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Rave Psychologist
Reference Guide

for Practitioners

From the teaching of

This booklet is for the exclusive use of IHDS Ra Uru Hu
certified Rave Psychologist Practitioners.

Corrections, comments, suggestions and client

feedback may be sent to
Prepared by Becky Markley
© Jovian Archive Corporation 2005 RP Practitioner Project June 2008
Published June 2008 ©Jovian Archive, Corp. 2005

RP Resource Booklet for Practitioners


The Purpose of this Booklet ...................................................... 4

Printing this booklet ................................................................... 4
Abbreviations .............................................................................. 4
CONSULT CONSIDERATIONS ................................................... 5
Before the Consult .................................................................... 5
During the Consult .................................................................... 6
The Homogenized Effects of Color Transference .................... 7
Potential Benefits of RP Consultations & Programs................. 7
TYPE ............................................................................................. 9
The Aura ................................................................................... 9
GENERATOR ........................................................................... 9
PROJECTOR.......................................................................... 10
MANIFESTOR ........................................................................ 12
REFLECTOR .......................................................................... 13
COLORS 1-6 CHARACTERISTICS ........................................... 14
COLOR 1 ................................................................................ 14
COLOR 2 ................................................................................ 14
COLOR 3 ................................................................................ 16
COLOR 4 ................................................................................ 16
COLOR 5 ................................................................................ 17
COLOR 6 ................................................................................ 18
Color—Tonal Trajectory Fixing Illustration ............................ 19
TRAJECTORY CHART .............................................................. 20
TONE CHARACTERISTICS....................................................... 22
TONE 1................................................................................... 22

2 RP Resource for Consults RP Resource for Consults 39

PERSONALITY INTERNAL– Tones 1 & 2 .............................................................................22
EXTERNAL ILLUSTRATIONS by Ra TONE 2....................................................................................22
Right-Right TONE 3....................................................................................23
Tones 3 & 4 .............................................................................23
TONE 4....................................................................................24
TONE 5....................................................................................24
Tones 5 & 6 .............................................................................25
TONE 6....................................................................................25
LEFT—RIGHT CHARACTERISTICS .........................................26
AFFINITY PRIORITY CHARTS...................................................28
1. EGO-HEART .......................................................................29
2. SOLAR PLEXUS .................................................................30
3. G..........................................................................................31
4. SPLEEN ..............................................................................31
5. AJNA ...................................................................................32
Right-Left 6. HEAD...................................................................................33
7. ROOT ..................................................................................34
8. SACRAL ..............................................................................34
9. THROAT..............................................................................35
NOT-SELF MIND (conditioners, receptors) ............................36
The Crystal Entry & Exit Frequency ........................................37
Right-Left .................................................................................38
Left-Right .................................................................................39
Left-Left ...................................................................................39

38 RP Resource for Consults RP Resource for Consults 3

The Crystal Entry & Exit Frequency

The Purpose of this Booklet

The purpose of this booklet is to provide RP Practitioners

with a keynote resource for consults, a Cliff Notes of
sorts. This was originally intended for Color Transfer ana-
lysts so some quirks of that focus remain.

This booklet is divided into sections, generally in the or-

der of the priority of mapping the not-self mind listed on
page 9. Some references are made to source material in
parens, such as (Y1S1L4). Many of Ra’s illustrations are
included throughout the booklet. Nodal information is not
included other than the keynoting charts that include

Printing this booklet

This View version of the booklet is not designed to be
printed. Please use the Print version named “Rave Psy-
chologist Reference Booklet-PRINT.pdf.”

CHD Center for Human Differentiation Design
RP Rave Psychology or Rave Psychologist
S&A Strategy & Authority
CT Color Transference SP Solar Plexus
NSM Not-Self Mind NS Not-Self
Gs Generators Ps Projectors
Ms Manifestors Rs Reflectors

4 RP Resource for Consults RP Resource for Consults 37

(conditioners, receptors)
Solar Plexus is the Open Center in this example: CONSULT CONSIDERATIONS
Before the Consult
Harmonic Influencer
Trans Personal
(Gates 12, 40, 19) ♦ Their Type not-self theme and signature, Profile, Strategy and
♦ What is your style of delivery? (i.e. 5th lines provide practical tips,
Conditioning Receptor 51’s shock)
(Gates 36, 55)
♦ Is it correct for you to give them a consult?
♦ Is their Personality Color on the cusp between Colors? If so, do
Not-Self Mental
you want to check back with your client before proceeding?
(Gates 22, 6, 37, 49, ♦ What is the client’s DreamRave weak point(s)?
♦ Are they Personality or Design Right Tone? If so, have they been
asked if experimenting with Transformation 1 PHS is correct?
Harmonic Influen- ♦ What is their Variable? How is that different from yours?
cer Personal
(Gates 41, 59) ♦ What is their Affinity structure?
♦ What is the Beta preference, if any?
♦ What is their transference priority (bridging, open center, weak
point, not-self mental conditioner)
Not-Self Any open gate in an open center. Deepest impact ♦ What is their avoidance theme in relation to splits and open cen-
Mental on the not-self mind. (Y1S1L4)
Conditioner Denies problem “They won’t let me …”

Harmonic Fixed gate from another center. Impacts open gate

Influencer— and the way it operates. Pressure to reach ho- Avoids <type theme> by deciding to get <splits>
Personal mogenized conclusions to eliminate the pressure. to be/feel <open center theme>
“I have a problem and can’t do it because…”

Harmonic Open gate from another center.

Influencer— “They have a problem because they don’t-won’t-
Trans- can’t…” Avoids bitterness by deciding to get skills to feel worthy
Conditioning Fixed gate in an open center. Does not play into
Seeks peace by hurrying to take control to be certain they’ve found their
Receptor not-self mind, but plays into the way the mind is
pressured. Open to conditioning from open gate on
other side.

36 RP Resource for Consults RP Resource for Consults 5

9. THROAT BETA Trying to attract
During the Consult (1) SEEING
&/or ∗ Ajna getting to
29% Open BEING Throat pressure:
♦ Ask, invite, or suggest they first write down their health and life expression dictates
concerns, or review if this information has been collected by the Who you
whether certainty is
center’s counselor. think you are.
established and if
♦ Ask your client how their experiment has been going with S&A. expressed is con-
How you see
With PHS. cretized as a not-
the world be-
self decision.
♦ A brief recap of the client’s S&A, including sleeping alone, and comes how
why that’s important. you see your- ∗ Verbal gunslinger.
self in the
♦ Relevant info in their design related to transference/NS decisions ∗ Is low on the list
such as split bridging, open centers, etc.? due to the low per-
centage open.
♦ Give examples of how they can approach their view and trans-
ference experiment depending on their design.
♦ For G’s, include questions throughout the Overview and at the If the only open center, it is the heart & soul of condition-
end. Would you like to try…? ing; attracting attention is almost obsessive conditioning
force for making decisions.
♦ For P’s invite, suggest or ask if they’d like to try this or that.
♦ For Emotional people remind them to listen to the audio several Wisdom: knowing what is worthy of conversation, attention,
times over the next few days before deciding when and how to or manifestation.
begin. (Y1S1L5)
♦ Reassure clients that the way they begin and notice their CT is
their way. We provide the framework and they fill in with their
experiment and experiences.
♦ Remind the client briefly of how distraction from their View, open-
ness, and Color transference can pull them away from fulfilling
their purpose.
♦ Consider including an information sheet that either reinforces or
enhances your consult. It’s a great way to be sure those things
you want to include are available later. This is especially helpful
for Tone 3’s with Outer Vision.
♦ If a client asks you to address specific health or mental concerns,
see what their design reveals first. Are they following their Strat-
egy? Are they trusting their Authority? Have they completed their
first 7 year cycle? Are they experimenting with S&A?
♦ Remind them that this is a life process, not a contest or a test (or
whatever relates to their not-self pressure.) ~

6 RP Resource for Consults RP Resource for Consults 35

7. ROOT BETA NS decision based on
presence or absence The Homogenized Effects of Color Transference
of pressure.
42% Open BEING How soon can I get rid ♦ Transference is a burden. The solution is Strategy and Au-
of the pressure and is it thority.
worth it? ♦ Takes every single human being, good, bad and indifferent
Who you
think you ∗ Adds strength to and drags them into the not self.
are. other higher open ♦ It is the great enemy of the spirit of humanity.
&/or centers. ♦ Brings pain, dysfunction in the form and personality.
How you see
∗ If the only open ♦ It is why we are, and have always been, the planet of suf-
the world
center, all decisions fering, eternally it seems.
becomes how
are based on re- ♦ Takes us away from what is correct, from our unique poten-
you see your-
lieving and releas- tial.
self in the
ing the pressure:
world. ♦ Homogenizes us, dumps us in the common ground of the
“I’ll avoid going there planet to be churned over generation after generation.
to avoid the pressure” ♦ Have to operate correctly to heal—S&A is the only true
of where and who. challenge to live out the perfection of what is possible on
the mental plane.
Wisdom: to know which pressures in life are correct to take ♦ Transference abandons architecture of the tone.
action on and therefore a joy to begin. ♦ Is a problem of the form, form has to be correct, personal-
ity crystal only bound to the form.

