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Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2021, 134, 198–213. With 3 figures.

Fine-scale genetic structure of suckermouth Hypostomus

ancistroides populations: the importance of Neotropical
streams for fish conservation

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Departamento de Biologia Geral, Centro de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade Estadual de Londrina,
Londrina, PR 86.057-970, Brazil
Universidade Estadual do Norte do Paraná, Campus Cornélio Procópio, Cornélio Procópio, PR 86.300-
000, Brazil
Laboratório de Ciências Ambientais, Centro de Biociências e Biotecnolgia, Universidade Estadual do
Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro, Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ 28.013-602, Brazil

Received 4 December 2020; revised 18 February 2021; accepted for publication 18 February 2021

In the Neotropics, freshwater streams harbour high fish diversity and are constantly threatened by anthropogenic
disturbance. However, there are few studies on the genetic diversity of fish populations inhabiting these streams.
We aimed to assess, based on microsatellite and mitochondrial DNA markers, the population structure and genetic
diversity of the suckermouth catfish, Hypostomus ancistroides, a Neotropical species widely distributed across the
Upper Paraná River Basin in South America. Twenty-five locations were sampled, distributed across 18 sites in six
tributary streams and another seven sites in the main river channel. Our analyses revealed a spatial heterogeneity
in genetic diversity within the basin, indicating fine-scale genetic structuring. Samples from all streams showed
exclusive haplotypes and private alleles, reinforcing the importance of preserving the tributaries for the conservation
of the genetic diversity of the studied populations. The fine-scale genetic structuring of H. ancistroides is probably
related to the limited displacement capacity of this species.

ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: D-loop – genetic diversity – microsatellite – Neotropical streams – Paraná River
Basin – population structure.

INTRODUCTION plenty of evidence that this rich species diversity

is experiencing strong anthropogenic impacts
The freshwater fish fauna of South America is the
(Pelicice et al., 2017; Castro & Polaz, 2020), with some
most diverse on the planet, with more than 5000
of the species facing some degree of extinction risk in
species already catalogued and recent estimates
recent decades (Reis et al., 2016).
surpassing 8000 species (Reis et al., 2016). Among
Harbouring an important component of the South
the species already known, approximately 2500 are
American freshwater fish diversity, the Paraná River
distributed along Brazilian drainage basins, which
Basin, the second largest drainage basin in South
form the most extensive hydrographic network in the
America, represents an important example of constant
world (Ota et al., 2018). Approximately half of this
human impacts on Neotropical rivers and streams
fish fauna is composed of small species, which mainly
(Agostinho et al., 2007). In fact, the Paraná River
inhabit small bodies of water such as streams (Castro
is one of the most dammed rivers in South America
& Polaz, 2020). The current literature provides
(Reis et al., 2016). In addition, the main tributaries
of the Paraná Basin have also been impacted by
the construction of several dams and other forms
*Corresponding author. E-mail: of anthropogenic interference, such as intense

© The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Linnean Society of London.
All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:

agriculture and cattle-raising activities, elimination behavioural aspects, recognized as important in genetic
of riparian vegetation, and species introductions, distribution of freshwater fish (Allan & Flecker, 1993;
which have degraded water quality (Agostinho et al., Wu et al., 2020), as well as aiding the understanding
2008). According to these authors, this is exactly the of other factors, such as colonization patterns along
scenario describing the Upper Paraná River Basin the basin or even anthropic interferences, which may
(UPRB), which harbours approximately 10% of the also influence genetic organization of fish populations
Neotropical freshwater fish species and is entirely in streams (Heithaus & Laushman, 1997; Blum
located in the Brazilian territory. In addition, the et al., 2012, Splendiani et al., 2020). Furthermore,
inadequate national policies employed by Latin information on the patterns of genetic diversity
American governments constitute another concern distribution within and between populations, gene flow
regarding freshwater fish conservation throughout levels, influences of demographic events, and other

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the Neotropics (Pelicice et al., 2017). processes in the evolutionary history of species are
Regarding freshwater fish fauna from the UPRB, considered essential for understanding evolutionary
while great efforts have been made in recent decades to aspects and biodiversity conservation in freshwater
characterize its ichthyofauna (Ota et al., 2018), studies ecosystems (Frankham et al., 2010).
aiming to characterize how the genetic diversity in In the Paranapanema River Basin (belonging to
native fish species is distributed among populations the Upper Paraná River system), the microbasin
inhabiting rivers and tributaries of this basin are of the Laranjinha River exhibits interconnectivity
still fragmentary (Ferreira et al., 2017). In addition, and many small tributaries, presenting appropriate
existing genetic studies rely mostly on fish populations conditions for the design of an experimental study
from the main rivers in the UPRB (Garcez et al., 2011; aiming to understand the genetic distribution of a
Ferreira et al., 2017), while genetic investigations species throughout a watershed. Previous studies
on a micro-geographical scale involving populations on the ichthyofauna of these drainage basins have
inhabiting small tributaries are scarce (Ferreira et al., highlighted fish species with great potential for this
2015, 2016). type of study, such as the suckermouth armoured catfish
Studies on streams from temperate regions have Hypostomus ancistroides (Ihering, 1911), present
revealed fine-scale genetic differentiation among fish in both tributaries, streams and the main channel
populations (Carlsson et al., 1999) and maintenance (Sofia et al., 2008; Galindo et al., 2020). H. ancistroides
of portions of the total genetic diversity in different (Siluriformes: Loricariidae: Hypostominae) was first
drainages from a watershed (Adamson et al., 2012). described at UPRB (Weber, 2003), presenting wide
In Neotropical streams, however, there are few distribution and a phylogeographic history that
studies concerning the importance of conservation probably includes different colonization events for
of the genetic diversity of populations of fish species new drainages, population isolation and subsequent
that inhabit these small drainages (Sofia et al., 2008; secondary contacts (Hollanda-Carvalho et al., 2016).
Ferreira et al., 2016). Furthermore, considering that Since H. ancistroides is a benthic detritivorous species
Neotropical streams are recognized as distinct from (bottom scraping), it is among the fish species that
temperate drainage basins in various physical- act as important premineralizers of organic material
chemical and biological aspects (Winemiller et al., in freshwater ecosystems (Angelescu & Gneri, 1949),
2008), it is difficult to infer whether patterns described which reproduces from October to January through
for temperate drainages are equivalent to those of external fertilization and spawning in instalments,
Neotropical drainages. In this context, there is a need and does not perform reproductive migrations
for more genetic studies on fish fauna inhabiting (Britto et al., 2003). Due to the reproductive and
streams across the Neotropics, especially if we consider morphological characteristics of H. ancistroides (Britto
that watersheds from this region are frequently at risk et al., 2003), as well as the indicative low gene flow
from anthropic activities. Moreover, these studies could (Sofia et al., 2008; Hollanda-Carvalho et al., 2016), it
disclose patterns in the diversity and genetic structure has been suggested that this species exhibits limited
of native fish populations which are also facing these displacement along drainages (Zawadzki et al., 2005;
anthropic risks. Hollanda-Carvalho et al., 2016), which may result in
Considering the characteristics of hydrographic some degree of genetic divergence between co-specific
systems, robust and relevant information about populations (Endo et al., 2012).
genetic distribution patterns in widely distributed In this context, considering the limited displacement
species could be obtained from population genetic capacity of H. ancistroides, despite the particularities
studies, including several streams and the main of the Neotropical streams compared to temperate
channel of a watershed. This approach may contribute streams, our main prediction was that we would expect
to understanding the influences of geological and to find a similar pattern of genetic structuring in short

