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Table of Contents


Research area...............................................................................................................................2

Research objectives......................................................................................................................3

Research questions.......................................................................................................................3

Literature review..............................................................................................................................3

Research design (methods and methodology).................................................................................5

Data collection and analysis............................................................................................................7

Limitations involving the recognition of the contingency plans and resource requirements..........8

Timeline of the research..................................................................................................................9

Ethical consideration.....................................................................................................................10

Reference list.................................................................................................................................12


Corporate governance assists in aligning company goals and the employees to create an '
effective internal control' for ensuring the efficient utilisation of resources by impacting the
motivation of the employees. A good reputation of corporate governance should be improved by
making the employees engaged and proud of the respective organisation Scherer and Voegtlin
(2020). Through establishing controls and incentives appropriately, corporate governance can
assist in the reduction of 'conflicts of interest' for improving the financial performance of the
organisation to enhance the value and 'return on investment' by the company for the
shareholders. At the time of implementing leadership and corporate governance within the large-
scale business, a variety of challenges and impacts can be faced by it through onboarding the
succession planning, mainly in scrutiny by proposing harmony and diversity to involve the
shareholder activism and the major commercial transactions of the resources (Aguilera et al.
2021). 'Good corporate governance’ ensures the board of directors of the organisation returns
control over the business which can clearly define the overall organisational responsibilities for
ensuring the system of ' robust risk management'.

 Research Area

'Good or effective corporate governance' tends to create transparent controls, guides, rules, and
leadership for aligning with the interests of the directors and the stakeholders for managing the
employees fully (Cooray et al. 2020). It is also beneficial for building and developing trust with
the community, public Officials, and investors for analysing the initial force of influencing the
corporate governance for majoring the success of the respective organisation to acquire the
ultimate profitability for addressing the principles of accountability, fairness risk management,
and responsibility of the corporate governance. 'Good corporate governance' provides a clear
concept or idea to the stakeholders and the investors for setting a direction and maintaining the
business integrity of the organisation by promoting the long-term financial Returns, viability, and
opportunity for facilitating the raising of the resources to resilient the long-term success
(Martínez‐Ferrero and García‐Meca, 2020).

Research Objectives

● To maintain the practices of good governance with the regulatory framework of leading
stakeholders to the organisation.
● To navigate several challenges involving economic conditions, political unrest, and
cultural differences by the leaders.
● To establish the organisational culture and the developmental direction of the
organisation to motivate the teammates.
● To reduce the 'conflicts of interest' and improve the financial performance of the
organisation to enhance the value of good corporate governance.

Research Questions

● What are the practices of good corporate governance to maintain the regulatory
Framework for leading the stakeholders to the organisation?
● What are the various challenges for navigating economic conditions, cultural differences,
and political unrest among the leaders?
● How the developmental and the organisational culture can be established for motivating
the teammates in the organisation?
● How can financial performance be improved, and 'conflicts of interest' can be reduced by
increasing the value of good corporate governance and the organisation itself?

● Literature Review

Practices of 'good corporate governance' with the help of the regulatory framework for
leading the stakeholders to the organisation
The organisational framework takes initiatives of the corporate governance to help the
governance to ensure the corporations acquire the interests of the large range of constituencies
and the community for being accountable to shareholders and the organisation. The board of
directors of the corporate executive are responsible for making a strategic framework relating to
corporate governance which aligns the conduction of business with the help of the corporate
objectives for involving the establishment of the principles of security, compliance, transparency,
accountability, and reliance (Almagtome et al. 2020). The frameworks related to corporate

governance reflect on the interrelated relationships, other influences, and the factors for
governing the Framework in an interchangeable way. The shareholders have wasted the strategic
interests of the organisation for operating the business performance with the assistance of the
suppliers, investors, trade associations, communities, and customers.

 Various challenges involved in political unrest, cultural differences and economic

conditions navigated by the leaders

Several challenges related to corporate governance aim at addressing several challenges and
crises encountered by the 'contemporary political economy' for analysing the living crisis, Global
trade and flowing down the environmental crisis and Global growth for addressing economic and
complex social roots (Arslan and Alqatan, 2020). Economic, social, and human rights address
the Global political challenges by including the inextricable relationships for addressing the
requirement of health economics by proposing cost-effective interventions in order to limit the
funding which is available to develop access. Social issues associated with the society analyse
the conditions of the political issues which are associated with unequal economic development
and global inequality for analysing the systematic issues, related to the inadequate regulation of
the financial domains.

