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Astrid Haynie


Professor Stuart

20 April 2023

Committee Final Report: Historian

For my role as the historian, I worked to create the after-show evaluation form and worked to take

pictures at the event of speakers and award winners. I will first evaluate my work creating the after-show

evaluation form.

After-Show Evaluation Form

I used Canva to create all drafts of the form. I ran into some issues by using Canva, specifically

with font size and the size of the form itself. Until I saw it printed out, I didn’t see how big the font size I

was using looked on actual paper, and I had to work on really cutting it down so that it fit the size of the

page that we needed. It was easy for me to come up with the questions on the form. When I created the

initial draft, I tried to write the questions while keeping all of the other committees in mind. I wanted

every committee to have feedback on their contributions and hard work from the attendees. It took me a

little while to decide what kind of response formatting I wanted to use. I initially thought it would be best

to do short answer questions, but from results in my focus group’s report, it was clear that I needed to use

some sort of multiple choice formatting. I only included one short answer question, asking what we could

do better for future events. After a few drafts, I was able to get the appropriate rating scale on the form. I

created about five drafts until an appropriate final draft was decided upon.

To the final draft, I added the new logo that the logo committee created, and I also created a

Qualtrics survey with a QR code, so that instead of attendees filling out the form using pencil and paper,

they could just scan the QR code on the form and access it online. I used the exact same questions and

formatting style on the Qualtrics survey as I did on the physical copies.

The results we received were mostly positive. However, there were only seven responses given.

From my own personal evaluation of the results and class discussion, for the future, I think that we could

have a couple of students greeting attendees at the door, and find a way to make it more clear that the

survey was there and the feedback was necessary for organizing future MCOM Student Awards events.

Overall, I had a good experience creating the survey, and I think that getting that experience was

valuable to me as a student, and as I go into my internship and future professional career as a

communication professional.

Photography of Event

This part of the event was a little bit out of my realm of experience. I don’t think that I quite

understood how important the photography element was in my role, and I think that there were a few

complications at the event that made my role difficult in the moment.

The first difficulty that I ran into was the lighting behind the podium. On many of the pictures

that I got, there were poor shadows cast on the faces of the speakers because of the lighting in the

background. I think that the shots would have come out better in a different location, maybe to where we

could have the natural lighting in front of the speakers faces rather than behind them.

Another difficulty that I ran into was the seating arrangements. From the spot that I was seated in

the awards show, I couldn’t get many quality pictures of speakers and winners because of how compact

the seating was at the tables. I also felt a little uncomfortable standing up to take pictures, because I didn’t

want to block any parents, family members, friends, etc. that were trying to get pictures of their loved


The final difficulty that I ran into was where the winners were standing when they received their

awards. There was some discrepancy between the location that speakers stood when they announced

rewards. For example, Dr. Reel found it preferable to stand in front of the podium on ground level, while

Dr. Fredericks, Professor Kasko, and other faculty members found it preferable to stand on the podium. I

think this aspect confused award-winners, and they stood in places that were difficult to get quality photos


Regardless, I think that being able to photograph this event was a good experience for me. I got

over 50+ images, some better than others, but I tried to really capture the speakers and the winners once

they received their awards.


After the creation of my evaluation form and the photography that I was able to capture, I’ll

compile these components into an archive for future students and faculty members to review. Overall, I

worked hard on my contributions, and I know the other committees did as well.


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