© 2021 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2021, 134, 198–213

geographical distances in populations of this species Study area and sampling

from Neotropical streams. Furthermore, the current The source of the Laranjinha River is in the
study aimed to assess the genetic diversity, gene flow municipality of Ventania, state of Paraná (southern AQ5
and population structure of H. ancistroides sampled Brazil), and extends for approximately 350 km, flowing
across a microbasin of the Upper Paraná River system, into the Cinzas River, an important sub-basin on the
to bring to light information concerning the important left of the Paranapanema River. Representatives of
role of Neotropical streams in fish fauna conservation. H. ancistroides have been studied in the main channel
and six tributaries of the Laranjinha River. Thus,
H. ancistroides samples were collected from seven
sites along the Laranjinha River, from the headwaters
to the mouth (south-north direction), spaced at

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All animal experiments were approved by the distances of around 50 km and denoted as L1, L2, L3,
Universidade Estadual de Londrina Animal Ethics L4, L5, L6 and L7. The streams sampled were selected
Committee (protocol CEUA no. 8756.2016.30). Voucher according to their position in the river, two streams
specimens are deposited at Museu de Zoologia da near to the source, two streams near to the middle and
Universidade Estadual de Londrina (catalogue two streams near to the mouth, one on each riverbank.
numbers MZUEL: 19310 to 19339). Each stream was sampled in three distinct sections:

Figure 1. Distribution and sampling locations for H. ancistroides in the Laranjinha River (L) and tributaries. Circles
indicate sampling locations in the river; geometric shapes indicate sampling locations in streams and black bars indicate
dams. (Source: modified from Google Earth, 2018.

© 2021 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2021, 134, 198–213

Upper section (U) near source, Middle section (M) near Molecular data analysis
middle and Lower section (L) near mouth. (Fig. 1). The software Micro-Checker 2.2.1 (van Oosterhout
In total, 731 H. ancistroides specimens were et al., 2004) was used on the microsatellite data to
sampled from 25 localities along the Laranjinha River identify possible null alleles, large allele dropout
and tributaries (Fig. 1). Fish sampling was conducted and scoring errors. We estimated population means
using multi-mesh gill nets and fishing sieves, with a of genetic diversity parameters such as number of
minimum collection effort of 1 h per site, sampling alleles (A), number of rare alleles (RA) with frequency
approximately 300 m. Collections were conducted in < 0.05, number of private alleles (PA), mean of alleles
different seasons, ranging from two to six collections ( N A ), effective alleles ( N E ), and observed (H O) and
per site, capturing fish with total lengths from 20 mm expected (H E ) heterozygosity using GenAlEx 6.5
(juveniles) to 250 mm (adults). For each sampled site, (Peakall & Smouse, 2012). The number of alleles per

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we recorded geographical coordinates and distance locus [allelic richness (AR)] using rarefaction and the
between sections in the drainage system (Supporting test for significant inbreeding (F IS) (P < 0.05) were
Information, Table S1). estimated in Fstat v.2.9.3 (Goudet, 2001) with 10 000
permutations. Genepop v.1.2 (Raymond & Rousset,
1995) was used to test for deviations in distributions
DNA extraction and PCR
from Hardy–Weinberg expectations and genotypic
Total genomic DNA was isolated from muscle tissue linkage disequilibrium applying a sequential
using a phenol-chloroform protocol. Polymerase Chain Bonferroni correction with 1000 iterations and 1000
Reactions (PCRs) for microsatellite loci (Simple dememorization. The effective population size (Ne) for
Sequence Repeat—SSR) were performed in 10 µL each population was calculated based on the Linkage
reaction volumes using nine primers specifically Disequilibrium (LD) method (Waples & Do, 2008)
designed for H. ancistroides (Galindo et al., 2015) and using the program NeEstimator v.2.0 (Do et al., 2014),
reactions were carried out as described in Ferreira considering a random mating model and PCrit of 0.02 to
et al. (2015). Products were genotyped following the allele frequencies.
method of Schuelke (2000) and the microsatellite Bottleneck 1.2.02 (Piry et al., 1999) was used to
polymorphism was analysed on ABI-PRISM 3500 test evidence of recent population bottlenecks using
xL automated sequencer (Applied Biosystems), the “Sign test” (Cornuet & Luikart, 1996) and the
using GeneScan 600 Liz (Applied Biosystems) as a Wilcoxon signed rank test (Luikart & Cornuet, 1998)
molecular weight marker. Allele sizes were assigned of heterozygosity excess under the three mutational
manually using GeneMarker 1.85 (SoftGenetics, State models: the Infinite Alleles Model (IAM), the Two-
College, PA). Phase Model (TPM—with 90% SMM and 10% IAM)
A partial mitochondrial DNA control region and the Stepwise Mutation Model (SMM).
(D-loop) was amplified with the primers DLA- BayesAss 3 (Wilson & Rannala, 2003) was used to
III 5’-TATTTAAAGRCATAATCTCTTGAC-3’ and test for and estimate recent migration rates between
HygDL-R 5’-WTGCKARTATGTGCCGYYTG-3’ populations. Structure v.2.3.3 (Pritchard et al.,
(Cardoso et al., 2011). Reactions were performed in a 2000) was used to conduct 20 replicate runs of each
total volume of 25 µL, with 12.5 µL 10× GoTaq Green K, from K = 1–28, according to Evanno et al. (2005)
Master Mix (Promega), 1.25 µL of each primer at with a burn-in of 10 000 Markov Chain Monte Carlo
10 µM, 7 µL water and 3 µL DNA template at 15 ng. (MCMC) iterations, followed by 100 000 MCMC of
The PCR program was performed with an initial data collection. The optimal K was estimated using
denaturation at 94 °C for 4 min, followed by 40 cycles Structure Harvester (Earl, 2012).
at 94 °C for 30 s, 56 °C for 30 s and 72 °C for 2 min, and On mtDNA data, haplotypes were generated by
a final extension at 72 °C for 10 min. DnaSP v.5 (Librado & Rozas, 2009) and haplotypic
PCR products were purified with IllustraExoStar and nucleotide diversity were evaluated using
IT (GE) enzyme and prepared for sequencing Arlequin v. (Excoffier et al., 2005). Demographic
using a Big Dye Terminator (Applied Biosystems) analyses were investigated by Tajima’s D (Tajima,
kit, which was then used for bidirectional Sanger 1989) and Fu’s Fs (Fu, 1997) statistics with Arlequin
sequencing on an ABI-PRISM 3500 xL, following v. (Excoffier et al., 2005) and pairwise mismatch
the manufacturer’s recommendations. Sequence distributions in DnaSP v.5 (Librado & Rozas, 2009) to
data were edited and aligned using MEGA 5.0 detect the demographic history of H. ancistroides.
(Tamura et al., 2011). The haplotypes found were Network [Fluxus Technology Ltd (http://
deposited in the GenBank [KJ126727 to KJ126743], was used to build
and MN310717 to MN310724 (http://www.ncbi.nlm. and investigate the relationship between haplotypes,]. based on a median-joining algorithm (Bandelt et al.,

