Fact Check Dan Ariely Email

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2/13/24, 5:37 PM Business Insider Mail - Checking a few facts

Kate Taylor <ktaylor@insider.com>

Checking a few facts

6 messages

Kate Taylor <ktaylor@businessinsider.com> Mon, Feb 12, 2024 at 10:30 AM

To: Debora Lima <debora@senseiadvisory.com>

Hey! Reaching out because I wanted to double-check a few things that I did not cover with Dan on our call. I really
enjoyed talking with him about things he hasn't discussed before, but wanted to make everything is accurate and that Dan
has a chance to comment.

I'm planning to say that Dan said he cannot comment on what specific disciplinary actions he may be facing now
that Duke has wrapped its investigation. Additionally, writing that The Chronicle for Higher Education reported that
Duke had increased oversight into his lab and made Dan take an eight-week-long course on professionalism and
integrity at Washington University in St. Louis. Let me know if there's further context I can include here.
How many startups has Dan acted as an executive/cofounder for?
I wanted to double-check these two details from the New Yorker article: Is it accurate that Dan has Jeff Bezos'
personal phone number and once had tea in Buckingham Palace with Prince Andrew?
On Dan's injuries in the explosion: Is there further context/does Dan have any comment on the reporting in 2008
that he was injured as an 18-year-old military trainee versus his own later writing saying that the explosion
occurred when he was a 17-year-old high schooler?
Any comment/further context on Delta Dental saying it did not collect the data necessary to make the conclusion
that Dan made in this 2012 NPR interview? https://www.wbur.org/npr/131079116/should-you-be-suspicious-of-
Aimee Drolet Rossi has told various publications she did not collect the data used in the Ten Commandments
study, which Dan had previously said she provided. Any context/comment on this?
Dan told me about plans to attend a conference of physicists and a meeting with a state's Supreme Court justices.
I would love more details on both of these!

Thank you so much. My deadline for getting my draft to my editor and fact checker is the end of the day tomorrow. It's
looking like the article will probably run first thing next week!


Kate Taylor
Senior Correspondent, Features

Cell: (646) 768-4740 / Signal: (646) 768-4740

One Liberty Plaza, 8th FL, New York, NY 10006

Debora Lima <debora@senseiadvisory.com> Mon, Feb 12, 2024 at 4:24 PM

To: Kate Taylor <ktaylor@businessinsider.com>

Received. Will circle back before EOD tomorrow.

Debora Lima
Media Director, Sensei Advisory
Cell: +1 786.797.8540

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2/13/24, 5:37 PM Business Insider Mail - Checking a few facts
Austin | NYC | LA | Miami | London | São Paulo | Hamburg | Dubai
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Kate Taylor <ktaylor@businessinsider.com> Mon, Feb 12, 2024 at 4:46 PM

To: Debora Lima <debora@senseiadvisory.com>

[Quoted text hidden]

Debora Lima <debora@senseiadvisory.com> Tue, Feb 13, 2024 at 4:11 PM

To: Kate Taylor <ktaylor@businessinsider.com>

Hi there! Have answers ready but wanted to talk through some of the context on background if you'd be willing?

Let me know. I could call you as soon as I finish the call I'm currently on (supposed to wrap at 5 pm ET).
[Quoted text hidden]

Kate Taylor <ktaylor@businessinsider.com> Tue, Feb 13, 2024 at 4:27 PM

To: Debora Lima <debora@senseiadvisory.com>

Sounds good! Just give me a ring when you're free.

[Quoted text hidden]

Debora Lima <debora@senseiadvisory.com> Tue, Feb 13, 2024 at 5:11 PM

To: Kate Taylor <ktaylor@businessinsider.com>

I'm planning to say that Dan said he cannot comment on what specific disciplinary actions
he may be facing now that Duke has wrapped its investigation. Additionally, writing that The
Chronicle for Higher Education reported that Duke had increased oversight into his lab and
made Dan take an eight-week-long course on professionalism and integrity at Washington
University in St. Louis. Let me know if there's further context I can include here.
This is all factually true. But as it pertains to what the Chronicle of Higher Ed reported, it’s
important that the reader is not led to believe that those actions by Duke reported in the
Chronicle were the result of the investigation. (Duke asked Dan to take the 8-week Professional
Skills for Researchers Coaching Program course and increased supervision of the Center for
Advanced Hindsight’s research just after Dan retracted the 2012 PNAS paper.)
For direct attribution: “I’ve resumed my work at Duke, so ultimately, the consequences have
been 1) damage to my reputation as a scholar 2) being distracted from my work and the
negative impact on my personal wellbeing, and 3) the burden of fielding questions about
baseless accusations against me, none of which has held up after basic investigative reporting
by at least one journalist.”
How many startups has Dan acted as an executive/cofounder for?
Dan has co-founded 7 startups.
I wanted to double-check these two details from the New Yorker article: Is it accurate that
Dan has Jeff Bezos' personal phone number and once had tea in Buckingham Palace with
Prince Andrew?
At the time of reporting, Dan had Jeff Bezos’ phone number. Today, he has only his personal
email address. Dan has been to Buckingham Palace several times, including one visit more
than a decade ago which included having tea with Prince Andrew.
On Dan's injuries in the explosion: Is there further context/does Dan have any comment on
the reporting in 2008 that he was injured as an 18-year-old military trainee versus his own
later writing saying that the explosion occurred when he was a 17-year-old high schooler?
https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=06869f1ca8&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-a:r1591191824191236254&simpl=msg-a:r-337036443218353416&simpl… 2/3
2/13/24, 5:37 PM Business Insider Mail - Checking a few facts

For direct attribution: “I won’t speculate about the origins or reasons for inaccurate news
reporting. I have never said I was in the military. I was closer to 18 years old than 17 when my
injury happened, so I rounded up.”
Any comment/further context on Delta Dental saying it did not collect the data necessary to
make the conclusion that Dan made in this 2012 NPR interview?
The Chronicle of Higher Education corroborated Dan’s version of this story after speaking with a
former publicist at Delta Dental and his collaborator at the Center for Advanced Hindsight, Janet
Aimee Drolet Rossi has told various publications she did not collect the data used in the Ten
Commandments study, which Dan had previously said she provided. Any context/comment
on this?
Again, The Chronicle of Higher Education corroborated Dan’s version of this story after
speaking with Dan’s co-author on the study, On Amir.
Dan told me about plans to attend a conference of physicists and a meeting with a state's
Supreme Court justices. I would love more details on both of these!

The conference of physicists will be next month in Montana, while the meeting with state
Supreme Court justices will take place in September in Colorado. Dan was invited to attend so
he could provide insights, and he’s always curious to explore new ideas and meet new people
who are thinking creatively about problems and solutions.
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