BG5 2 02 Penta Analysis

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Lesson Two

February 3, 2006

Penta Analysis

When you looked at the schedule for the lineup for the second semester you can see
that there is a great deal of practical that’s involved. We need to have a lot of
working practice with this because I don’t want you to be left alone in the dark when
all of this is over. So, it’s very important for me that a lot of what we do together is
at a practical level so that I can help you, or guide you to ways of looking at things.

The example that we’re going to be working with and we’ll work with this for a
couple of classes. This is the kind of example that you’re actually going to meet
relatively often. And it’s in many ways a perfect example to describe what a true
alpha is, and the significance of an alpha and the relationship of an alpha to a Penta
and why it is our goal as a small business organization to be able to build a Penta
plus the alpha that runs it.

In the example that we have we have five people and we have five people that
fundamentally do the same thing. So, this is an example of what you would meet in
a department of an organization. You’ll find this a lot in entrepreneurial
organizations where you have a sales staff or a telemarketing staff or a phone staff.
You have people that are involved in doing the same thing so it’s not a matter of
different essential skills are necessary in terms of the way that you would engineer
this. In other words, what you’re looking at is a group of people that are all doing
the same thing.

I’m not going to directly personalize this to the actual background in terms of what
these people are actually doing because it’s not the point. I just want to be able to
use what is an actual example, so it’s not something that is simply constructed.
When you’re looking at a Penta and you’re going to be looking at a Penta from the
point of view of first of all seeing if or if not there is functionality, and what has to be
done about it. You’re going to be looking at a situation where you have a full Penta,
there are already five people.

If there is real dilemma in here it means that somebody would have to be removed
and somebody to replace them. And in dealing with a full Penta then what does that
mean relative to the position of the alpha and how the alpha, in essence, is going to
take advantage of the information to be able to get the best possible results out of
that group of people.

AlphaOne Overview of Each Member of the Group/Two Perspectives

So, what we’re going to begin with is an AlphaOne overview analysis of each of the
members of the group. This is something that is going to be very important for you
to be able to do. It’s the kind of thing that you would do before you would even look
at them together in a Penta configuration. You’ll notice that today we will not look at
them together in their Penta. We’re simply going to look at them individuality.

There is a two-fold goal for me in that. One is that you learn to see how AlphaOne is
a career guide and is a career reading that you can give to anyone. In other words,
that it really allows you to help people understand their potential in small
organizations and gives them an insight into where not to pursue skills because

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those are areas, and you can see them within the AlphaOne, where that is not going
to be productive for them.

One side of it is seeing each individual, in terms of the AlphaOne, as a career

profiling. And the other side of that is to be familiar with one of the components of
the Penta that you’re going to look at. What we’re going to be doing is we’re going
to go through step-by-step and we will take a look at each of these beings and take
a look at them from these two perspectives.

We’ll start off with Kathryn. We have obvious things that all of us, because of the
nature of our training, pay attention to. This is a Generator. You’re dealing with
somebody who is a 4/1 so right away you have an impression about the fixedness or
rigidity of the way in which they operate. It’s a split definition. When you’re looking
at split definition, particularly when you’re dealing with emotional Generators, this is
often a dilemma because the authority is split off from what is in fact is the energetic

So there are things that you see here that are obvious from the Human Design
perspective. But that’s something that comes afterwards. Let’s look at the
components first and then let’s look at the way in which that can be presented to
someone. Our concern is what is this going to tell us in terms of the BG5 potential,
the career potential, in small organizations that this person has.

First thing that we see is that there is a very strong definition. That is, we have a
Personality activation definition in the 15/5. Of course, we know that in many
respects this is somebody who is always going to find a place in small groups. And
they’re always going to find a place in small groups because they have the potential
to not only hold a group together, remember that this is the magnetic field where the
Penta aura grabs in, and grabs in and holds or spirals the other auras together. So,
this is somebody that can catch on in a group, and this is somebody that can hold a
group together.

So, when you’re looking at this kind of activation, it’s very easy to be able to say to
this person, as an example, that working in small groups is a place where you can
excel and you can excel in certain areas. One of the ways in which this person
excels is that there is a fundamental reliability about them. In so many kinds of
work, particularly Sacral work because so often Sacral work is repetitive work and
very essential. It’s like the Sacral motor itself. This repetitive work, when you have
this reliability we’re not talking about level of talent here. We’re simply talking about
a level of efficiency and a level of competence in which they are reliable in the way in
which they go through their repetitive or their generated process. There’s also
another activation; that is, the 29 is there. Again, you know that this is somebody
that is ready to make the commitment.

No 2/14
When you’re looking at this there is something obvious to see. It’s the thing that in
Penta analysis should really stand out. First of all, there is no 2/14 so this is not
somebody that brings resources into the business, or into the activity, or into the

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department. This is somebody that can function as a result of the resources being
present, be reliable and consistent and be committed if the resources are there. But
if the resources aren’t there, slowly but surely, there is nothing to hold together, it
will fall apart.

For example, this is the kind of person who any fantasy about going out on their own
is always going to represent problems for them. The other thing is they do no have
any Sphinx gates. There’s no 2, no 13, no 1, and no 7. So, this is a form principle
that doesn’t have a good sense of direction.

No 2/14 means that in terms of the essential core of any Penta this is not going to be
a core figure. It can’t be. The second thing is that when you look above to the
totally open Throat center you have somebody that yes, within the context of their
individual design in Human Design terms, the not-self of this, there is a deep need
for attention. But what’s very important to see is how white this is between the
Throat and the G center.