© 2021 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2021, 134, 198–213

1999). The Tamura & Nei (1993) model was selected Information, Table S2). Nine independent runs were
as the best-fit model of evolution by ModelTest v.3.7 performed, each removing a different locus (eight loci
(Posada & Crandall, 1998). per run), which showed similar results in all runs,
Arlequin v. (Excoffier et al., 2005) was used to thus all the nine loci were considered for analysis.
conduct the Analysis of Molecular Variance (AMOVA) Furthermore, no indications were found that large
for both markers. Using this approach, the samples allele dropout or stuttering affected our results.
were clustered in seven groups, for which each stream Most of the observed heterozygosity values found
(Upper, Middle and Lower samples) was considered for microsatellite markers were above 0.5 (HO = 0.511
a group and another group was formed by all the to 0.748) and differed subtly from the expected
Laranjinha River samples. The same software was heterozygosity values (HE = 0.481 to 0.741). The mean
used to estimate levels of genetic differentiation using number of alleles per locus ( N A ) ranged from 4.556

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pairwise Φ ST (Weir & Cockerham, 1984), analogous (AgrU) to 9.889 (SFrM), the number of rare alleles (RA)
to Wright’s F-statistics. GenAlEx 6.5 (Peakall & ranged from 11 (AgrL) to 43 (SFrM and GdeL), and the
Smouse, 2012) was employed to measure Jost’s (2008) mean number of effective alleles ( N E ) ranged from
differentiation (Dest) and pairwise GST (Nei, 1973) for 2.410 (Ale M) to 5.760 (L 6). The highest number of
microsatellites. In addition, the correlation between private alleles was found in the SFrM (PA = 10). Allelic
genetic differentiation and geographical distance was richness (AR) was corrected for a minimum sample size
calculated in GenAlEx 6.5 (Peakall & Smouse, 2012) of 17 diploid individuals and values ranging from 4.223
using a Mantel test that compared linearized Φ ST and (AgrU) to 8.502 (SFrM) (Table 1). The lowest effective
D est values and geographical distance with 10 000 population size was 16.4 (AleU), while AleL, SFrL, BarM
permutations. and GdeL showed infinite size estimates (Table 1).
In contrast, haplotype diversity values were lower
than 0.5 for most samples (Table 1). Comparatively,
Data availability the mean values of diversity were generally lower
The mtDNA haplotype data are available from in samples from sites near the headwater of the
GenBank (see above) and further data and analyses Laranjinha River main channel, whereas the highest
are given in the Supporting Information. genetic diversity values were observed in samples close
to the Middle portion of this river (Table 1). Complete
diversity measures for all samples are shown in Table
1. A total of 48 variable sites, including six indels,
constituting 26 haplotypes were detected among the
Genetic diversity mtDNA control region sequences (556 bp) (Supporting
We obtained 193 alleles across nine microsatellite Information, Table S3). Haplotype diversity ranged
loci. Null allele frequency estimates were found from 0 to 0.805 and nucleotide diversity ranged from 0
in loci Hanc1 (SFr U, Ara L and Gde L), Hanc6 (SFr M) to 0.0108 (Table 1). H2 was the most widely distributed
and Hanc32 (Bar M , Ara L and Gde L ). Linkage haplotype, occurring in 24 out of 25 sites. However, nine
disequilibrium was detected in a few pairs of loci after haplotypes were singletons, of which six were sampled
sequential Bonferroni correction (α = 0.05, k = 36) for only in the Laranjinha River and four were found only
multiple comparisons: Hanc32 × Hanc184 (L 1 and in streams. In addition, another four haplotypes were
SFrU); Hanc2 × Hanc184 and Hanc2 × Hanc32 (L1); restricted to stream samples (Supporting Information,
Hanc7 × Hanc72 (L 5); Hanc6 × Hanc1 (SFr M). Some Table S3; Fig. 2). The network haplotype shows a star-
loci deviated from Hardy–Weinberg proportions after like structure. Most haplotypes were closely related
sequential Bonferroni correction (α = 0.05, k = 9): to the common central haplotype, H2. However, some
Hanc2 (SFrM); Hanc6 (AleL); Hanc9 (L1, L2, L3, L4 and haplotypes were shown to be several mutations
L5); Hanc32 (L 1, L 5, L 7, Bar M, Ara M, Ara L, Gde M and away, with more than 20 mutation steps identified,
GdeL); Hanc143 (AleU) (Supporting Information, Table suggesting other mitochondrial lineages (Fig. 2).
S2). Inbreeding coefficient values (FIS) per population
were significant (P value < 0.05) only in Ara L and
GdeL (Table 1). In general, the proportion of loci with Demographic analyses
negative or positive F IS was similar between most Similar to the haplotype network, the demographic
samples and most FIS values ranged from -0.1 to 0.1. analyses also suggested recent expansion of
However, the only significant FIS values were positive H. ancistroides populations throughout the Laranjinha
and found for Hanc2 (SFr U, Bar M, Ara L, Gde U and River Basin, since mtDNA sequences showed
GdeM); Hanc6 (L7, SFrM); Hanc72 (AleL); and Hanc32 significantly negative values for the Tajima neutrality
(L 7, Bar M, Ara L, Gde U, Gde M and Gde L) (Supporting test (D) in 11 samples and seven were significantly

© 2021 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2021, 134, 198–213
Table 1. Estimates of genetic diversity for 25 populations of H. ancistroides using nine microsatellite loci and mtDNA. N = number of samples, Ne = effective
population size [confidence interval (CI) 95%], A = number of total alleles/ RA = rare alleles (frequency < 5%), PA = number of private alleles, AR = allelic
richness (adjusted by rarefaction to 17 diploid individuals), N A = mean number of alleles, N E = mean number of effective alleles, HO = observed heterozygosity,
HE = expected heterozygosity, FIS = rate of inbreeding. Nh = number of haplotypes found, h = haplotype diversity, π = nucleotide diversity, D = Tajima’s neutrality
test (Tajima, 1989), Fs = Fu’s neutrality test (Fu, 1997)

Sample Microsatellites mtDNA (D-loop)