 Ways of establishing developmental direction and organisational culture for motivating

the teammates within the organisation

The strong organisational culture provides a variety of employee opportunities to offer

promotions and programs related to the development of careers for keeping employees
motivated. improving the performance can relate to the extra effort of achieving the targeted
organisational goals and objectives. Aligning organisational goals and values provides a positive
working environment to open communication and empower the recognition of promoting
diversity, inclusion, and equity by promoting balance and empowering the employees. The
respective organisational culture equips the employees for success and inspires them to be the
leaders of tomorrow and is uniquely valued for adjusting the culture as per the requirement (Puni
and Anlesinya, 2020). The culture of an organisation instils the essence of purpose and value of

promoting the organisational activity, the collective commitment to the organisation by
promoting the system stability. The organisational culture is an initial component of providing
them with a strategic chance to get involved and participate in creating positive motivation
within the respective organisational segment.
 Ways of improving financial performance and reducing ‘conflicts of interest’ focusing
on increasing the value of the organisation and ‘good corporate governance’

Corporate governance is significant for creating a system of practices and rules for determining
the ways of operating the organisation by aligning it with the stakeholder interests for
maintaining the financial viability for attracting investors. Establishing The appropriate controls
and incentives can be helpful for corporate governance to improve the financial performance of
the organisation and reduce the 'conflicts of interest' by analysing the values of the organisation
and proposing the 'return on investment' irrespective of the shareholders (Hamad et al. 2020).
The system related to the desired corporate governance leads the organisation to improve
performance and access the capital for providing the growth of a Sustainable economy.
Corporate governance promotes effective and robust decision-making with the help of practising
policies and processes for encompassing a variety of tasks by governing the system as well.

 Research Design

The 'Qualitative research method' will be followed in this study. The overall thematic analysis
will be developed for analysing the qualitative data for the study. The 'qualitative research
method' is utilised to understand the experiences, beliefs, interactions, attitudes, and behaviours
of the people to generate non-numerical data for making an integration with the qualitative
research for acquiring enhanced attention across several disciplines. This selected method is also
effective for analysing and collecting non-numerical data in order to search for patterns to make
strategic predictions by testing the relationships and generalising the outcomes of the larger
populations (Newman and Gough, 2020). Qualitative research seeks ways of understanding the
correlational relationship among the testing hypotheses, where the particular phenomena should
be understood in a real-world context using, developing and analysing thematic analysis.
The research methodology follows a systematic way of solving the research issues by
understanding the ways of performing research through several steps which are being adopted by

the researcher to address the issue and analyse the logic behind it. This methodology follows a
systematic and logical plan to solve the research issue by detailing the approach of the researcher
to acquire the outcomes of addressing research objectives and aims at composing the data for
collecting and analysing those strategically (Ampatzoglou et al. 2020). The secondary research
itself is a method which uses the data for collecting and analysing the research study by
undertaking the findings of the strategically acquired outcomes. Secondary research involves the
findings of the existing data in research for collating and summarising the enhancement of the
overall effectiveness of the research study.
The interpretivism research philosophy, inductive research approach and descriptive Research
Design will be followed throughout the study. The 'Interpretivism research philosophy' proposes
a sociological research method by performing the action or event which is analysed strategically
depending upon the norms, values, and beliefs of the culture of society and using an analysis of
the qualitative data based on the performance of actions by the researcher (Smets et al. 2022).
The 'Inductive research approach' collects and analyses the data by developing theories,
hypotheses and concepts depending on the observations and the patterns observed by the data for
analysing the specific observations of the researcher to move the specific theory to the general
theory or ideas. The 'Descriptive Research Design' proposes a powerful tool used by the
researcher to collect information about a particular group of members to provide an accurate and
detailed picture of research by addressing the behaviours and the characteristics of the research
topic. Henceforth, this design also looks at the background of the persons, using the narrative and
the descriptive way to deal with the issues of analysing tools, policies, and concepts of
explaining the problems at the time of analysing the descriptive study (Zenda and Dlamini,
2023). Thus, the challenges and the impacts related to implementing leadership and corporate
governance within the domain of large-scale business propose the ' descriptive study design'
which Also describes the characteristics of gaining understanding by involving the ways of Data
Collection with the help of detailed observation of research findings.
Hence, a variety of secondary sources in research study associate textbooks, articles, and journals
for interpreting the works of review research focusing on proposing laws and legislations for
interpreting the literary criticism performed by the researcher (Fuentes-Moreno et al. 2020).
Secondary research is helpful for answering certain questions of the research and also testing the
hypothesis to formulate Research design in an appropriate way for interpreting the data by

providing some strategic insights into the general trends. Thematic analysis will be performed as
the method of secondary qualitative in the study which will be beneficial for analysing the
qualitative data by involving the reading of the data set for identifying the patterns of deriving
themes in several ways. Thematic analysis, itself is a systematic method of interpreting the
qualitative data for enabling the research study to use quick insights and organise the data in a
strategic context for contributing ideas and feedback to the people in a strategic way. This overall
analysis acquires a useful and popular method of identifying Trends in the qualitative data by
offering various advantages to explore and discover innovative perspectives and identify the
differences and the community within the researcher (Soria-García et al. 2020). The thematic
analysis delivers in-depth information, by proposing a method of 'flexible data analysis' which
can easily be identified with the unexpected outcomes of the data, which are bias-oriented and
time-consuming for influencing the overall analysis procedure of the research study.

