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ETAP Workshop Notes

Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

Theoretical Concepts:
Distance protection, is a non-unit system of protection offering considerable economic and
technical advantages.

Distance protection is comparatively simple to apply and it can be fast in operation for faults
located along most of a protected circuit. It can also provide both primary and remote back-up
functions in a single scheme. It can easily be adapted to create a unit protection scheme when
applied with a signalling channel.

In this form it is eminently suitable for application with high-speed auto-reclosing, for the
protection of critical transmission lines.

The distance relay is based on evaluation of apparent impedance seen by the relay which is defined
as the ratio of phase voltage to line current of a transmission line (Zapp).

For the unloaded system, I = 0, and the apparent impedance seen by the relay
rel ay is infinite.

For a loaded system, the apparent impedance seen by the relay reduces to some finite value
(Zload+Zline) where Zload is the load impedance and Zline is the line impedance.

For a fault at a per-unit distance ‘m’, the impedance seen by the relay
rela y drops to a m*Zline as shown
in figure below.

The apparent impedance seen by the relay (Zapp) reduces drastically in the presence of a line fault.

The distance relay compares the ratio of phase voltage to line current with the positive sequence
impedance (Z1) of the transmission line.

If the fraction Zapp/Z1 is less than set value, it indicates a fault in the zone of set vale. This ratio
also indicates the distance of the fault from the relay.

Because, impedance is a complex number, the distance protection is inherently directional. The
first quadrant is the forward direction i.e. impedance of the transmission line to be protected lies
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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

in this quadrant. However, if only magnitude information is used, non-directional impedance relay

Figures below shows a characteristic of an impedance relay and ‘mho relay’ both belonging to this


The impedance relay trips if the magnitude of the impedance is within the circular region.

Since in impedance relay, the circle spans all the quadrants, it leads to non-directional protection

In contrast, the mho relay which covers primarily

primaril y the first quadrant is directional in nature.

Thus, the trip law for the impedance relay can be written as follows:
|Zapp| = |VR| / |IR| < |Zset| ; then trip; else restrain.

While impedance relay has only one design parameter, Zset; ‘mho relay’ has two design
parameters Zn, λ.

The trip law for mho relay is given by if:

Zapp| < |Zn| cos (θ – λ); then trip; else restrain.

As shown in the Figure, θ is the angle of transmission line, and λ is also called ‘torque angle’ or
characteristic angle.

Measurements of All Types of Faults

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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

Distance protection involves measurement of positive sequence impedance which is proportional

to distance, for all types of faults. These are as described below:
 Positive Sequence Impedance

 Zero Sequence Impedance

 Types of Faults in Three Phase System

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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

 Phase to ground faults- A-G, B-G,C-G

 Phase-Phase faults – A-B, B-C, C-A
 Phase to phase to Ground –A-B-G, B-C-G, C-A-G

 Three phase fault with/ Without Ground

 Cross Country faults – Two single line to ground faults on different phases and at
Different locations
 Relay (Comparator) Inputs
The goal is to measure the same impedance up to the fault point irrespective of the type of

Relays measure the positive sequence impedance of the line up to the fault point (Refer
derivation of impedance in next page for the equations)
 Phase to ground distance elements

 A-G Fault : VA and (IA + K0*IA0) or VA and (IA + KN*Ires)

 B-G Fault ; VB and IB + K0*IB0) or VB and (IB + KN*Ires )
 C-G Fault : VC and (IC + K0*IC0) or VC and (IC + KN*Ires)

Where K0 is Zero Sequence Compensation factor and

KN is residual current compensation factor
Ires = IN = residual current

 Phase – Phase Fault distance elements

 A-B Fault : VAB and (IA-IB

 B-C Fault : VBC and (IB-IC)
 C-A Fault: VCA and (IC-IA

 Total distance elements (units)

Six distance elements are needed to detect all types of faults.

 Apparent impedance of fault loops
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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

6 fault loops measured for each zone fault Types

 Phase-to-ground
 Phase-to-phase
 Two phase-to-ground
 Three phase

Refer following details:

 Apparent impedance of fault loops (Phase-to-phase)


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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

VAB = ( IA – IB ) ZL1 = 2IAZL1

Zpp = ZL1 = VAB / ( IA – IB ) = ( V A – VB ) / ( I A – IB )

 Apparent impedance of fault loops (Phase-to-ground)

 Apparent impedance of fault loops (Phase-to-ground) For Ph-E fault on phase-A:

The voltage Va at relay point is = Va= Ia1 Z1 + Ia2 Z2 + Ia0 Z0
If Z1 = Z2
Z2,, then Va= Ia1 Z1 + Ia2 Z1 + Ia0 Z0
The current Ia at relay point is = Ia= Ia1 + Ia2 + Ia0
Ia 0
The Residual current at relay point = In = Ires = Ia + Ib + Ic = 3 * Ia0
If Z1 = Z2, then

Va= Ia1 Z1 + Ia2 Z2 + Ia0 Z0

Va= Ia1 Z1 + Ia2 Z1 + Ia0 Z0 + IaoZ1 - IaoZ1
Va= Z1 * ( Ia1 + Ia2 + Ia0 ) + Iao * (Z0 - Z1)
Va= Z1 * ( Ia ) + Iao * (Z0 - Z1)
Va= Z1 * [ Ia + Iao * (Z0 - Z1)/Z1 ]
Va= Z1 * [ Ia + Iao * K0 ] ;
[ Where K0 = (Z0 - Z1)/Z1 called zero sequence current compensation factor ]
The same equation can be used in terms of residual of neutral current Ires=IN,
where Ires =3 Iao

Va= Z1 * [ Ia + 3Iao * (Z0 - Z1) / 3Z1 ]

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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

Va = Z1 ( Ia + 3 Ia0 (Z0 - Z1)/3Z1)

Va = Z1 ( Ia + KN * Ires)
Where, Z1 = Va / ( Ia + KN* Ires)
[ Where KN = (Z0 - Z1)/3Z1 called residual current compensation factor ]
Depending on make or model of KN or K0 is used where K0=3KN
Both residual or zero sequence current compensation techniques are used on distance relay
EF impedance measurement for correct measurement
measur ement of distance which is in
i n proportion to
positive sequence impedance
The residual compensation technique adds a portion KN (called residual ompensation
factor) of the residual current IN or Ires, to the phase current IA. This modified current is
used in the measuring circuit of the relay so that it measures the impedance as Z1 during
phase to earth fault as well.
For phase fault relay ZA-E= Va / (Ia + KN•IN) = Z1

In the zero-sequence current compensation technique, the phase current Ia is modified by

adding to it a portion K0 (called zero-sequence current compensation factor) of the zero-
sequence current I0. The relay measures the impedance ZA-E = Va/(Ia + K0•I0) with K0
= (Z0-Z1)//Z1 Clearly both factors are related as K0 = 3•KN, since In = 3•I0.