N Ne (CI 95%) A/RA PA AR NA NE HO HE FIS N Nh h π D Fs

L1 31 16.5 (11.9–23.6) 63/30 5 6.013 7 3.651 0.606 0.594 -0.003 31 4 0.187 0.0004 -1.731* -3.436*
L2 30 3607.2 (91.8–∞) 65/19 0 6.563 7.222 4.124 0.689 0.632 -0.074 30 3 0.131 0.0002 -1.507* -2.355*
L3 28 82.7 (42.6–446.2) 78/29 1 7.807 8.667 4.895 0.710 0.684 -0.020 28 4 0.267 0.0005 -1.527* -2.610*
L4 30 124.2 (56.1–∞) 81/29 1 7.911 9 5.003 0.748 0.686 -0.073 30 4 0.434 0.0036 -2.439* 2.561
L5 39 97.7 (58.8–235.2) 83/39 0 7.693 9.222 4.947 0.690 0.668 -0.020 39 5 0.435 0.0010 -1.079 -1.855
L6 24 240.4 (68.2–∞) 79/29 0 8.263 8.778 5.760 0.746 0.727 -0.006 24 7 0.736 0.0081 -1.580* 1.994
L7 33 341.8 (94.4–∞) 82/39 2 7.826 9.111 4.812 0.656 0.686 0.060 33 10 0.805 0.0108 -1.199 1.640
AleU 30 16.4 (11.5–24.5) 56/19 2 5.522 6.222 3.742 0.619 0.597 -0.019 30 2 0.067 0.0001 -1.147* -1.211
AleM 30 53.9 (24.9 -518.9) 47/15 1 4.601 5.222 2.410 0.511 0.481 -0.045 30 1 0 0 0 0
AleL 25 Infinite (92.6–∞) 81/38 6 8.135 9 5.016 0.676 0.664 0.004 25 3 0.227 0.0004 -1.214 -1.454*
AgrU 32 37.2 (19.9–103.7) 41/12 0 4.223 4.556 2.615 0.521 0.529 0.032 32 3 0.234 0.0006 -0.606 -0.595
AgrM 30 76.9 (27.5–∞) 48/19 0 4.631 5.330 2.801 0.589 0.563 -0.028 30 4 0.251 0.0007 -1.196 -1.885*
AgrL 30 176.8 (42–∞) 44/11 0 4.540 4.889 2.697 0.526 0.556 0.071 30 4 0.407 0.0011 -0.403 -0.694
SFrU 30 65.2 (35.6–220.7) 69/20 1 6.879 7.667 4.519 0.733 0.704 -0.025 30 2 0.287 0.0042 0.42 6.881
SFrM 28 17.8 (13.6–23.9) 89/43 10 8.502 9.889 4.694 0.718 0.741 0.048 24 2 0.228 0.0033 -0.474 5.29
SFrL 25 Infinite (103.9–∞) 74/31 2 7.409 8.222 4.311 0.653 0.653 0.020 25 4 0.230 0.0004 -1.733* -3.084*
BarU 29 62.6 (21.5–∞) 83/36 4 7.906 9.222 4.623 0.693 0.672 -0.014 29 5 0.466 0.0013 -1.769* -1.518
BarM 31 Infinite (224.4–∞) 80/39 1 7.796 8.889 4.779 0.659 0.678 0.044 30 1 0 0 0 0
BarL 30 280.5 (72.7–∞) 74/27 0 7.263 8.222 4.630 0.674 0.637 -0.041 30 2 0.331 0.0006 0.485 0.891
AraU 18 57.5 (23.7–∞) 56/14 0 6.222 6.222 3.601 0.605 0.623 0.058 18 4 0.523 0.0038 2.395 5.323

© 2021 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2021, 134, 198–213
AraM 31 169.7 (59.3–∞) 78/36 3 7.444 8.667 4.411 0.684 0.694 0.031 28 5 0.690 0.0068 -1.726* 3.695
AraL 30 162.4 (59–∞) 80/36 1 7.573 8.889 4.781 0.658 0.699 0.077* 30 7 0.766 0.0054 -1.895* 1.186
GdeU 32 292.4 (61.2–∞) 53/21 0 5.239 5.889 2.951 0.552 0.567 0.042 32 4 0.286 0.0007 -1.602* -1.894*
GdeM 29 126.7 (50.8–∞) 74/29 2 7.239 8.222 4.658 0.659 0.686 0.056 29 5 0.470 0.0022 -0.632 -0.205
GdeL 26 Infinite (83.9–∞) 85/43 4 8.228 9.444 5.109 0.662 0.708 0.084* 26 5 0.702 0.0039 1.054 1.303

*Significant values: P ≤ 0.05.


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Figure 2. Haplotype network obtained from the sequencing of the D-loop region (mtDNA) for 723 H. ancistroides from 25
sites. Circle sizes are proportional to haplotype frequency. Black traces represent mutation steps; white squares represent
unsampled or predicted haplotypes.

negative for the Fu neutrality test (Fs). In mismatch Table 2. AMOVA of H. ancistroides populations studied in
distributions, sequence data indicated expectations of 25 localities
a population expansion model for most samples that
revealed unimodal patterns (Supporting Information, Source of variation % of variation
Fig. S1).
The test for recent bottlenecks in effective population Microsatellite D-loop
size detected a heterozygosity excess (bottleneck Among groups 7.63% 54.10%
signal) in eight samples under the IAM test, deficiency Among populations 5.01% 4.7%
heterozygosity in two samples under the TPM test within groups
(Two-Phase Model, 30% IAM + 70% SMM), and Within population 86.71% 40.93%
deficiency heterozygosity in 14 samples under the
SSM (Supporting Information, Table S4). Fixation index

Genetic differen- 0.133* 0.591*

tiation between
Gene flow and genetic structure populations (ФST)
The estimates of recent gene flow through Bayesian Genetic differen- 0.054* 0.108*
analysis indicated high levels of non-migrants, ranging tiation between
populations within
from 67% to 86%. In contrast, migrant rates were less
groups (ФSC)
than 0.6% for most samples and the highest migrant
Genetic differen- 0.076* 0.541*
value was 21% (BarL to L4) (Supporting Information,
tiation between
Fig. S3).
groups (ФCT)
AMOVA results for microsatellite data showed that
the majority of molecular variation occurred within
*Significant values P ≤ 0.05.
populations (86.71%). At the same time, mtDNA data
revealed a large and significant percentage of variation
among groups (54.10%). The global Φ ST values were seven pairs of comparisons did not show statistically
0.133 for microsatellite and 0.591 for D-loop (Table 2). significant values for all three indices, Ф ST, GST and Dest.
Our analysis based on microsatellite markers Significant values ranged from 0.007 to 0.267 for Ф ST,
revealed that out of 300 pairwise comparisons, only 0.018 and 0.669 for Dest (Table 3), and 0.004 to 0.154 for

© 2021 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2021, 134, 198–213
Table 3. Pairwise genetic differentiation estimated from microsatellites in Hypostomus ancistroides specimens. Below diagonal = Φ ST values. Above
diagonal = Dest values. Each significant pairwise comparison is color based on the range estimate: light grey: 0.001 to 0.05; medium grey: 0.051 to 0.15; dark grey:
0.151 to 0.300; darkest grey: > 0.301

