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Steps: Here are the screenshots for quick reference.

1. Open Eclipse, close any existing packages in the package explorer.

2. Go to File à Open Projects from File System

3. Select Archive, and import the Eclipse Project (.zip) given to you.

4. Ensure to untick the first check box in the image above. Click Finish.
5. Now, you should see the project in the package explorer. Right click on the Lab
folder à Build Path à Add Libraries à JUnit 5 à Finish
6. Again Right click on the Lab folder à Build Path à Add External Archives à
Select the Tests.jar file à Open
7. Once done with your code, right click on the Tests.class file à Run As à 2JUnit
Test à Check the results of the test cases (passed/failed). Check the testcase
name to get a hint of the part of code evaluated by the test case.
8. When the tests pass, the above filled red box will show up as green.

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