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PRIME REVIEW ONLINE ‘LOUANIAL ENGINEERING REVIEW 1A pump discharges 150 iter per second of wate oa beight of 75m If {he efciency 75% ad the speed of the pp is 1800 ry, what he torque a Nem to which he de shal syed?” te os D. a 2 A fd puny is dtiverig 10 gallons px minte of ol wih 3 specific ‘grviyeF 043. Th ol bead is 9.14 mind ow mosh energy doe he 169 ses in KI per boar hie c PESO) *SG Teoh 9 DD $.Incase of aval foe compress for minimum fad con an blade tp ‘clearance lose, the las of naka ow capes ate Senge fr “A He reaction Lasse reacton 44 orate compression of he minim wrk conditions ar AA pressure ite pr tage willbe ual 1, oak done im sacesave age wil be in geometrical progression inde voles lb ae pate ise othe eyes wil be esa 5. A pump receives 8 gs of water at 220 kPa and 110°C and charges itt "OO KPa Compute the ined in kW. AwI26 DM Bz -4Oh=pg@h Bsow fim P= SON Pg) emgh 6. Most pemanetiestllstions ake piston compressors availble a sack otha pressure? 150i c280ps 200 ps 300i 7. condenser’ wat ctcusting pump is bel riven by an eloec motor ‘wutan adjust patch mows sheave’ This eave ‘A. pots adjust of pp spo Breve overload andor butt ofthe pay vents exceasve wearon the he and mtr fal bearings fates bel replacement {A singe suction pump having its suction nzzeon the opposite sie of he sing fom the stifling box and hang the fae of te suction hozale etpndiculr othe longi axis ofthe shat. ‘A. Config! pp suction pum "ib pap D. Horizontal pap 9. A comfaa! pam deliver 80 Bers per scood of water om tet ston nuge reads 10 mun ig vacua and 12 m below pump centering. Power = 'STORW.Tind the til dyamic head metry 10. An underground formation tat consis sufieat saturated pemesbie ‘matral oye iin antes wate ier rtp ©. Grote water D. Well water 1A water pup develops tl hed of200 8. The pump ficiency if 80% and the motor efficiency i 873%. be power res 1S ems pork, ‘What ste poner eat fx purpng 100 gs)? ‘A.34 cents per hour —C, 234 cents per hour g@h Heston D3 Meanpem TO POWER & INDUSTRIAL PLANT ENGINEERING RIMES SUPPLEMENTARY ERWANCERS (FLUID RACHINRIS) 12. is dese t dover gp at ahead of 610 fin a singe stage pap having especie spec otto exceed 4 Ie speed wot fo exgsed 2 cpm ow nny sg uel? aa el fsuction ba bo Chet [=ta2) Ra 13. A pun operating t 1750 rp dtivering 500 gabmin agi ttl head ‘OF1SO Changes the piping syste fave inves teal hea 360 At sat spm should the amp he cpa nieve this new head at ‘hesameetaey? one ‘Thee (eth aa 123 N 8 Thome wom 5 5 1H. pump deiven by a elects motor moses 25 alin of water fom 4 esvol AWB, lig he Wat oa Lil bea F248 I. The liens ofthe pump is 64 Neglecting velocity ad son, and mior Losses Wine ior cgi 26 tp issu Fin SLD. Sb rat € 15, Caco the meter cinmeter of the ceria ump ta ees to deliver water if pump speeds 1500 pm ‘ot Peis eo Ni 7s D tesa Ye Nimp 16. Ching ‘A. change of mass Tow fist proportion wo preset 1B) hmge of mass ow rate mtvers proportion o pres x60 aed as low ae espe’ rose rai ofthe