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1. I meet my friend at 7 a.m.

I say …
a. Good morning b. good afternoon c. good evening
2. Azka meet teacher at 2 p.m. He says …
a. Good morning b. good afternoon c. good night
3. I go to school at six o’clock in the morning. I say …. to my parents, before go to school.
a. Good morning b. good afternoon c. good evening
4. I go to the bed room at nine p.m. My Mom says … for me.
a. Good morning b. good night c. good evening
5. After class end, teacher says … for students.
a. Good morning b. good bye c. good evening
6. Gayuh : “Hi, AL Firas, good morning”
AL Firas : “…. , Gayuh”
a. hi, good morning b. I am fine c. good luck
7. Gayuh : “……………………….?”
AL Firas : “ I am fine”
a. How old are you? b. how are you? c. whats your name?
8. Gayuh : ”Thank you “
AL Firas : “ …………………”
a. See you tomorrow b. good bye c. you are welcome
9. Naura : “How do you do, Nada .
Nada : “………………………”
a. How do you do b. Good bye c. Good morning
10. See you tomorrow = ……….
a. Sampai jumpa besok b. Sampai jumpa lagi c. Senang bertemu
11. Nice to meet you = ……….
a. Selamat malam b. Selamat pagi c. Senang bertemu denganmu
12. See you later = ……….
a. Sampai jumpa lagi b. Kapan bertemu c. apa kabar
13. I can find plate, glass, spoon, fork in the …
a.Living room b. bed room c. dining room
14. You can see stove, pan, knife in the …
a.Living room b. kitchen c. dining room
15. In bath room, we can see …
a.pillow, bolster b. plate, spoon c. soap, toothpaste
16. My father the parks a car in the …
a. garage b. kitchen c. bath room
17. My mother put clothes in the …
a. chair b. table c. cupboard/wardrobe
18. Kursi = …
a. chair b. table c. cupboard/wardrobe
19. Meja = ….
a. chair b. table c. cupboard/wardrobe
20. Jam dinding = …
a. clock b. table c. cupboard/wardrobe
21. Ruang tamu = …
a.Living room b. bed room c. dining room
22. Ruang/kamar mandi = ….
a.Living room b. bed room c. bath room
23. Mangkok = …
a. plate b. spoon c. bowl
24. Sikat gigi = ….
a. tooth paste b. tooth brush c. for
25. Sapu = …
a. broom b. tooth brush c. fork
26. Tas = ….
a. tooth paste b. tooth brush c. bag
27. Tempat sampah = …
a. tooth paste b. dutsbin c. fork
28. rautan dan kotak pensil = …
a. tooth paste and tooth brush b. sharpener and pencil case c. fork and spoon
29. Seragam = …
a. uniform b. tooth brush c. flag
30. Sepatu dan kaos kaki = ….
a. shoes and socks b. dress and pants c. hat and belt
31. ikat pinggang = …
a. tie b. hat c. belt
32. Selimut, bantal, guling = …
a. blanket, pillow, bolster b. hat, tie, belt c. spoon, fork, plate
33. Semangka, belimbing, manga = …
a. apple, guava, orange b. zalacca, apple, pineapple c. watermelon, star fruit, mango
34. pisang, manggis, jambu biji = …
a. apple, guava, orange b. banana, mangoesteen,guava. c. watermelon, star fruit, mango
35. pepaya, nangka, buah naga = …
a. apple, guava, orange b. zalacca, apple, pineapple c. papaya, jack fruit, dragon fruit
36. I have … ears
a. one/a b. two c. three
37. I have … nose.
a. one/a b. two c. three
38. I have …. eyes .
a. one/a b. two c. three
39. I have … fingers .
a. eight b. nine c. ten
40. Ten plus one is …
a. eleven b. twelve c. thirteen
41. Twenty minus three is …
a. sixteen b. seventeen c. eighteen
42. Before one hundred and ten is …
a. one hundred and nine b. one hundred c. one hundred and two
43. After fourty two is …
a. fourty one b. fourty two c. fourty three
44. t – e – c – a – h – r – e (susun menjadi kata yang tepat)
a. doctor b. driver c. teacher
45. m – o – h – e – t – r (susun menjadi kata yang tepat)
a. father b. uncle c. mother
46. Dokter gigi = a. doctor b. teacher c. dentist
47. Nelayan = a. fisherman b. farmer c. driver
48. Koki = a. driver b. driver c. chef
49. Tentara = a. soldier b. tailor c. sailor
50. Perawat/suster = a. doctor b. midwife c. nurse
51. Bidan = a. doctor b. midwife c. nurse
52. Pengacara = a. engineer b. manager c. lawyer/advokad
53. Tukang cukur = a. barber b. butcher c. cashier
54. My – is – a – nurse – mother (susun menjadi kalimat yang tepat)
55. My – uncle - a – is – soldier (susun menjadi kalimat yang tepat)
56. He – is – dentist – a (susun menjadi kalimat yang tepat)
57. Have – nice – a – day (susun menjadi kalimat yang tepat)
58. We – three – cats – have (susun menjadi kalimat yang tepat)

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