8. SACRAL EPSILON Conditioned by Potential Benefits of RP Consultations & Programs

‘enough is never Note: These are only potential benefits reported by some of my clients. Every-
33% Open BEING
enough’. body’s effects will be uniquely different.
∗ Scroll up to see the
Who you ♦ Improved ability to follow Strategy and Authority and detect
relationship with
think you are the red flags for personality color transference.
the Solar Plexus
&/or ♦ A sense of “got it!” when a red flag is identified.
Sexual Fears on
Inside mental
page 30. ♦ Right Tones may experience more comfort with letting go of
∗ Mostly a problem being strategic, having agendas, etc.
when it’s the only ♦ Left Tones may notice a honing in on what strategy is cor-
open center. rect for them via their S&A.
♦ Your client may notice mental shifts as their frequencies are
fine tuned & balanced. Symptoms are unique to each per-
Wisdom: to know when enough is enough is enough!
son. At some point a person may be ready to give up (sur-
Example: Projectors recognize who or what is worth the
render). That is a great sign of breakthrough!
reciprocal exchange of energy, and which person has the
energy to commit. ♦ A sense of self love, peace, satisfaction, success or surprise.
♦ A physical sensation when tapped by transference (discom-
(Y1S1L7) fort, shock, confusion, etc.) ~

34 RP Resource for Consults RP Resource for Consults 7

Gates of Intelligence & Fear:

PRIORITY OF INTERPRETING ∗ 17 & 4—Logic: Pressure to un-

derstand and come up with the
NOT-SELF MIND MAPPING formula, an idea. To structure
1. Type/Authority—not-self type (RPY1S1L10; Y1S2L5; ∗ 11 & 47—Sensing: Abstract pres-
Y1S2L6-9) sure to make sense.
2. Single Definition—go to open center. See the affinity ∗ 43 & 24—Knowing: Individual:
hierarchy next page. (Y1S2L5) pressure to know and express as a concept; cannot get
Split Definition—begin with gates/channels/circuits to knowing as it’s an on/off mutation (potential mad-
that bridge the split. Gates that bridge to the throat are ness, Tourette Syndrome, OCD.)
very important for not-self manifestation. (Y1S2L5P94) Wisdom: to know what one can be certain about, leaving
Triple Split—fixed bridging unhealthy, need many auras to behind an enormous amount of confusion and doubt.
change the bridges to make decisions. Go to open centers. (Y1S1L5)
Quads—Always in bridging gates; extreme addiction to a 6. HEAD EPSILON Pressure to doubt, to
gate depending on other person. Consider circuitry. be confused, to
(RPY1S3L5 preclass) 71% Open BEING
know. Thinks about
3. Transference (Harmonic transference see RPY1S2L6 to and acts on things
begin.) Who you that do not matter.
think you are
4. Open Centers in Affinity order (next page). (RPY1S1; &/or ∗ NSM relieves the
Y1S2L1-2, L5, L7) Inside mental pressure by jump-
focus. ing to homogenized
5. From the Open Center’s perspective, the most pressure is
conclusions/ formu-
from the Harmonic personal or the Mental Conditioner.
las from which not-
self decisions are
Quad No Definition
.69% 1.4%
∗ If gate 64 is open and gate 47 is fixed, personal pressure
“I have a problem if I can’t make sense of this.” If
Triple Transpersonal “Everybody has a problem with doubts…”
No Definition
40.95% ∗ Gets trapped by the conditioning of others who have a
Single Definition
Single solution or true knowing, much coming from conditioning
Definition receptors.
40.95% Split
Split Wisdom: inner authority recognizes who or what can in-
45.74% Triple Spit Definition spire others regarding what is or is not worthy of thinking
about when they filter the collective consciousness field,
Quadruple Split past, present and future.
JAM Global HD Survey, July 2008

8 RP Resource for Consults RP Resource for Consults 33

Unable to let go, conditioned by: TYPE
57—Fear of future/unexpected/ tomor-
28—Fear of death/lack of purpose The Aura
48—Fear of inadequacy
18—Fear of authority Ø Our aura carries our not-self openness. That’s how it can be
32—Fear of failure penetrated. Interaction with others is determined by aura.
44—Fear of the past Ø The way in which we process decision making on a mental
50—Fear of responsibility plane is also in the aura.
The Spleen is the root of our true intelligence
and survivability as a species.

Gates of Intelligence & Fear:

18 & 58—Judgmentation GENERATOR
28 & 57—Intuition
Not-Self Theme: Frustration
32 & 44—Instinct
50—Support Signature: Satisfaction
Aura: Open & Enveloping
68% of population
Wisdom: to recognize what is and is not healthy for others.
Not-Self Mind feeds on frus-
(Y1S1L5) tration & drives the Generator
to think of ways it can get
5. AJNA PRIME—SEEING past or avoid the frustration
♦ How you see the world becomes by deciding to initiate an ac- Britney Spears
49% Open
how you see yourself in the world. tion.

♦ Outside mental Focus. Ø The most open of all auras, it is actually inviting, it’s a two-
way street.
♦ The NSM incorrectly conceptualizes how you see your Ø Their enveloping auras literally cover the world with a life
past, present or future in the world. force, which is the beauty and the burden.
♦ These distortions, for example, see the world as un- Ø Put frustration out with their enveloping auras and bring
healthy when not. everybody else into that frustrated field.
Frequency: All time Ø Most deeply impacted or upset by the aura of the other;
transits are secondary.
Not-Self has fear of intellectual hu-
miliation. Feels anxious so seeks Ø Dilemma of the Sacral aura is being overwhelmed.
fixedness to be certain; holds on to Ø Who they are with is so important because they are pene-
the certainties established through trated at such a deep level.
conditioning. Ø Ps and Gs, 90% of the world, are designed to influence
Certainty does come through your each other, are most deeply penetrated and conditioned by
own inner truth. each other.

32 RP Resource for CT Consults RP Resource for Consults 9

Not-self Mind avoids confrontation & truth by:
∗ Living quietly by yourself.
Ø Their not-self and the strategies of their open centers are
better developed than anyone else’s. Their open centers are ∗ Seeing the world as a place that invites confrontation.
their dilemma so their mind is going to struggle much ∗ Sees the world (office, home) as unsafe or unhealthy
more with the experiment than another type. when they are not.
Ø Can be overwhelmed in their decision making by the way
∗ Don’t see the world correctly so avoid contact with oth-
their not-self strategies operate.
ers and don’t get to the truth.
Ø It is not natural for the not-self to honor the Sacral.
Wisdom: to recognize what needs to be confronted and
Ø Children raised as Manifestors develop early frustration in
what truth needs to be revealed.
their process, tending to take in the problems and the dis-
comforts of their parents & siblings much deeper than any (Y1S1L6-7)
other type.
Ø More than any other type experiments, because there is an 3. G EPSILON Not knowing whether
instant gratification that’s possible in their process, particu- you’re in the right di-
larly if they’re pointed towards the exploration of who they 54% open BEING
rection, not to know
are through developing Sacral response. whether you have
Ø Generator child: here to be asked. Who you think found love or not
Ø Trained to be Manifestor: told what to do, demands you are.
Who you’re with is im-
made on the child. portant.
Inside mental
Ø Not-self acts on the open center strategy rather than wait- focus.
ing to respond.
Wisdom: ability to recognize the right direction, what love
is worthy, to see which one love is truly of value for some-

47% open How you see the world becomes how
you see yourself in the world.
Not-Self Theme: Bitterness
♦ Outside mental focus.
Signature: Success
♦ If you aren’t guided by judgment, intuition and instinct,
Aura: Focused & Probing
you don’t see survivability in the world or survivability
22% of population with others correctly.
Not-Self Mind feeds on bit- ♦ See environments as unhealthy when not.
terness; mentally thinks of
♦ Frequency: Existential
ways and makes decisions to
get rid of or avoid bitterness. ♦ Power of holding on to things.
Denzel Washington
♦ What’s IN the environment impacts us.

10 RP Resource for Consults RP Resource for Consults 31

PLEXUS How you see the world becomes how you Ø Focused and probing aura which is part of their power to
50% open see yourself in the world. recognize and extraordinary capacity to grasp the other.
If you don’t see need, passion & desire Ø Their ability to penetrate the essence of the auric source
correctly in the world, your relationships itself focuses exclusively on the Monopole—deeper than
with others become distorted. anyone else.
Ø Guidance is their theme. Gift to figure out how to ask Gs
See environments as unhealthy when not. the correct questions when invited.
Ø Most deeply penetrated, conditioned, impacted and/or up-
Outside mental focus. set by the aura of the other. Their not-self is more power-
ful than any other not-self.
Nervous about Confrontation. Ø So busy looking out that they don’t recognize how deeply
their shields go down & conditioning molds their lives.
Unable to confront because fear of:
Ø Only designed to really probe the open aura of Genera-
tors. Ps and Gs, 90% of the world, are designed to influ-
ence each other, are most deeply penetrated and condi-
tioned by each other.
37—Tradition Ø Is a need for a formality (respect) in the way Gs and Ps
22—Silence deal with each other.
36—Inadequacy Ø Their uniqueness is not designed to generate or manifest.
Their purpose cannot in any way function on its own.
Ø Can’t penetrate well into Reflectors and Manifestors;
there is a tendency to glance off them rather than have real
NS Mind Fears of Sexuality: lasting impact. With Ms, tend to backup and never come
41—Desire forward again.
19—Need Ø Share with Manifestors who, by their very impact, are often
59—Fertility blind or not sensitive to the fact that they’re being condi-
37—Marriage tioned.
12—Boredom Ø Important for their mind: learn to be sensitive to their mo-
36—Sex tivation being transferred by their connection to the other,
and ultimately to turn that into a wisdom about the other in
relationship to the other.
Gates of Intelligence & Fear: Ø Projector child: is not invited but is over energized
49 & 37—Need through conditioning, running on the exhaustion plane.
55 & 22—Passion Ø Sets up their bodies for problems and dependencies that
30 & 36—Desire are deeply unhealthy. Not-self keeps on going through the
6—Support openness.