above 17 apts n pent heb nmin wh requ 70 wediylgee monet Pa arr Benn hire Bow soe D muse UT ey ofp comer el concn iby Pa ed ete TT ina 300 feces Doe eae eae en: Sosa 19, The powe of potable ar compresors used or constrain, ming, road Duikling and panting ages fo Tho 00 bp ip 10 500 Bp "po 1000 Di. et 0 1000 hp 20, Most peomament installations use piston compress avaiable a sock stems sire aging fom "A. Lima to 20007 10 in o 2500 2a ‘Dina 10 2500 os 1D. 3010/minw 2000 0a 21, A timber, coneree o= masonry enclosure having a seresned inlet kept tal filled ith water bya open dy of water Sch spond, ak 01 D. Wellwater 22. A pump dalivers 20 cfm of aterboving density of 62 By The sction and chap gage eas 5 in. Hg vacvum and 30 psi respectively. The AIscharge gage 3 above he ston gage If pnp eicency 70, wate hee per? Fn o BODE Satie 11% ep o31 Hp B31 28, Anair compressor haa power of 40 KW at 4% clearance. If elearnce wl Increase 10%, whats heme power? A TOKW © S3RW. aw Dd @xw = (23h = "Dinps 24, Acari! mp opting a 100 ym drop ao ado 2008 capo 2500 pn Wha he ce pe? Som es mm cha Dime Ns NO. 25.A singe ctng sir compressor witha clearance of 6 takes in ‘mosphcie pressie and temperature of 85°, and discharges i ‘pressure of85 pin Thesirbafls 0.25 / cycle mera a sarge Dresire ithe compreson sent ind he air ofthe compresse Tyan ‘aso ene Cem pike op D. 61 hp feel vale 26 An air compressor has a ston volume of 038 msc at 97 Kpa and POWER & INDUSTRIAL PLANT ENGINEERING T RIMES SUPPLERENTARY ENHANCERS (UID MACHINIRES) | spam oe es. tal nig dey 8 Coins wt eae oc HO tara ee 1B rnd ca ety te SH a Pd poppet a ne ote Te awiW pe 7Oh eiisien GEE Pr 8Ohe 31 Ae singe sg ngewe hes i 19 Peer ppamecserte mepreeetnererened open Man heceroed Sas arose aSon et “at lla} | Bea 239. A cenifuga pump is operating tits best efiene point (BFP) with he following chancterisics boat 10-m Tow rae 21 Wc sid ‘Sehr 0 Ke ow ach power ob wom sane 7 ‘ene edot 150 pm Calas ad in Uvas Renee casssxw SHIQS= Fisege) Om Nee Nerds HO Crs B1634RW DUSRW os gage BOT “almys®) nom) PF "asa 40. A sige sage i comprsor hd 0454s of smog pee, 27. Atwo stagesaircompresr ns an intercooler prssre of gla What ‘nthe dacharge presse if suction presi {Kp AStocr Cisigent Bitkeew winter Pe (Fora ‘Wat geri spi ni moving 20 fp ough 223 is epee 79m ues Pes@h 2 ‘A. 0736 Hp Cost ip B07 Hp 866 Bp Stling ofthe las of xa flow compressor in. ‘A. anunscady prod and yverel of 106" & Thced mass Dow rate nespectieof pes rio ». reduction nt force higher angle of nen ‘alot the above 30, Mos plan ait ysems to operate the tools and machines which reque 70 1090 pala mintined at 1010 10g © 13010130 pig D. Tow 90 psie A venting fn cchargss 44m of ar por second hough duct 91 ‘Cn dame ysis peur O22 om water pue, Darmec ‘presse is 790 mm ls the tempenne ofa 29-4C andthe guage uid deity $994 pin’ 1 the power input 2 65 KW, detenine the hice c pax em DSK be he 12: The mechan tiny and atc esr fan ae $4.9 an 20 afar ropeinely Wt bea sey he es iyaee moran 20 A woatee (oman