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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

Characteristics for different distance relays

 Representation of a system on R-X diagram

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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

 Load Characteristics
Load – Mostly Resistive;
0.8 Leading Power factor [-37 degree]
0.8 Lagging power factor [+37 degree]

 Load and SC Impedance & Relay Characteristics on Common R-X Diagram

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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

 Impedance relay characteristics

 Mho relay characteristics

 Mho distance, self (fault voltage) polarized

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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

 Mho distance, healthy voltage polarized (Off set Mho characteristics)


 Reactance Relay Characteristics

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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

 Quadrilateral Characteristics

 Stepped Zone Quadrilateral Distance Protection Application

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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

 Reactance With Mho Distance Relay Characteristics

 Lenticular characteristic

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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)


 Under-Reach Overview

A distance relay will under-reach if the impedance presented to the relay is greater than the
impedance to the fault.

Percentage under-reach is defined as:

100*(ZR- ZF) / ZR
ZR = intended relay reach (relay reach setting)
ZF = effective reach

 Under-Reach - Effect of Remote Infeed

One of the cause of under-reaching is the effect of fault current infeed at remote busbars as
per details shown in figures below for both with & without infeeds:

a) Without infeed fault:

Because of no infeed as shown in SLD above, the relay will operate for faults upto its reach of Z A

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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

b) With infeed fault:

In this example the relay at A will not measure the correct impedance for a fault on line
section ZC due to current infeed I B.

For a fault at point F, the relay

rela y is presented with an impedance:

which is more than reach setting Z A + ZC for a fault at reach point ZA+ ZC
Therefore relay Under-Reaches.

 Under-Reach Effect when relay is not set with zero sequence


Consider the relay setting to be Z L1. The impedance seen by an uncompensated relay for a
fault at ZL1,

Which is greater than Z L1. Hence relay Under-Reaches.

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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

 Under-Reach and Over-Reach effect due to double circuit parallel

transmission lines
(Detailed study of this is in annex 1 of distance protection section of training notes)

Under-Reach occurs if the apparent impedance is greater than the reach impedance setting
of the relay.

Over-Reach occurs if the apparent impedance is less than the reach setting of the relay.

Under-Reach or Over-Reach --- Effect of parallel lines in normal


When an earth fault occurs in the system, the voltage applied to the earth fault element of
the relay in one circuit includes an induced voltage proportional to the zero sequence
current in the other circuit.

Consider the system in Figure below with a ground fault F1 towards end B.

The zero sequence current IL0C in the healthy line CD at C, is in the same direction as the
fault current IL0A at A and I L0B at B is in the opposite direction.

The zero sequence current in the healthy

health y line induces a zero sequence voltage in the faulty
line resulting in a higher voltage at A.

Thus the apparent impedance seen by the relay at A increases.

i ncreases. (Under-Reach)

At end B,
voltage thehence
and zero sequence
a reducedvoltage induced
apparent opposes
impedance. the voltage at B, resulting in a reduced

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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

The current magnitudes depend on the source impedances. The relay

r elay tends to Under-Reach
with a strong source and overreach for a weak source end. It should be noted that the relay
rela y
at the opposite end tends to overreach when the local relay
rel ay Under-Reaches.

For a solid phase to earth fault at the theoretical reach of the relay, the voltage and current
in the faulty phase at the relaying
rela ying point are given by:

VA I A1 ZL1  I A2 ZL2  I A0 ZL0  IB0 ZM0

VA I A1 ZL1  I A2 ZL1  I A0 ZL1  I A0 ZL0  I A0 ZL1  IB0 ZM0

VA  ZL1 (I A1  I A2  I A0 )  I A0 ( ZL0  ZL1)  IB0 ZM0

I A  I A1 I A2  I A0

VA  ZL1 I A  I A0 ( ZL0  ZL1)  IB0 ZM0

VA  ZL1 ( I A  I A0 ( ZL0  ZL1) / ZL1  IB0 ZM0 / ZL1 )

Let ( ZL0  ZL1) / ZL1 = KR

ZM0 / ZL1 =KM

The voltage and current fed into the relay are given by:

I R = I A +KR I A0 + KM IB0
KR is the residual compensation factor
KM is the mutual compensation factor

KR = ( ZL0  ZL1) / ZL1 & KM = ZM0 / ZL1

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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

 Over-Reach Effect of mutual zero sequence impedance between parallel

lines when one of the line circuit is disconnected and earthed

A distance relay is said to over-reach when the apparent impedance presented to it is less
than the impedance to the fault.
Percentage over-reach is defined by the equation:

100*(ZF- ZR) / ZR
ZR = intended relay reach (relay reach setting)
ZF = effective reach

An example of the over-reaching effect is when distance relays are applied on parallel
lines and one line is taken out of service
ser vice and earthed at each end.

Humpage and Kandil [13.2] (Refer - Distance-protection performance under conditions

of single-circuit working in double-circuit by W. D. Humpage and M. S. Kandil)
transmission lines have shown that the apparent impedance presented to the relay under
these conditions is given by:

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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

It is apparent from the above formulae that the relay has a tendency to over-reach.

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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

Care should be taken when Zone 1 settings are selected for the distance protection of lines
in which this condition may be encountered.

To overcome this possible over-reaching effect, some utilities reduce the reach of earth
fault relays to a % of ZL1 when lines are taken out of service for maintenance.
However, the probability of having a fault on the first section of the following line while
one line is out of service is very small, and many Utilities do not reduce the setting under
this condition. It should be noted that the
t he use of mutual compensation would not overcome
the over-reaching effect since earthing clamps are normally placed on the line side of the
current transformers.

This aspect is covered in Annexure-1.

 Over-Reach effect due to Out-Feed

An example of the over-reaching effect due to Out-Feed is as shown below:

This phenomenon is Usually associated with three terminal line applications and
paralleling of line segment.
In the Example shown above,
Voltage as seen by relay VG = 2(1) + 2(1) = 4 V
Current as seen by relay IG = 2 A
ZG (As seen by Relay) = VG / IG = 4/2
ZG (As seen by Relay) = 2 ohms
As per settings fault is outside of Zone Z1 but due to Out-Feed effect, Relay will

overreach and see the fault.

