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Tarea de ingles

Do i livin in Canada

Does he live in Germany

Does she live in Spain

Does it live in san pedro sula

Do we live in Mexico

I do my homework in the afternoon.

She does the laundry on Saturdays.

He does 20 push-ups.

You do a lot of hard work.

Let’s do something fun.

They do exercises to prepare for the test.

I do the dishes every day.

Just do your job.

We do something different every weekend.

He always does his duty.

Do you like this painting? (¿Te gusta esta pintura?)

– Yes, I do. (Sí.)

– Does he enjoy classical music? (¿Le gusta la música clásica?)- No, he doesn’t. (No.)

– Who do you know in this party? (¿A quién conoces en esta fiesta?)

– Do I look good in this suit? (¿Me veo bien con este traje?)

– Yes, you do. (Sí.)

– Where do you buy vegetables? (¿Dónde cómpras vegetales?)

– Does she know the address? (¿Sabe la dirección?)

– Yes, she does. (Sí.)

– How do you clean this stain? (¿Cómo limpias esta mancha?)

– Do you come here often? (¿Vienes aquí con frecuencia?)

– No, I don’t. (No.)

– Where do you park your car?

– What does he want to buy?

He doesn’t play tennis.

I don’t know the answer.

She doesn’t live here anymore.

He doesn’t smoke.

You don’t like yellow dresses.

I don’t understand the question.

They don’t speak Spanish.

You don’t remember it.

She doesn’t drink alcohol.

We don’t have the key.

She does play piano.

You do know what I’m talking about.

They do have the money.

I do study everyday.

He does know me

I do understand.

She does pay attention.

Actually, I do remember.

They do go to sleep early.

He does go to class on time.

I am very happy to see you.

We were not ready for the test.

My aunt can take me home in her car

The little girl had a nightmare last night.

They will not accept the deal

You all have been very helpful.

I went to France last year.

You went to France last year.

He went to France last year.

They went to France last year.

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