfing the net till late night, reading about everything I needed to know about the Combat
Score test which I was giving today. I didn’t want to make any mistakes as it is my combat score which will
decide what type Guild I will be eligible for. The Guild I am rooting for is S Class guild but if I did not get into
the S Class Guild then I want to get into the Top A Class guild at least. Seeing it was quite late, I closed the
net and went to my bedroom to sleep. It was 8 when I woke up, normally I woke up quite early but sleeping
late makes me wake up late. After taking a shower and eating leftovers from last night, I got out of my
apartment with a clear destination in my mind. I am going to the adventure paradise, in Grimm Battlefield one
can measure up his combat score in nearly any adventure paradise building as long as they pay with thousand
merit points. It was a good thing that for rookies the first chance is free, I won’t have to pay anything to
measure my combat score for the first time. I called the hovercar to take me to the Adventurers Paradise,
there is an adventurers Paradise branch in every area of Fort Cavendish but one’s that have facilities to
measure Combat Score could only be found in the central area of the Fort Cavendish. With the hovercar, It
took me fifteen minutes to reach my destination. Getting out of hover car, I walked into a huge Adventurers
Paradise building, this is the biggest adventure Paradise building I’ve ever seen, it is at least five times bigger
than the one in the westblood. As I enter inside it, I’ve come across the scene of numerous screen projections
all over the hall, it’s just that the content on the screen is a little different. Most of the screens are occupied
with jobs related to Grimm Race monsters while the rest of the jobs are about the things they need from
outside. The outside area is a treasure trove, the dark energy released through the space cracks produced
many precious treasures that are in very high demand that one would get a high price from them. Taking a
brief look at the screen, I walk toward the information counter, before going to measure my Combat Score, I
have one important thing to do. "Hello, where can I replace my holowatch?" I asked the pretty clerk who was
behind the information counter. "Go to the third floor, where you can ask any person there to change your
holowatch," she replied with a professional smile. "Thank You," I said and walked toward the elevator.
This is the holowatch I have had since I was fifteen. It was issued from my school, it is still working properly but
signs of tears could be seen. I wanted to replace it westblood but I somehow forgot to do that whenever I
visited the adventurers Paradise but this time I have no choice but to change it. This basic model Holowatch
won't be able to survive Grimm Battlefield and I have received notification yesterday that if I do not replace my
Holowatch within a month, it will stop working after that. "Hello, I want to change my holowatch," I said to the
male clerk on the third floor. I would have asked the pretty female clerks but all of them are busy. The male
clerk nodded and tapped a few buttons on the counter and the next second twenty-two different types of holo
watches projected in front of me. All of them offer different specifications, the only common thing about them is
that all of them are way better than holowatch. The price of them are starting from three hundred credits to fifty
thousand credits and all of them come with different types of variations. After looking at them for fifteen
minutes, comparing their specifications I finally chose the holowatch which had put a large dent in my finances.
"Please place your holowatch here." the clerk said motioning toward the counter, I nodded and removed my
holowatch from my left hand and placed it on the counter. As I placed my holowatch on the counter, the
counter became like mud for a second and sucked my holowatch right in. I was quite surprised to see that
happening but the next moment a deep purple holowatch appeared from the counter, the same way my old
holowatch sucked in. "Here’s your new Holowatch, it has all your previous data." said the clerk, I nodded and
picked up my new holowatch excitedly. It is a deep purple in color and a little bigger but lighter than my old
holowatch. It looked quite striking with four projections crystallized installed in four sides which will make
seeing projections more clear than my previous holowatch which had only one projection crystal embedded
inside it. "Thank you!" I said as I left the counter after checking everything was right with my holowatch.
Now that I did all the miscellaneous stuff, it is time to do the thing, I have come here. Going back to the 1st
floor, I walked toward the different groups of the elevator and boarded one of them. These elevators are
special, instead of going up they go down. In this adventurers paradise, facilities that measure Combat Score
are built underground. I scanned my holowatch to the elevator and it started to take me down, a few seconds
later it finally stopped and I got out of it. As I got out of the elevator, I saw a big hall from me which had doors
at every corner of it. People could be seen coming and going out of it. They entered those doors with an
excited and enthusiastic mood but when they came back, they came utterly battered. There are sixteen doors
on this floor, those doors lead to a chamber where combat score is measured. My luck is quite good that
several chambers are opened, seeing that I quickly wore the artifacts that I wasn’t wearing. Ruby said it didn’t
matter how many artifacts I wore, they will have no effect on my combat score. There are high-level sensors in
the chamber which can accurately distinguish between the power of self and the power of artifacts. After
wearing all the artifacts, I walked toward one of the unoccupied doors Ting! With the soft bell, the door to the
chamber opened as I scanned my holowatch to the door. As the door opened, I walked into the chamber.
As I took steps inside the chamber, I found it quite big. It is big enough that I will not face the necessity of the
space when fighting inside it. It was all stark white and empty, except for the whiteness of the space nothing
could be seen, the door which I came from also became white, if not for seeing a black handle, I would have
definitely thought that the door had disappeared. As I was wondering where the opponent I would be fighting,
a big hole opened and from it, a four-meter Metallic creature came out. This creature really surprised me. I
was expecting to fight an android but what appeared in front of me was a weird Robot. At one glance, it looked
like a treant but when one really looked at it, one would find not only it had long metallic wires as vines, it also
had muscled hands and feet. This creature simply looks like a fusion of man and treant made of metal and
fighting it is not only going to be a physical but psychological challenge also. Fighting is going to be hard
especially in a confined space like this chamber, if I did not guess wrong then this robot not only can launch
long and mid-range attacks through its metallic vines but it can also perform short-range attacks.
The Fight Will Start In Minutes Time, All Challengers Have To Do Is Survive As Fighter No. 565 Strength Will
Increase 25% Every Minute. A metallic voice rang out while a projection of a digital clock appeared in the
center of the room. I was not surprised to hear the announcement as Ruby and Seth had told me about it.
The only surprise is the fighter robot which is different in every fight, ruby said the first fighter she had fought to
measure her Combat Score was Giant Humanoid which was able to shoot energy beams. From them, both
told me and what I found through the web, in the combat score measurement process one will have to fight
different metallic robots, some were normal while some were downright weird but all of them had two things in
common that whatever robot they fought. First is they all are able to perform short, mid and long-range attacks
and all robot power would increase 25% every minute. They are even able to come up with a rough guess of
combat score on how much time one will be able to survive against the robot. It is said that those who are able
to fight for ten minutes will have Combat Score of around 1000 points, those who were able to fight for 20
minutes will have Combat Score of around 2000 points, those who are able to fight for 30 minutes will have
Combat Score of around 3000 and so on. Fighting every minute can give one Combat Score of around 100
points but getting it is said than done as every minute power of the robot would increase 25%. In fights like this
one can fight fine one minutes but the next minute he can get utterly beaten as strength of robot will increase
by 25%, this is the reason why 95% percent of those who measure their combat score for the first time didn’t
last for more than 5 minutes and 99.9% first-timer didn’t survive more than 10 minutes. Thirty seconds on the
timer had already passed and now there is only 30 seconds left before I have to fight this metallic giant in front
of me. In that time, I decided to observe it carefully so that I will be able to fight against it longer. It is said that
every one of these robots has the strength of Elite Marshal Stage Evolver and all of them are imported from the
Central Continent as people of our continent did not have the technique or skill to create such robots. Thirteen
years ago when the Grimm Race had launched a big attack on the fort Cavendish and manpower of the fort
was not enough to survive against them at that time, the Fort had used these robots to buy time before the
reinforcements arrived. 9,8,7. Finally, countdown inched toward 0 and I became ready to launch my attack as
it hit zero. 3, 2, 1, 0 ’Sup Sup Sup....!’ Finally, the countdown hit zero and that exact movement, vines of
Metallic wires attacked me at a very fast speed. These metallic vines are very dangerous and if they attack
normal lieutenant, stage he will find himself skewered before he could think how do defend itself from it but
unfortunately for this weird robot, this attack of his nothing in front of me, it didn’t even require for me to use my
rule power, just using half power of my strengthening skill is enough.