This aspect is covered in Annexure-2.
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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)


(These cannot be simulated in ETAP 18.1.1 version)

Numerical distance relays

rela ys may have additional impedance zones other than Zon1, Zone 2
& Zone 3 that can be utilised to provide additional protection functions.
For example, where the first three zones are set as discussed previously, Zone 4 might be
used to provide back-up protection for the local busbar, by applying a reverse reach setting
of the order of 25% of the Zone 1 reach.
Alternatively, one of the forward looking zones (typically
(typicall y Zone 3) could be set with a small
reverse offset reach from the origin of the R/X diagram, in addition to its forward reach
An offset impedance measurement characteristic is nondirectional.
Under close up fault conditions, when the relay voltage falls to zero or near-zero, the
distance relay may fail to operate when it is required to do so. Methods of covering this
condition include the use of non-directional impedance characteristics, such as offset mho,
offset lenticular, or cross-polarised and memory polarised directional impedance
One advantage of a non-directional zone of impedance measurement is that it is able to
 for a close-up, zero-impedance fault, in situations where there may
ma y be no healthy phase
voltage signal or memory voltage signal available to allow operation of a directional
impedance zone.
Numerical relays are provided with healthy ph
ase voltage polarisation and/or memory
voltage polarisation. The prime purpose of the relay polarising voltage is to ensure
correct relay directional response for close-up faults, in the forward or reverse
direction, where the fault-loop voltage measured by the relay may be very small and
not meeting the relay minimum voltage criterion for distance relay operation
 under Switch-on-to- Fault’ (SOTF) conditions when closing command is given to the
Circuit Breaker to close after line maintenance with earth switch closed inadvertently
or when earth clamp used during maintenance is not removed before CB closing. In
such case there is nothing or no logic to prevent closing
cl osing of Breaker and as soon as one
closes the Circuit Breaker, The CB in such a case will immediately trip on SOTF
With the offset-zone time delay bypassed, there can be provision of ‘Switch -on-to-
Fault’ (SOTF) protection. This is required to provide fast tripping in the event of

accidental line energisation with maintenance earthing clamps left in position.

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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

 Cross country faults issues (These cannot be simulated in ETAP 18.1.1


tower country faults
structures and are
maymore likely
result duetotooccur
bush on double
fires undercircuit lineslightning,
the lines, located onasthe same
well as
broken conductors.
Cross country faults result in unusual current distributions that compromise the seen
impedance by units not directly involved in the fault loop, giving fault selector problems
for close-in faults as shown

A-B-G most frequent inter-circuit cross country fault

The above type of A-B-G cross country faults are difficult to distinguish for a distance
relay and undesired three pole tripping may occur during simultaneous line to ground faults
on two different phases of a double circuit line.
For an A-G fault on feeder 1 and a B-G on feeder 2, the relays at end R will correctly
measure that it is a single phase fault. Relays at end S could determine an A-B-G fault and
would issue a three pole trip if the zone 2 element is for instance picked-up whilst receiving
a permissive trip from the remote end.

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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

 Distance Relay Power Swing Blocking (PSB) (These cannot be simulated

in current ETAP 18.1.1 version)

might severe
be power swing
regained if theconditions
swinging from which
sources are anot
system is unlikely
separated to recover,
at an ideal stain
location bility
system to ensure load generation balance is available in the sections split.
This type of disturbance cannot normally be correctly identified by an distance protection.
It is therefore usual to prevent distance protection
protecti on schemes from operating during stable or
unstable power swings, in order to avoid cascade tripping.
The main purpose of the power-swing blocking function is to differentiate faults from
power swings and block distance or other rela
relayy elements from operating during stable or
unstable power swings.
However, faults that occur during a power swing must be detected and cleared with a high
degree of selectivity and dependability.
The PSB function is designed to detect power swings, differentiate power swings from
faults, and block distance relay elements from tripping during power swings.
In such situations, the PSB function therefore should unblock and allow the distance relay
elements to operate and clear any
an y faults that occur in their zone of protection during a power
swing condition. Most PSB elements are based on traditional methods that monitor the rate
of change of the positive-sequence impedance.
This detection method is based on the fact that it takes a certain time for the rotor angle to
advance because of system inertias. In other words, the rate of change of the impedance
vector is slow during stable or unstable power swings, because it takes a finite time for the
generator rotors to change position with respect to each other because of their large inertias.
inerti as.
On the contrary, the rate of change of the impedance vector is very fast during a system
Actual implementation of measuring the impedance rate of change is normally performed
though the use of two impedance measurement elements together with a timing device.
If the measured impedance stays between the two impedance measurement elements for a
predetermined time, the relay declares a power-swing blocking condition and issues a
power-swing blocking signal to block
block the distance relay element operation.
The ohm impedance elements divide the R/X impedance diagram into three zones, A, B
and C.
As the impedance changes during a power swing, the point representing the impedance
moves along the swing locus, entering the three zones in turn and causing the ohm units to

completedWhen the below:
as shown impedance enters the third zone the pole slip detection

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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

Only an unstable power swing condition can cause the impedance vector to move
successively through the three zones.

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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

Purpose and Description:

The purpose of this exercise is to perform three-zone distance protection as per example given in
NPAG book. Use ETAP
ETAP 18.0 version to perform this exercise.

OTI File location: Distance Protection NPAG > NPAG DIST.oti
ETAP Library from C :> ETAP 1800 > lib > etaplib1800.lib
Review the System shown below:

Reference: 11.12 Distance relay application example from NPAG book

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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

1. The above figure shows the simple 230kV network.

2. Add Positive and zero sequence impedance details for each OHL (Over Head Line) as

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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

3. In ETAP file, add the distance relay at Line1 of ABC bus. Pick up the Schneider Electric
make, P441 type distance relay from the default library.
li brary. This is quadrilateral type relay.
rela y.

4. Connect this relay1 to 2000/1A CT1 and 230kV / 120V PT1.

5. Similarly add the relay2 of Schneider Electric make, P441 type at the end of
o f Line1 at XYZ
bus. Connect this relay2 to 2000/1A CT2 and 230kV / 120V PT2.

Change the direction of CT2 by clicking on ‘reverse polarity’ option.

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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

6. Disable the over current (OCR) and over load (OLR) settings
setti ngs for relay1 and relay2.

7. The distance relay has the feature to add digital input (DI) & digital output (DO) along
with CT & PT inputs. Set the inputs to relay1 as shown below:
Current Transformer (CT) input:

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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

 Potential Transformer (PT) input:

8. Go to the output page and assign each output of relay1 (DO1 to DO4) to trip CB1.

The screen displays that DO1 output has assigned to trip CB1 on logic operation.
Now, similarly
similarl y assi
gn the DO2 to DO4 output by cl
icking it individually to trip CB1 on
logic operation.

9. In similar manner give the inputs to relay2 as well. Assign each output of relay2 (DO1 to
DO4) to trip the CB2.

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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

10. Add digital input:

Go to the input page of relay>> Digital tab

Pick up DO1
option from the
drop down list

Note: Relay 1 (local relay) will have DI signal from rela

y2 (remote relay).And
Relay 2 will have DI signal from relay1.
Also note that, for this step, relay 2 (remote relay) output DO’s should be assigned.

11. See the calculation of Zero sequence compensation factor (Kz0), Zone1, Zone 2 and zone3
settings as below:
Compensation factor of line1 at ABC (relay1):

Zone 1 settings of line1 at ABC (relay1):

The required Zone 1 reach is 80% of the Line1 impedance.