L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 AleU AleM AleL AgrU AgrM AgrL SFrU SFrM SFrL BarU BarM BarL AraU AraM AraL GdeU GdeM GdeL
L1 0.062* 0.142* 0.129* 0.133* 0.332* 0.439* 0.189* 0.303* 0.117* 0.260* 0.260* 0.261* 0.213* 0.315* 0.229* 0.148* 0.182* 0.172* 0.387* 0.354* 0.330* 0.360* 0.334* 0.303*
L2 0.036* 0.071* 0.076* 0.086* 0.320* 0.423* 0.129* 0.214* 0.046* 0.209* 0.198* 0.193* 0.161* 0.265* 0.158* 0.086* 0.109* 0.107* 0.351* 0.330* 0.299* 0.322* 0.289* 0.312*
L3 0.071* 0.033* 0.019* 0.043* 0.322* 0.445* 0.098* 0.177* 0.026* 0.150* 0.131* 0.129* 0.105* 0.157* 0.031* 0.021* 0.032* 0.047* 0.386* 0.347* 0.312* 0.387* 0.312* 0.350*
L4 0.064* 0.035* 0.007* 0.026* 0.263* 0.413* 0.105* 0.227* 0.041* 0.211* 0.180* 0.203* 0.125* 0.240* 0.079* 0.033* 0.027* 0.055* 0.341* 0.301* 0.273* 0.338* 0.278* 0.298*
5 0.069* 0.042* 0.018* 0.011* 0.203* 0.328* 0.094* 0.206* 0.059* 0.200* 0.171* 0.208* 0.163* 0.270* 0.128* 0.024* 0.052* 0.060* 0.269* 0.232* 0.203* 0.296* 0.213* 0.233*
L 0.192* 0.125* 0.111* 0.091* 0.076* 0.067* 0.385* 0.412* 0.329* 0.438* 0.431* 0.444* 0.423* 0.523* 0.395* 0.299* 0.346* 0.352* 0.074* 0.051* 0.025* 0.196* 0.040* 0.015
0.494* 0.531* 0.456* 0.565* 0.563* 0.572* 0.572* 0.669* 0.541* 0.446* 0.514* 0.514* 0.096* 0.087* 0.069* 0.266* 0.175* 0.108*
L7 0.192* 0.174* 0.164* 0.153* 0.131* 0.027*
AleU 0.109* 0.071* 0.050* 0.052* 0.049* 0.158* 0.210* 0.136* 0.064* 0.190* 0.180* 0.184* 0.177* 0.287* 0.134* 0.074* 0.082* 0.096* 0.476* 0.419* 0.387* 0.392* 0.366* 0.394*
0.154* 0.262* 0.276* 0.240* 0.284* 0.420* 0.244* 0.205* 0.214* 0.220* 0.452* 0.450* 0.418* 0.381* 0.358* 0.440*
AleM 0.200* 0.140* 0.109* 0.134* 0.126* 0.209* 0.267* 0.101*
AleL 0.062* 0.023* 0.011* 0.018* 0.027* 0.118* 0.173* 0.035* 0.101* 0.160* 0.149* 0.146* 0.109* 0.200* 0.080* 0.033* 0.043* 0.059* 0.384* 0.358* 0.317* 0.351* 0.294* 0.320*
U 0.164* 0.127* 0.086* 0.116* 0.113* 0.202* 0.261* 0.125* 0.198* 0.095* 0.005 0.003 0.242* 0.266* 0.181* 0.150* 0.182* 0.168* 0.485* 0.479* 0.447* 0.376* 0.352* 0.403*
Agr 0.154* 0.113* 0.070* 0.093* 0.092* 0.185* 0.245* 0.111* 0.195* 0.082* 0.004 0.018* 0.249* 0.255* 0.166* 0.127* 0.154* 0.143* 0.484* 0.472* 0.432* 0.388* 0.351* 0.400*
0.217* 0.255* 0.154* 0.150* 0.172* 0.170* 0.503* 0.490* 0.449* 0.380* 0.350* 0.409*
AgrL 0.157* 0.112* 0.071* 0.106* 0.111* 0.192* 0.251* 0.115* 0.177* 0.083* 0.003 0.014*
SFrU 0.099* 0.070* 0.042* 0.049* 0.066* 0.134* 0.193* 0.083* 0.157* 0.045* 0.127* 0.121* 0.109* 0.163* 0.116* 0.111* 0.106* 0.115* 0.516* 0.467* 0.444* 0.483* 0.415* 0.432*
SFrM 0.131* 0.103* 0.057* 0.083* 0.097* 0.147* 0.203* 0.119* 0.205* 0.074* 0.129* 0.115* 0.118* 0.056* 0.135* 0.183* 0.187* 0.204* 0.623* 0.557* 0.542* 0.583* 0.499* 0.507*
SFrL 0.117* 0.077* 0.015* 0.035* 0.058* 0.141* 0.203* 0.072* 0.153* 0.038* 0.109* 0.093* 0.089* 0.049* 0.053* 0.047* 0.038* 0.044* 0.492* 0.446* 0.430* 0.477* 0.381* 0.403*
BarU 0.076* 0.041* 0.009* 0.014* 0.010* 0.107* 0.168* 0.039* 0.126* 0.015* 0.088* 0.070* 0.083* 0.045* 0.067* 0.022* 0.008 0.008 0.375* 0.331* 0.309* 0.369* 0.286* 0.307*
Bar 0.091* 0.052* 0.014* 0.012* 0.023* 0.120* 0.187* 0.043* 0.130* 0.020* 0.103* 0.082* 0.093* 0.043* 0.068* 0.018* 0.004 -0.003 0.444* 0.376* 0.356* 0.420* 0.335* 0.364*
BarL 0.093* 0.055* 0.022* 0.025* 0.029* 0.133* 0.201* 0.053* 0.142* 0.029* 0.104* 0.083* 0.099* 0.051* 0.080* 0.022* 0.003 -0.001 0.442* 0.382* 0.368* 0.419* 0.342* 0.353*
AraU 0.192* 0.164* 0.160* 0.142* 0.121* 0.033* 0.047* 0.224* 0.266* 0.165* 0.258* 0.242* 0.252* 0.194* 0.210* 0.207* 0.160* 0.182* 0.196* 0.024* 0.051* 0.225* 0.115* 0.116*
AraM 0.158* 0.138* 0.130* 0.112* 0.093* 0.019* 0.036* 0.181* 0.236* 0.138* 0.228* 0.212* 0.222* 0.160* 0.172* 0.171* 0.127* 0.140* 0.155* 0.012* 0.015 0.215* 0.097* 0.085*
AraL 0.147* 0.125* 0.117* 0.103* 0.083* 0.010* 0.029* 0.167* 0.219* 0.123* 0.214* 0.195* 0.204* 0.152* 0.166* 0.163* 0.119* 0.133* 0.148* 0.025* 0.006 0.186* 0.062* 0.063*
GdeU 0.200* 0.171* 0.183* 0.162* 0.150* 0.095* 0.134* 0.213* 0.250* 0.175* 0.230* 0.223* 0.223* 0.210* 0.229* 0.227* 0.179* 0.197* 0.210* 0.129* 0.110* 0.095* 0.129* 0.130*

© 2021 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2021, 134, 198–213
Gde 0.153* 0.125* 0.120* 0.107* 0.089* 0.016* 0.072* 0.164* 0.197* 0.118* 0.180* 0.168* 0.170* 0.147* 0.159* 0.151* 0.114* 0.129* 0.143* 0.054* 0.041* 0.026* 0.069* 0.035*
GdeL 0.135* 0.127* 0.127* 0.109* 0.092* 0.007 0.044* 0.167* 0.226* 0.121* 0.195* 0.181* 0.187* 0.145* 0.153* 0.151* 0.115* 0.133* 0.140* 0.052* 0.033* 0.026* 0.068* 0.015*
*Significant values P ≤ 0.05.