MONSTER INTEGRATION Chapter 350 Applying To S Class Guilds

Only three seconds remain for the 38th minute to be over and this time I have no trump card left to power up.
Currently, I am fighting the Robot with equal ground but the next minute, its power is going to increase
tremendously but I didn’t have any trump card against it. It will be a challenge just to stand in front of it for a
second much less fighting it for a few minutes but still, I am very happy seeing that. I was able to fight Robot
till 38 th minute which is very few rookies were able to do. Ting! Time ticked by and finally 39 th minute had
started, it was a good thing that second before I had put some distance between us. So, when 39 th minute
starts, it will take at least half a second for its attacks to reach me. While in that half-second time I had taken
out a shield type Totem artifact which I hadn’t used till now and also started to circulate the Supreme Combat
Exercise which I hadn’t circulated in quite a while. Zap Zap Zap..... Thud Thud… Sound of metallic vines and
robot footsteps could be heard as they came at me, their speed faster than ever before. Clank BANG!
"Fuck!" Everything happened so fast that I barely had a chance to understand myself. Before the start of 39 th
minute, I thought if not for a full minute, I would at least survive for a few seconds of 39 th minute but I was
very wrong. As the first metallic vine crashed on my shield, I received an immense shock that swept me off my
feet and made me crash on the wall of the chamber. If not for the wall becoming very soft as I crashed across
it, I am very sure now every bone in my body would have been broken and I wouldn’t be far from death.
I had just gotten off the wall wobbling when I heard Robotic voice coming from the chamber.
The battle had been over the second, I flew away like a cannonball toward the wall. The fight had been good,
my only regret is that I hadn’t been able to fight for forty minutes. With me fighting for forty minutes, there
would have been a very high chance that I would get a Combat score of 4000 points but with me lasting only
for 39 minutes, the chance of me getting Combat Score of 4000 points is low. Nothing is definite, by some
miracle I might get 4000 points, I thought hopefully but soon shook my head at my wishful thinking.
I will come to know my combat score in five minutes. At that time I should drink some potion to heal my
injuries. That last blow was quite something, I am quite injured by it despite the Robot controlling its strength
at the last moment and the wall turning fluffy at the last second to save me from injuries. ’Hah!’ I started to
feel good as the cool sensation of the healing potion started to wash over my body, starting to heal all the small
and big injuries I have received. Challenger #34363 Congratulations On Getting Combat Score 4347 "Huhn!"
The thing I was waiting to hear finally rang out but when I heard what my Combat Score is I couldn’t help but
get surprised and an involuntary sound came out of my mouth. I was pretty sure that my combat score
wouldn’t be higher than 4000 but shockingly my combat score is 4347 which is totally out of my expectations. I
even suspected I heard wrong and only became sure after reading the mail on my holowatch which showed
my combat score. I walk out of the chamber with a big excited look on my face. I am feeling very excited
having such a big combat score, with it not only I can apply for any A-Class Guild, but I can even apply to the S
class guild also and there quite a high chance that I will get accepted. S class guilds only accept the best and
rookies need a combat score of 4000 points just to apply in it, getting accepted is an entirely different thing.
Despite that, I feel that I have a very good chance to get into the S class guild and the reason for that is the
Rule power which I have. Those who come to the Grimm battlefield first time are those Captain Stage or
above and they did not have Rule power but compared to them I am different. I am just at Sergeant Stage and
also have high-level Rule power, which put me way above the normal rookies that came to the Grimm
Battlefield. After getting my combat score, I did not stay at Adventurer paradise any longer and returned back
to my apartment. I have got my Combat Score, now it is time to send the application to the guilds and I am
only going to send the application to the best guilds, which are the S class guilds. There are only five S class
guilds in Fort Cavendish which are Silver Butterfly, Raging Thunder, Black Cloud, Scythe, and Red Flag. There
is no ranking between them as all of them boost near equal power. With me having above 4000 Combat Score,
I am eligible to apply for all five S Class Guilds but I will only be able to apply to only four guilds as Silver Butter
only accepts women, as for the other four guilds they accept both men and women. Applying for the guilds is
very easy to process, I just have to log on to their site and submit my combat score and battle video from which
my Combat Score is measured. I one by one sent my application to the all S class guild, hoping to get
accepted in any of these four guilds. I think my chances of getting in the S class guild are quite high but they
are not a hundred percent, it will depend on the guild if they need me as their member. Ruby had said that
connections of these S class guilds are quite wide and they run a detailed background check on every member
they accept. I think the only weakness I have is my background, it is the only thing that could stop me from
becoming a member of the S class guild. If I had joined any organization back in the Republic, my chances to
get into the S class guild would have been even better but unfortunately, I didn’t but I didn’t regret it one bit. I
am now not a bit less than a member of the OniOrganisationy fighting prowess is equal to their best members.
I can fight Super Elite of the same grade head-on and not loose and all that without the help of Rule power. I
quickly finished by sending all four applications. I will get an answer in three days. In three days, I will know if I
get into the S Class guild or not. As for what I will do in these three days I have a pretty good idea, it’s just that
this idea is very very dangerous, especially for a rookie like me.

MONSTER INTEGRATION Chapter 351 Sardine Hills

Tomorrow I plan to head outside, normally it is advised for rookies to go outside without experienced members
but that is only applied to weak rookies who have combat scores less than 1000. I am not overconfident but
with my power, I will be safe as long as I don't venture out of a safe area. I would have not done this but I have
nothing to do for three days. I could sightsee but I can do that later also. There are many amazing things in the
city, some of which I have only heard from the mouth of those from the Awakening ground but all of them are
expensive, the few thousand merit points I have spent in just a few hours. Now that I have decided to go
outside, I should make the right preparations for that. There are many things I would need to buy before going
outside but the most important is the crystal disk, this is a must-have item that everyone needs. The cheapest
crystal disk costs 5000 merit points and that is the lowest grade Crystal disk in the market, if I would just wait
for a few days I can get a crystal disk for free and that crystal disk would have better quality than the one I am
buying. Every guild offers its members free Crystal Disk as it is an essential Item, even C Class gold offers a
better Crystal disk than the one I bought. After the crystal disk, I brought some other miscellaneous Items
which left my account with just a few hundred merit points. I hope this trip will be worth it and earn me some
merit points. After buying stuff, I started to look for an area where I am going to hunt. I didn’t have to search
very long as adventure paradise sites had listed the names of hunting grounds which are good for the Rookies
to hunt. I selected the Sardine Hill’s, it is quite a famous area amongst the strong rookies and many
experienced evolvers also hunt there. This hunting ground is a little dangerous for normal rookies but with
Ashlyn and my power combined we can manage any Grimm Race monster and if by some bad luck we come
across some strong Grimm race monster, I can definitely run away from it. The whole day passed quickly
while I am busy researching for tomorrow’s adventure, sufficient research is necessary before any big
adventure. After finishing my research, I started to perform Body Cleansing Technique which had become a
daily habit of mine. Still, I was only able to perform till the 15th pose before falling into the ground like a dead
dog and only able to get after half an hour. Ring Ring Ring..... I was woken by an alarm before dawn and I
started to prepare to leave. I had already packed everything yesterday, still I did a double count of things in
case I forgot anything. An hour later, I stood up in front of the bed, carefully looking at five totem artifacts that
were placed on it. Of the six totem artifacts, five of them are at Colonel Grade while the sixth one is Marshal, it
is a bright red sword which I got on the way to the awakening Ground. The five Colonel grade Totem Artifacts
in front of me are exchanged and brought with Jill’s help, they all are very suitable to me. As for showing such
high-level artifacts here, I am not worried about that as nearly all people here are wearing the same level of
totem artifacts as these on the bed. The only enviable thing on me is the Red sword which is a Mid-level
Marshal Grade Totem Artifact which I will not show in public, only use it when I am alone and as a weapon to
show in public, I have brought a special sword. I started to wear my artifacts one by one, Mask, Armor, Shield,
Boots and finally put a dark blue sword by my waist. Seeing everything is ready, I walk out of my apartment.
After getting out of my apartment I called the Hover car, it arrived a few minutes later and sped toward the east
gate at a swift speed. This is the fastest hover car I’ve ever sat in, even in the republic when Hovercars flying
outside the city ain’t this fast. With such speed, the hovercar took just seven minutes to reach the East Gate of
Fort Cavendish. "Holy Shit!" A curse came out of my mouth involuntarily when I looked at the East Gate. I
would have been utterly shocked seeing this gate if not for me seeing the Giant Runic Mountain back at the
awakening ground. The City Gate is a runic structure, Runes could be seen flashing on it now and then,
though the runes on it are not dense as the mountain at the Awakening ground still it is a second Runic
structure I’ve seen and it is marvelous. The things that involve Runes are very difficult to make, especially
mega projects such as these city gates. Not only is the city gate marvelous, but the giant cannons that placed
the top of it also looked even more marvelous, each cannon is ten meters long and hundreds of such cannons
are placed on the top of the wall. There are a total of four such giant gates across the city from which people
can go outside but it is not the only way I can see many people flying above it. Not everyone could fly in the
city, one needs special permission which could only be given to high-level powerhouses and off course
members of S Class guilds. Once one becomes a member of S Class Guild, he will gain permission to fly
across the city, one doesn't need to go to the City gate like normal people. People want to get into S Class
Guild like crazy, not only because they have super strong members, there are many other reasons for it.
Special privileges, access to places that one wouldn’t get normally and status of being member S Class Guild
these are also reasons why people want to become its members. If I got accepted into the S Class guild then I
also could fly over the city wall without having fear of getting shot by security cannons that are hidden in the
wall. Tens of thousands of people could be seen getting out of the wall in a second, not wasting the time I also
ran through the giant gate like them. When I got out of the other side I saw barren land, there was nothing in
front of it except for barren land. As people get out of gates, they suddenly travel toward different directions,
some choose to run on the ground while others choose to run on the air. It is as I’ve expected, from what I’ve
read thirty kilometers around the Fort Cavendish is completely barren, Grimm race monster rarely comes this
close. The real hunting starts when one goes out fifty kilometers range of Fort Cavendish. The hunting ground
I’ve chosen is sixty kilometers away from Fort Cavendish. I plan to travel by air till I reach the boundary of
barren land and then I will travel on the ground. Thinking that I took a jump in the air and ran toward the
direction of Sardine Hills.