Hence, Zone 1 reach of line1 at ABC (relay1):

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So, Z1 = 7.12+ j 38.08 = 38.74 79.41

Zone 2 settings of line1 at ABC (relay1):

Ideally, the requirements for setting Zone 2 reach are:

 at least 120% of the protected line
 less than the protected line1 + 50% of the next line (line 2 or line4)

Sometimes, the two requirements are in conflict. In this case, both requirements can be met. A
setting of the whole of the line between substations ABC and XYZ, plus 50% of the adjacent line
section to substation PQR is used. Hence, Zone 2 reach of line1 at ABC (relay1):

Z2 = 11.57 + j 61.88 = 62.95

62.95 79.41

Zone 3 settings of line1 at ABC (relay1):

Zone 3 is set to cover 120% of the sum of the lines between substations ABC and PQR, provided
this does not result in any transformers at substation XYZ being included. It is assumed that this
constraint is met. Hence, Zone 3 reach of line1 at ABC (relay1):

Z3 = 15.30 + j 81.87 = 83.27

83.27 79.41

Zone Time Delay Settings:

For Zone 1, instantaneous tripping is normal.
For Zone2, A typical time delay is 350ms, and the normal range is
i s 200-500ms.
A typical time for zone3 is 800msec.

Calculation of arc resistance:

The resistive reach setting represents the maximum amount of additional fault resistance (in excess

of the line impedance) for which a zone will trip, regardless of the fault within the zone.
Warrington formulae:
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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

Ra = arc resistance
r esistance (ohms)
L= spacing between two conductor (meters)
I = arc current (A)

The minimum fault current at substation ABC is = 1.8kA

L = spacing between two conductors for 230kV is 10 meter

Hence, by above formulae Ra calculated is = 8 ohm

Load Impedance:
To give maximum expected load current, the minimum load impedance calculated is 130 ohm.

Phase fault resistive reach settings:

The resistive reaches will be set to avoid the minimum load impedance by a 40% margin for the
phase elements, leading to a maximum
maximum resistive reach setting of 78ohm.

Therefore, the resistive reach setting lies between 8ohm (more than arc resistance Ra) and 78ohm
(less than min load impedance).

This ensures that load does not encroach into quadrilateral characteristics of Schneider Electric
make P441 type distance relay.

While each zone can have its own resistive reach setting, for this simple example they can all be
set equal. Hence Phase fault resistive reach
reach settings are as follows:

Earth fault resistive reach settings:

The margin for avoiding the minimum load impedance need only be 20%.
Hence the settings are

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12. The above calculated values of zero sequence compensation factor, zone1, zone2 and zone3
settings, phase & earth fault resistive reach settings etc. are summarized in below table. These
values are need to be entered into relay1 & relay2.
Settings (on
Label Unit
primary base)
Line Angle 79.41 degrees

Zone Status 11111

KZ1 Res Comp 0.792

KZ1 Angle -6.5 degrees

Z1 38.74 Ohms

Z1X 38.08 Ohms

R1G 104 Ohms

R1Ph 78 Ohms

tZ1 0 s

KZ2 Res Comp 0.792

KZ2 Angle -6.5 degrees

Z2 62.95 Ohms

R2G 104 Ohms

R2Ph 78 Ohms

tZ2 0.25 s
KZ3/4 Res Comp 0.792

KZ3/4 Angle -6.5 degrees

Z3 83.29 Ohms

R3G - R4G 104 Ohms

R3Ph - R4Ph 78 Ohms

tZ3 0.8 s

Z4 200 Ohms

tZ4 1 s

Note: In this example all the settings are calculated on primary base.
Hence in ETAP, primary impedance settings are entered but in relay, the secondary base settings
also can be entered.

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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

13. The direction of relay should be forward (Forward means looking towards Transmission
line). The CT polarity should be towards busbar at both the ends of Transmission line.

14. The settings for Zone P directional; Zone Q directional & series compensated line are
ignored in this exercise. These values have to be calculated properly and entered into relay
as per requirement.

15. Go to the scheme logic page of the relay 1 and see the logic applied to relay1 (allowing
permissive Under-Reach transfer tripping):

How to implement scheme logic inside the relay:

A. Go to Scheme logic page of relay.

B. Click on ADD option. A new row will get added.
C. Now go to OUTPUT heading mentioned on LHS. Double click on DO1 output.
Then DO1 will get pop up in added row.
D. To add logic expression, go to logic expression tab, then
t hen go to Protection Element
heading mentioned on LHS. Double click on Z1.

Note: Please see the subsequent pages where all the steps are shown in picture

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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

Click to add
new row

The new row

will get added.

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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

Go to Output heading

Double click on DO1output

DO1 will get pop up here.

Go to protection element tab.

Double click on Z1

Z1 will get pop up here.

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E. This completes the first logic scheme.

F. Similarly, to add second logic scheme follow the steps given in next images:
ima ges:

Add a second row. Go to Output

heading and then double click on


Go to protection element tab.

And double click on Z2.

Now click here to add AND logic.

Now go back to protection element

heading & select T2.

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G. This completes the second logic scheme.

H. Now follow the same procedure to add 3rd and 4th logic scheme.

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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

16. For permissive Under-Reach tripping the signal logic implemented above
above is as follows:

17. Assignment of DO’s in exercise are as below:


DO1 of local relay is DI

DO2 (digital input) for remote




DO1 of re
te rela
rela is DI di ital
ital in ut for
for lloc
al rela

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18. Implement the same scheme logic in relay 2 also.

19. To run the star Z, do the following procedure:

 Open the study case of star Z.
 Select the study type as ‘ Sliding Fault’.
 Select the fault location by clicking SELECT tab in study case.
This result in fault arrow which needs to be place on the transmission line which
needs to be studied.
In this case placed the fault arrow on the transmission line 1.
 The fault type consider is 3 phase fault.

 After selecting the fault location, go to the next page to activate the associated relay.

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 Click ok and then run the Star Z study.

 View the results by sequence viewer.
Output1: Fault location at 0% length

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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

Output2: Fault location at 50% length

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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

Output3: Fault location at 90% length

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20. You can also see the R-X diagram in star Z view.
Select the Line1 and then click on create star Z view.
Enable the relay 1 and associated protected zones i.e. Z1, Z1X, Z2 & Z3

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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

21. Different Scenarios of Operation:

i. 3 phase fault on Line -1 (ABC to XYZ)

with source at Substation ABC and PQR

o Creating fault on Line -1 (ABC to XYZ): Sliding fault step is

i s chosen as 5%.

o Click ok and then run the StarZ study.

o View the results by opening the Sequence Viewer.
o At start, the fault location is at 0% from Substation ABC.