In other words, this is not going to be someone who is actually going to be able to
take on responsibilities in that sense, the responsibilities of the larger grouping.
There is no place for this being within the Penta to be in the upper part of this zone
and making contributions there. This is not a person that when it comes to a career,
the most important thing for this being is not what the career is; it will never be
what specifically the career is. It will be whether or not they have entered into a
career correctly in terms of the nature of their response.

Two Kinds of People in the Penta

When we’re going to talk about career direction for people there are two kinds of
people. Well, there’s really three in a sense because of the 2/14. But there are two
kinds of people in terms of the work of the Penta. There are those that are the
foundation, if you will, the underbelly, the inner mechanism, the inner working.
They are the necessary qualities, energies, to be able to keep the thing going. But
for them to pursue careers from this position is not going to work.

If there is a career for you to pursue, it will be evident from the Throat to the G.
Again, to really understand that from the Throat to the G this is what the story is all
about in terms of the presentation of the Penta to the outside world. And the way in
which the Penta is administered on the inside, the way in which the security and the
oversight of it and the way in which hiring and firing is controlled and the public face
of the Penta, all of this is here. Each of these zones leads to different kinds of career
potentials, or at least career generics, if you will.

To be positive, and again it’s very important for people to see that what’s important
for these beings, and again I’m speaking specifically of the 15/5’s and the 46/29’s,
for them to understand that it’s never about, “I have to figure out what career, the
career has to figure out me.” It’s the other way around. And if you’re at the top up
here you’ve got to figure out what the career is going to be. In other words, it is the
basic polarity that is there within the construct.

So, what’s important for these beings is simply to pursue those things that are
correct for them. It’s very, very important because they’re the ones that are the
generating forces. And ultimately what happens to them is that they learn to
recognize—these are the kinds of people that take a job because they need money
only to discover that they love the job. And it’s not because they ever thought that

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job was going to be their career. They never thought that job was going to be their
career. As a matter of fact, if you had said it to them they would have said, “No,”
because they don’t know.

When we’re thinking about the way in which Kathryn is going to fit into a Penta
everything is going to depend upon, for example, who is going to bring the upper
part of this process, who is going to bring, for example, the 31/7 that administers
this, and brings that quality to it. And whether or not that’s going to be there
because if that is going to be there, and again, we’re going to look at a situation
where we’ve got five beings, so we’ve got a Penta.

From the perspective of the alpha, in looking at it from the alpha, when I look at this
particular member of the Penta that I’m responsible for, I know something right
away, they need to be told what to do. So the moment that you’re looking at a 15/5
or you’re looking at a 46/29 again from the perspective that you’ve got five beings,
you’ve got a full Penta, you’ve got an alpha that is the boss of “that Penta,” then the
perspective of that boss is anyone who has that 15/5 or anyone who has that 46/29
they require attention and direction.

As long as they get correct attention and direction they’re going to be terrific
because that’s what they don’t have and it is what they need. Of course, what
you’re going to be able to see that as we go through and we look at each of the
beings that are involved we begin to see how they can be managed. And just like as
in Human Design, because again, we’re looking at an individual, how we are
attracted to what we are not guess what happens to these people down here.
They’re the ones that so easily can be upset because they’re told what to do.
They’re the ones who want to be this up here and be able to make their, take their
own decisions and do their own representation, and all these other things, when in
fact; they’re here to fulfill what their limitation. After, all everybody has a limitation.

As you’ll see, it’s the big problem of the 2/14 because in most cases just because
you bring the money doesn’t mean you know how to run the business. It’s an old
story. And in many cases, 2/14’s who only come with 2/14’s who happen to be the
money so often they need to be told what to do and they need to have clear

So, when you’re looking at the lower part of the Penta this is something to keep in
mind in terms of the way that you can look at somebody’s potential and you can help
to orient them towards the fulfillment of that potential in looking at them in that
way. The other way is you’re beginning to see how you can manage them, manage
what they are going to be reliable about. Manage the way in which they operate
within the aura, because after all, they hold the Penta together, that is their
potential. Manage them, give them direction.

And of course, the direction is direction relative to what their work is, whatever their
work is. And where you know that the upper definition will not need that kind of
direction, and as you’ll see they’ll need something else. It’s not like one is better
than the other, and please don’t even begin to see it that way because they’re just
polarities to each other. The dilemma is like everything in the way we operate
genetically is that we’re always trying to operate in direct opposition to in fact what
we are. Of course, that would be a dilemma for this being.

AlphaOne Reading

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Obviously, there are other things in a personal AlphaOne where you’re reading for
them, where you’re looking at the possibilities for them career wise the most
important thing is the focus on the combination of their Sacral and their emotional
system and what it means for them to know how to make decisions, how to
understand that the real opportunities in their life for them to discover where their
gifts are, where their skills really are and the kind of work that will be correct for
them, for them to see that that will come to them. That it will be right for them and
it will suit their flow, and so forth and so on. For them to understand the emotional
Sacral response as way for them to gain access to what are the benefits of their
design. They bring a lot to a group; they just don’t bring every thing like anybody

In other words, the importance here is to be able to guide them in a way that is
healthy for them and at the same time to know how to manage them, because to
how to manage them is so important. First of all, I talk about the fact that they’re
going to need direction. And yet, you can see if they’re an emotional Generator they
need direction in a certain way. And they’re also a 4/1. So, not only do they need
direction, but they’re going to need the direction explained to them. And not only
are they going to need the direction explained to them, but they’re going to be asked
to comply with the direction that is explained to them. And there will be no pressure
on them to jump and click their heels and say “yes” right away.

All of this is part of management technique. Combining what you understand from
the basic premises of Human Design and combining that within the context of what
is their working profile so that you can begin to see how they fit into the
organization. By understanding their limitation means that you’re not burdening
them with things that are not their burden. That’s the other thing as well.