MONSTER INTEGRATION Chapter 352 Sardine Hills II

Flying through the air, I saw many people who are going the same direction as me, they are traveling on either
ground. More than half of the people could be seen traveling in a group while those who are single are a
minority compared to them. I’ve never been a group person and always preferred to go hunting alone, it must
be due to me being a free adventurer as people from the organization have to do a certain number of missions
in the group and they seem to like working in small groups. I’ve seen very few people from the organization’s
adventure solo outside, which is mostly done by unaffiliated adventurers like me. As I was running on the air, I
saw that I was one of the slowest people here, many times faster than me, well I am not surprised to see that
as there is a vast difference between me and them. I am using low-level Knight Grade skill as I am still at
sergeant Stage while all of them are either using Mid-level or High-Level Knight grade Skills seeing they are at
captain stage or above. I have even seen some people wearing void boots and flying with their help, seeing
them I felt very envious. Void boots are crazy expensive and could only be worn by Colonel stage and above
powerhouse. The first time I have seen someone wearing Void Boots is when I am coming to westblood city’s
first time and our train is attacked by the small monster horde, At that time the people who came to rescue us
were wearing void boots. I still remember the face of a young man who saved me, he had come flying and
killed the monster who was about to take my life with a flick of his hand and flew away. I first thought they
were rescuers that westblood city had sent but much later I’ve come to know that they are people that Jim’s
parents had sent to rescue us. As I’ve said, the Void Boots are crazy expensive and could be used by Colonel
stage or above and wearing them one can fly, real fly not like us who are walking on air using the skill. Void
Boots help one fly, real fly, with it they have utter mobility, they can do whatever they want in the air without
being risk plunging in the ground which all skills have. Seeing my speed is slow and at this speed, it will take
me a lot more time to reach my destination. I decided to merge 25% of my Rule power into my skill. "Fuck!" I
said out loud as I took the step, my speed is too great. I did not expect my speed to be this fast after I merged
my Rule power into it and the worst thing is now I am crashing toward the ground. I have to quickly get control
of myself at the moment, otherwise by the speed I am going, I would fare very badly if I crashed against the
ground. ’Fuck Fuck fuck!’"Thud!" Cursing internally, I was finally somehow able to control myself and able to
land on the ground unstable. "Fuck that was close," I said as I take a couple of breath, the increase of speed
was totally out of my expectation, I thought since I am in the air by the 25% Rule power would give almost
double speed of what I get using 25% Rule power in my speed type skill but I was utterly wrong. That 25%
Rule power has given me five-time speed boots that of speed skill, that is why I caught so off guard by such
"Hehehe!" I started to experience such speed. It's not a bad thing but a very good thing, if I come across a
very dangerous Grimm Race monster or any other danger, It would really help me to run away.
Zup! I shot through the air like I was rocked as I took the jump, with 25% Rule power merged skills, I got
amazing speed. The reason for near crashing earlier was I caught off guard by such a fast speed but now I
already had experience with this ability, I was able to fly at such a fast speed. My control over such speed is
still a little shaky but I am still able to control myself in air and as time passed I got better and better control
over it. About forty-five minutes later when I reached the boundary of the barren land, I had gained quite good
control over it. "Thud!" Landing on the ground, I looked at the forest in front of me. This forest is a little
different from another forest I’ve seen. Its trees are extremely huge and bulky, one can easily carve out a few
stories building out of them. Another strange thing is that I didn’t hear monsters' sounds. This forest is nearly
devoid of monsters, all of the monsters have been the one casualty of the war between humans and the
Grimm race. Humans had barely killed any monsters, most of them killed by the Grimm race. The reason we
called Grimm Race to people a Grimm Race monster is that they are in true sense monsters, they are more
monstrous than the monsters. Grimm Race is a Gluttonous race, they will eat anything that comes into their
sight and their most favorite delicacy is humans. They eat human meat with utter relish. I don’t know if it's true
or not or Ruby and Seth just said it just to scare me, they said that one day when they were hunting with their
group, they had come across Grimm race monsters who were barbequing human bodies and taking a bite out
of their flesh now and then. Yesterday when they told me this thing, I was a hundred percent sure they were
messing with me but after I have done research, I am not sure anymore. Shaking this thought, I walked into
the forest. Sardine hills are just twenty kilometers from here. I should walk carefully now that I have entered the
forest. Walking through this eerie forest, I felt the foreign energy thickening its amount already five times
greater than the first space realm I entered. It is a good thing that energy did not affect humans and their
bonded monsters, if there is any normal monster, it will be affected by this Dark energy within days and change
will start happening to its body soon after. As I traveled through the forest, I did not see any Grimm race
monsters that I desperately wanted to see. Time passed by as I cautiously traveled through the forest and
about an hour later I spotted fish like hills from the distance. I can totally understand why this area is named
Sardine Hills. The hill ranges really look like fish, I thought when I looked at the hills. Seeing I have come
closer to the hill I started to walk faster and only slowed down when I reached the base of one of the hills.
I was just about to start walking on the front of the hill when I saw a bulky man crouching down doing
something, after looking at him for a moment I was about to walk away when I noticed something.
Ears? There were furry ears on the bulky man's head, seeing that I became vigilant and just touched my
sword when the bulky man turned his head and looked at me. What I saw next utterly shocked me as it is not
the human head but wolf head whose lips seemed to be colored with blood. "Another treat!" it said faintly
discernible human language with a fiendish smile on its face which is enough to make one’s skin crawl with
fear. It slowly stood up and turned toward me and I got a full look at the first Grimm Race monster. This
Grimm Race monster is Wolfman Tribe or us Humans werewolf all the Werewolf tribe, it one of the common
but also powerful tribes among Grimm races. It is wearing full-body leather clothes with runic armor, two axes
could be seen on its waist and it's wearing a big pendant in its neck which has a strange symbol carved on it,
likely to be a symbol of the sub tribe he belonged to. "Today my luck is very good, I had just finished lunch and
wasn’t quite satiated from it but spirits heard my wish and sent you here, so I could finally sate my hunger." It
said in a thick weird accent and that when I finally noticed its bloody fingers and broken human bones that was
when I finally understood the cruelty of the Grimm battlefield.

MONSTER INTEGRATION Chapter 353: Werewolf I

I think I have taken this Grimm battlefield too lightly. In my mind, I always thought of it as another westblood
city where I would regularly hunt monsters and earn money. I truly didn't understand the gravity of the word
"war" mentioned in the informative document I had read. It has been said that we have been at war with the
Grimm Race for thousands of years. It might not seem like it, but we are constantly fighting against them.
My mistake of assuming the Grimm race was the same as the monster race unconsciously was huge. The
Grimm race is not just a dumb monster but a race that has similar intelligence as us. Even if I don't want to, I
have to consider them equal and treat them as I would treat a powerful evolver; otherwise, I would really regret
it. The Grimm race monster in front of the Lieutenant stage, and being a werewolf tribe, it had both speed and
strength with quite high defense. The only weakness it has is that these werewolves are quick to anger, and if
agitated, they go berserk very quickly. I and Werewolf kept looking at each other quietly. I had my hand on my
sword while it also gripped the dual axes it had on its waist. The blade of the axes is still laced with blood, and
from its coppery smell, I could tell that blood was likely from the human that it had just eaten. "My lunch, do
you have any wishes about the way you want to be eaten? I personally like to eat raw, but since I am in a good
mood, I can entertain your wish." asked the werewolf in a mocking voice while licking the blood off its lips.
I grimaced a little hearing that, but soon I controlled myself and put a smile on my face. "I am also in a very
good mood, as you are going to be the first Grimm Race monster that I am going to hunt." "So, tell me, do
you have a preference for the way I cut you before I shove a crystal disk inside you?" I asked in the same
mocking tone. "You, wretched food, you dare to talk to your betters!" bellowed the werewolf, who attacked me
at a very fast speed. So, it is true. Seth had said laughingly that a slight mention of Crystal disk can make
these Grimm race monsters angry, and once you mention that you will shove Crystal disk into them, they will
go mad, especially those from the Wolfman tribe and the Lionman tribe, as they get angry very easily.
I was already prepared, and just as it attacked, my strengthening skill and speed-type skill, which were steps
away from activating, got activated, and I also incorporated 25% of my Rule into my skill. As I merged my Rule
power, the view in front of me became slightly crimson, and the werewolf that was coming at me became slow.
Not only that, I could very easily be able to feel every moment of his body and the intense emotion of killing he
is feeling toward me. This time, the rule that I've used is not the Rule of Sunfire, which I got from Ashlyn, but
the Rule of Killing, which I myself have comprehended. The Rule of Killing is the best rule for killing; there is
no other rule in the 2nd level that is better for killing than the Rule of Killing. The Rule of Killing, once used, not
only enhances one's senses but also provides offensive killing energy that, once seeped inside the opponent's
body, could not only make the opponent's healing slower but also affect one's senses and make them sluggish.
I did not move and let the werewolf come closer to me, seeing that an expression of confusion had appeared
on its face before changing to one of glee, as it probably thought I was not able to move because of its fear.
"Die!" It shouted loudly and swung both of its axes at me. I finally moved when it swung its axes at me. I
crouched down and advanced toward its left ax, which I saw slowly coming toward me. As the ax was just a
hand distance away, I slightly moved left, moved through the space of its arm, and arrived at its back before it
knew what happened. Slash! Moving to its back, I swiftly attacked its back with all of my strength. It had
noticed my attack, but it was too slow and dodged it as my sword perfectly cut through its back, drawing the
fountain of blood. Ahhhh..... It screamed loudly and swung both of its axes at its back, but by the time it did
that, I'd already moved from its axe's range. "You will pay for this wound, you wretched food!" The werewolf
bellowed loudly and again attacked me with its axes, but this time it was careful as it did not leave any loose
spaces from which I could exploit. I activated the shield on my left hand and moved it to intercept the right ax,
and I moved my sword to intercept its left ax. Clank! Clack! Both of our weapons clashed, and I felt
immense shock travel through my body, but I endured and swiftly moved my sword and slashed my sword
across its chest while it was still shocked to see I had intercepted its axes head-on. Slash! Werewolf are a
species of immense strength, so when the werewolf saw its opponent stop its blow head-on and did not take a
single step back, it was quite shocking, but he did not get a chance to mull over it as it felt sharp pain across its
chest. When it looked down, it saw a long, bloody slash across its chest. Blood could be seen coming from it
in large quantities, and when it noticed that a wound on its back that should have been healed due to its rapid
regeneration was still bleeding, "Rule power!" It said out loud in astonishment that a slight fear had appeared
on its face before it had hidden it quickly. "Oh, you only noticed now!" I replied sarcastically and slashed my
sword across its neck. Clank! "Hehe!" This time it was able to stop my sword, but I already expected it,
seeing as it became vigilant knowing I have the Rule power, and that is why I slightly flicked my wrist and
released the deadlock of its axes and moved toward its face. Pachac! Fuck it missed! I cursed. I thought I
would give its ugly face a big scar like its chest and back, but it managed to move its face last minute, and all I
was able to do was draw a slight line of blood across its cheek by its teeth. "Food, you have really angered
me," it screamed with intense anger. "What are you going to do about it then?" I asked while keeping my
sword ready for attack if I saw a chance. "I know, I have underestimated you, and you are quite strong for
your level, but if you thought you could defeat me with just that, then you are gravely mistaken," it said, and
suddenly a red, smoky flame started to come out of its body. Within a second, the red smoke concentrated
above its head, forming a loose, smoky figure of the wolfman. "Spirit Totem!" I said it out loud as I saw the
smoky silhouette of a werewolf above its head.