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GST (Supporting Information, Table S5). For mtDNA DISCUSSION

sequences, mt-Ф ST values differed significantly from
Both nuclear DNA (microsatellite) and mtDNA data
zero to 194 pairwise comparisons with values of mt-Ф ST
showed that the genetic diversity of H. ancistroides
ranging from 0.062 to 0.933 (Supporting Information,
is heterogeneously distributed along the Laranjinha
Table S5). The average genetic differentiation along
River Basin. Patterns of genetic structure over short
the river was: SSR-Ф ST = 0.086, SSR-Dest = 0.207, SSR-
geographical distances were found in most of the
G ST = 0.045 and mt-Ф ST = 0.291; while the average
streams analysed. In addition, data indicated that
genetic differentiation along streams was: SSR-
part of the genetic diversity is restricted to different
Ф ST = 0.130, SSR-D est = 0.282, SSR-G ST = 0.070 and
drainages from the watershed. In general, the
mt-Ф ST = 0.604; and the average genetic differentiation
patterns obtained may demonstrate relationships
among streams and the river was: SSR-Ф ST = 0.107,
with structures of the environments, processes of

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SSR-Dest = 0.246, SSR-GST = 0.058 and mt-Ф ST = 0.498.
colonization of the basin, and limited displacement of
The Mantel test showed positive and significant
correlations between genetic differentiation and
geographical distances for both microsatellite (SSR-
Ф ST: R = 0.69 and Dest: R = 0.72, P = 0.01) and mtDNA Fine-scale genetic structure
data (mt-Ф ST: R = 0.219, P = 0.01) (Supporting A significant genetic structure was obtained among
Information, Fig. S2). almost all samples studied, occurring even between
The first structure from microsatellites, including samples from the same stream, separated by short
all samples data, indicated that the most probable geographical distances. Indeed, the differentiation
K value (cluster number) K = 2. The graphic estimates of the present study (Ф ST, Dest, GST and some
representing this analysis shows a group formed Structure results) indicate similar patterns to those
by samples in the Lower section of the watershed, previously reported for subpopulations of this species
including L 6 , L 7 (in main channel), Araras and (Sofia et al., 2008) and other fish species in Neotropical
Grande Streams, and another formed by samples in (Ferreira et al., 2015) and non-Neotropical streams
the Upper and Middle sections, including the main (Carlsson et al., 1999,), which suggested genetic
channel and streams. From that result, new runs differentiation over short geographical distances along
were conducted for each of these groups, obtaining small drainages. When comparing distances between
K = 3 among Upper and Middle section samples and sampling sites along the river (min.: 37.9 km—max.:
K = 2 for the Lower section samples (Fig. 3). 348.8 km) and sampling sites along each stream,

Figure 3. Graphical representation of genetic ancestry using the Structure software. A. Result of all 731 Hypostomus
ancistroides sampled in the 25 locations (K = 2), B. Result of the Structure analysis considering only Upper and Middle
section sites. C. Result of the Structure analysis considering only the locations of the Lower section.

© 2021 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2021, 134, 198–213

samples analysed in streams are separated by much that would be more difficult if the displacement was
smaller geographical distances, ranging from 8.9 km not limited.
to 27.2 km between sites. Even so, microsatellite and Although population boundaries for a fish species
mtDNA data showed that a large part of the significant seem unrealistic across continuous-flow systems such
genetic structure along streams occurs between as streams, the low displacement of H. ancistroides
samples separated by less than 15 km (e.g. 8.3 km and the fine-scale genetic structure herein reported
between SFrU × SFrM: SSR-GST = 0.053; 14 km between are also supported by the low number of loci exhibiting
Ara U × Ara L: mt-Ф ST = 0.260). However, mtDNA is significant FIS and Hardy–Weinberg disequilibrium.
often unable to detect more recent population changes Indeed, in another scenario, including greater
as efficiently as nuclear DNA (McCusker & Bentzen, movement and individuals exchanged, it would be
2010), which could explain why mtDNA presented less expected that a sample from any site would include a

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significant differentiation values along the streams. greater number of individuals from different genetic
In fact, the differences between nuclear and mtDNA units, favouring the characteristic patterns of the
results suggest that the differentiation patterns Wahlund effect, such as several loci with significant FIS
obtained may reflect current processes, including and Hardy–Weinberg disequilibrium (Frankham et al.,
influences of landscape features and biology of the 2010). Previous studies have already suggested limited
species. Streams can present spatial and temporal displacement for H. ancistroides (Zawadzki et al.,
variations that influence distribution of fish 2005; Sofia et al., 2008). However, the present study
populations along the flow (Winemiller et al., 2008). is one of the first to specifically address this issue and
These variations include, for example, the presence of provide robust evidence on this feature. In fact, some
barriers which provide obstacles to dispersion, such as studies on the genus Hypostomus highlight that most
evidenced in the São Francisco Stream in our study, of the members of this group are species that do not
where there is a waterfall of more than 5 m between perform migratory movements, including species with
Upper and Middle sections. Artificial barriers, such parental care (Agostinho et al., 2007). Nevertheless,
as the dam found in the main channel, could also until now, information suggesting limited mobility for
influence the genetic distribution of fish (Agostinho H. ancistroides along the drainage basins has mainly
et al., 2008). However, this was not evidenced in the been obtained indirectly, from results of genetic
present study, since the genetic differences between structuring or considering characteristics of the group
samples separated by the dam (L4 and L5) were not (Zawadzki et al., 2005; Sofia et al., 2008).
greater than those between samples without barriers
upstream in the main channel. Other important
stream characteristics could also influence the Population distribution patterns
genetic distribution of fish species, such as altitude, The evolutionary history of H. ancistroides in the
precipitation, temperature, riparian forest cover, water Upper Paraná drainage basins includes successive
chemistry (Reis et al., 2016), dendritic organization cycles of geographical isolation, differentiation and
of the watershed (Hughes et al., 2009), and even population expansions, so that secondary contacts
anthropogenic interferences, to which streams are are quite plausible (Hollanda-Carvalho et al., 2016).
highly sensitive (Luiz et al., 1998). Indeed, most of our findings reinforce this statement.
At the same time, the biology of the studied species For instance, significant levels of genetic differentiation
could also influence the results. The present study between sample pairs were detected for both markers
detected very low gene flow levels (< 0.6%) among analysed, while Bayesian analysis also revealed a set
most samples and significant values of genetic of subpopulations distributed in two large genetic
differentiation (Ф ST, GST and Dest) were found even for clusters, one comprising Middle and Upper sections
those samples with estimates of migrants above 0.10, and the other formed by the Lower section (with the
including a sample with 21% for this estimate (BarL in separation of these two groups occurring precisely
L4). Thus, it seems plausible that gene flow rates may between sites L5 and L6).
not have been sufficient to avoid the population genetic Concerning population expansion, a recent
structuring, even for geographically close populations. (evolutionary) colonization process of this species
These results suggest a limited displacement capacity throughout the watershed studied could be suggested
for the species studied, a feature that could be related by the relationship between haplotypic and nucleotide
to the biology of the species, which is corroborated diversity values (h > 0.5 and π < 0.5%, according to
by the differentiation indices (Ф ST-GST and Dest), the Grant & Bowen, 1998) and the star-shaped haplotype
significant correlation between geographical distances network, which may indicate population expansion
and genetic differentiation estimates in the Mantel (Slatkin & Hudson, 1991). In addition, the majority
test, and also by mtDNA data, since some haplotypes of stream samples presented a unimodal distribution
were limited to only one site in some streams, a scenario pattern in the mismatch distribution test and some of