30 RP Resource for Consults RP Resource for Consults 11

Not-Self Theme: Anger THEME (Y1S1)

Signature: Peace 1. EGO- EPSILON Unable to see ones

Aura: Closed & Repelling HEART BEING
worthiness so thinks
up ways to bring a
8.2% of population 65% Open Who you think sense of worth into
Not-Self Mind mental anger you are. their life.
& driven by that anger to think “I have to…” to self or
up and act immediately on Inside mental
others through:
ways to get rid of or avoid an- focus.
ger. Anger not necessarily in Johnny Depp
the body.

Ø Impact. Anger just beneath the surface that can emerge

any moment towards self or others. 21—Lack-loss of control;
being in control; “no
Ø Auric theme of alienation. stamina”.
Ø NS Mind doesn’t understand it’s aura is closed and repelling
so passenger has a problem seeing their life; wonders 51—Foolish acts; being
why it has a problem in allowing things/people in. brave; “no nerve”.
Ø More open to conditioning and deeply impacted by the 26—Lies; being egotistical;
program than other types. “no guts”.
Ø Ms are conditioned by other beings, but it does not have a 40—Distrust; being loyal to
great deal of power, doesn’t hold long, doesn’t leave an af- others; “no capacity”.
ter burn, if you will, whereas a transit will.
Ø Hard to touch and direct them.
Ø Very much a seven centered phenomena—its alienation If open, almost all not-self decisions made here:
from being manipulated, controlled, directed, all of those ∗ Is the underlying foundation of who you think you
things are no longer an advantage are.
Ø So involved with the other that they do not see what is
∗ Can I prove or improve my worth?
happening to them, a blindness they share with Projec-
tors. ∗ Does this decision meet the criteria of my open ego?
Ø Manifestor Child: when resists or doesn’t ask permission, ∗ Can only see things clearly when feeling worthy.
automatically the NS mind operates from the open center.
For example, the open spleen holds onto a bad habit be- Wisdom: To recognize the worthiness related to bravery,
cause if they ask permission they can’t keep “it”. control, loyalty and having the guts.

12 RP Resource for Consults RP Resource for Consults 29

awareness centers

SUN-EARTH NODES Affects both who- Not-Self Theme: Disap-

∗ Being ∗ Seeing yourself in the where you see-be. pointment
∗ Who you think you world—don’t see correctly Note: If # of Prime to Signature: Surprise
are so avoid Epsilon centers not
∗ Inside focus ∗ Where you think you are equal, betas lean to the Aura: Resistant & Sampling
∗ Outside focus lesser side for balance.
Note: If Nodes are here, NSM is 1.2% of population
confused, offers incorrect per- ∗ See environments as un-
spective. If only Epsilon centers, healthy when not Not-Self Mind feeds on dis-
has no perspective, seems disen-
Note: If only Prime centers, entirely appointment; thinks of ways
gaged from reality, doesn’t know
how to put things in relation to focused on what you think you see. to get rid of or avoid disap-
environment. Sandra Bullock
pointment, hoping for a sur-

Ø They can always skim along on the edges of the social

communion rooted in the Generator and the Projector.
Ø Gift of being able to integrate at some level with everyone.
Ø Primary conditioning theme is the program.
1. Ego 2. Solar Plexus 7. Root (2*)
Ø M and R clients speak the transit keynotes.
3. G 4. Spleen 9. Throat (1*) Ø Psychological difficulties or major dilemmas were/are
6. Head 5. Ajna probably aligned to certain configurations in the transit
* order if have only
beta center field.
8. Sacral (Y1S2) Ø Here to show us where the program is taking us, a lantern
in a cave lighting the way to the direction of the program.
Ø A bond exists between Ms and Rs in their connection to and
EGO Being—SUN-EARTH Epsilon operation in the program.
Ø Watch Rs to see the impact of polarization that they carry
SP Seeing—NODES Prime
so heavily. Listen to them to hear how they are stepping on
G Being—SUN-EARTH Epsilon to the hard side of whatever side they are on.
SPLEEN Seeing—NODES Prime Ø Reflector child: are never permitted enough time to proc-
ess anything, so they end up with a not-self through those
AJNA Seeing—NODES Prime open centers that says, “We don’t have to process every-
HEAD Being—SUN-EARTH Epsilon thing.”

ROOT (2) Being & Seeing— BETA (RPY1S2L5)

(All Types: RPY1S1L10; RPY1S2L5, L7)
THROAT (1) Being & Seeing— BETA

28 RP Resource for Consults RP Resource for Consults 13

COLORS 1-6 CHARACTERISTICS narrowly focused • Has a special way of dealing
Motivation ~ Trajectory ~ Binary ~ Transference on tomorrow. w/Solar Plexus motor—more com-
y Clients may be eas- fortable in their own shoes as
ier to work with. mind is attuned to emotional.
COLOR 1 Communalist can find sur-
• Interested in the other and only
vival-security in numbers. y Primary influences
FEAR works w/other, not alone.
of intelligence: sur-
Begins as a Separatist. • Feeling is a synthesis of many
vival and food,
What? kinds of feelings. 41-30.
make way through
Communalist—Separatist world, and compete • Cognitive sensory experience
Both communalist / sepa- on mental plane. that seems to have no purpose or
Left—Right ratist experience discom-
y Interpreting sen- sense of why.
Strategic—Receptive fort/fear of not having cer-
sory keys. • Projectors to guide by recognizing
tainty or personal security.
Spleen / Concentrated y Awareness more what questions to ask.
intuitive, instinc- • Righties can sense that when you
Separatist doesn’t want any- tual. draw “it” out, it’s true.
Transference to Wanting: thing to do with community y Stores formulas for • Have to deeply live authority to be
and finds other separatists. how sounds react rave—surrender to perfection of
The trajectory movement is
to each other when the now and trust vehicle to guide.
arrested and may have to Begins as a Communalist.
start over. connected which • S&A much more liberating.
Separate is not a strategy. lead to a formula of • Genetically connected to theme of
Feels needy, take care of their interpretation
Learns to be afraid of tomor- surrender and more easily
own & others needs rather based on memory.
row—a feeling. achieved.
than investigating. Bits & pieces, not a
stored whole. • Passenger has no strategy.
Focus on Master/Novice.
• Has no future, only stores the
(Y1S3L4) y Obsessed with con-
past that is the ingredient for pur-
trolling life. ~
pose—no action needed.
COLOR 2 Theist yearns for existential • Natural to pay attention to the
quality to have a strategic ad- body.
Hope vantage to motivate and ma- • If operate S&A—to be there in it—
nipulate others—i.e. if you your body can handle tomorrow.
believe, then this will happen.
• Therapist becomes the left for pull-
Begins as an anti-theist. ing out the right.
Left—Right (RPY1S3L 2 & 3 • Mind doesn’t interfere with the
Seeking an agenda, always
Strategic—Receptive has a strategic advantage in and thought process, trying to act.
Right-Left A Quantum • Has access to non-conceptualized
knowing—i.e. will go to
Spleen / Concentrated Perspective lecture)
heaven. source material. ~
Opportunity to proselytize be-
Both theist/anti-theist born lief.
to wait and believe the call

14 RP Resource for Consults RP Resource for Consults 27

LEFT RIGHT Motivation ~ Trajectory ~ Binary ~ Transference
Strategic Receptive will come, to believe that it More aware of hope.
y Strategic thinking • Receptive thinker. will happen to you.
“Oh, my God, it’s all incredi-
for survival, well- • Experiential. Abstractly intelli- It’s not blind hope or stupid ble”
being, the future. gent. hope.
Believes in and has hope for
y Mind rooted in sur- • Takes in and absorb sensory phe- It‘s the hope for a better life, everything.
vival. nomena of experience. for the fulfillment of one’s
y Very busy Logical • Emotional mind. More sensitive Therapy is strategic and me-
purpose, of being recognized.
mind seeking secu- and connected to the emotional chanical.
rity. experiential feeling. Don’t have to do anything be-
cause ultimately it’s going to
y Fact oriented. • Doesn’t need proof. work, things are going to hap- Anti-theist has existential
y Agendas, plots. • Allies draw out depth. pen, believing in one’s poten- experiences without bounda-
y Very narrow focus • Receptive is little prepared for tial, one’s possibility, one’s ries.
that jumps to con- their depth. future, believing in others.
Gives up decisions.
clusions. • Hard to draw on own memories— The fact that hope is there
hard to remember. means that it will be an- No thirst for rewards of know-
y Depended on by
swered. ing.
others for devel- • Moving away from left condition-
opment. ing/humanness towards point of Waiting for communal expres-
y Not designed to equilibrium. sion.
• Loses ability to absorb when pays Transference to Guilt:
grasp feeling as an Has a feeling of not belonging
authority. attention & acts on thoughts. Motivated to do something, to in groups but has the possibil-
y Connected to Ajna. • All about frequency—brain stores fix it, condition it, deal with it, ity to find oneness alone along
sound formulas like pixels. to make it better, be better, side others.
y Human. make others fix it. Loses self.
• Right mind can’t be homogenized. Seems to have an agenda but
y Has a purpose.
• Connected to Head. They assume they have to doesn’t.
y Measures differ- find a way through doing new
• Stores data but doesn’t interpret, Doesn’t care about future.
ences. Maia. things or meeting new people.
personalize, or identify with con-
y Conceptualizes. scious penta (yet). What deserves hope doesn’t “I don’t believe in anything;
show me,”
y Rooted in inter- • On pathway to Rave, emerged in get it.
pretation. 1781 w/9-centered being. Hope is stored—has to be
Feels guilty so tries to “make
y Intelligence. • Struggling to find balance before a difference.” asked for.
y Has limited access balancing comes in 2027.
Conditions and Conditioned.
to storage. • Parents get nervous and condition
child to be strategic.
y Closed off—limited
in what is taken in • Conditioning to left thinking (Y1S3L5)
because mind is makes you feel insecure.