MI Chapter 354 Werewolf II

I am shocked to see this spirit totem. I thought this werewolf was just normal, but I did not expect it to be a low-
level elite of its tribe. Grimm Race's power system seems similar to ours, but it is very different from the
core. It is said that the Grimm race comes from a high-level world, and if not for our restrictions on
power levels, even experts from a small tribe in that world would have the power to annihilate
everyone in this world. The red, smoky werewolf silhouette that appeared above the werewolf is a spirit
totem from its tribe. The Spirit Totem werewolf, although it is a little fuzzy and made of smoke, can be seen in
its regularity. Just one look and feel of reverence arose in my heart; if I kept looking another few seconds, I
would have definitely kneeled in front of it. It is cautioned that one must never look at spirit totems directly, as
all of them have the power to enchant. It's not the totem doing it on purpose, but in reality, the original spirit
totem is powerful enough that even its impression can charm anyone. It is said to be made from the
dead souls of their tribe experts; those tribe spirits are extremely powerful, and those who could draw
power from them are considered the elite of the tribe. Although looking at the totem spirit and information
I've read, this totem spirit is the lowest of its kind, but it will still double the power of this werewolf.
Thank God this werewolf is not marked; otherwise, the only choice I would have left was to run as far as I
could. "Yes, this is the Great Spirit Totem of my tribe, and now you will face its power." said the werewolf with
its fiendish smile, and a smoky spirit totem came down and started to cover the werewolf's body with its red
smoke. As a werewolf covered in a cloak of red smoke, it attacked me, and this time its speed was faster than
last time, and it was giving off oppressive feelings. Seeing it coming toward me, I also didn't stay on the spot
but ran toward it. I had already merged 50% of the Rule of Killing into my skill; with it, my senses even
became sharper, and my attacks would be stronger. CLANK CLANK! My sword and shield clashed with
its axes, and when I flicked my wrist to slide my sword toward its shoulder, it maneuvered its ax at the same
time and stopped my sword from making further advances. Clank! Seeing it was failing, I took back my sword
and attacked toward its thigh, which was showing weakness, but I found my sword was blocked just as it
started to move. "Hun!" It looks like the spirit totem had not only given boots to its strength but also a boost to
its senses; otherwise, it would have been very difficult for it to stop my sword this quickly. "Your totem spirit is
quite good!" I complimented him. Hearing the compliment from me, a big smile appeared on his hideous face,
which looked even more hideous. "The majesty of our Totem Spirit is beyond your comprehension," it said
boastingly. "If you surrender now and ask for forgiveness, I promise I will give you quick death and enjoy your
full body, leaving nothing." It said disdainfully, drunk in power, that the spirit totem had given it. "Well then, I'll
sure remember to keep you completely conscious when I shove the Crystal disk inside you," I said in a teasing
voice, while disdain was very apparent in my eyes. "You food, you will pay for what you have just said, and I'll
make sure you are very alive when I enjoy part of you." It bellowed angrily and attacked me. I did not feel fear
as it attacked me in fury; instead, I rejoiced, as the angrier it is, the more mistakes it will make during the battle,
and that is the reason why I mentioned the crystal disk while teasing it. The crystal disk is the thing that the
Grimm race most hates; they prefer to be tortured than be connected to the crystal disk. Clank Clank I did not
wait for its attack but met it halfway, and as our weapons clashed, no one showed weakness. I searched for
weakness in its form, but I found very few, and those I found could not be exploited. Still. I was not
disappointed; I just have to wait a little more, and a chance will show itself. Another thing is that I am having
quite fun fighting this werewolf. The Totem Spirit of this werewolf tribe is giving it an enhancement similar to
that of my killing rule, so by fighting it, I am having a better understanding of the killing rule I had
comprehended. Clank, Clank, Clank… We kept fighting, and as more time passed, the better grasp I had of
the killing rule. Till now, all the opponents I had fought, most of them monsters and my friends like Jill.
The monsters were no challenge; I was able to kill them, just as I killed the pigs. As for my friends, except for
Jill, I had beaten them all. Jill had comprehended two Rules somehow, one is normal Level 2 Rule, Rule
of Speed while other is peculiar peak Level 2 Rule. If one wants to fight against that rule, one has to
have a peak level 2 rule; otherwise, people will lose before the fight even starts. That's how peculiar that
rule is. As more time passed during the fight, I started to understand the fighting rhythm of this werewolf, and I
even stopped exploiting its small weakness to show that it was gaining the upper hand and that I was having a
hard time fighting against it as the fight went on. I am doing this for a big chance, and it seems to be working.
This werewolf is not an idiot and had guessed my strategy, as over time it started to show more and more
weakness to lure me into making moves. The weaknesses it had shown was not its only weak spot, but I was
able to identify them as traps with my killing rule. Killing Rule not only gives one intuition in fighting, but it also
lets one catch a slight glimpse of opponent emotion upheaval, and if one is smart enough, one can identify
traps that the opponent led in the fighting. With the aid of the Killing Rule, I did not attack any major traps; I
had to attack some of the weaknesses to show that I was still fighting with all my might, but I am becoming
more cautious as the fight goes on. Finally, enough time later, it started to lose his vigilance and become bold,
fighting me, believing I was having a hard time fighting it and that this was what I was waiting for. Now that its
vigilance against me has loosened, I am going to make my move when it falls into my counter trap and finish
the fight in a single move. I have to wait for quite a while, as the chance came fifteen minutes later, but it's
worth it. It had just attacked me with quite a speed, but I was able to dodge it, and now that it had missed us, it
was retreating while giving us access to its chest. This is quite a big chance, and I am sure it's not the trap, as
the chest is its weak point; if attacked, one could be mortally wounded, and even if it had the guts to use its
chest as a trap, I am sure of my ability to retreat. Seeing it retreating, I quickly moved my sword, which I used
to block its ax just now flipped, and used this flipped momentum to drive the sword directly at its chest.
Pac! It saw me flip, and it was quite a good chance to attack, but it could not as it was retreating. It still tried it
though by throwing his ax, which I avoided, but still, it grazed my shoulder. As my flip completed, my sword
had built an intense moment, and I used all that momentum to drive my sword toward its chest. It discolored
seeing my sword coming toward it, and it can't do anything as his other ax will be too slow to block my sword.
As my sword was just inches away from its chest, it quickly concentrated all the blood-red aura that was
covering its body toward its chest to form the last line of defense. Crackle! While the blood-red Spirit Totem
aura was converging toward its chest, my sword finally made contact with it, and a small spark erupt as my
killing energy and its blood-red aura touched, but it was still able to stop my sword; all it did was take away the
little killing energy that was covering my sword. Passing the blood-red Spirit Totem aura, my sword felt
resistance; it seemed like the protection of some style of artifacts. I am a bit surprised to find my sword
encountered this type of resistance. The Grimm race is an advanced race, and it also has artifacts like us. Just
as my sword encountered resistance, I released all the Killing Rule force I had been holding on to, and
the resistance that my sword had been feeling became like butter, my sword became a hot knife as it
passed through it, directly piercing its chest of the werewolf. Noooo! It screamed in horror, but nothing could
be done as I started releasing killing energy into its heart. The power of its Totem Spirit had initially put up a
fight, but it was beaten back at last by my killing energy as its level was too low. With no other resistance, my
killing energy spread through its body, completely immobilizing it, leaving it on the brink of death.