One of the great dilemmas in small businesses is that you keep on dumping things
onto people in the hope they can handle it when in fact they may not be able to
handle it at all. You tend on shepherding the wrong people. There are so many
things that go wrong because one isn’t aware of the mechanics of the beings that
you are dealing with.

There are many other things we could discuss, and as we go along we will and we’ll
get deeper, and particularly the Nodes but I want to save that so that we have a
general perspective first before we go into any depth on that.

Ok, let’s take a look at the next one. This is Kathy and Kathy is a Manifesting
Generator and it’s a 1/3. You can see this integration 34/10 that is the source of the
generating which by itself is manifesting generating, plus the addition of the
emotionality of the 12/22; you have a very, very strongly defined single definition.
And obviously, somebody who is operating out of emotional authority so right away
we have a beginning of understanding of the emotional dynamic that is beginning to
build up in the individuals, so far, as we move into this Penta.

Open splenic system, open Root system—when you’re an employer the open Root
system is an invitation to abuse. One has to be very careful about the way in which
you work with this. Here is a classic example of genetic continuity between the
dynamics of the open Root center and the way in which the working profile operates,
because in this working profile we have the other side of the story. In other words,

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we have somebody who is very strongly Penta activated, there’s no question about
that, and we have a definition in the 8/1.

The first thing that that tells you in relationship to what we’ve just been discussing is
that this not somebody that needs to be given a lot of direction. As a matter of fact,
every time you approach this person you put them under enormous pressure. So,
these are beings that can be over pressurized. Of course, that leads to mistakes that
lead to problems, it leads to emotional explosions, and it leads to a lot of things.

Thematic Guidance
What’s very important when you’re dealing with any definition that is above is that
the guidance isn’t a question of direction, the guidance is thematic. In other words,
it is about their specific responsibilities to be aware of what their specific
responsibilities are and for them to give themselves direction. One of the dilemmas
of the not-self in beings who are work profiled from the G upwards is that they run
around complaining that they don’t get enough direction. This ends up being a big

Remember that we have constantly this trying to be what you’re not. And of course,
running around and saying, “What I’m missing is direction,” this is somebody who is
not clear about their role. When you’re looking here at the foundation of what this
upper process is about, the G gates, you’re looking at role gates. You’re looking at
this thematic. These are very specific roles. And anyone defined in these areas may
be totally ignorant of what their role is. It is the responsibility of the alpha to make
sure that they understand what their role is. And that they understand that they are
responsible for their own direction.

What we’re looking at is an ability to be able to enhance management skills in a way

that’s never been present before, a gift of being able to understand how to work with
somebody to bring out the maximum potential. And obviously, that is the whole
point. A Penta that is operating correctly, that is functional, the aspects of the Penta
being treated correctly in terms of what their work profile is, then you have a Penta
that is going to be deeply productive and very satisfied. That is, satisfied as a unit,
satisfied within that process.

In looking at this being and in looking at their work profile, obviously you’re dealing
with somebody that has the potential for a career. You can see that representation,
the public relations, the being in the front, that all of the things that fit into that kind
of larger generic, this is something where they can point themselves. There’s an
aspect of administration, there are aspects that are there that are all part of
responsibility aspects.

Where they’re not good is that they don’t really know who is good enough to hold
the job or keep the job. In other words, they’re not a very good judge of the
working ability of others. They also are weak when it comes to planning. One of the
things that they have, though, is this drive or vision that pushes them to the

Emotional Manifesting Generator

In meeting somebody like this when they are entering into that time in their life
where they are looking at career direction again we are dealing with the roots of
analysis in Design where you’re dealing with an emotional Manifesting Generator and
how important it is for this being to be able to grasp what that means. It also means

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that in bringing them their role that role is something they have to respond to. “Are
you ready to take on this role and these responsibilities?” It’s like the wedding vow,
“Will you take, blah, blah, blah to be your lawful wedded job?” That is a response
that has to come through emotional clarity over time. Only when they enter into
that correctly, so as a manager, in order to be able to get them to be productive
you’re going to have to reach them in that way.

More than that, profile tells us so much about how to be with somebody else and
make them comfortable with you. There is an automatic tension that always exists
no matter what between the alpha and the Penta. It is natural. There is the inside
and there is the outside. And it is the way it is. People will say, “I have a decent
boss.” They don’t say, “I love my boss,” it’s rather rare unless they’re fucking them
but that’s another story but I won’t get into that.

The thing is one has to be able to cross that boundary and to be able to have what is
a respectful relationship that is without tension. When you’re in a position where
you are the one that is responsible for telling people what to do, or whether they’re
going to be in a job or not, and on and on and on, there has to be a certain distance.
Without that certain distance that makes those kinds of decisions that an alpha
regularly has to make, and makes those decisions very difficult.

Yet, at the same time you cannot be aloof and dictatorial. That will only last so long
and it will only be productive in spurts, if at all. So, the ability to be able to
commune with the other in a way that is mutually beneficial one of the keys is
profile. Profile is one of the most extraordinary ways to be able to frame human
beings, to be able to have an overview of their behavioral mode. When you’re
dealing with a 1st line Personality you cannot just simply tell them to do things. And
if they’re a Generator you can’t tell them to do things. And if they’re an emotional
being you can’t force them to respond or act immediately.

When you understand that, as an alpha it’s not about that creating an uncomfortable
situation. If you treat them according to what is correct, they will be productive.
You take an emotional Manifesting Generator and you’ve got a job that has to be
done and it has to be done in 7 days. You give them the details of it, you explain it
and you ask them if they would like to do it and you tell them to let you know. You
wait the first day and the second day and you think, “Oh, boy, there’s going to be a
problem.” On the fourth day emotionally they decide they’d like to do it.

