Reflections On Exodus 13. 17 To 22

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Exodus 13: 17-22

"By day the Lord went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to guide them on their way and by night
in a pillar of fire to give them light, so that they could travel by day or night. Neither the pillar of
cloud by day nor the pillar of fire by night left its place in front of the people” (Ex. 13: 21-22).

Reflections from Pakistani View Point


The context of above text is exodus of Israelites from Egyptian slavery but in the wilderness they
were deemed to face adverse conditions because they are without basic needs i.e. they had to live
in the tents under the open sky, they were without food and water, they did not have proper
protection from the weather changes and they were vulnerable people humanly speaking. But,
the above text especially verses 21 & 22 clarify how the people of Israel were protected,
provided and sustained even in the wilderness where one cannot think of providence of such
things. The wilderness is a combination of mountains and sand which is very strange kind of
landscape. It is noteworthy that the sand of wilderness can raise the temperature of heat more
than usual while at night time the same sand can lower the temperature lesser than usual. Indeed,
it was not an agricultural land and to provide food for millions of people was a huge need. The
above mentioned verses show the plan of God that he could have taken Israelites from Philistines
as it was the shortest route but that would be a way for war which recently liberated slaves could
not afford and they were not courageous enough to face an independent nation. So, God
preferred the wilderness route to avoid the war and of course build a closer relationship with his
people to know and trust him more. He remained with his people to build and boost their
confidence, assurance and belief. People were in the wilderness facing great challenges and
issues but their almighty God was there with them in cloud at day time and pillar of fire at night.

Reflections with Pakistani View Point:

1. God was with them in cloud or fire which provided them a great source of security and
accompaniment. It was a vivid and visible sign of God’s accompaniment to his people.
God’s presence in cloud was with a physical purpose too. It saved them from the
scorching heat of the sun where there was not tree or greenery. The pillar of fire kept the
beasts of wilderness away and provided them light and heat at a cold night of the desert.
What a holistic concern of God for his people to provide them his word and
accompaniment for spiritual nourishment while for physical upbringing they were
provided with bread from heaven, water from the mountains, warmth and cold and
protection from the enemies. Being the followers of Jesus Christ, Pakistani church
experiences the presence of God in the ups and down of life. Although, in certain issues
and challenges the presence of God is questioned by some but majority is confident that
God is with them. Allegorically, even when there is heat of persecution, discrimination,
prejudice and injustice, He is there to sustain and keep the believers in faith. Even, in the
coldness of economic depravity, emptiness, abandonment and social aloofness, He is
there with his people. Because, people can leave the community in Pakistan but God is
there to help them. It is faith and belief of Pakistani Church and community. However, in
reality when it is difficult and challenging to get daily bread, safe drinking water,
freedom of speech, sense of security, social respect and justice, then the question arises
where God is. The above verses can deal such questions in Jesus the Emmanuel.
2. Believers are in a state of journey to heaven and while living in this world they are
deemed to go through the hardships of travel. They are in a travel day and night. The
good thing about believers’ journey is this that they are not left alone because they have a
fellow traveler to encourage, strengthen and energize them.
When we see this in reference to Pakistani Christians view point it implies in two ways:
one is mentioned earlier that we are heading towards our final destination; secondly, there
are many Pakistani Christians who are stuck in Malaysia, Thailand and Sri-Lanka in
search of asylum in some good countries and they left the country considering it a place
not worthy of living. And there are thousands of Christians who want to leave the country
because of many recent issues of persecution and discrimination. Some even fanaticize
the West as Promised Land and consider Pakistan as Egypt where slavery, exploitation,
socio-religious pressure, prejudice, injustice, offensive laws and dehumanization is at the
peak. Recently, after Jarawala Incident, in which tens of churches and many houses were
burnt, some Christians announced that we should have an exodus and west will open
borders for us. But, that did not happen.
The issues of Pakistani Christians are real but unfortunately not dealt properly by national
and global church and now these have become complex. Our persecution is like giving
someone a slow poison. The journey of Pakistan is very challenging as sometimes the
supporters of prosperity gospel and other heretical teaching come alongside who take the
travelers away from the destinations. However, people with good biblical understanding
and compassionate attitude towards community are not many because in this way God
can give a sense of accompaniment towards his people in their journey in this world.
3. Cloud and Fire are manifestations of God which are kind of miraculous and glorious acts
done by God for the nation of Israel i.e. his people. Many a times, Pakistani Christians
relate themselves with the nation of Israel and want the blessings which Israelites used to
have. But, in reality, they do not see such miracles or powerful evidences at socio-
political, economic or religious level. As, most of the Christians live in slums and
underprivileged areas and they do not see such miraculous manifestations of protection
and liberation. The socio-religious context creates many problems for them and they live
only by faith. Indeed, such passages fill the hearts with faith and hope but to some these
are just empty emotionalism and for many it is something belonging to another world.
However, it builds the spiritual insight and gives a hope in the darkness.
4. God has better plan for his people and its fulfillment is accompanied by His divine
providence. Indeed, God has good plans for the Christians in Pakistan and His divine
providence is manifested miraculously in the lives of many here in Pakistan. For some is
to stay here and for some it is to go outside but God is committed and faithful to his
people. God is at work in Pakistan transforming lives of many a people. So, walking
according to God’s plan is ideal action of a believer.
5. Cloud and pillar of fire are signs of God’s abundant grace too which is available for all
his people. We do not earn it but it is his mercy and love that he never forgets his people
and he keeps his promises. In spite of people rebellious actions and attitudes he showers
his grace shown on the cross through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

The church in Pakistan seeks liberation and freedom but they do not act like liberationists or
freedom fighter. They are meek and weak people and for every challenge of their life they look
towards the church platform which itself is not properly functioning but socio-religious platforms
are in a very bad position. Sometimes, helplessness of the Christians is very prominent but they
are not hopeless because their hope comes from their Lord Jesus Christ who is with them to the
ends of the ages.

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