MONSTER INTEGRATIONChapter 355 Harvesting Mana Crystal

"Well, it looks like this food has beaten you," I said mockingly to the werewolf as I took out the sword from its
chest. It wanted to reply to me but could not as it was being held immobile by my killing energy. 'Thud' After
taking my sword from its chest, I gave the werewolf a slight push, and it fell to the ground. "Do you remember
what I promised you earlier?" I asked as I removed the adult palm-size disk from my storage. Seeing the disk,
a look of absolute horror appeared on its face. It started to show a struggle, but it was not even able to move
the hair on its body. The killing energy released a special energy called killing energy. That energy had many
uses, and making one immobile and dulling one's senses was one of them. The disk in my hand is a crystal
disk, which is used by all humans on the Grimm battlefield and is an absolute nightmare for Grimm race
monsters. I have brought the cheapest and lowest-grade crystal disk on the market, and the one I have
brought is the palm size of an adult and rusty black in color, on which various runes are carved. It looked like
this disk was made of wrought iron and not crystal, as its name used to suggest, and from all the crystal disks
I've seen on the web, no crystal disk was made of crystal; it is called a crustal disk for an entirely different
reason. I played with the crystal disk for a while, adjusting its parameters manually. If the crystal disk were a
little more expensive than this, I would not have to adjust it manually; all would have been done automatically.
The only thing I had to do was stick to the Grimm race monster. It took me quite a few minutes to get the
perimeters right according to the energy that this werewolf was emitting, and I double-checked it multiple times
as I only have this one disk and a mistake in the parameters could break it. After I checked everything was
right, I crouched down in front of the werewolf and showed the crystal disk to it. Its face was full of horror when
it saw me take out the crystal disk earlier, but seeing it so close, its immobile face had become horror
incarnate. If it were able to talk, I am sure it would have begged me to kill it directly and not use the crystal
disk. It would have even tried to bribe me multiple times. It would have used all the options it could to convince
me not to use the crystal disk on it; that is how much they fear the crystal disk. "I am the person who always
keeps his promise, so now I am going to shove this crystal disk into you," I said to its horror-stricken face, and I
cut the leather armor from its chest so I could place the crystal disk on it. There is no restriction on where you
stick the crystal disk; you can stick it in whatever place the Grimm race monster body is. The only condition it
has is that the crystal disk has to touch the skin of the Grimm race monster. After tearing its leather armor off
its chest, I softly placed the crystal disk on its chest and touched the button as the werewolf watched it all with
its immobile eyes. As I pressed the button, the runes on it started to light up one by one, and I pressed down
slowly till it tightly stuck against the skin of the monster. As Runes became brighter, a projection appeared in
the center of a disk of 0%, but a moment later, the numbers started to climb up slowly. A If I had a high-grade
Crystal disk, the number would have climbed up at a higher speed, but alas, it does not. As the crystal disk
started its work, the look of extreme pain appeared in its eyes, but inside it had another emotion, and that was
sorrow. Seeing the extreme pain in its eyes, no shred of sympathy for it appeared in my heart, as if it had
beaten me; it would have eaten me like it did the previous human it fought. The Grimm race is a cruel race
that treats us humans as food, so it is better we kill them as much as possible. The Grimm is a foreign race
that uses dark energy, which is very detestable to our world, so after the Grimm race monster died, its body
would decompose within a day. The day is for average Grimm race monsters, as those at higher stages take
longer to decompose. The main point is that our world hates them and would do anything to drive them out,
and in all that, what's the use of Crystal Disk? Well, by simply meaning the Crystal disk are harnessing and
converting devices, With the correct runic algorithm, we can harness the dark energy that the Grimm race
monster used and convert it into the energy we used with the help of the crystal disk. The capacity of my
crystal disk is five mana crystals, so when the projection shows 100%, one mana crystal will be produced in
the crystal disk. Normal Lieutenant stage Grimm race monsters can give three mana crystals, but this one is
elite, which could summon a spirit totem and should be able to produce more mana crystals. Just a few days
ago, I used to think that mana crystals were only found in mine, but now I know there is another source for
them, and that is Grimm Race. At the current stage, I cannot use these crystals as a practicing resource and
can only use them as currency. In the memory of White Axe, I have seen the number of crystals its owner
needed when he was preparing to make a breakthrough out of the knight stage. Ting! A small sound came out
of the crystal disk, indicating that the first crystal had been produced, and now it has started producing the
second crystal. The werewolf body had quite yellowed as the Crystal disk kept sucking off its energy. It is still
struggling very much, with pain and sorrow apparent in its eyes. It must be feeling heart-wrenching pain; if my
life force gets sucked out of me while I am conscious, I would feel extreme pain during the process. When I
thought about that, I remembered a year-old memory where I saw the daffodil bees sucking off the lifeforce of
the monsters. I still remember the way they screamed, and sometimes those scenes appeared in my
nightmares. I watched it bellow in pain apathetically, not feeling any mercy for them. Seth and Ruby had told
me that if one uses the Crystal disk when the Grimm race monster is alive, one can get 10% to 20% more
output. For that many people, first bind them and then use a crystal disk on them, as not everyone can
comprehend the amazing rule of killing. This process is very painful for the Grimm race, and they bellowed in
agony as the Crystal disk harnessed the energy out of them. While seeing this process, some idiots felt mercy
on them, and some dumbfucks even released the Grimm race, feeling pity for them. Those were Seth's exact
words when he was cautioning me. And just as they got released out of pity, the Grimm race monsters did not
turn grateful instead of angry and attacked their former capture. He had specifically warned me about doing
this, as many rookies and even somewhat experienced people had lost their lives doing that.

MONSTER INTEGRATION Chapter 356: Searching

Ting! The third Mana Crystal had been created, and the werewolf looked like it had aged and was now in its
last years. Its hair became dull, and its skin became wrinkly and sickly. I hope that it will survive until this
crystal is made, at least. Though its body had decayed due to absorption, its spirit is still there, as it is still
struggling with it despite feeling the immense pain of absorption. I saw that some feeling of mercy had arisen in
my heart, but I quickly quashed it before it could take root. This is war, and in it, there is no space for mercy.
Either we killed them all or they exterminated us; this is going to be the only result of this war. As more time
passed, sorrow became more apparent in its eyes. It had appeared in its eyes since I placed the crystal disk on
its chest. It's feeling sorrow not because it's inevitable but because he thinks that the crystal disk is going to
suck all its spirit, and his spirit is not going to assimilate in his tribe's totem. Every member of the Grimm Race
had very zealous devotion toward their own tribe's totem, and after death, they wished that their spirit would
assimilate into their tribe's totem, but Crystal Disk wouldn't let them do that as, according to them, they sucked
their spirit. This is why they hate the crystal disk so zealously. We don't know if this is true or not, as their
power system involves faith, sacrifices, and other things. All we know is based on the Grimm race of monsters
over the course of thousands of years. Our information about the Grimm Race's power system would have
been more relevant if we were able to see the holy ground of the tribe, but unfortunately, that's not possible as
all the holy grounds of all Grimm tribes are located in their homeworld. Ting! The fourth crystal had been
made, and the werewolf had become a husk of skin and bone, which is barely hanging by his dear life by a
thread. Well, it didn't matter, even if it's dead; the crystal disk was sucking all the energy off its body either
way. It has been twenty minutes since I placed the crystal disk on its chest, and it has produced just four mana
crystals till now. If I had a high-grade crystal disk, this werewolf would have turned into husks within a minute,
and the crystals I produced from it would have been a lot more. There is a vast difference between low-grade
and high-grade crystal disks; the only saving grace is that both of them produce the same quality mana
crystals. "It's dead, finally!" I said as I looked at the dead, husky body of the werewolf. Still, its eyes were
open, and emotions of unwillingness, anger, pain, and sorrow were still visible in its eyes. The Crystal Disk is
showing only 21% when the werewolf was dead, and the numbers are still advancing as if the death of the
werewolf hadn't affected it a bit. A few minutes more passed when, finally, the numbers on the crystal disk had
stopped at 78%. There is still 22% remaining to be filled to make the fifth crystal. Puff! I crouched down and
took out the crystal disk. Just as I did, the body of the werewolf, which had become dried husk through the
harvesting of the crystal disk, collapsed with the puff. I had already expected it and had activated my mask, so
I didn't inhale any part of the werewolf. I took out the four mana crystals from the crystal disk and looked at
them carefully. In the Republic, these things are precious and hard to come by, but here one can just get them
through hunting Grimm race monsters. After looking at them enough, I put them back in the storage with the
Crystal disk. After that, I collected two axes from Wearworld and a stone bracelet, which are the storage
equipment of the Grimm race. I can't open the werewolf storage device as it needs the dark energy of the
Grimm Race, but Adventure Paradise can. They have developed this special technique over the years. After
one more time checking, I had left nothing important and started to climb the hill with Ashlyn. Of course, I didn't
forget to burn the poor soul's leftover bones that the werewolf left behind after eating him. To find the werewolf,
I didn't have to search for very long, but finding the next target won't be very easy as the sardine hills are
spread over a very vast area. I still have a few hours. I will try my luck till the time of my leaving. I will be very
happy if I am able to find another Grimm Race monster to fight, but even if I don't find any, I won't be sad as I
have already accomplished the task for which I came here. I had a burning curiosity toward the Grimm Race,
which we had been fighting for more than ten thousand years. Because of this burning curiosity of mine, I
wasn't able to control myself and went outside on just the third day of my coming to the Grimm battlefield.
Experienced adventurers would call it utter idiocy, as it advised rookies to first join the guild and only go
outside with their experienced guildmates. One could only hunt alone when one had gained sufficient
experience, as this is the Grimm battlefield, not some normal forest where one could go daily to farm the
monsters. One hour passed since I finished fighting with the werewolf and began to search for my next prey,
but I did not find any. I did hear the faint sound of battle, and I am currently walking toward it. I cautiously and
silently walked toward the battle, and I stopped when I got close enough to see the battle, but far enough no
one could see me. From what I can see, four humans are fighting the three Hogmen, and from what I can see,
all two Hogmen are at the Lieutenant stage, while the third, who seems to be their leader, is at the Captain
stage. Of the four humans, three of them are at different levels of the Captain stage, while humans are at the
Major stage. The humans seemed to have an upper hand, and if they keep going this way, I am sure that four
evolvers will kill the Hogmen eventually. Seeing that they didn't need help, I started to walk away. I had come
to the conclusion that if the humans were in trouble, I could lend them a hand, but they seemed all fine.
Another hour passed, and I did not see any Grimm Race monsters, but I have seen a lot of other stuff that has
opened my eyes to the reality of the Grimm battlefield. like human skin, bones, and husky ashes that the
Grimm race leaves behind after it is sucked dry. On this battlefield, when both sides meet, there are 77%
chances that one side either leaves behind their bones or ashes. Only a minority of them are able to run away
from battle after things get tough for them. Chew Chew! Time passed, and I decided to leave in an hour if I
didn't find any Grimm race monsters to hunt when I heard a chirp from Ashlyn. "Do you smell something?" I
asked. I had asked her to keep her nose on Grimm Race, and if she smelled, immediately tell me. Chew chew!
She affirmed, and hearing her answer, I started to walk in the direction where she smelled Grimm race
monsters excitedly.
MONSTER INTEGRATION Chapter 357 Occult Method I
Chew Chew! I keep following the direction that Ashlyn is guiding me in, and I excitedly follow her while trying
to guess what type of Grimm monster I will face. While I am very excited, I am also very cautious. This is a
Grimm battlefield; a simple sneak attack could get me a direct ticket to the underworld. Walking cautiously, I
reached the place where Ashlyn was leading me, but when I saw the place, my blood couldn't help but boil,
and I just wanted to go there and burn the whole place down. What I saw was nearly 85% of the human body
eaten on ramrod while the light fire was still ongoing below it, cooking it bit by bit. Looking at the storage,
holowatch, and other artifacts that are piled on the ground and half-eating human meat still on Ramrod, the
Grimm race monsters seem to have left in a hurry for some reason. It is their great luck that they left;
otherwise, I would have used the same merciless method on them that I had used on the werewolf. Despite
seeing no one there, I still cautiously moved toward it. Just when I was halfway to Ramrod, I sensed
something, which made me stop for a second, but after some thinking, I started to walk again. Just as I was a
few meters away from Ramrod, I quickly summoned a fireball and threw it on the rod. Just as I did, two
shadows jumped from the ground toward the fireball, wanting to stop, but they could not, as this fireball is not a
simple fire but a fireball, which I had put 100% of my Sunfire power into in anger. Dhub! As my fireball
touched the ramrod, it burned whatever parts of humans that remained on the ramrod, including the ramrod it
was haggin on, turning it all into ash while two Grimm race monsters kept looking dumbfoundedly. These
Grimm race monsters had set up a trap with a nearly eaten monster body. If it had any other rookie who
became furious after seeing the body and ran toward it, forgetting cautiousness, he would have surely fallen to
their sneak attack, but it is unfortunate for them that I am not a normal rookie. The first thing is that I am not
that careless, even when I am extremely angry, and secondly, it is impossible to sneak an attack on me without
my knowledge due to my rule of killing. As long as anyone has killing intent toward me and it is within a certain
distance, I will easily know about him. There are only two ways one could sneak an attack on me. One is to not
have any killing intent toward me, and another is to have a rule that counters my killing rule or a rule that
masks one's killing intent. There is a third way also, and it does not require the above two conditions. That way
is to have far more power than me, so even if I sensed a sneak attack on me, I would be too powerless to stop
it. Both of them are Ratman about two meters and two and a half meters tall; the shorter one is at the Captain
stage, while the taller one is at the Major stage, and both of them hold short dual blades. Fighting them was
going to be a little hard. Earlier, when I fought against the Lieutenant stage werewolf, I had used 25% of Rule
power to fight it normally and 50% when it used the spirit totem and only used 100% to immobilize it. If they are
normal rats, then I don't think I will have to use the whole rule power. If they are normal rats, and if my luck is
bad and they are at the level of the previous werewolf, then I think 100% of my rule power would be more than
enough. And if my luck turns out to be very bad and these rats are above the level of the werewolf, then I can
use my final trump card, which I hadn't even used when I was measuring my combat score, because this trump
card needs to use the Rule of Killing, which I don't want anyone to know I have comprehended. Of the two rats,
I will fight the tall one and leave the short one for Ashlyn; earlier, she also wanted to fight but did not get a
chance. "Kekeke, you damn food, you have destroyed our meal; now pay the price by replacing it yourself."
said tall Ratman in its squeaky voice, and soon after that, both of them lunged at me. Chew Chew!
Ashly chirped loudly and flew away from my shoulder toward short Ratman. On the way, she wholly covered
herself with her silver fire, and that's not normal fire either; its fire is merged with the power of Sunfire, one of
the best peak 2nd-grade offensive rules. Even my killing rule's offensive power paled in front of it.
I had cautioned Ashlyn not to damage Ratman's body too much and, if possible, keep it alive so it could
experience the agony of the killing rule. Seeing Ashlyn attacking the smaller Ratman, I did not give him a
second look and looked at the tall, major-stage Ratman, who was attacking. Its speed was very fast, and just a
second later it arrived in front of me. Its speed is so fast that my eyes are barely able to catch its shadow.
Then and there, I knew I had underestimated its power. When I saw Ratman at the major level, I thought 70%
of the killing rule would be enough, but I was utterly wrong. It is a good thing that I am using the killing rule that
made my senses stronger. In a fraction of a second, I had increased the power by 10% and moved my
weapons to meet their blades. If it was the Rule of Sunfire I had been using, I had been too slow to do all that,
and no one believes it or not, except for offensive skills when killing Rule gives more boost to skill than Sunfire
Rule for some reason. "Clank, Clank!" "Thud, thud..." I was barely able to counter its blades, but I still had to
take a step back due to my underestimation of its power earlier. Clank Clank! Swish! As I was taking a step
back, its second attack had arrived, but this time I was ready and able to counter its blows without suffering
any loss. Not only that, I had even counter-attacked, but it was able to dodge due to its fast speed, and all I
was able to do was cut a few strands of hair off of it. Surviving my swift counterattack, its eyes became
serious, and it started to attack me earnestly, but no matter how hard it tried, none of its attacks were able to
touch me. It's not that this Ratman is weak; no, this Ratman is quite strong. It would have been a little stronger
than the werewolf when it was at the Lieutenant level; it's just that killing Rule gave me intuition, and this
intuition gave me a faint idea about the opponent's next move. And the more amazing thing is that the longer
the fight lasts, the stronger my intuition becomes. The killing rule is absolutely amazing. It may not have as
much offensive power as other rules, but the various types of enhancements it gives make it one of the best
peak 2nd level rules that is also best for killing.

