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To begin with, I have CHOUSEN

chosen to talk about extract A. I am going to start by presenting
this wonderful novel. The Giver was written by Lois Lowry in 1993 in the context in which
American society was reflecting on human rights, ethics and social responsibility. The
novel is situated in an indeterminate future and presents an apparently perfect but
controlled society, devoid of emotions and individual liberties.
Well, the chosen excerpt belongs to chapter 17 of the novel The Giver. It begins talking
about Jonas and his friends playing in the park. Jonas watches his friends play
energetically and actively, but something disturbs him. The theme of the extract in
essence is Jonas's revelation about the violent and destructive nature of war games. So,
here you can see the excitement and adrenaline of his friends contrasting with the
restlessness and confusion that Jonas feels when asking him to "Hold your horses". Also,
it is interesting to note the mind control that exists in the Jonas community where it is
perceived in an environment where conflict and violence are hidden and tightly
controlled. Previous to this extract, he began receiving the memories of the previous
Memory Giver, leading him to question the uniformity and lack of emotion in their society,
and what happens after this extract is that Jonas is confronted with the truth about
violence and repression in his controlled society, so he decides to escape from the
community together with Gabriel in search of freedom and a more authentic life. It’s in
this extract that a type of conflict begins to develop because Jonas is perceived to be in
an internal conflict between his participation in a war game and his growing awareness
of violence and human suffering. Therefore, it follows that there is a conflict with himself.
This excerpt is very important because it triggers Jonas' crisis of conscience as he
confronts the simulated violence and the reality of cruelty in his society, prompting him
to seek change and true freedom. To sum up, this extract represents Jonas's awakening
to the violence and cruelty of his society, which leads him to question established norms
and seek a change towards freedom and authenticity.

On the whole, I cherished this passage as it gives us an in-depth look at Jonas's loss of
innocence and his awakening to the cruelty and conflict present in his society.
Furthermore, one of the reasons I have chosen the extract is because the autor it seeks
to convey the idea that exposure to violence and cruelty can awaken people's
conscience, triggering questions and questions about the society in which they live.

To begin with, I have chosen to talk about extract A. I am going to start by presenting
this wonderful novel. The Giver was written by Lois Lowry in 1993 in the context in which
American society was reflecting on human rights, ethics and social responsibility. The
novel is situated in an indeterminate future and presents an apparently perfect but
controlled society, devoid of emotions and individual liberties.

Well, the chosen excerpt belongs to chapter 23 of the novel The Giver. It begins talking
about Jonas who seeks to escape from an emotionless society to a place of freedom
and lost humanity, taking Gabriel with him. The theme of the extract focuses on hope,
love and sacrifice in the search for a better world. So, here you can see how Jonas and
his brother Gabriel seek to escape an emotionless society. Jonas risks everything to
protect Gabriel and together they embark on a perilous journey in search of freedom and
a better future. Also, on their journey, Jonas and Gabriel face cold and adversity, but
persevere through love and determination. As they sleigh down a hill, they catch a
glimpse of lights and music, feeling the hope of finding a place that is welcoming and full
of love. Previous to this extract, Jonas discovers the truth behind their seemingly perfect
society with no emotions and no freedom of choice, and what happens after this extract
is that the fate of Jonas and Gabriel is left open to interpretation. It’s in this extract that a
type of conflict begins to develop because Jonas must grapple with the responsibility of
leading Gabriel into an uncertain future, balancing his desire for freedom with fear of the
dangers he faces along the way. Therefore, it follows that there is a conflict with himself.
This excerpt is very important because it represents the climax of the story and
encapsulates the central themes of hope, sacrifice and the search for a better world. It
shows Jonas's determination to escape from an emotionless society and find a place
filled with love and freedom. To sum up, the extract represents the climactic moment of
The Giver, where Jonas fights against the cold and the desolation in search of a warm
and luminous place. It symbolizes hope, love and the search for freedom in contrast to
an emotionless society.