26 RP Resource for Consults RP Resource for Consults 15

COLORS 1-6 CHARACTERISTICS Tonal Sense, Theme Binary
Motivation ~ Trajectory ~ Binary ~ Transference
tions of the Ajna and goes y Cyclical, Emotional mind
directly to the source, the
COLOR 3 Leader has a burning desire library, the data.
to lead, take control, run the (RPY1S3L1-3)
DESIRE show, manipulate.
How? Begin as a follower.
Tones 5 & 6 y Emotional “I have a feel-
Leader—Follower Parenting. ing…”
Solar Plexus Binary
y Abstract cyclical, experien-
tial process.
Strategic—Receptive Follower doesn’t follow a y Tone 5 & 6 children with y Adults feel fear, anxiety,
leader other than life itself. neural development oper- nervousness about not
Ajna / Periodic
ate between the mental having an answer, feel a
Begins as a Leader. lack of freedom.
plane and the SP binary.
They follow a “way” – rave
Transference to Innocence: (RPY1S3L1-3)
conscious Penta w/o humans.
“Why bother?”
Childcare-daycare good for
Burning desire to lead fails.
kids. TONE 6 Solar Plexus / Cyclical
Sensing & following flow in the ACCEPTANCE • Deeply connected to the
now. cyclical transformation
Right—Receptive process, the emotional
(Y1S3L6) process, our future is con-
nected to the mutational
• The awareness potential of
COLOR 4 Master tells us what to do.
the Rave in a conscious
flow that is currently taking
NEED Often has to seek the Novice Penta, to fully accept each
perspective. other in a way we cannot • Accepting that one can
Develops the “how” imagine. leave one’s aloneness, to
Optimal for a true-self to
of the 3rd color lose oneself into a larger
begin as a Novice. • Cyclically, accepting
whole at the psychic-
Master—Novice mind.
psychological plane where
Left—Right we are cut off by the way
Novice is here to learn. the neo-cortex operates.
Strategic—Receptive ~
Ironically, the Novice begins
Ajna / Periodic as a Master in the true-self.
Eternal virgin endlessly losing (RPY1S3L1-3)
virginity. It’s always new.
Takes in the now without any
4th color is Always in trans-
pretense and without strategic
ference and is unstable &
use of what is taken in.

16 RP Resource for Consults RP Resource for Consults 25

Tonal Sense, Theme Binary COLORS 1-6 CHARACTERISTICS
Motivation ~ Trajectory ~ Binary ~ Transference
the point to process it, that moment of inspiration or
satori place. specific clarity.
fragile. Learns in the Now.
It is through the 4th Colors
(RPY1S3L1-3) that the Magnetic Monopole is
able to pull together the Transference to Fear:
Design and the Personality 4th color is Always in trans-
TONE 4 Ajna / Periodic frequencies into the illusion ference, commonly to Fear,
y The quiet mind that al- that we think of as ourselves. and can transfer to any other
ways leads to the ultimate 3 preferred colors.
Right—Receptive potential to be deeply in-
fluential What’s really needed is not
delivered because the Focus is
y Periodic deep, phases of y A not-thinking mind that on survival in the Now
almost silence and sudden ignores & doesn’t interfere rather than what’s needed for
emergence of conceptu- with its thought process. the future.
y Re-sees / recreates to see
y Deep shattering needed if it still works; improve-
for Tones 3 & 4 to separate ment—mind being able to (Y1S3L7)
the personality from the il- grasp and display it’s outer
lusion and to sit back as a authority. (Y1S1L10) COLOR 5 Conditioner manipulates
passenger others into a strategy.
y Its natural state is inner GUILT
y Potential to have deep vision being observed.
stubbornness on the Answers 2nd color
Both are motivated to:
mental plane.
Conditioner— Conditioned
(RPY1S3L1-3) Do something about whatever
Left—Right their line happens to be.
Strategic—Receptive Have an impact, to do some-
TONE 5 Solar Plexus / Cyclical
thing about things, to repair
y Mind works through the Solar Plexus / Cyclical
JUDGMENT things, fix things, get in-
emotional experiential volved, have yourself fixed,
Right—Receptive frequency repaired, &/or changed.
Transference to Hope:
y Sees different things
y The color motivation has to about the same things The wrong things are hoped
be experienced through all until it reaches its point for so nothing gets fixed. Conditioned by the penta,
the different ways that the of judgment not the conditioner.
Do nothing so you don’t get
mind can see it. your purpose and not going to
y If not transferred can be
y The true judgmental mind aware of the emotional get results so end up with a
bypasses the manipula- plane. lot of problems. (Y1S3L8)

24 RP Resource for Consults RP Resource for Consults 17

COLORS 1-6 CHARACTERISTICS Tonal Sense, Theme Binary
Motivation ~ Trajectory ~ Binary ~ Transference
grasp something totally for the concrete.
new that no one else has y Always discovers the un-
COLOR 6 Observer judges the effec- ever grasped and take ad- certain; readiness to meet
tiveness of the tonal strategy. vantage of things where no the unknown to be certain.
INNOCENCE If Tone 1, observes others to one else has seen the ad-
y Risk management, highly
figure out offense & defense vantage. (lawyers)
What are we? speculative, underlying
to maintain security. y Is it really bad, dangerous, mental courage to probe
Observer—Observed to be avoided?
A distant observing to be able beyond what’s secure,
Left—Right to do something but not en- y Splenic offense, Concen-
gaged. trated on uncertainty.
Evolutionary goal to observe
Solar Plexus / Cyclical (RPY1S3L1-3)
self rather than absorbed in

Both observer and observed

TONE 3 Ajna / Periodic
are about not being involved. ACTION y Adventurism, very active
Observed is the existential
Innocence watches. mind of the communalist,
perfection of being—all things Left—Strategic theist, leader, master,
It’s not about hoping. The 6 collected that have been ob-
conditioner, or observer.
doesn’t need hope. served.
y Periodically Active Mind; y Looks for/notices transition
Simply maintains innocence Don’t see correctly when con- and anomalies, what
potential root of boredom
and personal integrity, to ceptualizing the experience. breaks the pattern
stand above things without y What can we do? What is
there to do? Keep on go- y Collection of data as a by-
ing. product of action.
Transference to Desire:
Example: If a 6/2, they just
go about their business as the Feeling pushed by desire to be
role model. something, do something, get (RPY1S3L1-3)
involved, be committed, get
y Periodic, on-off mind.
somewhere, to move, to lead. Tones 3 & 4
y The 3 & 4 act as mental
Ajna Binary receptors for the domina-
(Y1S3L9) tion that is already there in
the field.
y Attunement to the
rhythms of the vehicle y Place where splenic and SP
enhances the consistency meet, where the potential
of the periods. for the holistic and wise
y You may never get to the
peak. The cycle can be so y Periodic mind needs
long that you never get to mental vacations to have

18 RP Resource for Consults RP Resource for Consults 23

Tonal Sense, Theme Binary Color–Tonal Trajectory Fixing Illustration by Ra

TONE 1 Spleen / Concentrated

SECURITY y Pressure to be mentally

secure, very defensive,
Left—Strategic black & white.
y Ability to store and access
y Security rooted in know- information and put it to-
ing, knowledge, infor- gether to establish recogni-
mation, facts, experi- tion; data collection.
ence. y Concentrated mind rooted
y Splenic defense, security in security, solidity.
concentrated; mental com- y Develops strategies to
munalist, theist, leader, defend oneself.
master, conditioner, or ob- y Deep need to be mentally
server. on top of the game.
y Child needs powerful intel-
lectual input and stimula-

Tones 1 & 2 SPLENIC-Concentrated:

y Tenacious, doesn’t let go,
always on duty.
y Cannot get anything in to
Splenic Binary the mind that’s concen-
trated on the wrong thing. When asked how he
resisted brainwashing, Teal’c replied

(RPY1S3L1-3) “To resist the influence of others,

knowledge of oneself is most important.”
TONE 2 Spleen / Concentrated

UNCERTAINTY y Curiosity, notices things

that haven’t been noticed.
y Always trying to create
y Their gift: the potential to y Looks for stability, looks

22 RP Resource for Consults RP Resource for Consults 19


(Combination wide view with next page Æ) (Å Combination wide view with previous page)


20 RP Resource for CT Consults RP Resource for Consults 21


(Combination wide view with next page Æ) (Å Combination wide view with previous page)


20 RP Resource for CT Consults RP Resource for Consults 21

Tonal Sense, Theme Binary
Color–Tonal Trajectory Fixing Illustration by Ra
TONE 1 Spleen / Concentrated

SECURITY y Pressure to be mentally

secure, very defensive,
Left—Strategic black & white.
y Ability to store and access
y Security rooted in know- information and put it to-
ing, knowledge, infor- gether to establish recogni-
mation, facts, experi- tion; data collection.
ence. y Concentrated mind rooted
y Splenic defense, security in security, solidity.
concentrated; mental com- y Develops strategies to
munalist, theist, leader, defend oneself.
master, conditioner, or ob- y Deep need to be mentally
server. on top of the game.
y Child needs powerful intel-
lectual input and stimula-

Tones 1 & 2 SPLENIC-Concentrated:

y Tenacious, doesn’t let go,
always on duty.
y Cannot get anything in to
Splenic Binary the mind that’s concen-
trated on the wrong thing.
When asked how he
resisted brainwashing, Teal’c replied
“To resist the influence of others,
(Combination wide view with next page Æ)
TONE 2 Spleen / Concentrated knowledge of oneself is most important.”