And they get it done right away because they’re fast as hell and they can’t stand
being under pressure so they get it done. But because they had entered into it
correctly they don’t screw it up. They can be very fast in the end, in terms of the
needs of the manager and the kinds of things that need to get done and deadlines
and all of these things. It’s not like because you’re giving somebody time means
you’re giving them a particular privilege. You’re not; you’re treating them with
respect and they will respond and they will be productive in the way in which they

You can begin to see that educating an alpha as to how to operate and this is not
about training them in Human Design, it is about simply giving them understandable
simple keys about the people that they’re working with. They can take notes. It’s
good for them. We have an alpha program which is going to be very exciting in
which we can really establish training techniques for alphas. In the beginning you’ll
do that, but I hope to create a business school where there is a growth in this and

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we begin to expand it. Alpha training is something that is going to be very exciting
and very important.

And yet, at the same time because Design is simple, the keys, even the working
profile keys because we have another language for them, to be able to provide the
Penta with the right keys, the right keynotes for each of the employees, that’s
something that is relatively from our perspective easy to do. Don’t tell them that
that it’s relatively easy to do. But in fact it is. They will be like anybody having to
deal with such revealing information; they will be satisfied with that level of insight
because it’s extraordinary.

Everything about group working is about the management skills. When I first
started to teach business Penta and Juan Jose was part of those early classes I used
a word that I haven’t used in this program yet. The word that I used was
“obedient.” Functional Pentas are obedient. But that only means that they will
react to the way in which they’re guided, they will not resist, they will react. It
means that once you’ve reached a functional Penta the only thing you can do to fine
tune the process and bring out the best possible results is of course the level of and
quality of the alpha.

It is the way in which the alpha then works with the functional Penta. The Penta will
react. But it’s whether or not the alpha is able to guide the components of the Penta
so they’re all fulfilling their limitation. And that they’re being treated correctly. It is
astonishing what happens when human beings are treated correctly. This is really an
enormous transformation.

So, let’s go on and we have Kele. Here we’re looking at something different now.
We have an ego Manifestor, a 4/6 with a split definition. We’ve got somebody who is
operating out of ego authority. We can see right away from the design perspective
that there is tremendous not-self pressure from the lower half of the body graph—
avoidance of confrontation and truth, and holding on to things that aren’t good for
you, and never knowing when enough is enough, and on and on, the pressure and
everything else. And you’ve got a split off from the mind to the way in which the
ego system and the G system are operating.

First thing is that it’s obvious that here again we are dealing with an 8/1
configuration. Again, we’re dealing with somebody who needs to understand their
role and that in understanding their role that they are responsible for their direction.
However, in this particular case you have a different approach. It’s obvious you
have a different approach. Here you have a situation where you’re not dealing with
a Generator anymore.

By the way, when we’re talking about Pentas, because it was one of the questions
that came up earlier on last semester, the requirement of can you have a Penta
that’s just made up of Projectors and by connection they happen to define the
Sacral. My comment was, no you’re going to need at least two Generators in Penta.
Frankly, in order to be in resonance to the general population the ideal is that you
have a minimum of three Generators in a Penta. The Penta is an energy machine.
The generating force is absolutely essential to its vitality.

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So, it’s not like you’re going to end up with a lot of Manifestors that are going to fit
into a Penta. It’s something to consider. You will have Projectors, obviously, that
are going to be able to fit into that Penta with a Generator. They have a natural
relationship to each other in terms of the way in which their auras operate. But
when you bring a Manifestor into a group they have a very, very tight aura. They
have a closed and repelling aura and they operate differently. The danger of the
Manifestor is that it operates without informing.

So, you suddenly have a different kind of management style that you have to take
with the Manifestor. In this case, you have a Manifestor that is given its role and
told that its direction is up to it. However, there is a condition on that. The
condition on that is that they have to inform the alpha what directions they’re going
to take. In other words, there is a condition placed on the Manifestor that protects
the manager, or the alpha, from having a loose cannon in their operation. The
Manifestor naturally will take to this situation of defining its own direction. However,
it has to learn to inform. It needs to be policed, in that sense, and it needs to be

This is one of those interesting things about the relationship between the alpha and
the Penta. You cannot scold a Generator. It never works. But you can certainly
scold a Manifestor. It is the role of the alpha to scold a Manifestor when the
Manifestor is not informing. For example, let’s say that at the end of every day
everybody has to fill in a worksheet, a timesheet, whatever the case may be and the
Manifestor just won’t do it. It is not because it’s malicious and they’re making a
political statement or it is revolution, informing is not natural for them. But you
cannot have a Manifestor operating in a group unless it surrenders to the need to
inform. That’s the way that they’ll have to be managed.

Again, you can see that there is a style, and there is a particular technique for the
way in which you can work with each of the beings that is there. Here’s the example
of the 4/6. It depends on when you get them. I would not be in a hurry to hire a
4/6 who’s 25 or 26 years old unless I’m only going to hire them for a year because I
know that’s a rough time in their life and they’re going to go through a major
change. That major change will probably mean that they will change their direction
in their process because they’re going to go onto the roof. If you’re hiring a 6 th line
being and they’re on the roof then you know that you have a certain stability in that
they’re looking for something that is secure and long lasting and they can be a very
good 5, 10, 15 year employee or partner or associate or a department member or
whatever the case may be.

