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Psychoanalytical Social Cognitive Learning Self-Actualisation Self concept Existentialism

Freud Rotter, Bandura, Mischel Maslow Rogers Frankl

View of person Constant conflict between Interactional view (Mischel) / Self-actualisation Humanistic-phenomenological Human - spiritual being with
sexual & aggressive drives in psyche Reciprocal determinism (Bandura) freedom & responsibility
& demands & norms of society Hierarchy of needs People have basically constructive attitudes
psychosocial conflict Behaviour determined by interaction of Motivated by will to meaning
person, situation & behaviour Holistic view of person Part played by person's
Biological determinism subjective experience of their world Spiritual / noögenic dimenion
Mechanistic assumption

Structure of personality Ego controls id (drives) while trying No fixed structure Needs form structural elements Organism - total individual Dimensional ontology
to satisfy superego (conscience) of Maslow's theory Physical, psychological & spiritual / noölogical
Phenomenal field - person's perceptions
& experiences

Self concept vs ideal self

Dynamics of personality Drive theory - conflict between Motivation - result of interaction & learning 4 basic needs - deficiency motives Actualising tendency Noödynamics - piritual dynamics of being human
drive energy (forbidden wishes) 1 self-actualisation need - growth motive Need for positive regard
and moral energy (guilt feelings) Rotter: Behaviour determined by possible Need for positive self-regard Creative, experiential & attitudinal values
rewards & expectations of such rewards Physiological
Ego drives - survival of individual Locus of control Safety Congruence & inconcgruence
Sexual drives - survival of species Affiliation & love Does self concept correspond with potential
Bandura: Symbolising, forethought, vicarious, Self-esteem
Defence mechanisms self-regulatory, self-reflective capabilities Self-actualisation (meta-needs or B-values)
Dreams Self-efficacy perception
Learning: direct experience, obervational,
Reinforcement: direct, vicarious

Development of personality Oral - birth to end of 1st year Learning throughout lifespan No stages General principles of development No detailed developmental theory
Anal - 2nd year of life No developmental stages rather than stages
Phallic - 3 to 6 years Fulfilment of each need is a step
Latent - 6 to start of puberty towards self-actualisation Self-concept develops with person's
Genital - puberty onwards interaction with envitonment

Unconditionalpostive regard

Conditional positive regard

Conditions of worth

Optimal development Only difference between healthy No specific ideas Meets deficiency needs regularly Allow all experiences into self concept Function on spiritual level
& disturbed person is degree
Social & cultural environment will Accepts responsibility for self-actualisation Free to make choices & take
Genital personality closest to determinewhat behaviour is desirable responsibility for them
optimal development 15 characteristics

Views on psychopathology Abnormal behaviour - exaggerated, Pathological behaviour - learnt Prefers "human limitations" Incongruent people malfunction Noögenic neurosis
extreme form of normal behaviour Lack of self-efficacy at root (Bandura)
Caused by weak ego Unfulfilled meta-needs can lead Incongruent experiences If will to power (money) or pleasure (sex)
Learnt helplessness & pessimism to boredom & lack of meaning threaten self concept is dominant, will live in an existential vacuum

Distortion & denial Reinstated human dignity of mental patient

Psychoanalytical Social Cognitive Learning Self-Actualisation Self concept Existentialism
Freud Rotter, Bandura, Mischel Maslow Rogers Frankl

Implications & applications

Psychotherapy Help patient re-experience repressed Improve functioning & perception Basic need therapy & Insight therapy Person-centred therapy Logotherapy - finding meaning of life
wishes & memories to use of self-efficacy Socratic dialogue
dammed up energy

Therapeutic process Transference Modelling Facilitate growth process Create growth-facilitating climate Paradoxical intention & dereflection

Education Parents' behaviour in 1st 6 years critical Teachers are reinforcer & role models Eupsychian working conditions (industry) Jug & mug Permissiveness - freedom without direction
Strong ego, but not over-strict superego Must know children retain behaviour, Internal education Offer sources & material, but
even if not reproduced Help people to know themselves & don't force on students Youth must find meaning &
build values Self-evaluation exercise reponsibility

Measurement & research Large number of projects to Highlights problems with psychometric Sessions available on tape No specific contribution
test catharsis hypothesis testing Content analysis
Aggression will decline if some use biographical data, situational tests, Q-technique, BLRI Crumbaugh's "Purpose in Life Test"
energy is expressed harmlessly S-R inventories

Aggression Result of inherent death drive Learned behaviour Evil not inherent to human nature Inherent part of human nature
Not much can be done about it Increased by rewarding consequences Fult must be in environment Have freedom & ability to control,
counteract & overcome aggressive impulse

Evaluation of theory Somewhat controversial More modern academic psychologists support Under-emphasises people's negative Emphasis on person & subjective experience Not based on experimental research
Concepts widely & vaguely defined than any other theory aspects People are predisposed to constructive choices Does not lend itself to empirical investigations
Impossible to find empirical proof Focuses on congruence between Nazi camps were precise scientific setting
for or against Difficult to get simple overview Exceptions to hierarchy self concept & organismic potential
No predictions for future behaviour

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