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i. 3 phase fault on Line -1 (ABC to XYZ) with source at Substation ABC and PQR

It can be observed that when fault location is at 0% from ABC, i.e., at the start of the line,
Zone-1 of Relay1 picks up and the associated Circuit Breaker CB1 operates
instantaneously (60ms, i.e., addition of Relay pickup delay
dela y and Circuit breaker operation

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i. 3 phase fault on Line -1 (ABC to XYZ) with source at Substation ABC and PQR

Also Zone-2 of Relay2 picks up and as per the Permissive Under-Reach tripping logic
(Zone 1 of Relay1 picks up along with Zone 2 of Relay2), Relay2 also gives tripping
signal to the associated Circuit Breaker CB2 which also operates instantaneously.

o Now move the slider to attain the fault location at 25% from Substation
Substation ABC.

In this condition, it can be observed that Zone-1 of Relay1 picks up and the associated
Circuit Breaker CB1 operates instantaneously.

Also Zone-1 of Relay2 picks up and the associated Circuit Breaker CB2 operates
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i. 3 phase fault on Line -1 (ABC to XYZ) with source at Substation ABC and PQR

o Now move the slider to attain the fault location at 80% from Substation
Substation ABC.

In this condition, it can be observed that Zone-1 of Relay2 picks up and the associated
Circuit Breaker CB2 operates instantaneously.

Also Zone-2 of Relay1 picks up and as per the Permissive Under-Reach tripping logic
(Zone 1 of Relay2 picks up along with Zone 2 of Relay1), Relay1 also gives tripping
signal to the associated Circuit Breaker CB1 which also operates instantaneously.

The same sequence of operation can be observed when the fault location is at 100% from
Substation ABC (at Substation XYZ).

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ii. 3 phase fault on Line -2 (XYZ to PQR)

with source at Substation ABC and PQR

o Creating fault on Line -2 (XYZ to PQR): Sliding fault step is chosen as 5%.

o Click ok and then run the StarZ study.

o View the results by opening the Sequence Viewer.
o At start, the fault location is at 0% from Substation XYZ.

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ii. 3 phase fault on Line -2 (XYZ to PQR)

with source at Substation ABC and PQR (Continued)

In this condition, it can be observed that Zone-2 of Relay1 picks up and the associated
Circuit Breaker CB1 operates after a time delay of 310ms, i.e., addition of time delay of
250ms for Zone 2 operation and Relay pickup delay and Circuit breaker operation time.
o Now move the slider to attain the fault location at 50% from Substation
Substation XYZ.

In this condition, it can be observed that only Zone-3 of Relay1 picks up and the
associated Circuit Breaker CB1 operates after a time delay
dela y of 860ms, i.e., addition of time
delay of 800ms for Zone 3 operation and Relay
Rela y pickup delay and Circuit breaker operation

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iii. 3 phase fault on Line -3 (PQR to Grid

U2) with source at Substation ABC and PQR

o Creating fault on Line -3 (PQR to Grid U2): Sliding fault step is chosen as 5%.

o Click ok and then run the StarZ study.

View the results by opening the Sequence Viewer.
o At start, the fault location is at 0% from Substation PQR.

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iii. 3 phase fault on Line -3 (PQR to Grid U2) with source at Substation ABC and
PQR (Continued)

In this condition, it can be observed that only Zone-3 of Relay1 picks up and the
associated Circuit Breaker CB1 operates after a time delay
dela y of 860ms, i.e., addition of time
delay of 800ms for Zone 3 operation and Relay pickup delay and Circuit breaker operation

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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

iv. 3 phase fault on Line -2 (XYZ to PQR)

with source at Substation ABC, XYZ and PQR (INFEED EFFECT) (UNDER-

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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

iv. 3 phase fault on Line -2 (XYZ to PQR) with source at Substation ABC, XYZ and

o Creating fault on Line -2 (XYZ to PQR): Sliding fault step is chosen as 5%.

o Click ok and then run the StarZ study.

o View the results by opening the Sequence Viewer.
o At start, the fault location is at 0% from Substation XYZ.

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iv. 3 phase fault on Line -2 (XYZ to PQR) with source at Substation ABC, XYZ and

In this condition, it can be observed that Zone-2 of Relay1 picks up and the associated
Circuit Breaker CB1 operates after a time delay of 310ms, i.e., addition of time delay of
250ms for Zone 2 operation and Relay pickup delay and Circuit breaker operation time.

o Now move the slider to attain the fault location at 15% from Substation
Substation XYZ.

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iv. 3 phase fault on Line -2 (XYZ to PQR) with source at Substation ABC, XYZ and

In this condition, it can be observed that only Zone-3 of Relay1 picks up and the
associated Circuit Breaker CB1 operates after a time delay
dela y of 860ms, i.e., addition of time
delay of 800ms for Zone 3 operation and Relay pickup delay and Circuit breaker operation

This represents Under-Reach of the Zone 2 of Relay1 which is because of the INFEED
effect, i.e., current infeed from source U3 at Substation XYZ.

Similarly, when you move the slider to attain fault location at 35% from Substation XYZ,
then it is observed that Zone 3 of Relay1 also does not pick up the fault.

This represents Under-Reach of the Zone 3 of Relay1 which is because of the INFEED
effect, i.e., current infeed from source U3 at Substation XYZ.

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v. LG fault on Line -1 (ABC to XYZ) with source at

a t Substation ABC and with Residual
Compensation factor (KZ1, KZ2 and KZ3) as zero (0).

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v. LG fault on Line -1 (ABC to XYZ) with source at

a t Substation ABC and with Residual
Compensation factor (KZ1, KZ2 and KZ3) as zero (0) (Continued)

o Now go to Relay-1, StarZ | Distance and make Residual Compensation factor (KZ1,
KZ2 and KZ3) as zero (0).

Similarly enter “0” for KZ2 and KZ3 inputs as well.

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v. LG fault on Line -1 (ABC to XYZ) with source at Substation ABC and with
Residual Compensation factor (KZ1, KZ2 and KZ3) as zero (0) (Continued)
o Creating fault on Line -1 (ABC to XYZ): Sliding fault step is chosen as 5%.

o Click ok and then run the StarZ study.

o View the results by opening the Sequence Viewer.
o At start, the fault location is at 0% from Substation ABC.

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v. LG fault on Line -1 (ABC to XYZ) with source at Substation ABC and with
Residual Compensation factor (KZ1, KZ2 and KZ3) as zero (0) (Continued)

It can be observed that when fault location is at 0% from ABC, i.e., at the start
sta rt of the line,
Zone-1 of Relay1 picks up and the associated Circuit Breaker CB1 operates
instantaneously (60ms, i.e., addition of Relay pickup delay and Circuit breaker
b reaker operation

o Now move the slider to attain the fault location at 45% from Substation
Substation ABC.

In this condition, it can be observed that Zone-1 of Relay1 does not pick up the fault. This
is because we have not considered Residual Compensation factor which results in Under-
Reach of the relay.

Similar results can be obtained for Zone-2 and Zone-3 by further increasing the distance
of fault location from Substation ABC.

