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2d model

• Face development in week five

• The nasal pits is formed & divide the frontonasal process into
4 processes, 2MNP (medial nasal process) & 2 LNP (lateral nasal
• Nasal Placode to Nasal Pit : By proliferation of the mesoderm around
the nasal placode.
• So, push the ectoderm outside transforming the nasal placode into the
nasal pit .
• Important events
• Between the 2 MNP (medial nasal process), there is a wide groove
called medial-labial groove or depression
• Between the MNP (medial nasal process) & the MaxP (maxillary
process), there is a groove called lateral-labial groove.
• Eye Development
• At the 5th WIUL the eye developed by the appearance of the lens
placodes between the maxillary and the frontonasal processes at the
lateral sides of the face.
• So, that’s why the eye can’t be seen in the 2d model .

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