Speaking Corrections

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Grammar and Vocabulary

Are they using a range of grammatical structures and vocabulary?

Kok Wee uses a good range of vocabulary and a wide range of grammar but sometimes he
uses simple phrases to respond.
Chris uses simple vocabulary and simple grammatical structures, I think she could improve.

Are they using these structures and vocabulary correctly? Are they using vocabulary which
is appropriate for a range of familiar topics?

The vocabulary of Kok and Chris is appropriate in all the parts in the speaking exam. But in
some cases they used any word that made no sense.

Discourse Management

Are they using both long and short answers, depending on the task? Is everything they
say relevant to the task?

They both respond correctly to all the questions and also they focus on the answer because
all the things they were saying were relevant to the task.

Are their ideas expressed clearly?

Kok expresses himself always clearly, but Chris sometimes seems to be confused and I
think she had difficulty in expressing her ideas.

Are they using some language to link and organize your ideas?

As I said, Kok is always expressing himself clearly and he uses a lot of linkers to make it
easier to understand what he was saying. But Chris sometimes sounds repetitive.

Are they able to speak fluently and with very little repetition?

Chris is fluent but she sounds repetitive and also if she changes her intonation she would
pronunciate better.


They don’t need to have an English accent, but it is important to be clear. Are they
pronouncing individual sounds clearly?

Kok’s pronunciation is always clear. Chris has a bad intonation and sometimes it is difficult to
understand her.

Are they placing stress on the right parts of words and on the right words in sentences?
I think that they were placing stress correctly because I could understand it all at the first

Does their voice go up and down at the right times?

In the case of Kok It is what happens. In the case of Chris I would say that she has a lack of
confidence and is also nervous so her voice goes up and down when it is not needed.

Interactive Communication

Are they able to interact with the other candidate easily and effectively?

Yes, they were interacting easily.

Are they listening to the other candidate and answering in a way that makes sense?


Can they start a discussion and help keep it going with a partner?


Can they think of new ideas to add to the discussion?

Probably Kok will be able to do it but Chris as she is not confident she probably not.

Global Achievement

This is about their general performance.

How well do they speak about the topics they are given?

Kok expresses himself clearly and explains all the things that appeared in the images
without confusions and difficulties.
In the case of Chris, she started very well but she ran out of ideas and she started getting
nervous and she got confused.

Are their answers clear and fluent?

Yes, as I said before they both answered clearly and fluently, Kok better than Chris, but it is
also irrelevant because they both answered correctly.

Are they using language that is right for the Cambridge English: First /B2/ level?

Kok uses a wide range of vocabulary and he uses complex sentences, so he has the b2
The language of Chris is appropriate for the b2 level too but she could improve.

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