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vi. LG fault on Line -1 (ABC to XYZ) with source at Substation ABC and
considering Residual Compensation factor (KZ1, KZ2 and KZ3).

o Creating fault on Line -1 (ABC to XYZ): Sliding fault step is chosen as 5%.

o Click ok and then run the StarZ study.

o View the results by opening the Sequence Viewer.
o At start, the fault location is at 0% from Substation ABC.

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vi. LG fault on Line -1 (ABC to XYZ) with source at Substation ABC and
considering Residual Compensation factor (KZ1, KZ2 and KZ3) (Continued)

It can be observed that when fault location is at 0% from ABC, i.e., at the start
sta rt of the line,
Zone-1 of Relay1 picks up and the associated Circuit Breaker CB1 operates
instantaneously (60ms, i.e., addition of Relay pickup delay and Circuit breaker
b reaker operation

o Now move the slider to attain the fault location at 75% from Substation
Substation ABC.

Same sequence of operation as previous condition is seen in this condition which proves
satisfactory operation of Relay1.

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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

vii. Load Encroachment Simulation

Spurious tripping of Distance Relay due to large loads falls within the Zone, said to be
tripping due to Load Encroachment.

The same can be checked in STAR Z module.

With the present setting of the relay, the Quad Characterstics is as below:

Now we will be considering

considering the following load at bus XYZ
XYZ (Constant Impedance loads):
Rload (ohms) MW MVar
60 881.6666667 0
30 1763.333333 0

vii. Load Encroachment Simulation (Continued)

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o Connect a lump load at bus XYZ with only source at bus ABC (Grid U1) in service,
as shown below.

a) Case -1: Rload = 60 ohms

o Open lumped load (Lump2) component and go to Nameplate Page

o Now move the Load-Type Slider to 0, making it a 100% Constant Z (Constant
Impedance load).
o Now Input the MW value as 881.667 (equivalent for 60 ohms load at 230kV Rated

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vii. Load Encroachment Simulation (Continued)

o Please refer to the snapshot below for the same:

o Now open Study Scenario and select “Load flow (No Fault)” under Study Type.

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vii. Load Encroachment Simulation (Continued)

o Click OK and then run the StarZ study.

o View the results by opening the Sequence Viewer.
o As the Load Resistance is more than the setting provided in the relay, hence the relay
does not operate for the same. The results can be verified by opening the sequence

Hence, in this case the load does not encroach the Relay
Rela y Characterstics and no maloperation
of relay is observed.
b) Case -1: Rload = 30 ohms

o Open lumped load (Lump2) component and go to Nameplate Page

o Now move the Load-Type Slider to 0, making it a 100% Constant Z (Constant
Impedance load).
o Now Input the MW value as 1763.33 (equivalent for 30 ohms load at 230kV Rated

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vii. Load Encroachment Simulation (Continued)

o Please refer to the snapshot below for the same:

o Click OK and then run the StarZ study.

o View the results by opening the Sequence Viewer.

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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

It can be observed that, as the load resistance is reduced to 30 ohms, Relay1 trips even if
there is no fault in the system.
This condition of Distance Relay is known as tripping due to load encroachment.

22. Distance Protection Settings of Other makes for the Example Transmission System:

For the Example Transmission System, settings for other makes has also been provided in
the same ETAP file as Revisions.
OTI File Name: NPAG DIST.oti
The same can be seen as below:



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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

Relay Make and Model (As per

S. No. Revision Name


2 NPAG - ABB ABB – RED 670 V 1.2 IEC



Simulate the Revision files as explained before and analyse the results for all the cases.

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OTI File Name: Dist_Parallel_lines.oti

The System below is used for simulation of this Example:

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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

1. The above figure represents a simple 132kV Transmission System

2. The 132kV Typical Transmission Line tower used for modelling is as shown below:

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3. The Grouping of Conductors for calculation of Coupling Effect is as shown below:

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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)


4. A 132kV Double Circuit Transmission line is modelled between Bus ABC and Bus XYZ
and is the component under study.
s tudy.
5. Further a 132kV Single Circuit line is modelled between Bus XYZ and Bus PQR.
6. Modelling of 132kV Double Circuit Transmission line with Mutual Coupling:
a) Open first Transmission Line Component & go to Info Page and input the following
 ID: Line-1 Ckt-1 (GROUP-1 as per FIGURE-2)
 Length: 10 km

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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

b) Now go to Parameter Page and select the following conductors:

 Go to Conductor Library in Phase Conductor

 Select Unit System as Metric, Frequency as 50 and Source Name as Pirelli/GZ.

 Now Select the Conductor as “MANGO” (Size – 431 mm2, Strands – 54) and
Click OK.

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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

 Go to Conductor Wire Library in Ground Wire

 Select Unit System as Metric, Frequency as 50 and Source Name as Pirelli/GZ.

 Now Select the Conductor as “BANANA” (Size – 77.3 mm2, Strands – 6) and
Click OK.

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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

 Now Parameter Page will be as shown below:

c) Now go to Configuration Page and enter details as below:

 Select Configuration type as General
 Enter the Conductor Coordinate details as below (as per FIGURE-1):

Configuration of Line-1 Ckt-1 X coordinate Y coordinate Unit
1 Conductor A (A1) : -3.7 31.6 m

2 Conductor B (B1) : -4.6 27.5 m

3 Conductor C (C1) : -3.7 23.8 m

4 Ground Wire (GW) : 0 35 m

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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

 No Transposition of line is assumed for this Example.

 The Configuration Page will be as shown:

 Now Click OK and Copy

Copy and Paste this Transmission Line “Line Ckt-1”.
-1 Ckt-1”

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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

a) Now Open this new Transmission Line

Line go to Info Page:
 Change ID to: Line-1 Ckt-2 (GROUP-2 as per FIGURE-2)

b) Now go to Parameter Page and enter details as below:

 Go to Conductor Wire Library in Ground Wire

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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

 Select None as there is no Ground Wire in Line-1 Ckt-2, i.e., Group-2 (Refer Figure
-2 for details).

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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

c) Now go to Configuration Page and enter details as below:

 Enter the Conductor Coordinate details as below (as per FIGURE-1):

S. Configuration of Line-1 Ckt-2 X Y Unit

No. coordinate coordinate
1 Conductor A (A2) : 3.7 31.6 m

2 Conductor B (B2) : 4.6 27.5 m

3 Conductor C (C2) : 3.7 23.8 m

 Deselect Ground Wires as there is no Ground Wire in Line-1 Ckt-2 and click OK.
 The Configuration Page will be as shown below:

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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

d) Again Open Transmission Line, Line-1 Ckt-1 and go to Grouping Page.

 Select tab – “Mutual Coupling Group”

 Click on Add and enter the details as below:

Name (ID): COUPL1
Length (km): 10 (Same as length of Transmission Line)
Click Close.

