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MCR3U1 – Grade 11 Functions University - Night School

Teacher: D. Marinelli Revision Date: September, 2013

Assistant Curriculum Leader: Credit Value: One (1) Credit
Prerequisite: MPM2D: Principles of Mathematics, Grade 10 Academic

This course introduces the mathematical concept of the function by extending students’ experiences
with linear and quadratic relations. Students will investigate properties of discrete and continuous
functions, including trigonometric and exponential functions; represent functions numerically,
algebraically, and graphically; solve problems involving applications of functions; investigate inverse
functions; and develop facility in determining equivalent algebraic expressions. Students will reason
mathematically and communicate their thinking as they solve multi-step problems.

TEXTBOOK Functions 11. McGraw-Hill Ryerson: 2009 ISBN Number: 9780070009783

 3-Ring Binder  Scientific Calculator  Writing Utensils  Student Agenda


Student progress and achievement are communicated to the students on an on-going basis through:
interim progress reports, student-teacher conferences, verbal/written feedbacks, daily practices,
formative assessments, and summative evaluations.
Learning is the responsibility of the students. If students experience any kind of difficulty with their
studies, access to remedial help is available from the teacher by arrangement.
A student may contact the teacher regarding any concern or issue about progress and achievement in
person (preferably by appointment), via email:

The assessment/evaluation in this course may consist of a combination of the following:
▪ Mini-Tests/Tests ▪ Notebook ▪ Projects/Presentations
▪ Assignments ▪ Culminating Activity ▪ Written Exam

Policy on Missed Tests/Quizzes and Late Assignments:

If a student is absent the day of an evaluation, then the student must provide written documentation
explaining his/her absence. In most cases, this will be in the form of a doctor’s note. An alternate
time to write the evaluation will be agreed upon by the teacher and student. Failure to produce
written documentation explaining absence will result in a mark of 0%.

Late assignments are subject to a late penalty of a up to 5% per day, up to a maximum of 10%.
Mathematics MCR3U Course Outline Page 2

Summative evaluation is represented by a percentage grade which is a weighted average of the four
achievement categories as outlined in the Ontario curriculum documents:

Achievement Categories Knowledge Thinking/Inquiry Communication Application

Percentage Weightings 30% 20% 20% 30%

Term Evaluation (70%):

Unit Topic Approx. Time Evaluations

1 Functions 10 Hours Mini-Tests (On-going) – wt. 10
Unit Test (End of unit) – wt. 20
2 Transformations of Functions 20 Hours Mini-Tests (On-going) – wt. 10
Assignment (Take home) – wt. 5
Unit Test (End of unit) – wt. 20
3 Trigonometry 20 Hours Mini-Tests (On-going) – wt. 10
Assignment (End of unit) – wt. 10
Unit Test (End of unit) – wt. 20
4 Trigonometric Functions 20 Hours Mini-Tests (On-going) – wt. 10
Graphing Quests (Take home) wt.5
Unit Test (End of unit) – wt. 20
5 Exponential Functions 20 Hours Mini-Tests (On-going) – wt. 10
Assignment (Take home) – wt. 5
Unit Test (End of unit) – wt. 20
6 Discreet Functions 10 Hours Mini-Tests (On-going) – wt. 10
Bingo Reviews (On-going) – wt 10
Unit Test (End of unit) – wt. 20
7 Financial Applications 10 Hours Mini-Tests (On-going) – wt. 10
Unit Test (End of unit) – wt. 20

Final Evaluation (30%):

Final evaluations cover all strands and overall curriculum expectations of the course, across all four
achievement categories.

Final Exam 30% End of course

I have read the above information and I understand the expectations of this course.

Student Signature: ______________________

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