UNCERTAINTY y Curiosity, notices things

that haven’t been noticed.
y Always trying to create
y Their gift: the potential to y Looks for stability, looks
grasp something totally for the concrete.

22 RP Resource for Consults RP Resource for Consults 19

COLORS 1-6 CHARACTERISTICS Tonal Sense, Theme Binary
Motivation ~ Trajectory ~ Binary ~ Transference
new that no one else has y Always discovers the un-
ever grasped and take ad- certain; readiness to meet
COLOR 6 Observer judges the effec- vantage of things where no the unknown to be certain.
tiveness of the tonal strategy. one else has seen the ad- y Risk management, highly
INNOCENCE If Tone 1, observes others to vantage. (lawyers) speculative, underlying
figure out offense & defense y Is it really bad, dangerous, mental courage to probe
What are we?
to maintain security. to be avoided? beyond what’s secure,
A distant observing to be able y Splenic offense, Concen-
Left—Right to do something but not en- trated on uncertainty.
Evolutionary goal to observe (RPY1S3L1-3)
Solar Plexus / Cyclical
self rather than absorbed in
TONE 3 Ajna / Periodic
Both observer and observed y Adventurism, very active
are about not being involved. mind of the communalist,
Observed is the existential
Innocence watches. Left—Strategic theist, leader, master,
perfection of being—all things
It’s not about hoping. The 6 collected that have been ob- conditioner, or observer.
doesn’t need hope. served. y Periodically Active Mind; y Looks for/notices transition
potential root of boredom and anomalies, what
Simply maintains innocence Don’t see correctly when con-
breaks the pattern
and personal integrity, to ceptualizing the experience. y What can we do? What is
stand above things without there to do? Keep on go- y Collection of data as a by-
involvement. ing. product of action.
Transference to Desire:
Example: If a 6/2, they just
go about their business as the Feeling pushed by desire to be (RPY1S3L1-3)
role model. something, do something, get
involved, be committed, get
Tones 3 & 4 y Periodic, on-off mind.
somewhere, to move, to lead.
Ajna Binary y The 3 & 4 act as mental
receptors for the domina-
(Y1S3L9) tion that is already there in
y Attunement to the the field.
rhythms of the vehicle
enhances the consistency y Place where splenic and SP
of the periods. meet, where the potential
for the holistic and wise
y You may never get to the mind.
peak. The cycle can be so
y Periodic mind needs
long that you never get to
mental vacations to have

18 RP Resource for Consults RP Resource for Consults 23

Tonal Sense, Theme Binary COLORS 1-6 CHARACTERISTICS
Motivation ~ Trajectory ~ Binary ~ Transference
the point to process it, that moment of inspiration or
satori place. specific clarity.
fragile. Learns in the Now.
It is through the 4th Colors
(RPY1S3L1-3) that the Magnetic Monopole is
able to pull together the Transference to Fear:
Design and the Personality 4th color is Always in trans-
TONE 4 Ajna / Periodic frequencies into the illusion ference, commonly to Fear,
y The quiet mind that al- that we think of as ourselves. and can transfer to any other
ways leads to the ultimate 3 preferred colors.
Right—Receptive potential to be deeply in-
fluential What’s really needed is not
delivered because the Focus is
y Periodic deep, phases of y A not-thinking mind that on survival in the Now
almost silence and sudden ignores & doesn’t interfere rather than what’s needed for
emergence of conceptu- with its thought process. the future.
y Re-sees / recreates to see
y Deep shattering needed if it still works; improve-
for Tones 3 & 4 to separate ment—mind being able to (Y1S3L7)
the personality from the il- grasp and display it’s outer
lusion and to sit back as a authority. (Y1S1L10) COLOR 5 Conditioner manipulates
passenger others into a strategy.
y Its natural state is inner GUILT
y Potential to have deep vision being observed.
stubbornness on the Answers 2nd color
Both are motivated to:
mental plane.
Conditioner— Conditioned
(RPY1S3L1-3) Do something about whatever
Left—Right their line happens to be.
Strategic—Receptive Have an impact, to do some-
TONE 5 Solar Plexus / Cyclical
thing about things, to repair
y Mind works through the Solar Plexus / Cyclical
JUDGMENT things, fix things, get in-
emotional experiential volved, have yourself fixed,
Right—Receptive frequency repaired, &/or changed.
Transference to Hope:
y Sees different things
y The color motivation has to about the same things The wrong things are hoped
be experienced through all until it reaches its point for so nothing gets fixed. Conditioned by the penta,
the different ways that the of judgment not the conditioner.
Do nothing so you don’t get
mind can see it. your purpose and not going to
y If not transferred can be
y The true judgmental mind aware of the emotional get results so end up with a
bypasses the manipula- plane. lot of problems. (Y1S3L8)

24 RP Resource for Consults RP Resource for Consults 17

COLORS 1-6 CHARACTERISTICS Tonal Sense, Theme Binary
Motivation ~ Trajectory ~ Binary ~ Transference
tions of the Ajna and goes y Cyclical, Emotional mind
directly to the source, the
COLOR 3 Leader has a burning desire library, the data.
to lead, take control, run the (RPY1S3L1-3)
DESIRE show, manipulate.
How? Begin as a follower.
Tones 5 & 6 y Emotional “I have a feel-
Leader—Follower Parenting. ing…”
Solar Plexus Binary
y Abstract cyclical, experien-
tial process.
Strategic—Receptive Follower doesn’t follow a y Tone 5 & 6 children with y Adults feel fear, anxiety,
leader other than life itself. neural development oper- nervousness about not
Ajna / Periodic
ate between the mental having an answer, feel a
Begins as a Leader. lack of freedom.
plane and the SP binary.
They follow a “way” – rave
Transference to Innocence: (RPY1S3L1-3)
conscious Penta w/o humans.
“Why bother?”
Childcare-daycare good for
Burning desire to lead fails.
kids. TONE 6 Solar Plexus / Cyclical
Sensing & following flow in the ACCEPTANCE • Deeply connected to the
now. cyclical transformation
Right—Receptive process, the emotional
(Y1S3L6) process, our future is con-
nected to the mutational
• The awareness potential of
COLOR 4 Master tells us what to do.
the Rave in a conscious
flow that is currently taking
NEED Often has to seek the Novice Penta, to fully accept each
perspective. other in a way we cannot • Accepting that one can
Develops the “how” imagine. leave one’s aloneness, to
Optimal for a true-self to
of the 3rd color lose oneself into a larger
begin as a Novice. • Cyclically, accepting
whole at the psychic-
Master—Novice mind.
psychological plane where
Left—Right we are cut off by the way
Novice is here to learn. the neo-cortex operates.
Strategic—Receptive ~
Ironically, the Novice begins
Ajna / Periodic as a Master in the true-self.
Eternal virgin endlessly losing (RPY1S3L1-3)
virginity. It’s always new.
Takes in the now without any
4th color is Always in trans-
pretense and without strategic
ference and is unstable &
use of what is taken in.

