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Retraction of Rizal

From what I watched to the video, the debate discusses if Dr. Jose Rizal retract or
not before he died at Dapitan. This debate really caught my attention because I don’t
know that Dr. Jose Rizal wrote a retraction before he died. I am truly not knowledgeable
enough about this certain issue since there were no related information being written
about this during my history subjects when I am in grade school. As a result, I became
interested in knowing what was really true if he really retracted or not through this
According to the video, Rizal’s religious views contradict the Roman Catholic views
so that when the parish church of the Dapitan attempted him to retract from his religious
errors, they failed. Also, they mentioned that it is said that Rizal and Josephine Bracken
were married at Catholic church but there were no evidences that can be found such as
their marriage contract which resulted to the conclusion that Rizal did not retract.
On the other hand, there were also some historians that stated that Rizal retracted
his anti-Catholic ideas but there are doubts at its authenticity given that there is no
certificate of marriage of him and Josephine. Additionally, there is an allegation that the
document being released was forged given that there were many verbatim documents
emerged which makes the people to become confused what is really the correct
document since the documents have some different content and dates.
It is really important to have a great knowledge about our history as it has a great
part in our own history. Even Dr. Jose Rizal is our national hero, we should know what
really happened at that time. From my own opinion, Dr. Jose Rizal did not retract since
there were no concrete primary sources or evidences that can prove if he really did
retract at that time. Having no marriage contract is the best proof for this. However, this
issue about his retraction does not make him less respectable because the thing that he
woke up the nationalism of many people to fight against the Spaniards was really a big
help to achieve our independence from the chains of Spain.

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