Ingles 2

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Story of our friendship

Rodríguez Rodriguez Angie Paola ID 832559
Suarez Vargas Angela Marcela ID 830691

Programa Administración en Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo, Facultad de Ciencias

Empresariales, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios

NRC:695 Ingles II
Sandra Milena Gómez Carpeta

06, noviembre de 2023

Hello everyone

We are Angela from Mexico and Angie from Australia.

Angela is 29 years old and I, Angie, am 25 years old. Mexico is located in Central America and its
language is Spanish. One of Mexico's traditional dishes is very spicy tacos.

Australia is located in Oceania, its native language is English and one of the animals that
represents it is the koala, and we have learned many phrases in this language. Angela shared
videos of typical dances from Mexico and she is very good at dancing them.

We have been friends for 2 years and we met through this network “pen pals in funny letters” and
we decided to be pen pals since we have the same dream, learning to speak another language and
also learning about the culture of these 2 countries .

And we will tell you about our experience of being pen pals.

We have planned a schedule of virtual meetings through Telegram since we have different time
zones, we also have a WhatsApp group in which we talk during the day and tell each other what
we do if something happens. We send each other pictures, postcards, interesting songs that we
find during the day. In the weekly video calls we choose one of us and this is the one who decides
what activities we are going to do during the week to learn more about the country and thus
improve our language. (listening to a song, watching a movie, watching a video, reading a book,
these activities have helped us a lot, this has led us to be able to speak more fluently.

When we met the challenge of “pen pals in funny cards”, we started reading and researching
about Colombia and we really enjoyed getting to know its culture, and before traveling to this
country you should know many things, the nickname used for them is “Colombian” ”, they are very
proud of their country. They use the same word to refer to different things or situations, public
transportation must be paid for, Colombia has a variety of entertainment for its visitors, since it is
a country that has a lot of wealth in nature and landscapes, some of them are: coffee park, Sierra
Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombian Amazon, Cabo de Vela, Caño Cristales, Chicamocha Canyon, La
Piedra del Peñol.

We want to eat their typical dishes ajiaco, tray paisa, carne a la llanera (mamona), we want to win
this challenge because we plan to travel to Colombia to learn more about this country and its


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