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School Grade Level/Section 11 HUMSS


Teaching Dates and WEEK 1 Quarter 1STSemester/ 1st Quarter

Daily Lesson Log/Daily Lesson Plan (On School Learners)

(60 minute)
A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of the different forms of writing in Creative Writing.
B. Performance Standards The learners shall be able to connect their learnings in actual way of writing may it be formal or informal.
C. Learning Competencies Differentiate imaginative writing from among other Cull creative ideas from experiences
Write the LC code for each forms of writing (HUMSS_CW/MP11/12-Iab-1) (HUMSS_CW/MP11/12-Iab-2)
D. Specific Objectives At the end of the lesson, 100% of the students with at least 75% level of proficiency should be able to:
a. identify the figures of speech;
b. appreciate songs thru analyzing its lyric to reveal the used figures of speech; and
c. write a poem using the selected figures of speech.
A. Topic Introduction to Creative Writing
B. Lesson
A. References HUMSS- Creative Writing Curriculum Guide,
1. Teacher’s Guide page/s
2. Materials page/s PowerPoint Presentation, visual Aids, black board, and chalk
3. Textbook page/s
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resources (LR)
B. Other Learning Resources
*Preliminaries Greetings, Prayers, Classroom Rules, Other Reminders
1. Prayer
Please all stand, let’s begin this day by a short prayer. ____________, can you please lead the prayer?
2. Greetings
Good morning HUMSS – Dama De Noche!
3. Checking of Environment
Before you sit down, please pick up the pieces of paper, candy wrappers, and all the trash that you see around
and under your chair and throw them in the trash can. Arrange also your chairs properly. Lastly, keep all
the things not related to our subject inside your bag.
4. Checking of Attendance
Look at your seat mates. Is anybody absent today? Ok, Good to hear! Let’s do the Very Good Clap!

Motivation 1. Play a popular song that contains prominent figures of speech.

2. Ask the students to listen carefully and identify the figures of speech
used in the lyrics.
3. Discuss their findings as a class and encourage them to share their
A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson 1. Begin the lesson by asking students to define what figures of speech
are and provide examples.
2. Recap the different types of figures of speech, such as simile,
metaphor, personification, hyperbole, etc.
3. Review the rules and structures of writing a poem.
B. Activity 1. Divide the class into small groups and provide each group with the
lyrics of a different song.
2. Instruct the groups to analyze the lyrics and identify the figures of
speech used.
3. Each group will present their findings to the class, explaining the
figures of speech and their impact on the song's meaning.
4. Encourage discussion and allow students to ask questions and
provide feedback.
C. Analysis 1. Facilitate a class discussion on the importance of figures of speech in
creative writing.
2. Discuss how figures of speech enhance the overall impact of a poem
or song.
3. Provide examples of well-known poems or songs that effectively use
figures of speech.
4. Analyze the impact of these figures of speech on the audience.
D. Abstraction 1. Introduce various figures of speech that are commonly used in poetry.
2. Provide examples and explain their meanings and effects.
3. Guide the students in brainstorming ideas for their own poems,
incorporating at least three different figures of speech.
E. Application 1. Instruct the students to write a poem using the figures of speech
discussed in class.
2. Encourage creativity and experimentation with the use of figures of
3. Provide guidance and support as needed.
F. Assessment 1. Identify the figure of speech used in the following sentence: "Her
smile was as bright as the sun." Answer: Simile
2. Analyze the lyrics of the song "Firework" by Katy Perry and identify
at least three figures of speech used. Answer: Examples may include
metaphor, hyperbole, personification.
3. True or False: Figures of speech are only used in poetry. Answer:
4. Fill in the blank: "The wind whispered through the trees." The figure
of speech used in this sentence is ___________. Answer:
5. Match the figure of speech with its definition: a. Simile - A
comparison using "like" or "as." b. Metaphor - A direct comparison
without using "like" or "as." c. Hyperbole - Exaggerated statements
or claims not meant to be taken literally. d. Personification - Giving
human characteristics to non-human objects. Answer: a - Simile, b -
Metaphor, c - Hyperbole, d - Personification
G. Assignment 1. Ask the students to find a song of their choice and analyze its lyrics,
identifying the figures of speech used.
2. Write a short paragraph explaining the impact of these figures of
speech on the song's meaning.
H. Interactive Activities 1. Figures of Speech Treasure Hunt:
• Hide cards with different figures of speech around the classroom.
• Divide the class into teams and provide them with clues to find the
• Once found, each team must explain the figure of speech on their card
and provide an example from a poem or song.

2. Song Parody:
• Ask the students to choose a popular song and rewrite the lyrics,
incorporating different figures of speech.
• They can perform their parodies in front of the class, explaining the
figures of speech used and their intended effects.

3. Guess the Figure of Speech:

• Provide the students with a list of sentences containing figures of
• In pairs or small groups, they must guess the figure of speech used in
each sentence and explain its meaning and effect.
V. REMARKS In the event of suspension or the need for re-teaching due to unforeseen
Suspension, continuation of lesson plan in case of re-teaching or lack of circumstances or lack of time, the following adjustments can be made to the
time, etc. lesson plan:

• If the suspension occurs before or during the Motivation activity, it

can be resumed once classes resume. The students can continue
analyzing the song lyrics and identifying figures of speech.

• If the suspension occurs during the Activity section, where students

are working in small groups to analyze different song lyrics, the
groups can continue their work in the next class session. The
presentations can be rescheduled accordingly.

• If there is a lack of time to complete the entire lesson, the Analysis

and Abstraction sections can be shortened or combined. The teacher
can focus on discussing the importance of figures of speech and
providing examples, while also introducing the different types of
figures of speech.
• In the Application section, where students write their own poems
using figures of speech, they can be given additional time to complete
the assignment as homework. This will allow them to apply what they
have learned independently.

It is important for the teacher to assess the students' understanding throughout

the lesson and make necessary adjustments based on their progress.
Flexibility in adapting the lesson plan will ensure that the objectives are still
met, even in the case of disruptions or time constraints.

Regular communication with the students and their feedback can also help
identify areas where more reinforcement or re-teaching may be necessary.
This will allow the teacher to address any gaps in understanding and ensure
that all students have the opportunity to achieve the desired learning

Overall, it is crucial to be prepared for unexpected situations and have

alternative strategies in place to ensure continuity and effective learning.
Overall, the lesson plan was successful in engaging students and achieving
VI. REFLECTION the stated objectives. The interactive activities and application tasks allowed
What went right or what went wrong for active learning and creative expression. However, there is room for
improvement in time management and differentiation strategies to ensure that
all students can fully grasp the concepts and apply them effectively.

In future implementations, it would be beneficial to allocate sufficient time

for each activity and provide additional support or resources for students who
may require extra assistance. Incorporating a wider range of assessment
formats will also allow for a more comprehensive evaluation of student

Regular reflection and evaluation of lesson plans are essential for professional
growth and improvement. By identifying areas of success and areas for
improvement, teachers can refine their teaching strategies and create more
effective and engaging learning experiences for their students.
Prepared by: Checked by: Monitored by:
JERICSON E. VILLASANTA _________________________________ _________________________________
Teacher Principal PSDS

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