MONSTER INTEGRATION Chapter 358 Occult Method II

"Squeeeee" I was busy fighting tall Ratman when I heard a quite weird squeak like a scream; it was quite
irritating to the ears.Tall Ratman and I at the same time cast our eyes toward the sound, and when I saw the
source of the voice, I was quite surprised. I was a stage-short Ratman, and now it looks way different than it
did a few minutes ago when the fight started. It now looked like a barbequed rat; not only has it burned every
inch of its skin, but there are even bullet holes all over its body. From the look of it, it looks quite miserable, as
it is largely unsuccessful in fending off the thumbnail-sized fireballs of Ashlyn, which are shooting toward it one
after another like a bullet without pause. This is a special fireball that Ashlyn has derived in the past three
months. These fireballs are concentrated until they become thumbnail-sized, and the power of Sunfire is fused
in them. They shoot like a bullet toward the opponents, but that's not the only thing special about them.
These fireballs came in two variations: one is the bullet variation, which strikes the opponent like a bullet and is
pierced through it, while the second also flies like a bullet, but when it touches the skin, it explodes and covers
the whole body. The funny thing is that both of the fireballs look the same and are released the same way, so
one cannot identify what type of fireball one is facing against; one will only be able to know when the fireball
crashed against something. One can save himself from a piercing fireball, but it is very hard to save himself
from an exploding fireball, as just as it exploded, it enveloped the whole body. Only a very good shield or
defensive skill could save itself from the fireball's explosion effect. I definitely think the inspiration she got for
the bullet fireball came from my skill at fire strikes, but I don't know where she got the idea of making a fireball
that explodes and then envelopes. This effect of exploding and enveloping is very tricky. I have seen it tens of
times, but till now, I wasn't able to figure out how she made it, and I didn't ask her. I have my own pride and will
figure out how it was made eventually. The wretched barbequed condition of Ratman is clearly the result of an
exploding fireball. Just one look at their battle, and one could easily tell that the little bird flying above the
Ratman has already won the battle, and now she is just playing around with it. I hope that Ashlyn didn't injure it
too much; otherwise, I will lose many mana crystals. "Brother, save me!" asked Short Raatman in a squeaky
voice as another fireball pierced through its skin. Hearing its brother's plea, the tall Ratman wanted to run
toward his brother, but just as it took a few steps, I stood in front of it, blocking his way. "Where are you
going? Our fight hasn't finished yet," I said, and I launched another attack at it. Clank! With the clank, we
both took several steps back. "Let me pass!" said the tall Ratman, intense anger apparent in its eyes. Seeing
the anger appear in its eyes, I became happy. "No!" I replied to its statement dramatically as I sobbed my
head saying it. I want to make it angry and feel fear; let him think that its brother could die at any minute while it
was fighting against me. This fear of it will pay for the pain it will face when I shove a crystal disk inside it.
There is also the second reason, which is that fighting angrily against me will make many mistakes, which I will
exploit to finish them off. "Very well, then you can only die!" It said, and its movements became mysterious,
and the blades, which I was able to see clearly, became so blurry that even my eyes weren't able to follow
them. Not only the movement of its blades became mysterious, but its body's movement also became so
mysterious that I am seeing its body moving both left and right at the same time. Its movement makes me
confused despite my enhanced senses and intuition. I quickly searched for the possibility of what could cause
that; it is not the skill, as the Grimm race cannot use skills before breaking through the Knight stage.
It is not due to the summoning of the Spirit Totem, as whenever the Spirit Totem is summoned, it creates a
visual phenomenon. I was just searching for what it could be when a thing I heard in Awakening Ground came
into my mind, and I read about it in the booklet given to us by Fort Cavendish. When I thought about the
possibility, I was so terrified that I started to build up the Trump card that I have never used against anyone.
"O occult skill!" I shouted in a terrified voice, hearing my terrified shout. "Hehehe!" The Ratman laughs weirdly
upon hearing my terrified shout, "You are quite knowledgeable; yes, this is Occult Dance." "I am very lucky
that I am able to comprehend Occult Dance from one of my tribes tables, though what I am able to
comprehend is just a fraction of it, not even a percent, but it is still enough to finish tens of you." "Occult
Dance: Flood of Knives" screamed Ratman in a squeaky voice and came at me with its mystical Occult Skill.
Occult skills are extremely terrifying, from what I've heard, and I did not want to take any chances against
them, so I used all my power. I used both of my rule powers at 100%. Using both rule powers together is
extraordinary mental energy as I have to keep both of them in balance. It had taken me two months of constant
practice to find a balance between them, so I could use both rules together, and I could use them together for
just four minutes, as it took tremendous mental energy to maintain the balance between them.
Both rules complement each other; one gives extreme offensive power while others give enhanced senses and
heightened intuition, and their combination produces the destructive result. I just hope that it will be enough
against this mysterious occult skill. Both of us came at each other. It's a movement that had become very
mysterious and difficult to see and now has become slightly visible. Though they are still unclear, I am
confident that I can overcome this difficulty with the heightened intuition that my killing rule gave.
Every step had to be taken carefully; even a slight mistake would lead to death. Finally, it came closer to me,
and the speed of its blades suddenly increased, and its movements became more mysterious.
Although my eyes weren't able to follow the blades of Ratman, my intuition was able to tell me their general
direction. Clank Clank Clank Slash Clank Clank Slash… Our weapons are clashing so fast that even I wasn't
able to see them clearly due to their speed. I am defending all of its attacks through intuition, though my
counter is not perfect, and every now and then deep slashes keep appearing on my body. Within ten seconds,
nearly every part of my body is cut by its blades, including my face.