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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

 Now in Grouping Page, select Name under “Group” as “COUPL1”. and Click OK.

e) Now open Transmission Line, Line-1

Line-1 Ckt-2 and go to Grouping Page.
 Select Name under “Group” as “COUPL1”. and Click OK (Same Coupling Group
for both Transmission Lines must be selected.
f) The coupling effect of Parallel Circuits of Transmission Line can be seen in the
Impedance Page of Transmission Line:
 Go to Impedance Page of Transmission Line “Line -1 Ckt-2” and Select Sequence
Domain under R, X, Y Matrices section.

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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

 Click on tab “R” (Sequence Resistance Matrix) under R, X, Y Matrices section

and 6x6 Sequence Resistance Matrices for will be shown as below:

 Now Click on tab “X” (Sequence Reactance Matrix) under R, X, Y Matrices

section and 6x6 Sequence Reactance Matrices for will be shown as below:

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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

7. Now to model Outgoing line from Bus XYZ to PQR, copy Transmission Line “Line-1 Ckt-
2” & Paste and rename it as Line-2.
8. Open Transmission Line “Line 2” and go to Grouping Page & Select Name under
a s NO COUPLING between Line-2 and
“Group” as “None”. and Click OK. This is done as
Line-1 is required.

9. In ETAP file, add the distance relay at Line1 of ABC bus. Pick up the Schneider Electric
make, P441 type distance relay from the default library. This is quadrilateral type relay.

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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

10. Connect this Relay1 to 100/1A CT1 and 132kV / 110V PT1.
11. Disable the over current (OCR) and over load (OLR) settings
setti ngs for Relay1.

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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

12. The distance relay has features to add digital input (DI) & digital output (DO) along with
CT & PT inputs. Set the inputs to Relay1 as shown below:
 Current Transformer (CT) input:

 Potential Transformer (PT) input:

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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

13. Assign output of Relay1 (DO1) to trip CB1.

14. Now go to StarZ | Distance Page of Relay1 and enter the settings as shown below:
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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

To show the phenomenon of Distance Relay Under-Reach and Over-Reach, only

Zone-1 of Relay is activated (Zone-2 and Zone-3 deactivated) and is provided with
settings such that Zone-1
Zone-1 covers 100% of Transmission Line “Line-1
“Line -1 Ckt-2”.
15. You can see the R-X diagram in star Z view.
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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

16. Under-Reach Effect due to Coupling of Parallel Transmission Lines:

Line to Ground fault on Line -1 Ckt-2 (ABC to XYZ) (Normal Operation – Both
Circuits in Operation)

 Go to Study Case and follow the following steps:

a) Study Type: Sliding Fault

b) Click on “Select” under Fault/Study Location and Select “Line -1 Ckt-2” and
select step as “1 %”.
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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

Under-Reach Effect due to Coupling of Parallel Transmission Lines:

Line to Ground fault on Line -1 Ckt-2 (ABC to XYZ) (Normal Operation – Both
Circuits in Operation) (Continued)
c) Select Fault Type as “Line-to-Ground” and Click OK.

 Run StarZ Study and Open Sequence of Operation.

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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

Under-Reach Effect due to Coupling of Parallel Transmission Lines:

Line to Ground fault on Line -1 Ckt-2 (ABC to XYZ) (Normal Operation – Both
Circuits in Operation) (Continued)
 It is observed that Relay1 operates instantaneously for a fault at Start of
Transmission Line “Line Ckt-2”.
-1 Ckt-2”

 Now move the fault location to 93% of the Transmission Line “Line Ckt-2”. It
-1 Ckt-2”
can be observed Relay1 still operates instantaneously for the fault.
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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

Under-Reach Effect due to Coupling of Parallel Transmission Lines:

Line to Ground fault on Line -1 Ckt-2 (ABC to XYZ) (Normal Operation – Both
Circuits in Operation) (Continued)

Now move the fault location to 94% of

of the Transmission Line “Line Ckt-2”. It can be
-1 Ckt-2”
observed Relay1 does not operate for this fault location.

Even though Zone-1 of Relay1 is provided with settings to cover 100% of

“Line-1 Ckt-2”,
Transmission Line “Line-1 Ckt-2”, it does not operate for a fault at 94% length of the

Transmission line. Thus a Relay Under-Reach of 7% is observed in this case.

This is due to the coupling effect of the Parallel Circuit of Transmission Line (Line-1
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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

17. Over-Reach Effect due to Coupling of Parallel Transmission Lines:

Line to Ground fault on Line -2 (XYZ to PQR) (Outage of One Circuit – One Circuit
Earthed at Both Ends)
 To simulate the Over-Reach Effect due to Coupling of Parallel Transmission Lines,
one circuit should be removed from operation and shall be Earthed at both ends.
Following modifications in the system needs to be done for this:
a) Go to Edit Mode in ETAP.
b) Disconnect Transmission Line “Line-1 Ckt-1” from system as show below:

c) Add a Generator and Open Info Page.

d) Rename Generator as “Ground-1” and under Configuration, select Operation
Mode as “Swing” as shown below:
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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

Over-Reach Effect due to Coupling of Parallel Transmission Lines:

Line to Ground fault on Line -2 (XYZ to PQR) (Outage of One Circuit – One Circuit
Earthed at Both Ends) (Continued)

e) Go to Rating Page of Generator “Ground-1” and enter details as below:

Rated Voltage: 0.01 kV
MW rating: 0.009 MW
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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

Over-Reach Effect due to Coupling of Parallel Transmission Lines:

Line to Ground fault on Line -2 (XYZ to PQR) (Outage of One Circuit – One Circuit
Earthed at Both Ends) (Continued)
f) Go to Impedance Page of Generator “Ground-1” and select Typical Data.

g) Go to Grounding Page of Generator “Ground-1” and select Connection Type

as “Solid”.
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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

Over-Reach Effect due to Coupling of Parallel Transmission Lines:

Line to Ground fault on Line -2 (XYZ to PQR) (Outage of One Circuit – One Circuit
Earthed at Both Ends) (Continued)
h) Now go to Inertia Page and input data as shown under:

i) Now go to Exciter Page and select sample data as shown under:

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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

Over-Reach Effect due to Coupling of Parallel Transmission Lines:

Line to Ground fault on Line -2 (XYZ to PQR) (Outage of One Circuit – One Circuit
Earthed at Both Ends) (Continued)
j) Now go to Governor Page and select sample data as shown under and Click

k) Copy and Paste Generator “Ground -1” and rename it as “Ground -2”.
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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

Over-Reach Effect due to Coupling of Parallel Transmission Lines:

Line to Ground fault on Line -2 (XYZ to PQR) (Outage of One Circuit – One Circuit
Earthed at Both Ends) (Continued)
l) Now Connect the system as shown below:

“Line -1 Ckt-1”
For Earthing Transmission Line “Line-1 Ckt-1” at both ends without isolation it from
the circuit in ETAP, it has been earthed using a Generator with very small rated
voltage (0.01kV) and Solidly Earthed.
 Now go to Study Case and follow the following steps:
Study Type: Sliding Fault
Click on “Select” under Fault/Study Location and Select “Line-2” and select step
as “1 %”.
Select Fault Type as “Line -to-Ground” and Click OK.
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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

Over-Reach Effect due to Coupling of Parallel Transmission Lines:

Line to Ground fault on Line -2 (XYZ to PQR) (Outage of One Circuit – One
Circuit Earthed at Both Ends) (Continued)

 Run StarZ Study and Open Sequence of Operation.