16 RP Resource for Consults RP Resource for Consults 25

LEFT RIGHT Motivation ~ Trajectory ~ Binary ~ Transference
Strategic Receptive will come, to believe that it More aware of hope.
y Strategic thinking • Receptive thinker. will happen to you.
“Oh, my God, it’s all incredi-
for survival, well- • Experiential. Abstractly intelli- It’s not blind hope or stupid ble”
being, the future. gent. hope.
Believes in and has hope for
y Mind rooted in sur- • Takes in and absorb sensory phe- It‘s the hope for a better life, everything.
vival. nomena of experience. for the fulfillment of one’s
y Very busy Logical • Emotional mind. More sensitive Therapy is strategic and me-
purpose, of being recognized.
mind seeking secu- and connected to the emotional chanical.
rity. experiential feeling. Don’t have to do anything be-
cause ultimately it’s going to
y Fact oriented. • Doesn’t need proof. work, things are going to hap- Anti-theist has existential
y Agendas, plots. • Allies draw out depth. pen, believing in one’s poten- experiences without bounda-
y Very narrow focus • Receptive is little prepared for tial, one’s possibility, one’s ries.
that jumps to con- their depth. future, believing in others.
Gives up decisions.
clusions. • Hard to draw on own memories— The fact that hope is there
hard to remember. means that it will be an- No thirst for rewards of know-
y Depended on by
swered. ing.
others for devel- • Moving away from left condition-
opment. ing/humanness towards point of Waiting for communal expres-
y Not designed to equilibrium. sion.
• Loses ability to absorb when pays Transference to Guilt:
grasp feeling as an Has a feeling of not belonging
authority. attention & acts on thoughts. Motivated to do something, to in groups but has the possibil-
y Connected to Ajna. • All about frequency—brain stores fix it, condition it, deal with it, ity to find oneness alone along
sound formulas like pixels. to make it better, be better, side others.
y Human. make others fix it. Loses self.
• Right mind can’t be homogenized. Seems to have an agenda but
y Has a purpose.
• Connected to Head. They assume they have to doesn’t.
y Measures differ- find a way through doing new
• Stores data but doesn’t interpret, Doesn’t care about future.
ences. Maia. things or meeting new people.
personalize, or identify with con-
y Conceptualizes. scious penta (yet). What deserves hope doesn’t “I don’t believe in anything;
show me,”
y Rooted in inter- • On pathway to Rave, emerged in get it.
pretation. 1781 w/9-centered being. Hope is stored—has to be
Feels guilty so tries to “make
y Intelligence. • Struggling to find balance before a difference.” asked for.
y Has limited access balancing comes in 2027.
Conditions and Conditioned.
to storage. • Parents get nervous and condition
child to be strategic.
y Closed off—limited
in what is taken in • Conditioning to left thinking (Y1S3L5)
because mind is makes you feel insecure.

26 RP Resource for Consults RP Resource for Consults 15

COLORS 1-6 CHARACTERISTICS narrowly focused • Has a special way of dealing
Motivation ~ Trajectory ~ Binary ~ Transference on tomorrow. w/Solar Plexus motor—more com-
y Clients may be eas- fortable in their own shoes as
ier to work with. mind is attuned to emotional.
COLOR 1 Communalist can find sur-
• Interested in the other and only
vival-security in numbers. y Primary influences
FEAR works w/other, not alone.
of intelligence: sur-
Begins as a Separatist. • Feeling is a synthesis of many
vival and food,
What? kinds of feelings. 41-30.
make way through
Communalist—Separatist world, and compete • Cognitive sensory experience
Both communalist / sepa- on mental plane. that seems to have no purpose or
Left—Right ratist experience discom-
y Interpreting sen- sense of why.
Strategic—Receptive fort/fear of not having cer-
sory keys. • Projectors to guide by recognizing
tainty or personal security.
Spleen / Concentrated y Awareness more what questions to ask.
intuitive, instinc- • Righties can sense that when you
Separatist doesn’t want any- tual. draw “it” out, it’s true.
Transference to Wanting: thing to do with community y Stores formulas for • Have to deeply live authority to be
and finds other separatists. how sounds react rave—surrender to perfection of
The trajectory movement is
to each other when the now and trust vehicle to guide.
arrested and may have to Begins as a Communalist.
start over. connected which • S&A much more liberating.
Separate is not a strategy. lead to a formula of • Genetically connected to theme of
Feels needy, take care of their interpretation
Learns to be afraid of tomor- surrender and more easily
own & others needs rather based on memory.
row—a feeling. achieved.
than investigating. Bits & pieces, not a
stored whole. • Passenger has no strategy.
Focus on Master/Novice.
• Has no future, only stores the
(Y1S3L4) y Obsessed with con-
past that is the ingredient for pur-
trolling life. ~
pose—no action needed.
COLOR 2 Theist yearns for existential • Natural to pay attention to the
quality to have a strategic ad- body.
Hope vantage to motivate and ma- • If operate S&A—to be there in it—
nipulate others—i.e. if you your body can handle tomorrow.
believe, then this will happen.
• Therapist becomes the left for pull-
Begins as an anti-theist. ing out the right.
Left—Right (RPY1S3L 2 & 3 • Mind doesn’t interfere with the
Seeking an agenda, always
Strategic—Receptive has a strategic advantage in and thought process, trying to act.
Right-Left A Quantum • Has access to non-conceptualized
knowing—i.e. will go to
Spleen / Concentrated Perspective lecture)
heaven. source material. ~
Opportunity to proselytize be-
Both theist/anti-theist born lief.
to wait and believe the call

14 RP Resource for Consults RP Resource for Consults 27

awareness centers

SUN-EARTH NODES Affects both who- Not-Self Theme: Disap-

∗ Being ∗ Seeing yourself in the where you see-be. pointment
∗ Who you think you world—don’t see correctly Note: If # of Prime to Signature: Surprise
are so avoid Epsilon centers not
∗ Inside focus ∗ Where you think you are equal, betas lean to the Aura: Resistant & Sampling
∗ Outside focus lesser side for balance.
Note: If Nodes are here, NSM is 1.2% of population
confused, offers incorrect per- ∗ See environments as un-
spective. If only Epsilon centers, healthy when not Not-Self Mind feeds on dis-
has no perspective, seems disen-
Note: If only Prime centers, entirely appointment; thinks of ways
gaged from reality, doesn’t know
how to put things in relation to focused on what you think you see. to get rid of or avoid disap-
environment. Sandra Bullock
pointment, hoping for a sur-

Ø They can always skim along on the edges of the social

communion rooted in the Generator and the Projector.
Ø Gift of being able to integrate at some level with everyone.
Ø Primary conditioning theme is the program.
1. Ego 2. Solar Plexus 7. Root (2*)
Ø M and R clients speak the transit keynotes.
3. G 4. Spleen 9. Throat (1*) Ø Psychological difficulties or major dilemmas were/are
6. Head 5. Ajna probably aligned to certain configurations in the transit
* order if have only
beta center field.
8. Sacral (Y1S2) Ø Here to show us where the program is taking us, a lantern
in a cave lighting the way to the direction of the program.
Ø A bond exists between Ms and Rs in their connection to and
EGO Being—SUN-EARTH Epsilon operation in the program.
Ø Watch Rs to see the impact of polarization that they carry
SP Seeing—NODES Prime
so heavily. Listen to them to hear how they are stepping on
G Being—SUN-EARTH Epsilon to the hard side of whatever side they are on.
SPLEEN Seeing—NODES Prime Ø Reflector child: are never permitted enough time to proc-
ess anything, so they end up with a not-self through those
AJNA Seeing—NODES Prime open centers that says, “We don’t have to process every-
HEAD Being—SUN-EARTH Epsilon thing.”

ROOT (2) Being & Seeing— BETA (RPY1S2L5)

(All Types: RPY1S1L10; RPY1S2L5, L7)
THROAT (1) Being & Seeing— BETA

28 RP Resource for Consults RP Resource for Consults 13

Not-Self Theme: Anger THEME (Y1S1)

Signature: Peace 1. EGO- EPSILON Unable to see ones

Aura: Closed & Repelling HEART BEING
worthiness so thinks
up ways to bring a
8.2% of population 65% Open Who you think sense of worth into
Not-Self Mind mental anger you are. their life.
& driven by that anger to think “I have to…” to self or
up and act immediately on Inside mental
others through:
ways to get rid of or avoid an- focus.
ger. Anger not necessarily in Johnny Depp
the body.

Ø Impact. Anger just beneath the surface that can emerge

any moment towards self or others. 21—Lack-loss of control;
being in control; “no
Ø Auric theme of alienation. stamina”.
Ø NS Mind doesn’t understand it’s aura is closed and repelling
so passenger has a problem seeing their life; wonders 51—Foolish acts; being
why it has a problem in allowing things/people in. brave; “no nerve”.
Ø More open to conditioning and deeply impacted by the 26—Lies; being egotistical;
program than other types. “no guts”.
Ø Ms are conditioned by other beings, but it does not have a 40—Distrust; being loyal to
great deal of power, doesn’t hold long, doesn’t leave an af- others; “no capacity”.
ter burn, if you will, whereas a transit will.
Ø Hard to touch and direct them.
Ø Very much a seven centered phenomena—its alienation If open, almost all not-self decisions made here:
from being manipulated, controlled, directed, all of those ∗ Is the underlying foundation of who you think you
things are no longer an advantage are.
Ø So involved with the other that they do not see what is
∗ Can I prove or improve my worth?
happening to them, a blindness they share with Projec-
tors. ∗ Does this decision meet the criteria of my open ego?
Ø Manifestor Child: when resists or doesn’t ask permission, ∗ Can only see things clearly when feeling worthy.
automatically the NS mind operates from the open center.
For example, the open spleen holds onto a bad habit be- Wisdom: To recognize the worthiness related to bravery,
cause if they ask permission they can’t keep “it”. control, loyalty and having the guts.