MONSTER INTEGRATION Chapter 360 Harvest and Return

There are more than a hundred cuts all over my body, but no blood could be seen leaking from them, as this is
also one of the perks of killing Rule. As long as I cover my body with killing energy, no blood will leak out of
me, no matter how many cuts I have received. Currently, I am observing the weird energy that presents in my
wound; it is very ferocious and wanted to charge inside my body but held down my by-rule power. After
observing them enough, I took out a healing potion bottle and drank, but a few seconds passed, and not a
single change occurred to my wounds. I had expected, seeing the viciousness of energy, that it would not let
any healing effect take place on my wounds. I started to think about ways to remove my body, and I started to
attack it with my mana, but I was shocked to see that it was devouring my mana and getting stronger, seeing
that I had effectively cut the supply of mana. This energy is really vicious; it looks like I have to use my rule
power after all. I am now suffering from splitting headaches due to using two rule powers at once. The
headache would not have been this bad, but when my Killing Rule advanced, the pressure on my mental
energy increased many times more. The killing rule is the one blocking this mysterious energy path, and
despite feeling hedonistic, I took the strand of killing energy and attacked it with that mysterious energy.
The killing energy instantly obliterated, but seeing that, I did not turn sad but happy as I saw that it felt
threatened against killing energy and attacked it. The reason it was obliterated was because I just use a strand
of mental killing energy, not a hunk of it. Seeing that killing energy may be useful against it, I used a hunk of
killing energy while enduring spitting headaches and attacked that mysterious energy. Both mysterious
energies fought, and finally killing energy was able to erase a small part of that energy. This mysterious energy
is very resilient; if I used killing energy to obliterate it, it would take days, even a full week. I should try the
Sunfire Rule, I thought. The offensive power of Killing Rule is not that great to compare to Sunfire Rule; if I
guess, it is 30% of Sunfire, which is less than one-third of Sunfire Rule. The Sunfire Rule is one of the best
offensive rules in the 2nd level, and it should be very effective against this mysterious energy, but first I have to
replace the Killing Rule with Sunfire, and I have to do it fast enough so that this mysterious energy won't take
advantage of it and sleeps into my body. "I am such an idiot!" I said as I slapped myself on the uninjured part
of my temple. If I had replaced the Killing Rule with the Sunfire Rule, all my wounds would have burst open,
and it would have taken less than a minute for me to lose all my blood. Not only that, but this mysterious
energy would have taken this chance to invade my body. It was good that I quickly realized my mistake. Now,
before I could replace the Killing Rule with the Sunfire Rule, I have to do something about these wounds. It's a
good thing that I have them away. With that, I took out a huge chunk of bandages and started to paste them all
over my body. By the time I finished, I looked like a boy whose body was more covered in bandages than cloth.
After checking for anything I had missed, I quickly took back the Rule of Killing and replaced it with the Sunfire
Rule, but the mysterious energy noticed its chance and wanted to infiltrate inside my body. It was about to
succeed when Sunfire sure covered my body, and the mysterious energy about infiltrating my body came into
contact with Sunfire. Sizzle! Sizzle!... They made a sizzling sound as they burned with my Sunfire Rule but
still, even the Rule of Sunfire took quite a time to burn off that energy and that energy is just Mysterious energy
that tried to infiltrate my body which was in very minute amount compare to the shit load of mysterious energy
which is my wounds. Still, with the power of Sunfire, It will take two to three days to burn off that Mysterious
energy completely, only then will my injuries would be fully healed. This is not the place I could slowly burn
away energy from the occult skill, I could only do that in the safety of my apartment. The two Ratmen are still
lying down and Ashley would attack them whenever she sensed even a slight moment from them.
Still, I have to careful, ready for any attack but that would be hard for it does so as I will sense it just as it
thought that. I took out the special rope from my storage that I brought to bind the Grimm Race monster,
especially. As long as they are even weakened, it will be very hard for even major-stage Grimm race monsters
to free themselves from the bind of Rope. I went to the short Ratman first and started to bind it with the rope.
Halfway through the process, it started to struggle, but I was easily able to suppress it. After Binding the Short
Ratman perfectly, I went toward the Tall Ratman. As I got closer to it, I didn't sense any emotions, especially
killing from it. It truly is unconscious, I thought as I touched the tall Ratman's body. Even after taking a hard
beating for Ashlyn, that short Ratman is in a semi-conscious state, but this Ratman is fully unconscious, and
his breathing also seems very weak. It seemed like using the occult method was not easy; one had to pay a
certain price using it, I thought as I looked at Ratman. The first thing I will do after returning is research the
occult method and see if there is a faster way to heal my injuries. I took Crystal disk and was just thinking
about chich Ratman. I should use this when my gaze falls on the storage on the ground, not far from where the
human body used to be. I quickly went toward it and spread my mental energy into the storage, hoping to find
something. "Bingo!" I shouted. I was hoping to find a Crystel disk inside the storage; it is a necessary item for
someone who goes hunting, and I was right. There is a crystal disk—not one but two—and both of the disks
are medium-grade. They are a little smaller than my crystal disk, with a blue color and a better look than my
crystal disk. Both disks have a capacity of twenty mana crystals and would take a lot less time to produce
them. I was just worried about the time it would take to harness mana crystals, as it took nearly half an hour
just to harness four crystals from the Lieutenant-Grade Grimm Monster, but finding two middle-grade crystal
disks in the storage is like the grace of God to me, especially when I am in this vulnerable condition.
I quickly placed the crystal disk on both of the Ratmans chests and waited for Mana crystal to be produced.
Low-Grade Crystal Disk can harness on average three crystal cores from the Lieutenant Stage, seven from the
Captain Stage, and fifteen from the Major Stage. Amount of Crytal given by the average Grimm race monster,
but those belong to a special tribe or elite, or something different about them can give a different amount of
harvest. Middle-Grade Crystal Disk 30% to 40% can harness more compared to a low-grade crystal disk.
Ting! Ting! Ting! The medium-level crystal disk is really better than the low-grade disk; not only can it harvest
more mana crystals, but it is also about five times faster in harvesting speed. The Ratmans, who were in a
semi-conscious and unconscious state, were roused from their unconscious stage as crystal disks started
harvesting their energy, and now they are suffering the painful torture of their lives being harvested.
While the crystal disks were harvesting the mana crystal, I collected the ashes of a dead man into the bottle.
Whoever this was, he must be at a major stage; otherwise, its flesh would have directly vaporized, and he
would not have been able to survive the 100% power of my sunfire. He must have fallen into the trap of
Ratman and got killed in the sneak attack, as I saw no sign of fighting when I arrived at the scene earlier.
After collecting the ashes and things of the fallen man, I waited silently for the harnessing to be over.
Time passed by, and Mana Crystal after Mana Crystal started to appear in the crystal. Seeing that, my mood,
which had been sour due to my injuries, started becoming better. I had quite a harvest today just from mana
crystals, and there are still things from three Grimm race monsters. I wonder how many merit points I will get
from them. Dhub! Tall Ratman turns to ash, and the harness is finally over in a little less than an hour. Picking
the crrytal disk off the ashes of Tall Ratman, I removed all fourteen mana cores from it. Counting five I got
from short Ratman and four from a werewolf; I have gained twenty mana crystals today; that's quite a fortune.
I would have gotten a lot more, especially from tall Ratman, if not for it being exhausted from using occult skills
and then injured by Ashlyn. After wearing a long leather coat to cover my bandaged body, I started to leave in
Fort Cavendish's direction.