es== (hs) a hae naan oo He 33. "Thefoced dai fnsin pl wits capaci of 73.2 persed cc ‘eppvng contain sta Sean geval 233° ‘eke pore of 24 mm war gages Spe sn spade {a0 sm The an inp 8257 EW ech Caste he pe ote fan frayed cen of 0 pe One arse ae ©. sas ath FSS vy Ddown 325 eee 34 Wit et ey an te it iy Fe ee" ae! Se © wan Seep? Onx 35.65% Dao ot * 35. A fan develops a brake power of 1S0 RW 1 kp air density What {he new bake power ofthe fan i pats a 100 KPa aa 20°C a ie cowl se cw OFS, ear 36. Blower operating at 15000 sp compreses a fom 20°C aa I ate 0 1.68 am The design wi 38 mina at hs point the poner apt (DKW. Determine the blower elTere a he dei ow. N63 “este a . ae B. 6491% wor Coover™ Ar 27°C a, snd delves! cetera 65275 XP Ivo eicency {is 073 iv compesion ficiency cn un islhema) basis is 0.85 and is ‘meshacalefieney 0.90. ras at 30 pm, Wh ower 8 KW remiedo deve © 29 Pyiyee ENEM teal) D. 100 ec & A piston postive-dieplacreat pump (PDF) hus Gn diame anda 20- tn stroke is ranks ones at 360 spa Compute its otpu assuming ‘ohm een 50% ‘AtozIcin siete yg e NEAL Bisaitn Gwias Ver — ev 42, A rotary compre rceives mi, fags (R= 0410 WK. Gy = 108 Akg at 108 KPa, 27°C and del fan i polytopc with PVC. ‘(rey kW soot kw Wy, 4 HEINE ( “\ S02 kW p. -sooewhie RT | 49. The piston di of double acting compar is 0388 ms | divers gas fom 101528 Pa and 300 K 19675 Kpa ate rte of 0 166 | wis at 150 spm. Value of a for compeesen and espns 5613. Find comet oe dere “Nin Noe ce exetuc~e( €) B. 1075 95 ri 44, An air compeesee takes stat 90 KPa ard dha 10700 KP. ‘volume flow of discharge is 3 mi. conpute tbe capcity of the si Cs. sora PE = PANG” D.a98mis 45.A singe acting ar compressor having clearance of 6 kes in ata smosphei ressure SF and discharges tata pressare of 5 pin The Si andlad 025 8" / cycle mene at dachorge reste The Compression is seaopc, and the compresoe i Ting at 750 rym, ‘alee he ison displacement pe ele oo bee pies oye re p neorienie 46.4 twostage sr compressor has a suston presse of 101.325 KPa and a sg este o 1,180. What the itereoler prs in KP? 339 871 COT el pea 34126 D at1268Ps iyi epoca ni the nerockr intake temperate 100°C can A D133 "(eg ix [PiPe, dkweryjrese. The compression is expected to fellow PV! eriae Te (eye AKA singleacng,silestage recipes compre? tied 10 Sccepaneer te enone sical rng ne ce a75iW np (22) 1 28kW D.azskw Fewer = 7 i 47. A two-stage air compessrat 90 KP and 20°C discharges 700 KPa Fi ‘ktver 80 ky per hoor fom 100 KPa and 25°C cond 10 900 Ka oy PRIME REVIEW ONLINE ‘MECHANICAL ENGINEERING REVIEW | | | © 49. The bore and stoke of an air compressor ave 276 mm and 164 en respectively fhe ston dspacement S039 ms, wha the peaing ott compres 38. 