12 RP Resource for Consults RP Resource for Consults 29

PLEXUS How you see the world becomes how you Ø Focused and probing aura which is part of their power to
50% open see yourself in the world. recognize and extraordinary capacity to grasp the other.
If you don’t see need, passion & desire Ø Their ability to penetrate the essence of the auric source
correctly in the world, your relationships itself focuses exclusively on the Monopole—deeper than
with others become distorted. anyone else.
Ø Guidance is their theme. Gift to figure out how to ask Gs
See environments as unhealthy when not. the correct questions when invited.
Ø Most deeply penetrated, conditioned, impacted and/or up-
Outside mental focus. set by the aura of the other. Their not-self is more power-
ful than any other not-self.
Nervous about Confrontation. Ø So busy looking out that they don’t recognize how deeply
their shields go down & conditioning molds their lives.
Unable to confront because fear of:
Ø Only designed to really probe the open aura of Genera-
tors. Ps and Gs, 90% of the world, are designed to influ-
ence each other, are most deeply penetrated and condi-
tioned by each other.
37—Tradition Ø Is a need for a formality (respect) in the way Gs and Ps
22—Silence deal with each other.
36—Inadequacy Ø Their uniqueness is not designed to generate or manifest.
Their purpose cannot in any way function on its own.
Ø Can’t penetrate well into Reflectors and Manifestors;
there is a tendency to glance off them rather than have real
NS Mind Fears of Sexuality: lasting impact. With Ms, tend to backup and never come
41—Desire forward again.
19—Need Ø Share with Manifestors who, by their very impact, are often
59—Fertility blind or not sensitive to the fact that they’re being condi-
37—Marriage tioned.
12—Boredom Ø Important for their mind: learn to be sensitive to their mo-
36—Sex tivation being transferred by their connection to the other,
and ultimately to turn that into a wisdom about the other in
relationship to the other.
Gates of Intelligence & Fear: Ø Projector child: is not invited but is over energized
49 & 37—Need through conditioning, running on the exhaustion plane.
55 & 22—Passion Ø Sets up their bodies for problems and dependencies that
30 & 36—Desire are deeply unhealthy. Not-self keeps on going through the
6—Support openness.

30 RP Resource for Consults RP Resource for Consults 11

Not-self Mind avoids confrontation & truth by:
∗ Living quietly by yourself.
Ø Their not-self and the strategies of their open centers are
better developed than anyone else’s. Their open centers are ∗ Seeing the world as a place that invites confrontation.
their dilemma so their mind is going to struggle much ∗ Sees the world (office, home) as unsafe or unhealthy
more with the experiment than another type. when they are not.
Ø Can be overwhelmed in their decision making by the way
∗ Don’t see the world correctly so avoid contact with oth-
their not-self strategies operate.
ers and don’t get to the truth.
Ø It is not natural for the not-self to honor the Sacral.
Wisdom: to recognize what needs to be confronted and
Ø Children raised as Manifestors develop early frustration in
what truth needs to be revealed.
their process, tending to take in the problems and the dis-
comforts of their parents & siblings much deeper than any (Y1S1L6-7)
other type.
Ø More than any other type experiments, because there is an 3. G EPSILON Not knowing whether
instant gratification that’s possible in their process, particu- you’re in the right di-
larly if they’re pointed towards the exploration of who they 54% open BEING
rection, not to know
are through developing Sacral response. whether you have
Ø Generator child: here to be asked. Who you think found love or not
Ø Trained to be Manifestor: told what to do, demands you are.
Who you’re with is im-
made on the child. portant.
Inside mental
Ø Not-self acts on the open center strategy rather than wait- focus.
ing to respond.
Wisdom: ability to recognize the right direction, what love
is worthy, to see which one love is truly of value for some-

47% open How you see the world becomes how
you see yourself in the world.
Not-Self Theme: Bitterness
♦ Outside mental focus.
Signature: Success
♦ If you aren’t guided by judgment, intuition and instinct,
Aura: Focused & Probing
you don’t see survivability in the world or survivability
22% of population with others correctly.
Not-Self Mind feeds on bit- ♦ See environments as unhealthy when not.
terness; mentally thinks of
♦ Frequency: Existential
ways and makes decisions to
get rid of or avoid bitterness. ♦ Power of holding on to things.
Denzel Washington
♦ What’s IN the environment impacts us.

10 RP Resource for Consults RP Resource for Consults 31

Unable to let go, conditioned by:
57—Fear of future/unexpected/ tomor- TYPE
28—Fear of death/lack of purpose
48—Fear of inadequacy The Aura
18—Fear of authority
32—Fear of failure Ø Our aura carries our not-self openness. That’s how it can be
44—Fear of the past penetrated. Interaction with others is determined by aura.
50—Fear of responsibility Ø The way in which we process decision making on a mental
The Spleen is the root of our true intelligence plane is also in the aura.
and survivability as a species.
Gates of Intelligence & Fear:
18 & 58—Judgmentation
28 & 57—Intuition GENERATOR
32 & 44—Instinct
Not-Self Theme: Frustration
Signature: Satisfaction
Aura: Open & Enveloping
Wisdom: to recognize what is and is not healthy for others. 68% of population
(Y1S1L5) Not-Self Mind feeds on frus-
tration & drives the Generator
5. AJNA PRIME—SEEING to think of ways it can get
♦ How you see the world becomes past or avoid the frustration
49% Open
how you see yourself in the world. by deciding to initiate an ac- Britney Spears
♦ Outside mental Focus.
Ø The most open of all auras, it is actually inviting, it’s a two-
♦ The NSM incorrectly conceptualizes how you see your way street.
past, present or future in the world. Ø Their enveloping auras literally cover the world with a life
♦ These distortions, for example, see the world as un- force, which is the beauty and the burden.
healthy when not. Ø Put frustration out with their enveloping auras and bring
Frequency: All time everybody else into that frustrated field.
Ø Most deeply impacted or upset by the aura of the other;
Not-Self has fear of intellectual hu-
transits are secondary.
miliation. Feels anxious so seeks
fixedness to be certain; holds on to Ø Dilemma of the Sacral aura is being overwhelmed.
the certainties established through Ø Who they are with is so important because they are pene-
conditioning. trated at such a deep level.
Certainty does come through your Ø Ps and Gs, 90% of the world, are designed to influence
own inner truth. each other, are most deeply penetrated and conditioned by
each other.

32 RP Resource for Consults RP Resource for Consults 9

Gates of Intelligence & Fear:

PRIORITY OF INTERPRETING ∗ 17 & 4—Logic: Pressure to un-

derstand and come up with the
NOT-SELF MIND MAPPING formula, an idea. To structure
1. Type/Authority—not-self type (RPY1S1L10; Y1S2L5; ∗ 11 & 47—Sensing: Abstract pres-
Y1S2L6-9) sure to make sense.
2. Single Definition—go to open center. See the affinity ∗ 43 & 24—Knowing: Individual:
hierarchy next page. (Y1S2L5) pressure to know and express as a concept; cannot get to
Split Definition—begin with gates/channels/circuits knowing as it’s an on/off mutation (potential madness,
that bridge the split. Gates that bridge to the throat are Tourette Syndrome, OCD.)
very important for not-self manifestation. (Y1S2L5P94) Wisdom: to know what one can be certain about, leaving
Triple Split—fixed bridging unhealthy, need many auras to behind an enormous amount of confusion and doubt.
change the bridges to make decisions. Go to open centers. (Y1S1L5)
Quads—Always in bridging gates; extreme addiction to a 6. HEAD EPSILON Pressure to doubt, to
gate depending on other person. Consider circuitry. be confused, to
(RPY1S3L5 preclass) 71% Open BEING
know. Thinks about
3. Transference (Harmonic transference see RPY1S2L6 to and acts on things
begin.) Who you think that do not matter.
you are
4. Open Centers in Affinity order (next page). (RPY1S1; &/or ∗ NSM relieves the
Y1S2L1-2, L5, L7) Inside mental pressure by jump-
focus. ing to homogenized
5. From the Open Center’s perspective, the most pressure is
conclusions/ formu-
from the Harmonic personal or the Mental Conditioner.
las from which not-
self decisions are
Quad No Definition
.69% 1.4%
∗ If gate 64 is open and gate 47 is fixed, personal pressure
“I have a problem if I can’t make sense of this.” If Trans-
No Definition
personal “Everybody has a problem with doubts…”
40.95% ∗ Gets trapped by the conditioning of others who have a
Single Single Definition
solution or true knowing, much coming from conditioning
Definition receptors.
40.95% Split
Split Wisdom: inner authority recognizes who or what can inspire
45.74% Triple Spit Definition others regarding what is or is not worthy of thinking about
when they filter the collective consciousness field, past, pre-
Quadruple Split sent and future.
JAM Global HD Survey, July 2008

8 RP Resource for Consults RP Resource for Consults 33

7. ROOT BETA NS decision based on
presence or absence The Homogenized Effects of Color Transference
of pressure.
42% Open BEING How soon can I get rid ♦ Transference is a burden. The solution is Strategy and Au-
of the pressure and is it thority.
worth it? ♦ Takes every single human being, good, bad and indifferent
Who you
think you ∗ Adds strength to and drags them into the not self.
are. other higher open ♦ It is the great enemy of the spirit of humanity.
&/or centers. ♦ Brings pain, dysfunction in the form and personality.
How you see
∗ If the only open ♦ It is why we are, and have always been, the planet of suf-
the world
center, all decisions fering, eternally it seems.
becomes how
are based on re- ♦ Takes us away from what is correct, from our unique poten-
you see your-
lieving and releas- tial.
self in the
ing the pressure:
world. ♦ Homogenizes us, dumps us in the common ground of the
“I’ll avoid going there planet to be churned over generation after generation.
to avoid the pressure” ♦ Have to operate correctly to heal—S&A is the only true
of where and who. challenge to live out the perfection of what is possible on
the mental plane.
Wisdom: to know which pressures in life are correct to take ♦ Transference abandons architecture of the tone.
action on and therefore a joy to begin. ♦ Is a problem of the form, form has to be correct, personal-
ity crystal only bound to the form.