MONSTER INTEGRATION Chapter 361 Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Merit Points
"I should buy a cloak when I return." I thought as I was climbing down the hill, though this long leather jacket is
good, the cloak would be better. Not only are they thin, but they also have higher mobility than long jackets.
I have seen many people wearing cloaks inside and outside the fort Cavendish, so it would not feel weird.
I always wanted to wear a cloak in public and also while adventuring, but seeing no one wearing it, I also not
wore it as I didn't want to look odd. But wearing a cloak in the fort cavendish is not a problem. I can now finally
achieve my dream of wearing a cloak in public. It has been fifteen minutes since I left after harvesting mana
crystals from the Ratmans; it will take me another one and a half hours to get out of range of the Sardine Hills.
There is danger till I am in the Sardine Hills; after getting out of the Sardine Hills, the danger will lessen
considerably. Today is really something. From what I had read about Sardine Hill, 90% of the Grimm Race
monsters here are either at the Lieutenant stage or the Captain stage, and these Grimm Race monsters are of
average strength, but what I experience is opposite to what I've read. Not only are all the monsters I've
encountered elite ones, but there are also major-level elites who can use occult skills. I don't know what I
experienced today—good luck or bad luck—as I harvested fortune, but I've also suffered misfortune.
In my current condition, I could only fight the Liutenet stage monster at most, and that monster had to have
average strength. If I come across an elite Lieutenant stage Grimm race monster or a higher-level Grimm race
monster than Lieutenant stage, then the only option I will have is to run. Currently, I am running through the
sardine hills. If anyone sees that, they will definitely call me an idiot, but I have no choice. Due to my injuries, I
can't use my full strength, so quickly I get out of this area. There is another reason, too, that no one could
sneak an attack on me due to my killing rule. Time passed by, and I finally got out of Sardine Hills. Getting out
of Sardine Hills was mostly safe, except for one encounter in which the Grimm race monster and humans were
fighting. When they saw me, both of them chose to ignore me and continued to fight. After getting into the
forest, I increased my speed even more and was able to get out of the forest in less than an hour.
As I touched the ground of the wasteland, I took a jump, activated my air walking skill, and ran toward Fort
Cavendish. On my way to Fort Cavendish, I saw many people going back toward Fort Cavendish; they were
more than twenty times I saw in the morning, and there will be more as the evening approaches.
Unlike outside, in the Grimm Battlefield, very few people chose to stay out of the safety of the outposts at night.
The reason is very simple: the Grimm Race monster has special advantages at night, and some Grimm Race
monsters are nocturnal and only hunt at night. The night is very disadvantageous to humans, even if we use
gadgets like night vision or anything else. Those who stay outside are either crazy or have absolute confidence
in their abilities. By the time evening approached, I started to see the silhouette of the city, and fifteen minutes
later, I reached the city gates. Forty-five minutes later, I sat on my bed, tired, thinking about the crowd I faced
when getting inside the city. This crowd was really an experience for me. I laid on the bed tiredly and stayed
there for half an hour. I only got up when I felt tiredness had lessened in my body. The first thing I did after
getting it was call the drone from Adventurers Paradise so I could submit all the stuff I got from the Grimm
Race monster, like their artifacts and storage. In a week, I will get a list of all the things retrieved from the
storage and the price that Adventure Paradise offers for them, and in exchange for all that, Adventure Paradise
will take 30% either in stuff or in money. The drone will come in fifteen minutes, and until then, I should
research occult methods. I didn't have to search for long as I got all the information I needed from Adventurers
Paradise, which was detailed and free of charge. "Fuck!" When I started to read it, curses and noises of
amazement couldn't help but come out of my body as I kept reading about occult methods.
Occult methods could be used by anyone, and that is why we humans are also capable of using them. The
main Occurrence method is used by those who made the breakthrough from the Knight, but those below can
also comprehend some percent of it. There are two things necessary for using the Occult Method:
comprehension and capability. Like Rule Power, the occult method has to be comprehended, but it is ten times
harder to comprehend than the Rules, especially for those from the Knight stage. The Occult Method cannot
be transferred electronically and can only be written or carved by those who have comprehended at least 10%
of it. As for how they work, it is said that there are countless energies that exist in the world, and occult energy
is one of them. They can be called and used using certain methods. It is not written here how the occult energy
is harnessed inside the body; it's just said that one will understand it automatically when one comprehends it,
but to use occult skill capability is necessary. To use occult energy, one needs to have strong mental energy, a
strong body, and a mana of above 95% purity. Only then will the body be able to host the occult energy.
Normally, human Colonel Stage barely meets the criteria to host the occult energy, but that energy had to be a
tiny amount. If they got greedy with power and hosted more occult energy than they could handle, then they
would have to pay the price. This is likely to happen with Ratman; he used more occult energy than he could
handle. The criteria are different for the Grimm Race; they can acquire occult skills from the Lieutenant stage
as they have a stronger body than us humans and other secret methods. It is said humans could also use the
occult method at the lieutenant stage and won't have to follow strict requirements of a strong body, mental
energy, and purified mana. The only condition is that one has to have a high comprehension of Rule Power
and, using it, make a Rule Bottle that can store occult energy while using the occult method. They have even
mentioned the requirements for it: those who comprehended Lv. 3 Rule need to comprehend their peak
level of the Basic stage. Rule power just had to step away from breaking out of the Basic stage. As for
those who comprehended the peak 3rd level rule, their comprehension of the rule at the peak level of
the basic stage is enough. Those who comprehended the 2nd level rule had to have understood the
rule at the high level of the basic stage, which is inches away from breaking into the peak level of the
basic stage. For those who comprehended the Peak 2nd level rule, comprehension at a high level of
the basic stage is enough. And last, those who comprehended the 1st level rule, just comprehension
of it enough, written in the like, which shocked me. Just how powerful these first-level rules are. Just
their comprehension is enough to let one use the occult method. I quickly read through other
miscellaneous information about occult skills to find out what I truly need, which is a way to quickly heal my
injuries. After twenty minutes of searching, I finally found it, and it said there were two ways. One is to have
someone who comprehends the occult method to suck out occult energy out of my wounds, and the other is to
have someone who comprehends the rule at high comprehension burn out the occult energy in my wounds.
Fucking Shit! Seeing the two ways, I quickly began the search on the web for those who offer those services
in Fort Cavendish, and I found them the next minute, but when I looked at the price they demanded, I couldn't
help but curse loudly. It is two hundred and fifty thousand merit points per hour.


"Two hundred and fifty thousand merit points; why don't they just rob a bank?" I shouted out loud.
Asking for this much money is something, and it is just for an hour, not a full treatment. Even if I had two
hundred and fifty thousand merit points, they would not be enough to completely remove this occult energy
from my body. Now I have the only choice left, which is to burn off this occult energy all by myself. It is a good
thing I have Ashlyn; otherwise, I would have to stay awake till I removed all the mystery energy from my body.
Dhub dhub! I was about to read the last remaining paragraph when I heard the sound from the balcony, only
to see the blue drone stroking on my balcony. I slowly got up, opened a window on the balcony, and started to
take out things from my storage and put them into storage that came inside the drone. After I put away all the
things inside, the drone flew away with such speed that in just a few seconds it disappeared out of my eyes.
There is no one in Fort Cavendish who dares to harm the drone that belongs to Adventurers Paradise; those
who dare will have to pay a high price. After returning to bed, I started to read the last few paragraphs
remaining in the document. It is said that there are 13 incomplete occult skills in the Fort Cavendish,
three in Adventurer Paradise, and one each in the hands of five S-class guilds, while the rest of the
others are in the hands of different shops and organizations. One cannot look down on these
incomplete occult skills, even if they are written with 1% comprehension of the original occult skill.
Ratman had said that he had comprehended less than 1% of the occult skill in his tribe's tablet, but
despite that, he was able to bring out such destructive power. Reading this document, I suddenly started
to feel trust for the occult. Anyone would lust after the power that could bring out such destruction, but occult
skills are very hard to comprehend, especially for those who are within the Knight Stage. Not only that, the
merit points one needs to spend to comprehend the Knight skill are immense; currently, I can't think of such an
amount. I close the document after reading it and walk toward the bathroom. It is a good thing that these
bandages are waterproof and cover the wounds thoroughly; otherwise, even freshening up would have
become uncomfortable and difficult for me. After freshening up, I started to make dinner. I would have definitely
ordered it if I had merit points to spare. I can convert some amount of Mana Crystal into merit points on a
monthly basis, but I don't want to spend them yet. I started to make dinner. Today's dinner is going to be as
simple as possible, as I am in no condition to make an elaborate meal, but all the ingredients I am going to use
are going to be special, so dinner is going to be tasty nonetheless. Within half an hour, the dinner was
complete, and we both started to eat. Dinner, as I expected, was simple but tasty. Ashlyn eating quietly is proof
that if dinner hadn't been tasty, Ashlyn would have complained, showing no disregard for the condition I am in
while making the dinner. After eating dinner, cleaning plates, and finishing other chores, I sat on the bed cross-
legged. Now that I had finished all the chores I had, it was time to begin. "Ashlyn, sleep now; you will begin
when I go to sleep," I said to Ashlyn, and she replied with a chirp while closing her eyes to sleep.
Seeing Ashlyn is now sleeping, I took a deep breath and started burning the occult present in my room.
It has been hours since I last used Rule Power at the same time, and because of that, I started to feel mentally
weak and had been feeling intense headaches, but after a few hours passed, that headache has now subsided
and mental energy has also replenished. Now, I can use the full power of my rule without feeling an intense
headache. Chi Chi… I started to use 100% of my killing rule, holding back nothing. As my Sunfire started to
assault it at full force, I started to hear the sound of something. The process may seem fast, but it is
excruciatingly slow. The occult energy is very dense and resilient; even burning a small part of it takes time.
The process is excruciatingly slow, and I had to keep my full concentration while burning it; otherwise, it will
take more time to burn this occult energy. Currently, I am burning the energy that is present in the outer layer;
it will take some time for me to burn and enter deep within the wounds. Time passed by as I continued to burn
the energy boringly while changing my sitting position from time to time to release the strained muscles.
The burning of energy is utterly boring work, as I had to keep my full concentration on the invisible sunfire that
was burning occult energy, which seemed to have all colors and no color at the same. It is very difficult to
define what color of energy this occult energy is. Hours passed, one hour, two hours, three hours, four hours,
and midnight came as I kept doing the monotonous work. The only interesting thing is that I have burned quite
a bit of that occult energy, and if I keep doing that till dawn, then I might burn this energy till I reach deep within
the ruins. With the passing of time, I started to feel slightly tired, and because of that, I was a little sleepy, but I
controlled myself, thinking I had to last till dawn, and only after dawn would I handle the rest for Ashlyn and
sleeve. I looked at every wound carefully, seeing if I had left any corner, and if I left it, I would take Sunfire
there and burn off the occult energy that was hiding there. As I was burning that occult energy, I started to
notice the uniqueness of the sun. Though Sunfire's power is invisible since my comprehension hasn't broken
out of the basic stage, I still couldn't help but marvel at the power in it. Sunfire is one of the hottest fires in the
peak 2nd level, and very few rules like Moonfire are able to contain it. Though I have not comprehended it
personally, after using it for a few months, I was able to get very familiar with it. If given a few months, I might
even be able to advance it with my comprehension. My Rule of Killing had advanced today; now it is on par
with the Rule of Sunfire in my source and no longer suppressed under the Rule of Sunfire as it had been
before. When Ashlyn slept earlier, I felt my rule of killing imprinting itself in Ashlyn's source. Now the rule of
killing in her source and mine had the same level of comprehension, and if any of us got new comprehension
in the rule, it would automatically get imprinted in other people's souls.

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