On the whole, I cherished this passage for its portrayal of Jonas's loss of innocence and
his awakening to cruelty and conflict in his society. Furthermore, one of the reasons i
have chosen the extract is because the author conveys the idea that exposure to
violence and cruelty can awaken people's conscience, leading them to question and
reflect on the society in which they live.

To begin with, I’ve chosen to talk about excerpt B. And now I'm going to start by
introducing this astonishing literary novel. Animal Farm was written by George Orwell
who was born in India in 1903 but lived most of his life in England. He lived in the war
context before and during Second World War and his ideology in the face of it was
socialism. This is reflected in this satirical novel, as it deals with the criticism of the Soviet
regime in a humorous way by representing people with animals.

Well, the chosen excerpt belongs to chapter 7 of the novel Animal Farm. It begins when
the animals confess to alleged betrayals incited by Snowball, they are executed one after
the other on Napoleon's orders, creating a climate of oppression and fear on the farm.
The theme of the extract is the oppression and corruption of power, where leaders use
violence and manipulation to maintain control. It reflects the loss of revolutionary values
and the growing inequality on the farm. So, here we can see the historical events of the
Russian Revolution and shows how totalitarian leaders exploit and manipulate their
followers, using repression and control tactics to stay in power. This contextualization
highlights the importance of vigilance and resistance against oppressive regimes in the
defense of freedom and justice. Previous to this excerpt, Napoleon has established
himself as the leader on the farm after driving out Snowball, and what happens after this
extract is Napoleon's oppression and control over the farm intensifies the questioning of
some animals about the actions that the pigs were doing. It’s in this excerpt that a type
of conflict begins to develop which is the abuse of power and repression by Napoleon,
the overbearing leader of the farm. Therefore, it’s deduced that there’s a conflict between
individual vs. society. This excerpt is very substantive for the novel because it marks a
crucial point in the narrative where the corruption and abuse of power of the leaders on
the farm is revealed. It represents the breakdown of revolutionary ideals and the
consolidation of an oppressive regime. To sum up, this excerpt represents the excerpt
depicts the consolidation of an authoritarian regime at Animal Farm, where the leaders
use violence and manipulation to maintain control.

On the whole, I cherished this passage since it demonstrates the learning process had
the animals on the farm and the way in which we can understand the various political
issues. Furthermore, one of the reasons I have chosen the extract is because the author
relates the difficulties the Soviet people had in applying their ideology to animals that
didn’t know the alphabet, thus showing that the Soviet regime was lackluster.

To begin with, I’ve chosen to talk about excerpt A. And now I'm going to start by
introducing this astonishing literary novel. Animal Farm was written by George Orwell
who was born in India in 1903 but lived most of his life in England. He lived in the war
context before and during Second World War and his ideology in the face of it was
socialism. This is reflected in this satirical novel, as it deals with the criticism of the Soviet
regime in a humorous way by representing people with animals.

Well, the chosen excerpt belongs to chapter 7 of the novel Animal Farm. It begins talking
about Napoleon, the leading pig, who flaunts his authority and cruelty towards those who
challenge his regime, "To stand sternly". The theme of the extract is Napoleon's use of
fear, violence and manipulation to maintain his control and power on the farm. Napoleon
orders the dogs to attack and injure the treacherous pigs, making it clear that any form
of dissent will be severely punished. So, the violence exerted by dogs, which "To go quite
mad" symbolizes the use of power and coercion to maintain control over the population.
Previous to this extract, Napoleon has consolidated his power on the farm after driving
out his rival, Snowball, and what happens after this extract Napoleon's repression and
control over the farm intensifies. It’s in this excerpt that a type of conflict begins to develop
by the abuse of power and the oppression exercised by Napoleon over the other animals
on the farm. Therefore, it’s deduced that there’s a conflict between individual vs. society.
This extract is very substantive for the novel because It shockingly shows the brutality
and abuse of power by Napoleon, the totalitarian leader of the farm. To sum up, this
extract represents Napoleon's cruelty and abuse of power on the farm. It shows how the
opposition is silenced and the truth is manipulated to maintain control.