8. SACRAL EPSILON Conditioned by Potential Benefits of RP Consultations & Programs

‘enough is never Note: These are only potential benefits reported by some of my clients. Every-
33% Open BEING
enough’. body’s effects will be uniquely different.
∗ Scroll up to see the
Who you ♦ Improved ability to follow Strategy and Authority and detect
relationship with
think you are the red flags for personality color transference.
the Solar Plexus
&/or ♦ A sense of “got it!” when a red flag is identified.
Sexual Fears on
Inside mental
page 30. ♦ Right Tones may experience more comfort with letting go of
∗ Mostly a problem being strategic, having agendas, etc.
when it’s the only ♦ Left Tones may notice a honing in on what strategy is cor-
open center. rect for them via their S&A.
♦ Your client may notice mental shifts as their frequencies are
fine tuned & balanced. Symptoms are unique to each per-
Wisdom: to know when enough is enough is enough!
son. At some point a person may be ready to give up (sur-
Example: Projectors recognize who or what is worth the
render). That is a great sign of breakthrough!
reciprocal exchange of energy, and which person has the
energy to commit. ♦ A sense of self love, peace, satisfaction, success or surprise.
♦ A physical sensation when tapped by transference (discom-
(Y1S1L7) fort, shock, confusion, etc.) ~

34 RP Resource for Consults RP Resource for Consults 7

9. THROAT BETA Trying to attract
During the Consult (1) SEEING
&/or ∗ Ajna getting to
29% Open BEING Throat pressure:
♦ Ask, invite, or suggest they first write down their health and life expression dictates
concerns, or review if this information has been collected by the Who you
whether certainty is
center’s counselor. think you are.
established and if
♦ Ask your client how their experiment has been going with S&A. expressed is con-
How you see
With PHS. cretized as a not-
the world be-
self decision.
♦ A brief recap of the client’s S&A, including sleeping alone, and comes how
why that’s important. you see your- ∗ Verbal gunslinger.
self in the
♦ Relevant info in their design related to transference/NS decisions ∗ Is low on the list
such as split bridging, open centers, etc.? due to the low per-
centage open.
♦ Give examples of how they can approach their view and trans-
ference experiment depending on their design.
♦ For G’s, include questions throughout the Overview and at the If the only open center, it is the heart & soul of condition-
end. Would you like to try…? ing; attracting attention is almost obsessive conditioning
force for making decisions.
♦ For P’s invite, suggest or ask if they’d like to try this or that.
♦ For Emotional people remind them to listen to the audio several Wisdom: knowing what is worthy of conversation, attention,
times over the next few days before deciding when and how to or manifestation.
begin. (Y1S1L5)
♦ Reassure clients that the way they begin and notice their CT is
their way. We provide the framework and they fill in with their
experiment and experiences.
♦ Remind the client briefly of how distraction from their View, open-
ness, and Color transference can pull them away from fulfilling
their purpose.
♦ Consider including an information sheet that either reinforces or
enhances your consult. It’s a great way to be sure those things
you want to include are available later. This is especially helpful
for Tone 3’s with Outer Vision.
♦ If a client asks you to address specific health or mental concerns,
see what their design reveals first. Are they following their Strat-
egy? Are they trusting their Authority? Have they completed their
first 7 year cycle? Are they experimenting with S&A?
♦ Remind them that this is a life process, not a contest or a test (or
whatever relates to their not-self pressure.) ~

6 RP Resource for Consults RP Resource for Consults 35

(conditioners, receptors)
Solar Plexus is the Open Center in this example: CONSULT CONSIDERATIONS
Before the Consult
Harmonic Influencer
Trans Personal
(Gates 12, 40, 19) ♦ Their Type not-self theme and signature, Profile, Strategy and
♦ What is your style of delivery? (i.e. 5th lines provide practical tips,
Conditioning Receptor 51’s shock)
(Gates 36, 55)
♦ Is it correct for you to give them a consult?
♦ Is their Personality Color on the cusp between Colors? If so, do
Not-Self Mental
you want to check back with your client before proceeding?
(Gates 22, 6, 37, 49, ♦ What is the client’s DreamRave weak point(s)?
♦ Are they Personality or Design Right Tone? If so, have they been
asked if experimenting with Transformation 1 PHS is correct?
Harmonic Influen- ♦ What is their Variable? How is that different from yours?
cer Personal
(Gates 41, 59) ♦ What is their Affinity structure?
♦ What is the Beta preference, if any?
♦ What is their transference priority (bridging, open center, weak
point, not-self mental conditioner)
Not-Self Any open gate in an open center. Deepest impact ♦ What is their avoidance theme in relation to splits and open cen-
Mental on the not-self mind. (Y1S1L4)
Conditioner Denies problem “They won’t let me …”

Harmonic Fixed gate from another center. Impacts open gate

Influencer— and the way it operates. Pressure to reach ho- Avoids <type theme> by deciding to get <splits>
Personal mogenized conclusions to eliminate the pressure. to be/feel <open center theme>
“I have a problem and can’t do it because…”

Harmonic Open gate from another center.

Influencer— “They have a problem because they don’t-won’t-
Trans- can’t…” Avoids bitterness by deciding to get skills to feel worthy
Conditioning Fixed gate in an open center. Does not play into
Seeks peace by hurrying to take control to be certain they’ve found their
Receptor not-self mind, but plays into the way the mind is
pressured. Open to conditioning from open gate on
other side.

36 RP Resource for Consults RP Resource for Consults 5

The Crystal Entry & Exit Frequency

The Purpose of this Booklet

The purpose of this booklet is to provide RP Practitioners

with a keynote resource for consults, a Cliff Notes of
sorts. This was originally intended for Color Transfer ana-
lysts so some quirks of that focus remain.

This booklet is divided into sections, generally in the or-

der of the priority of mapping the not-self mind listed on
page 9. Some references are made to source material in
parens, such as (Y1S1L4). Many of Ra’s illustrations are
included throughout the booklet. Nodal information is not
included other than the keynoting charts that include

Printing this booklet

This View version of the booklet is not designed to be
printed. Please use the Print version named “Rave Psy-
chologist Reference Booklet-PRINT.pdf.”

CHD Center for Human Differentiation Design
RP Rave Psychology or Rave Psychologist
S&A Strategy & Authority
CT Color Transference SP Solar Plexus
NSM Not-Self Mind NS Not-Self
Gs Generators Ps Projectors
Ms Manifestors Rs Reflectors

4 RP Resource for Consults RP Resource for Consults 37

PERSONALITY INTERNAL– Tones 1 & 2 .............................................................................22
EXTERNAL ILLUSTRATIONS by Ra TONE 2....................................................................................22
Right-Right TONE 3....................................................................................23
Tones 3 & 4 .............................................................................23
TONE 4....................................................................................24
TONE 5....................................................................................24
Tones 5 & 6 .............................................................................25
TONE 6....................................................................................25
LEFT—RIGHT CHARACTERISTICS .........................................26
AFFINITY PRIORITY CHARTS...................................................28
1. EGO-HEART .......................................................................29
2. SOLAR PLEXUS .................................................................30
3. G..........................................................................................31
4. SPLEEN ..............................................................................31
5. AJNA ...................................................................................32
Right-Left 6. HEAD...................................................................................33
7. ROOT ..................................................................................34
8. SACRAL ..............................................................................34
9. THROAT..............................................................................35
NOT-SELF MIND (conditioners, receptors) ............................36
The Crystal Entry & Exit Frequency ........................................37
Right-Left .................................................................................38
Left-Right .................................................................................39
Left-Left ...................................................................................39

38 RP Resource for Consults RP Resource for Consults 3


The Purpose of this Booklet ...................................................... 4

Printing this booklet ................................................................... 4
Abbreviations .............................................................................. 4
CONSULT CONSIDERATIONS ................................................... 5
Before the Consult .................................................................... 5
During the Consult .................................................................... 6
The Homogenized Effects of Color Transference .................... 7
Potential Benefits of RP Consultations & Programs................. 7
TYPE ............................................................................................. 9
The Aura ................................................................................... 9
GENERATOR ........................................................................... 9
PROJECTOR.......................................................................... 10
MANIFESTOR ........................................................................ 12
REFLECTOR .......................................................................... 13
COLORS 1-6 CHARACTERISTICS ........................................... 14
COLOR 1 ................................................................................ 14
COLOR 2 ................................................................................ 14
COLOR 3 ................................................................................ 16
COLOR 4 ................................................................................ 16
COLOR 5 ................................................................................ 17
COLOR 6 ................................................................................ 18
Color—Tonal Trajectory Fixing Illustration ............................ 19
TRAJECTORY CHART .............................................................. 20
TONE CHARACTERISTICS....................................................... 22
TONE 1................................................................................... 22

2 RP Resource for Consults RP Resource for Consults 39


Rave Psychologist
Reference Guide

Thanks for Practitioners


From the teaching of

This booklet is for the exclusive use of IHDS Ra Uru Hu
certified Rave Psychologist Practitioners.

Corrections, comments, suggestions and client

feedback may be sent to
Prepared by Becky Markley
© Jovian Archive Corporation 2005 RP Practitioner Project June 2008
Published June 2008 ©Jovian Archive, Corp. 2005

RP Resource Booklet for Practitioners

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