The other thing is that you’re dealing with a 4. What is going to be important is that
you can see that the 4th profile will take the edge off having to get the Manifestor to
constantly inform because the Manifestor does has a networking and
brotherhood/sisterhood, this kind of influence relationship where it does not want to
lose its influence, it does not want to lose that capacity. It’s something that can
work in the behavior of the way in which it’s managed.

Again, to really understand there is so many ways to look here. The other thing is
we started off with two emotional beings, and not just emotional, but juicy emotional
beings. We come over here to this being and we’ve got an ego Manifestor with an
open emotional system. We know on a one-to-one basis—partnership—this being

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can be made very uncomfortable so you’re dealing with the most volatile person in
the group, which means that you need to pay attention to them.

The fact is, depending on what it is they do they’ve got an enormous energy to put
that out. It’s obviously what they are there for. But again, because they cannot be
directed you have to see that they’re going to need a lot of attention, you’re going to
have to watch and make sure that they’re really informing of the direction that
they’re taking, and as long as you can keep that in balance, as long as they’re within
the Penta, the moment you step into the Penta the emotional field disappears. You
can actually see that.

If you saw these five people together—there’s always stuff going on between people.
We know that, there’s always stuff going on between people. But when they’re in
the Penta they’re in the Penta and the Penta has its thing and it’s not emotional.
Then the Penta breaks up, whatever that is, it’s coffee break, it’s lunch break, it’s
this and that and you see a number of them going in one direction and two of them
walk off in sort of the same direction and all of a sudden they’re yelling at each
other. All of sudden all of that whatever it is can come to the surface.

So, this person needs to be aware of the emotional pressure that they’re under; and
not that the emotional pressure is blamed on others, but simply for them to begin to
grasp that. Again, understand how much more hands-on management you have to
do when you have a Manifestor. They are not an ideal member of a Penta. If you’re
engineering—I’m a Manifestor so I know of what I speak—a Penta and you’ve got a
choice between a qualified Projector and a qualified Manifestor, take the Projector,
it’s a lot less work. And you can see right away that this particular Manifestor, this is

Of course, if you don’t work with them they’ve got the illusion, they’re a Manifestor
after all, that they’re doing their thing. However, you will see that sooner or later all
of that explodes because the Penta’s thing becomes their thing and they end up
misrepresenting it. It just all ends up with problems.

The Price Point

Counseling, the kinds of insight that we have with the tools that we have is
enormously revealing to a client. It’s the kind of detail they never imagined having.
There are two things about this. One is the price point. It is very, very clear to me
that this is enormously valuable knowledge and it is also copy written knowledge.
This is not Human Design. I am not about to put all the information about BG5 on
the website for free so that everybody can learn how to do this. Quite frankly, it
would not work in that way. This has to work in relationship to the environment that
it serves.

It is clear to me that our job with a client is to interpret the knowledge that we have
and not to teach it. This is something that’s very important. In the way in which we
will present the knowledge to the client is that what they’re being presented is an
interpretation of the material. That’s what they’re given. Not how, in that sense, it
is done. And I don’t mean that a lot of you will meet people out of having their
Human Design done and there’s no harm in them understanding that it is obviously
related to all of that. But I think that it’s very, very important that you treat the
knowledge as a very powerful resource that needs to be protected.

Presentation of the Knowledge

10 For BG5 Student Use Only. All Rights Reserved Copyright Jovian Archive Corporation 2005-2006
The other thing is that the moment you educate a client they no longer have any
need for you. You’re the one that invested your time and your energy to be trained
and the many years involved in the process before that in Design and all of these
things. And to go into a client and spill the beans while you’re doing their AlphaOne
don’t be surprised that they don’t call you back and they’re spending all of their time
trying to figure it all out themselves, and it’s not that complex that you’ve got to be
a genius.

So, this is something that’s important. And I want you to be very careful about the
way in which you present the knowledge. The graphs that we’re using, the
technology that you will have access to in the computer program this is for your
private use as a licensed representative of the organization, of the whole BG5
construct. But it’s not something for the client.

In the third semester I want to be able to give you a complete rounded package and
talk about how this is presented. And I will give you forms, in a sense that we are
slowly going to computerize so that you can give written presentations to your
clients that use all of the right language, provide all kinds of nice little graphs to look
at, and bar charts and wheels and all of these kinds of things, but they’re not going
to be looking at what you’re looking at right now.

This is an analytical tool. Something that I really do want to stress is that Human
Design for me, I have a responsibility to make it available to anyone, there are so
many people that have taken advantage of that because they don’t have the
resources and have a right to know their design. But this is business. It’s really
different and we have to treat it that way. So, I really want you to protect the inner
knowledge that is here. It’s your privilege, after all.

There are many things, in terms of counseling this person; they certainly need to
understand that success for them is something that can be very easy as long as
they’re willing to go along with whatever the construct is. This is the whole key. It’s
like the manager understanding that the Manifestor is given its power, yet at the
same time it needs to submit to the alpha’s authority by informing the alpha. And of
course, that gives the alpha the opportunity to say, “Well, I don’t think you should
do this. This isn’t great. Let’s discuss it and whatever the case may be.” Again, it’s
not a preference point.

45/21’s have a terrible, terrible, terrible time on the material plane, unless they’re
very lucky and normally that is that they have wealth in their families, they have the
right connections, there are some advantages to that, but it’s practically impossible
for them to work with others. So this is a very difficult condition. The truth is the
moment I look at this being I can see that this being is being conditioned to be a
Manifesting Generator. This is what the conditioning is here. This is what this being
is going to look for. This is the deepest and angriest of the not-selves so far that is a
part of this group.

