Link Backstory

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Link Backstory

Going down child timeline that hits, Ocarina of Time, Majora’s Mask, Twilight Princess, and 4
Swords Adventures (Dawson please split me into 4, I will 1000% roleplay 4 different mute

Growing up as a son of a farmer is honestly pretty shit. Being mute as well didn’t help either. I
didn’t have many friends growing up, except this one girl named Saria. Together we raised
havoc, messing with the local chickens, smashing pottery, and just walking into random people’s
houses. She taught me how to use my broken mouth to still create beautiful music with her
Ocarina. Before she had left when we were 11, she gave me her Ocarina, to always remember
her by.
On my 12th birthday my dad gave me a hook shot as a gift, a new way to play, work, and if
needed, defend myself. Immediately after opening it, I ran off into the nearby forest. Swinging
between the trees all afternoon. When eventually evening fell, I started making my way back
home, when I had heard something of a voice call out to me from behind.
“Link,” the voice felt almost as if it was a whisper. I turned to see a large Deku tree with a face
on it.
The mouth on the tree moved again, “Link, the chosen one. It is high time we met, I am the
Great Deku Tree.”
I nodded in response.
“Ah, I see,” the eyes of the tree moved up and down, almost as if he was looking me over.
“There is great evil in these lands and lands that are far off Link. In the coming years you will
train to become the hero this world needs.”
That is what I did for years, train with the Great Deku Tree in the evening and farm work in the
morning. On my 25th birthday, the Great Deku tree had said that I was ready to go and be the
hero that the world needed. The Great Deku Tree gifted me a small necklace charm made from
his bark. Walking away I heard his voice once again like the time we first met.
“Link,” he softly spoke “there will be great adventure in your future, but also great danger. There
is a Princess, she’ll be wanting to see you, hero. Look to the town of Hyrule.”
Those were the last words he said to me before I turned, and walked away into the sunset,
leaving my home forever.

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