© 2021 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2021, 134, 198–213

them presented significant and negative values in the populations, providing stable sources of dispersers
Fu and Tajima tests, which also commonly indicates to recolonize peripheral habitats (Petts et al., 2015).
the abovementioned pattern (Excoffier et al., 2005;). Therefore, although further studies are needed,
Our study also suggests evidence of secondary we cannot rule out that the increase in the level of
contact between distinct mitochondrial lineages, genetic diversity detected towards downstream could
mainly in the Lower section of the basin (L4, L6, L7, be a pattern for these drainages, especially due to
Ara M and Ara L), where haplotypes (H8, H11, H12, the possibility of larger effective population sizes in
H15, H16 and H17) from another lineage (possibly downstream sites, as well as in the main stream in
originating in another drainage in the Paranapanema relation to the tributary streams. It is acknowledged
River Basin) entered the mouth of the Laranjinha that larger effective population sizes minimize the
River and appear to be dispersed upstream (along effects of genetic drift in within-population genetic

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the main channel and tributaries); although this diversity, for example, decreasing the chances of losing
process also seems to have been influenced by the rare alleles (Frankham et al., 2010). Although the Ne
limiting factor between L 5 and L 6. As mentioned results of the present study were not conclusive, the
above, dispersion of H. ancistroides in the direction presence of larger populations in Lower sections would
from the mouth to the source is corroborated by the be plausible. Downstream populations would be more
data of the present study, mainly from colonization susceptible to migrants from other genetic units, since
patterns of the basin, where H. ancistroides seems downstream areas may be prone to the influence from
to have occupied the Lower section of the basin in adjacent drainages (e.g. stream confluence receiving
periods prior to dispersal to Upper section drainage migrants from the main channel or river confluence
basins. Corroborating this pattern, genetic diversity receiving migrants from a larger downstream river),
indices (Nh, h and π) were higher in streams from while upstream populations would be more isolated
the Lower section of the basin, while some samples (Hughes et al., 2009; Frankham et al., 2010).
from the Middle and Upper sections presented only
one haplotype. Furthermore, unimodal patterns in
mismatch distribution were more common among Genetic diversity
samples from the Upper section, while drainage Different analyses in our study, including genetic
basins from the Lower section displayed multimodal diversity estimates (mtDNA and microsatellites),
distributions, suggesting that subpopulations in haplotype networks, genetic differentiation levels
streams closer to the river mouth were established and Structure results (K = 3 among Upper and
before those in Upper section streams. Middle section samples and K = 2 among Lower
In this context, mtDNA and microsatellite data also section samples), indicated that genetic diversity of
showed that genetic diversity tends to increase from H. ancistroides is heterogeneously distributed along
the source towards the river mouth (source-mouth the Laranjinha River Basin. Moreover, it is noticeable
direction), both along the river (HE from 0.594 to 0.727) that part of the genetic diversity is restricted to
and the streams (e.g. Gde: HE from 0.567 to 0.708), and samples from different streams, suggesting a limited
even across watershed sections. Interestingly, a similar displacement behaviour of H. ancistroides through
tendency has been reported for species diversity along the Laranjinha hydrographic basin. This behaviour of
freshwater drainages (increasing in source-mouth H. ancistroides was already suggested by other authors
direction), following the River Continuum Concept (Zawadzki et al., 2005; Sofia et al., 2008). In fact, when
(Vannote et al., 1980). Considering the intraspecific we consider both the distribution of haplotypes and
genetic diversity distribution, some authors have the fact that most were exclusive haplotypes, with few
also shown data agreeing with this pattern, including mutational steps in relation to the main haplotype, it
studies of fish species in Neotropical drainage basins is reasonable to suppose a limited displacement for
(Sofia et al., 2008; Ferreira et al., 2016) and other river the studied species. In fact, eight haplotypes were
systems worldwide (Kelson et al., 2015). restricted to streams and five of the six studied streams
Streams generally undergo gradual changes in their contained at least one exclusive haplotype, which
features along the flow downstream, including more seems to have arisen within the respective occurrence
stable habitats, a lower number of dispersion barriers stream and not yet have been distributed to other
in lower stretches, larger meso-habitats, and an drainage basins. Microsatellite data also corroborate
increase in species numbers (Winemiller et al., 2008). these results, displaying private alleles along five of
In addition, the tributary junctions (confluences) the six studied streams.
within a river network have been pointed out as The spatial heterogeneity in genetic diversity, with
biological hotspots, in part due to the heterogeneity potions of the variations found restricted to each
present in these locations (Benda et al., 2004). Thus, it stream, was also corroborated by Bayesian clustering
is not by chance that such places have been loci of core analysis (Structure), which showed sub-structuring

© 2021 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2021, 134, 198–213

both among Upper and Middle samples and Lower Thus, our genetic findings on the population structure
samples. Considering these analyses, most of the of H. ancistroides are in line with those described for
studied streams seem to represent different genetic fish populations in watersheds in temperate regions
units. In fact, despite possible connectivity between (Carlsson et al., 1999; Adamson et al., 2012; Kelson
some of these streams, it is plausible that little et al., 2015).
gene flow has occurred between these drainages Furthermore, the information from our study
since each was colonized, contributing to population demonstrates the great importance of understanding
differentiation. Thus, non-migratory behaviour evolutionary aspects related to streams, as well as
described for the genus Hypostomus (Agostinho et al., preservation of these drainage basins. The genetic
2007) may be one of the main factors favouring genetic differences found in the present study are in accordance
structuring among streams of the Laranjinha River with the biology of the studied species and corroborate

