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San Juan De Moriones Shines Bright with its WINS 3 Stars: A Transformative Journey

Fueled by Passion and Unity

In the heart of San Juan De Moriones, a remarkable transformation has unfolded within
the corridors of San Juan De Moriones Elementary School. The school, once facing the
challenges of a modest 0-star rating under the WASH in Schools (WinS) program, now proudly
stands illuminated with a radiant 3-star achievement. This inspiring journey is a testament to the
relentless dedication of San Juan Elementary School Teachers, the small but formidable health
leader Graciela Pasuquin, and the collaborative spirit under the guidance of Jerry Turma, our
visionary school head but also highlights the guidance and support provided by District
Supervisor Madam Venus O. Partido.
San Juan De Moriones Elementary School embarked on its WinS journey with a candid
assessment of its water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) facilities. The initial evaluation revealed
crucial gaps that demanded urgent attention. With a humble 0-star rating, the school
community, under the leadership of Jerry Turma, recognized the challenges and embraced the
call to uplift the learning environment for its students.

A Call to Transformation (0 Stars)

San Juan De Moriones Elementary School embarked on its transformative WinS journey
with a candid assessment of its water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) facilities. The initial
evaluation exposed critical gaps, signaling the urgent need for intervention. With a humble 0-
star rating, the school community, under the leadership of the kind and visionary principal,
rallied to address these challenges and create a healthier learning environment for its students.

Achieving 3 Stars – Guided by Visionaries

Under the insightful guidance of District Supervisor Madam Venus O. Partido, the school
community initiated strategic interventions to bridge the gaps identified during the initial
assessment. The installation of water purification systems, the construction of gender-sensitive
sanitation facilities, and the implementation of structured hygiene education programs marked
significant strides in elevating the school's WinS rating from 0 to a prestigious 3 stars.

Key Transformations:

1. Improved Water The commitment to ensuring a reliable and safe water supply
system, guided by Madam Venus O. Partido, meant that students now had consistent
access to clean water for drinking, handwashing, and other daily needs.

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