Magic in the Penta

Again, when we get to see whether we’ve got a functional Penta or not, magic is that
the functional Penta ameliorates that. In other words, as long as they’re all working
together the power of functionality in the Penta with proper guidance then you don’t
get any of those undercurrents that are there. But I guarantee you if there is lack of
functionality then you end up in a situation where those things are going to come to
the surface.

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One of the most interesting things about Pentas when you’ve got a functionality
problem is to see this is where blame comes in. Pentas are blame machines—blame,
blame, blame, blame—and the moment you’ve got a gap is the moment that the
blaming starts. We’re going to take a look at triggering indexes and we’re going to
see how easy it is for people in groups to crank each other up the moment that there
is a gap is the moment the blame comes out—it’s your fault, it’s their fault, the boss
is an idiot, and it goes on and on and on and on.

But if there is functionality, no gaps, and properly managed you’re going to have a
very, very productive group despite what you have underneath. My suspicion is that
here you’re dealing with an element that is not really suitable for group work. I
doubt very much, it’s the 8/1 that carries the power, after all. Pentas are always
looking for that self-guided activity. That self-guided modeling that takes place from
the G to the Throat. It’s very attractive to have the definition there. However, when
you look at the overall picture, when this person would come to me and say, “I’m
interested in joining a group of four other people,” I’d go, “No, don’t do that.” That
would be my first reaction. My first reaction is, “No don’t do that, it’s not going to
work for you.”

If this is somebody that is very, very loosely connected to a group, relatively

independent, it might be possible. But again, in order for them to be productive they
have to be properly guided and it’s going to be an enormous amount of work for the
alpha to actually maintain the correctness in the Manifestor in their group. So, not
to be prejudicial against Manifestors and to put them into the same category as
racial profiling; however, when it comes to engineering, when it comes to doing
career—and I don’t want you to misunderstand something. So let me be very clear.

Let’s say the definition was the 15/5 and not the 8/1 it’s quite different. It would be
quite different. This would be somebody who would need direction, and of course
that’s built in. If you’re coming from the lower half being directed is part of the
game and there may be much more possibility, in that sense, because there is the
generating capacity, much more of a kinship to the potential of working in a small
business group. But not in this case with the upper definition and you’re dealing
with a Manifestor on top of it. So, right off the start this for me is going to be the
weak element of what we have seen already. And again, also the difference in terms
of this is somebody who is unemotional.

Now we come to number four in our group. We come to Kim. Here we’re dealing
with an emotional Generator, a pure Generator, a 3/5 split definition. Again we have
Solar Plexus authority. So, we’re beginning to see a pattern that we have a strong
emotional dynamic that is there in the group. There’s no question about that.

We’re also dealing with the configuration, and immediately now given this
background when you look at this configuration and you see that you’ve got this
openness that is at the top. Again, that was like the very first one we looked at, this
complete openness here. And you can see there is no definition in this case, there is
simply the hanging gates that are there.

Only Hanging Gates

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This is the kind of being that finds their place in a group, or not. What I mean by
that is that if you only have hanging gates in the Penta you never really have a fixed
place in the Penta in the sense that bringing definition to the Penta aligns you deeply
into the Penta mechanic. The hanging gates obviously are all a conditioned field.
It’s very different the quality of involvement that hanging gates have in any Penta.
In other words, when you looked at the defined examples that are Generators
they’re much more connected to the Penta in that sense than this particular
example. And this is because there is no definition.

The other thing is you have the three hanging gates are there in the lower parts, so
we know this is somebody who is going to need direction. However, their place in
any Penta is often easily facilitated because they bring the capacity. In other words,
they bring the resource, the energy system that the Penta needs in order to fulfill
whatever vision it there. Remember we had an earlier example of the 8/1 with the
2; here we have an essential ingredient.

Even though this person might not naturally fit into the Penta in the sense that they
don’t bring a definition to it, that they are rewarded, in that sense, for their
involvement in the Penta because they do bring the resource. This is somebody who
often spends a lot of their money in life trying to invest in being something up here.
“I’m doing this job,” the typical waitress or waiter, “I’m actually an actor, but this is
what I’m doing right now.” It’s very much this quality that is there in this kind of
configuration where there’s always this fantasy about what’s not there.

They end up taking their 14 resource capacity, it doesn’t mean they’re rich; by the
way, it simply means that within the context of the Penta they bring the potential of
wealth, and they bring the flow of capital and all of those things. It is a special gift.
But for them, as a being on their own, they’re looking for this up here. They want to
be this thing or that thing or the other thing. They want to be in control, they want
to have their role.

It’s like the people down here normally don’t get their name on a plaque in the
parking lot. And the people up here always end up with that name on the plaque.
You know, Joe Smith, Manager, or whatever it is. It’s a metaphor in that sense.
They want to get that identification. They want to be the ones that are seen. They
want to be the ones that carry the responsibilities and think that they are going to be
able to earn more money. So they end up spending all this money on all of that stuff
and that’s not the point for them, it never will be.

Difference between Lower and Upper Pentagram

Again, it’s this incredible difference between whether you are lower Pentagram or
upper Pentagram. If you’re lower Pentagram the career has to find you. If you’re
upper Pentagram you have to go looking for your career. And they’re very different
things. That is, not so much looking for the career as specializing in having the
career come to you, because that’s more correct in terms of using the language
properly. If you’re a Generator and you’re defined up here, it’s so essential to
understand that the specialization that you take is a response and the potential or
the opportunities in the career will come as a result of that response.

You have a window now of being able to separate people in a Penta into two very
essential groups for management purposes. In other words, you have a lower group
in which direction is always necessary. You have an upper group in which role
definition is very necessary. These are the two aspects. Now think about something

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interesting. All five of these people, let’s take the example that they do exactly the
same job. It’s not like they’re going to take on administrative public relations
oversight roles. As a matter of fact, that terminology within the Penta is only
appropriate when we’re talking about a Penta that’s either a 3 or a 4. But the
moment that you have a Penta that’s a 5 you automatically need an alpha, and you
automatically enter into this—all of the management is coming from the outside.