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Basin. Additionally, this differentiation tendency information that attributes a high degree of endemism
is also commonly reported for other species in the to small drainage basins, such as streams (Castro
same genus (Zawadzki et al., 2008) and other non- & Polaz, 2020). In addition, if these small drainages
migratory freshwater fishes (Adamson et al., 2012; are impacted, their recovery may not be effective
Ferreira et al., 2015). and important portions of genetic diversity of species
In addition to limited displacement of along the watershed could be lost permanently. In the
H. ancistroides and characteristics of streams, the current scenario, microsatellite data indicated that all
connectivity patterns and geographical distances sampled subpopulations have maintained satisfactory
could also have important influences on the results levels of genetic diversity ( H O = 0.649). In contrast,
of the present study. When considering the basin, the genetic diversity levels in the mtDNA data were low
genetic distribution of H. ancistroides throughout the for most of the studied samples. However, as previously
Laranjinha River Basin seems to match the Stream discussed, the distribution and variation levels of
Hierarchy Model (SHM) (Meffe & Vrigenhoek, 1988). mtDNA are likely influences from an older scenario,
According to this model, watersheds have a dendritic including a founder effect during new colonization
organization where genetic differences between events, which would justify less variation. In fact, like
samples in the same drainage basin tend to be lower mtDNA, other markers with a mutation rate lower
than those observed between samples from different than microsatellites also demonstrated less variation
drainage basins. Furthermore, even though gene within the genus Hypostomus. Low levels of genetic
flow seems to be greater over the same drainage diversity for H. ancistroides and other Hypostomus
basin, for non-migratory species like H. ancistroides species have also been reported in different studies
this process ends up being slower, possibly occurring (Paiva et al., 2005; Zawadzki et al., 2005).
according to the Stepping-Stone Model, where allele In terms of genetic conservation of species, efforts
exchanges between closer groups over the generations commonly seek to conserve as much variation as
allow distribution of new variants to more distant possible within and between subpopulations of a species
populations (Kimura & Weiss, 1964). In fact, the (Frankham et al., 2010). Therefore, the heterogeneous
Stepping-Stone Model and Stream Hierarchy Model distribution of genetic diversity of H. ancistroides from
are corroborated by a significant correlation in the drainages along the Laranjinha River Basin highlights
Mantel test, which indicates that differentiation that any preservation measure aimed at maintaining
patterns may have been established from isolation genetic diversity of widely distributed species must
by distance (IBD), something expected for a non- consider both rivers and their streams. As observed in
migratory species with wide distribution (Slatkin, the present study, degradation of any of the drainages
1993). A similar result was found for subpopulations could culminate in loss of exclusive portions of genetic
of Geophagus brasiliensis, a non-migratory species diversity. Thus, our data could be further evidence
exhibiting parental care, along the same basin studied that exclusive preservation of large drainages is not
herein, which presented mitochondrial haplotype and sufficient for preservation of freshwater ichthyofauna
microsatellite alleles restricted to one stream but in the region.
absent in the other five sites sampled along the main However, the situation of small Neotropical drainages
stem (Ferreira et al., 2015). Moreover, the significant has become increasingly alarming. In the Laranjinha
genetic differentiation between samples from River Basin, for example, different forms of anthropic
streams and the main stem described here has also interference in streams are evident, including pollution,
been reported for other fish species in river systems deforestation, silting and small barriers, especially in
in Europe (Carlsson et al., 1999), North America sites close to urban regions. Unfortunately, today, little
(Kelson et al., 2015) and South-east Asia (Adamson attention is given to these small drainages, which does
et al., 2012), indicating a similar pattern of genetic not match their richness, both ecological and genetic.
distribution for different fish species across the world. The same can be said in relation to the species under

© 2021 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2021, 134, 198–213

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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Oecologia 168: 83–95.
Britto SGC, Sirol RN, Vianna NC, Jardim SM, Santos JD,
This study was financed in part by the Coordenação Pelisari E. 2003. Peixes do Rio Paranapanema. São Paulo:
de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior— Duke Energy Internacional Geração Paranapanema.
Brazil (CAPES) —Finance Code 001, and Fundação Cardoso YP, Brancolini F, Protogino L, Lizarralde M.
Araucária. C.A-.S. thanks CAPES for the scholarship 2011. Actinopterygii, Siluriformes, Loricariidae, Hypostomus
awarded; S.H.S. receives a productivity research aspilogaster (Cope, 1894). Distribution extension and first
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Additional Supporting Information may be found in the online version of this article at the publisher’s web-site:
Table S1. Geographic coordinates of the study area on the Laranjinha River and six of its tributaries.
Code = drainage name abbreviated and sampled section in subscript (U = Upper, M = Middle and L = Lower).
Table S2. Summary statistics for nine microsatellite loci among H. ancistroides collections. N = number of
individuals; NA = number of alleles; RA = number of rare alleles; HE = expected heterozygosity; HO = observed
heterozygosity; HW = probability values of concordance with Hardy–Weinberg expectations; FIS = computed as in
Weir & Cockerham (1984); - = only one allele; NE = not estimated. *Significant values: P < 0.05 after Bonferroni
Table S3. Distribution of 26 haplotypes and variable sites found in 723 H. ancistroides from 25 sites in the
Laranjinha Basin.
Table S4. Bottleneck tests for H. ancistroides from 25 sites. Wilcoxon sign-rank test for heterozygosity excess and
Mode-shift test for patterns of allele frequency distribution. N = number of individuals analysed, Hd = number
of loci with heterozygosity deficiency, He = number of loci with heterozygosity excess. *d = Significant values for
heterozygosity deficiency, *e = significant values for heterozygosity excess (P ≤ 0.05). Normal L-shaped distribution,
= Infinite Allele Model, b = Two-Phase Model (90% SSM-10% IAM), c = Stepwise Mutation Model.

© 2021 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2021, 134, 198–213

Table S5. Pairwise genetic differentiation estimated from microsatellites in H. ancistroides specimens. Below
diagonal = GST estimated SSR markers. Above diagonal = Ф ST estimated mtDNA marker. *Significant values
P ≤ 0.05. Each significant pairwise comparison is colour based on the range estimate: light grey: 0.001 to 0.05;
medium grey: 0.051 to 0.15; dark grey: 0.16 to 0.300; darkest grey: > 0.301.
Figure S1. Mismatch distributions for each H. ancistroides population. The x-axis indicates the number of
pairwise differences between compared haplotypes. The y-axis indicates the frequency for each value. In the
histograms, (- - -) indicates the observed frequencies of pairwise divergences among haplotypes, and (—) indicates
the expectation under the model of population expansion.
Figure S2. Relationship between genetic and geographic distance by the Mantel test with 10 000 permutations
of H. ancistroides from 25 sites in the Laranjinha Basin. A, comparing SSR-Ф ST values and geographic distance.
B, comparing SSR-Dest values and geographic distance. C, comparing mtDNA-Ф ST values and geographic distance.

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Figure S3. Gene flow estimates based on Bayesian inferences of contemporary migration rates using BayesAss.
Only values within a 95% confidence interval are shown. Non-migrant proportion is indicated by values in
parentheses near the name of each site. Migration estimates and the direction of gene flow are represented by
arrows. Values below 5% (almost all smaller than 0.6%) are not shown.

© 2021 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2021, 134, 198–213

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