 Data collection and analysis

The most significant feature of analysing the secondary data is to accumulate the qualitative
outcomes of the published research studies for establishing a generality of performing the
qualitative function by identifying the issues and proposing a theoretical interest. Likewise, the
secondary research also may gain strategic insights and identify the relatable Trends for
associating and helping the researcher to save time and resources for leveraging the sources of
the existing data at the time of uncovering the significant information. Secondary data can be
collected with the help of the researcher by collecting the information that is already available
including the information related to journals, magazines, books, and newspapers (Hernández
Valdés et al. 2020). The 'Secondary data sources' are effective for uncovering the background of
the information related to the topic as stated above in terms of widening the understanding by
exposing the perspective and interpretations illustrated by the researcher. Hence, the secondary
data must be evaluated irrespective of analysing the significant criteria of making the data
accurate, without interpreting any error for stating the relevancy to the particular research study
practically. The secondary data also can be gathered with the association of the primary data as
well for getting less comparable with the reliability of the primary data.
The analysis of the qualitative data States the ability to recognise opportunities and problems
from several characteristics related to this research study for analysing the effective questions

related to the qualitative research domain for comprehending the requirement of strategic
explanation. The qualitative research aligns the ways of gaining insights for addressing thoughts
and feelings of the researcher for delivering a complete basis of the stand-alone qualitative study
for mapping out the findings of the thematic analysis used in this study domain. Collecting and
gathering the qualitative data organises and connects the overall research findings by analysing
the data for gaining insights strategically for reporting the achieved insights derived from the
overall strategic analysis (Agirreazkuenaga and Martinez, 2021). Henceforth, the initial benefits
of qualitative research provide an in-depth understanding of human behaviour which is
associated with the methods of 'qualitative data collection' for allowing the researcher to acquire
rich as well as detailed information regarding addressing the ways of thinking and behaving
process of the researcher. The qualitative data is helpful for understanding the ways of checking
and testing the replication of addressing without coming and the experiment of this data.

 Limitations and Conclusion

The research limitations create a strategic impact on the research study by designing the flowers
or weaknesses to influence the overall results of the research study. Besides, the limitations
related to the 'secondary qualitative research' are the lack of relevance, lack of accuracy, and lack
of syndicated services and external databases. The key issues related to the 'secondary qualitative
data' are lack of representativeness, credibility, and authenticity, by which the data can be forged

for checking the authenticity of the research document . This type of data also is associated with
obvious procedures which involve much time and costs for gathering the published materials,
government or private-sector data sets and peer-reviewed papers. The contingency plan for this
research can be identified by comparing the baseline of the expected qualitative data for
analysing the ways of identifying strengths and the differently associated factors which influence
the success and impact of the data.
The contingency planning proposes the preparation of the data to make the creative responses
effective which carries out a significant part of supporting the equal time to spend for developing
this plan strategically. Development of the contingency plan conducts the assessment of risks in
this research study by identifying the business-ethical operations for identifying the threats and
analysing the potential impacts of following various points. The plan is useful for preventing

issues and identifying problems for providing clear instruction to the research study for ensuring
the organisational abilities for continuing the information of the records in the study. Hence, the
purpose of this effective plan is to allow the research study to protect the resources by
minimising customer inconvenience through identifying and assigning several responsibilities
within the context of recovery. The secondary research study is developed with the association of
specific research objectives or questions, but sometimes the secondary data can be Incomplete,
inconsistent, and outdated with the measurements and the definitions of this research study.
Requirements of the resources associated with this ' secondary qualitative research study’ are the
inclusion of assets of a couple of the associated research findings acquired from Google Scholar
for addressing the same concerns. Thus, this type of data includes the findings based on the
outputs of the newspapers, reports along pictures from television. The inclusion of external and
internal resources in this research study proposes effective research skills for managing the
issues of studying the research qualitatively. The secondary study involves the method of
compiling the existing source of data in a variety of channels including internal sources, which
are mainly derived from government statistics, the internet, and the organisational bodies. The
collected information is available on the Internet which collects the availability of the data from
the segment of Government and non-governmental Agencies for accessing the public libraries of
using the data from the educational institutions and also from the majority of the commercial
sources. Hence, Qualitative data can also be gathered from the secondary study findings in terms
of supporting individuals and agencies largely. The sources are significant or effective for
interpreting and explaining the data or information in terms of assisting the researcher in
understanding the ways of addressing the research effectively.

Timeline of the Research

Main activities/ stages Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Topic Selection

Data collection from

secondary sources

Creating layout

Literature review

Formation of research
methods and

The foundation of
research objectives and
research questions

Application of the
‘secondary qualitative

Analysis &

Result and discussion

Study conclusion
Table 1: Research timer plan

 Ethical consideration

The ethical consideration of the ' secondary qualitative research' associates the setup principles
which guide the research practices and designs for including and maintaining the voluntary
participation of the researcher for maintaining confidentiality, informed consent, the potential for
harm, anonymity and resulting in overall communication. The entire accommodation of
principles and values of research addresses the research questions by approving the conduct of
the researcher following such rules of analysing the Virtuous conduct of them. Archiving of the
data creates or sets a strategy concerning the personal view of exposing the research topic
through proposing the best practices of making the initial transcription of the data for protecting

the identities of this research topic entirely. The secondary data considered the strategic ethical
practices generally by minimising the proposed impacts on the researcher by reducing the
requirement of the additional funding of maximising the value of collecting and analysing data
for overcoming the risks related to the secondary research.


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