So, you have five people doing exactly the same job, but the ones that are down
here have to be directed all the time. And the ones that are up here have to be
reminded of their roles, nothing more, they direct themselves. And yet, they’re all
doing the same job. As a manager, if you do that and you do it correctly because
you can deal with them correctly, then everything is fine. But to really understand
how odd that can be in some circumstances, and basically what it means is that—
think about all the bosses, the employers, the managers that complain about how
much attention they have to pay to this person and that person and they blame
them for it and they think they’re lesser of value for it and they would like to replace
them because of it.

This is not a problem that they need attention. It is simply understanding they need
to be guided if you want full productivity, if you want a return on what you are doing
and you want the best and highest possible quality then what you’re going to have to
do is that you’re going to have to work hands-on with these lower Pentagram people
and you’re going to have to give very clear role direction, role thematics to these
people at the upper end. It’s just the way that it is.

It’s not these ones down here make less of a contribution, they don’t. The essential
power and value of Penta work is based on what is in the lower Pentagram. But they
have to be treated differently. You can see the way that managers work that they
don’t do that. Not only that they put a negative on this and a positive on this. Then
they expect everybody here to be like this. And it doesn’t work. And when
everybody is expected to be like this and they’re all living out roles and they’re not
taking any direction and only bringing their own it’s a mess.

3rd Line Beings in a Penta

Our gift is to be able to see not only how somebody fits into a Penta, but how that
person can be dealt with. And hey, you’ve got a 3. The moment that you’ve got a
3rd line being that’s in a Penta then you know that if anything is going to wrong it
will. They’re going to make mistakes. Not only are they going to make mistakes,
but if you don’t get that you’re going to lose the most valuable employee that you
have. It’s one of the most incredible things about 3 rd line beings.

So, let’s say you’re dealing with this being and obviously they need direction so you
give them direction, and you give them direction in relationship to them being an
emotional Generator. They enter into it, they enter into correctly and it fucks up.
Whatever it is it goes wrong. The fact that you gave them the direction and they
responded correctly and they followed through and that it didn’t work the alpha has
to see that they’d better find out why because finding out why they’re going to have
to change it because it doesn’t work. They don’t want to do that again, and repeat it
and waste the energy on it. In that lies the potential of being able to discover, to be
able to discover another way of doing it, to be able to discover a hidden value in it,
whatever the case may be.

14 For BG5 Student Use Only. All Rights Reserved Copyright Jovian Archive Corporation 2005-2006
So having a 3rd line employee there are moments where it is really upsetting, there’s
no question about that. I have been through that process, I do understand. And
yet, I have never been disappointed in my overall investment in 3 rd line people that
have worked with me. I have always gotten my reward from them. Yes, you go
through this and that and whatever the case may be.

So, here is somebody that not only is it a 3 rd line personality, but they’ve got a 5 th
line unconscious. So when it comes to a gap they’re the ones that are really going to
draw suspicion. It’s typical of the 5th line. There‘s always the projection on them
from the others that they’re not doing as much as they could. Again, it is their
reputation that is automatically going to be attacked. And when they get things
wrong there are others that are ready to jump in and blame them and tell them how
they have to fix it, change it, and make it better, and all of these various things.

It’s truly about seeing the limitation everybody has. This is life. Everybody has a
limitation. Everybody brings only certain things to the table. But here’s somebody
that brings something of great value to the table. They’re bringing the 14 to the
table. And it is an essential element to the success of the Penta. And from the point
of view of the alpha, the alpha has to look at this being and say, “Yes, I have to give
them a lot of attention. But the more attention that I give them the better they’re
going to be. And the better that everything else is going to be.”

It is this awareness of how beings actually function, knowing their mechanics, seeing
their working profile so that you have a sense of them. This is all about what is your
prep—being able to go through each of the people that are involved and getting a
feel for them, getting a sense of not only how they fit into the Penta, but how they
need to be dealt with. What is the way that you deal with them? This is somebody
who is immediately put at ease by being allowed to know that they can make
mistakes and they’re not going to lose their job.

Any 3rd line being that you’re going to work with, if you’re going to be an alpha and
you’re going to deal with the Pentas that have 3 rd line beings in them, boy let them
know right away because you don’t want them to hide it. You don’t want them to try
to fudge it over. You don’t want them to try to pretend it’s working when it’s not.
And you want to take advantage of their skills. You want to take advantage of their
capacity to be able to discover. They’re material beings, after all. Third line beings
are good for any business.

This is Peggy, and we have another 3/5, and we have our first Projector in the group.
It’s an interesting group with two emotional Manifesting Generators, one pure
emotional Generator, an ego Manifestor, and here we are looking at a split definition
Projector and a 43/23. Again, you’re dealing with another 3 rd line Personality.
Again, someone that can be put at ease by understanding that it’s ok to make
mistakes. And you’re dealing with an 18/58. So you’re dealing with an enormous
critical capacity. If you put an 18/58 together with a 3 rd line there is a tremendous
ability to be able to evolve, in that sense, to grow through mistakes rather than to
fail through mistakes.

Undefined G Center
In looking at the definition we do have something different here in that we’re dealing
with an undefined G. The moment that you have anyone in a Penta that brings a

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undefined G you know right away that if they haven’t entered into the environment
correctly, if it’s not the right place for them sooner or later this is going to be a
problem. Place means everything. After all, if they’re not in the right place, then
the people that they’re with in the Penta are not the right people for them.