On the whole, I cherished this passage since it demonstrates the learning process had
the animals on the farm and the way that we can call the shots to acquire many skills
that we initially thought we would never gain. Furthermore, one of the reasons I have
chosen the extract is because the author relates the difficulties the Soviet people had in
applying their ideology to animals that didn’t know the alphabet, thus showing that the
Soviet regime was lackluster.

To begin with, I have chosen to talk about extract A. I am going to start by presenting
this wonderful novel. The Giver was written by Lois Lowry in 1993 in the context in which
American society was reflecting on human rights, ethics and social responsibility. The
novel is situated in an indeterminate future and presents an apparently perfect but
controlled society, devoid of emotions and individual liberties.

Well, the chosen excerpt belongs to chapter 17 of the novel The Giver. It begins talking
about Jonas's emotional transformation and awakening through memories transmitted
to him. He experiences a range of deeper emotions, such as happiness, anger, sadness,
and pain. The theme of the extract it is the exploration of deep and authentic emotions
in contrast to the superficial emotions experienced in Jonas's controlled society. So, here
you can see how Jonas discovers that the superficial emotions that are analyzed and
discussed in his society are rather fleeting impulses compared to the deeper, more
genuine emotions he experiences. Previous to this extract, Jonas has begun to receive
the memories of the past transmitted by the giver, and what happens after this extract
Jonas continues to explore the memories and emotions conveyed by the giver. It’s in this
extract that a type of conflict begins to develop because the contrast between the
superficial, analytical emotions experienced in Jonas's controlled society, and the
deeper, more authentic emotions he discovers through memories. Therefore, it follows
that there is a conflict with himself. This excerpt is very important because marks a pivotal
point in Jonas's emotional development and awakening. To sum up, the extract
represents Jonas's emotional transformation upon accessing memories from the past. It
shows his discovery of deeper and more authentic emotions, contrasting with the
superficial emotions of his society.

On the whole, this excerpt marks a pivotal point in Jonas's emotional journey, where he
undergoes a profound transformation by accessing memories of the past. The author
presents us with the contrast between the superficial and analytical emotions of the
controlled society and the more authentic and significant emotions that Jonas discovers.
The message that the author transmits to us is that the connection with our deepest
emotions and the full experience of life are essential for true humanity.

To begin with, I’ve chosen to talk about excerpt A. And now I'm going to start by
introducing this astonishing literary novel. Animal Farm was written by George Orwell
who was born in India in 1903 but lived most of his life in England. He lived in the war
context before and during Second World War and his ideology in the face of it was
socialism. This is reflected in this satirical novel, as it deals with the criticism of the Soviet
regime in a humorous way by representing people with animals.

Well, the chosen excerpt belongs to chapter 7 of the novel Animal Farm. It begins talking
about the threat of an attack on Animal Farm by Frederick. The cruel acts he practices
on his own farm are revealed, sparking anger among the animals. The main theme of
this excerpt is the growing tension and the threat of a treacherous attack on Animal Farm.
Previous to this extract, a windmill has been under construction at Animal Farm, and
rumors have surfaced of a possible attack by Frederick, a hostile neighbor, and what
happens after this extract tension between Animal Farm and Frederick remains high. It’s
in this excerpt that a type of conflict begins to develop by the confrontation between the
Animal Farm and Frederick, the hostile neighbor. Therefore, it’s deduced that there’s a
conflict between individual vs. society. This extract is very substantive for the novel
because it marks a critical point in the plot, where the imminent threat of an attack on
Animal Farm is revealed. To sum up, this extract represents the growing threat and
conflict facing Animal Farm in the face of Frederick's hostility and possible attack.

On the whole, I cherished this passage since it demonstrates the learning process had
the animals on the farm and the way that we can call the shots to acquire many skills
that we initially thought we would never gain. Furthermore, one of the reasons I have
chosen the extract is because the author relates the difficulties the Soviet people had in
applying their ideology to animals that didn’t know the alphabet, thus showing that the
Soviet regime was lackluster.

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