9m © unonm y= OLN 261 Step Dist 4 50. A fuc pump is dlivsing 10 gallos per minute of el wih a specific grwviy cf 083. The ual heads 9.14 find ow much ene des he = 9 A pump recives kgs of water at 220 KP and 110°C and ischargesit at "Ds Compete poe a « D. 9 9 OH 41 parted MPs QC) @ soe 6108 52 A pump diven by an electical motor moves 25 sali of wae fm 4 sesevor A oD, fing the wae oa otal ead of 248 fe Th eficeny ‘ofthe pump i 6%, Neplecing velocity bed, ction, and mito: loses Sti ee eae 26 tip Gism P=sQn 3255 th Detti 53. vacuum pum s wed to drain a looded min dalla 20°C wae. The pressure of water a ths lemperare is 234 KP The pup i= emp caplet ing the water higher an 10.16% Wha te smosphece reste? i R902 kPa Mizoran, Cemouti's 2B 9602 kPa D. IEDR EQN. setae repr rate bere Ss fet rarer Sree aya elaine Sfeemaie menace mibioamtlienscsenies A2SR C18 Peay | ai Biba NOR SE ‘55. A boiler foed pump receives 130 cfm of water with specific volume of ate Fe vy 2803440 Foutgat = S0.GkW D. BRoKW epg 56 Ao mis fw compressible | volume Now rats with soll pes se POWER & INDUSTRIAL PLANT ENGINEERING RUNES SUPPLEMENTARY ENHANCERS (FLUID MACHINES 61. A pn delivers 20 cin of water having a density of 62 The sveton fea iscarge gage ead 3. Hg actu and 30 pst respectively Tbe scape gage 5 [labow the setion gaue I pan elisincy 7105, ‘what ste metor power” Soh EB eoree= POMEL Bone Bese On 62.A fan delves 47 ms ata static pressure of $08 cm of water when ‘perating at sped a A00 rn The power sp eqaed 2963 KW IT 7s ms are dese the sare fan apd stllone, finds the pressure imam of water Shin A718 Bins D508 ‘A cenifigal pump operating 2 1800 pn develops a toa: ead of 60m a low ate oF9 mw per minut. Wha he sete speed? Bote Ns=BuG0 50. D. i258 64, Hy what factor that te pnp headstangesife spe oF acetal py ‘soul c 6 be 65. Most permanent istallains use psn compress walle a sock eee Py ee tee ee tems eatin (67, The ttl tio ifr water pp i Sm te water enpatre 30°C, 6. wht ithe NPSHA (Nelet ston ne con) Rate Pat = M246 96 m 349m NPSHA = hecs) “harp: Bsn D220. (6A pump aprating at 1850 pm delves 70 nin 2 nin} New codons {bent heaped to 2500 rpm What i the ow mic under thaw new Some = re Wiss one? (Rt lomo as wi oe pee oe Amst py vt entries 4 PA poe pt high volume low ue wih hgh prs ise ‘ri pring spond of 150 mapas head? mA Smolen Dow vme fw swat nah ona oe See EA ae Tres ere ASW ep ™ 17pm pOL.s oa 57 Asin sion ppg ts eten ze tberpstesicarhe | ae ie ee mst Sig hd ie ee Some ee cena 20 nro pom cave se eee vt Cates pone sig me 4 tt of commer fey on Sto sotroa acs rae ofan ope Toners stot {5 pump wih heat omy aol ston Aen i se ray es 21 Who owing it dpe! ores? tater, A ‘A Recpcaig ai conpreor _D. Horizontal pemp ne aia wr $9, A double-suetion centrifugal pump delivers mls of water ats head of 1S 1D. Axial ow compressors ‘thtvenng tome Cache Oe pate yee sen a2 TE TT” iS | % Amina nt snd mp gs 0 on 1064 pm Brome YS" esas To min Sena wl opines sae cena) ope (0, com! amp mor it ces 10 Wine wa soma spy EN Someimmnsem enor muminctyac sonny Mi ‘28 kglcm? and the over-all unit efficiency is 67 %. What could be the ee muse asm ni eal nO Bist CTRAWT, PADRE 7, App ob 30 et (10 of rm ta tw of ate hw DESDE Popul G0] nba he tn anes Hic 3d ‘age (5 ms) epectvely- What the mas Dow lei hyena power

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