One of the things for the alpha to be very aware of in dealing with this person is to
make sure that they are the ones that are content with the environment, that they
enjoy the physical environment. And particularly, if you’re going to change things in
the physical environment, redecorate or move or any of these things, to make sure
that this person is comfortable with that in the sense that they have a chance to be
prepared for it. And if they don’t like it, it’s a problem. This is really something to

Undefined G’s you’re right away caught in the dilemma of is it the right place, and if
it’s not the right place then you’ve got somebody who is working with the wrong
people. For them, at a personal level, I’m not talking about the Penta now, I’m just
talking about them personally, boy, that’s not the right place for them to be. So,
they need to be invited to comment on their physical environment and to make sure
that they’re comfortable with their physical environment.

Here you’re looking at somebody who has more strength in the upper part of the
PentaGraph than in the lower part of the PentaGraph. You have the 46 that’s sitting
there, but you also have the 33, the 1, and the 7. So you have somebody who has a
natural inclination towards the role aspects. And yet, there is no definition. It’s not
like the alpha can simply give them the thematic of their role. It can invite them to
grow into a certain role. This is something that’s very important.

Projectors are non-energy types. And they make enormous contributions to groups.
Yet, at the same time they cannot be pushed as fast. They cannot be simply handed
a burden. The burden has to grow. They have to develop towards the burden; in
the case of the 3rd line being, this adaptation to taking on more and more of the role
of giving themselves direction. However, again, it’s not something that just be given
to them. This is the difference between simply having hanging gates and having
definition in these two different areas.

But at the same time, because the themes are here, the majority of them, it’s very
important this person doesn’t feel like they’re being treated like a lower PentaGraph
being. In other words, you can’t constantly be directing them, they will because
they have an undefined ego and so forth and so on, they will get upset at some point
that they’re being considered an idiot or whatever the case may be. I think this is
the Cross of Explanation, so this is somebody that needs to feel like that they are
growing in their work.

This is one of the keys of being able to work with Projectors within Pentas. The
Projector gift is the mastery of things, mastery of systems, basically. But it’s not like
it takes a moment. They need to really learn their job, they need to do it, they need
experience it, they need to go through the process, they need to study it, and they
need to understand the responsibilities. They go through that whole process.

If you have patience with them, because it’s not about immediate high productivity,
you really have to nurture their need to be able to grasp what’s going on and only
give them responsibilities as they are ready for them. So, the key with Projectors is

16 For BG5 Student Use Only. All Rights Reserved Copyright Jovian Archive Corporation 2005-2006
not so much the invitation as the formality of the requesting. It’s the formality.
They really need to be approached with that specific dignity. “I was thinking that
maybe you could take on the possibility of doing this. And I thought that maybe you
could work yourself up to that by doing this first and later we’ll look at doing the next
thing.” This is ideal for the Projector.

BG5 Analyst and Engineer Carries Many Different Skills

I hope what you get from today’s class is that your role as a BG5 analyst and
engineer carries with it many, many different skills. They’re really different skills.
It’s not simply about doing the business analysis from the point of view of analyzing
the Penta. It is about being able to do business analysis; it’s about being able to
engineer the Penta. It is about being able to train the alpha so that the alpha can
manage the business correctly. So not only are we involved being able to do
business analysis, but we can provide management training specifically to the
techniques that we are using and the mechanics that we understand so that we are
providing a very, very broad service.

Most small business people do no know how to manage. They don’t know how to
manage the people that are employed by them. Not everybody is simply born with
those kinds of things. One of our jobs is to be able to offer an AlphaOne
management training. This is going to be one of the trainings that you will be able
to offer at the end of this program so that when you’re dealing with an AlphaOne and
you’re dealing with a situation where you’re working with a Penta, you have the
opportunity then to provide separately a training for whoever is going to be
manager, who is going to be the alpha.

Of course, this not only adds to your revenue as a professional, but it also enhances
your reputation in terms of the work you’re going to do. You’re not simply saying,
“Ok, this is the way it is, and this is the way that it works.” You’re also providing the
business with the skills necessary to bring the highest possible potential out of the
group. That’s a win-win for everybody. That is one of those situations that that’s
what we’re here to offer in terms of the services that we can provide.

In looking at these five beings you already have a taste of the kind of group that
we’re looking at. It is so helpful to take your time and go through the journey of just
looking at each of them. It just takes an overview; it doesn’t have to be some kind
of extraordinary depth unless you see lines that particularly intrigue you. It is just
about breathing them in. I don’t know who it is, but I think it’s the Masai in Africa,
that they’re terrified every time somebody wants to take a picture of them, afraid of
having their soul captured. You really capture the essence of a being when you look
at their design.

It’s very important for you to have a feel for these beings before you see them in the
Penta. It’s like what I used to tell people about Human Design charts that in the
early years when we were all into Grade One coloring bookwork where we had to
color in all of these charts, it was extraordinary to color in the unconscious first and
contemplate it. And then put in the Personality and see what happens. It is very

So don’t rush to see the Penta. The first thing is look at the beings, get a feel for
them, and get a feel for how they have to be dealt with. Get a feel for who is going
to need attention and who isn’t. Get a feel for those that may be a problem and
those that are a great benefit. Get a feel for them just from looking at them

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individuality. This will really set you up for being able to grasp what happens when
you see the Penta itself. And your ability then to be able to work with whoever it is,
the alpha that you’re dealing with, to be able to describe the nature of these beings
in language that is simple, clear and direct that describes their value, their limitation,
the way they need to be managed, and so forth and so on.

So, this is the first step. The working profile synthesize with Design overview.

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