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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

Over-Reach Effect due to Coupling of Parallel Transmission Lines:

Line to Ground fault on Line -2 (XYZ to PQR) (Outage of One Circuit – One

Circuit Earthed at Both Ends) (Continued)

 It is observed that Relay1 operates instantaneously for a fault at Start of
Transmission Line “Line

 Now move the fault location to 30% of the Transmission Line “Line
“Line--2”. It can be
observed Relay1 still operates instantaneously for the fault.
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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

Over-Reach Effect due to Coupling of Parallel Transmission Lines:

Line to Ground fault on Line -2 (XYZ to PQR) (Outage of One Circuit – One

Circuit Earthed at Both Ends) (Continued)

 Now move the fault location to 31% of the Transmission Line “Line
“Line--2”. It can be
observed Relay1 does not operate for this fault location.

Even though Zone-1 of Relay1 is provided with settings to cover 100% of

Transmission Line “Line -1 Ckt-2”,
“Line-1 Ckt-2”, it operates for a fault at 30% length of the

“Line-2”. Thus a Relay Over-Reach

Transmission line “Line- Over-Reach of 30% is observed in this
This is due to the coupling effect of the Parallel Circuit of Transmission Line (Line-
1 Ckt-1).
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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)




OTI File Name: Dist_Annx_2.oti

The System below is used for simulation of this Example:
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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

1. The figure represents a simple 220kV Transmission System
2. Add Positive and zero sequence impedance details for each OH
L (Over Head
Head Line) as follows:

3. All the Lines have the same Impedance parameters. The length of the lines are entered as shown

S. No. Name of Line Length (km)

1 Line_1_Sec_1 30

2 Line_1_Sec_2 70

3 Line_2_Sec_1 35

4 Line_2_Sec_2 35

5 Line_3 60
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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

4. In ETAP file, add the distance
distance relay at Line_1_Sec_1 of BUS-1. Pick up the Schneider Electric
make, P441 type distance relay from the default library. This is quadrilateral type relay.

5. Connect this Relay1 to 1000/1A CT1 and 230kV / 120V PT1.

6. Disable the over current (OCR) and over load (OLR) settings for Relay1.
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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

7. The distance relay has the features tto
o add digital input (DI) & digital output (DO) along
along with CT &
PT inputs. Set the inputs to Relay1 as shown below:
a. Current Transformer (CT) input:

b. Potential Transformer (PT) input:

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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

8. Assign output of Relay1 (DO1) to trip CB1.

9. Now go to StarZ | Distanc e Page

Page of Relay1 and enter the settings as shown below:

To show the phenomenon of Distance Relay Over-Rea

ch du e to Out -Feed,
-Feed, only Zone-1 of
Relay is activ ated (Zone-2
(Zone-2 and
and Zone-3 deactivated)
deactivated) and is p rovid ed with settings such t hat
Zone- 1 covers 100% of Transmission Line “Line_1” (Line_1_Sec_1 + Line_1_Sec_2).
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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

10. Normal Operation – Line_2, i.e., Line_2_Sec_1 & Line_2_Sec_1 not in operation

The circuit shown in the above figure is used for simulation.

 Go to Study Case and follow the following steps:
a) Study Type: Sliding Fault
b) Click on “Select” under Fault/Study Location and Select “Line_1_Sec_2” and select
step as “1 %”.
c) Select Fault Type as “3 phase” and Click OK.
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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

Normal Operation – Line_2, i.e., Line_2_Sec_1 & Line_2_Sec_1 not in operation

 Run StarZ Study and Open Se

quence of Operation.
 It is observed that Relay1 operates instantaneously for a fault at Start of Transmission Line
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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

Normal Operation – Line_2, i.e., Line_2_Sec_1 & Line_2_Sec_1 not in operation
 Now move the fault location to 100% of the Transmission Line “Line_1_Sec_2”
“Line_1_Sec_2”.. It can be
observed Relay1 still operates instantaneously for the fault.

 Now again, go to Study Case and follow the following steps:

a) Click on “Select” under Fault/Study Location and Select “Line_3” and select step as “1
 Run StarZ Study and Open Se
quence of Operation.
 Now move the fault location to 1% of the Transmission Line “Line_3”
“Line_3”.. It can be observed Relay1
does not operate for the fault.

From this, it can be concluded that Relay1 is set to cover 100% of Transmission Line
“Line_1” (Line_1_Sec_1 + Line_1_Sec_2) in Zone-1.
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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

11. Over-Re
ach due to Out -Feed
-Feed Effect – Lin e_2
e_2,, i.e., Lin e_2_Sec_1
e_2_Sec_1 & Li ne_2_Sec_1
ne_2_Sec_1 in op eration

The circuit shown in the above figure is used for simulation.

 Run StarZ Study and Open Se
quence of Operation.
 Now move the fault location to 1% of the Transmission Line “Line_3”
“Line_3”.. It can be observed Relay1
operates instantaneously for the fault.

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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

Over-Reach due to Out -Feed
-Feed Effect – Lin e_2
e_2,, i.e., Lin e_2_Sec_1
e_2_Sec_1 & Li ne_2_Sec_1
ne_2_Sec_1 in op eratio n

From thi s obs ervation, it can be co ncluded t hat Out-Feed

Out-Feed effect causes the Distance Relay
to Over-Reach. Now, we can also check the extent of Over-Reach.
 Now move the fault location to 59% of the Transmission Line “Line_3”
“Line_3”.. It can be observed
Relay1 operates instantaneously for the fault.
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Distance Protection (Example in ETAP version 18.0)

Over-Reach due to Out -Feed
-Feed Effect – Lin e_2
e_2,, i.e., Lin e_2_Sec_1
e_2_Sec_1 & Li ne_2_Sec_1
ne_2_Sec_1 in op eration
 Now move the fault location to 60% of the Transmission Line “Line_3”
“Line_3”.. It can be observed
Relay1 does not operate for the fault.

Even though with Zone-1

Zone-1 of Relay1 set to cover 100% of Transmission Line “Line_1”
(Line_1_Sec_1 + Line_1_Sec_2),
Line_1_Sec_2), it op erates fo r a faul t at 59% of L ine_3 (60
Now Percentage Over-Re
ach can b e calculated as b elow:
59% of Li ne_3 = 0.59*60
0.59*60 = 35
35 km (approx .)
% Over-Reach = (59% of Line_3) / (Line_1_Sec_1 + Line_1_Sec_2)
% Over-Reach = 35/100
% Over-Reach = 35 %

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