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Roosevelt Corollary- The Roosevelt Corollary was an addition to the Monroe Doctrine that gave the

United States' right to take control of Latin American countries to maintain stability and protect its
economic interests.

Assimilation- the process of groups adopting a culture

Imperialism- when one nation extends their power by conquering one’s land.

Boer- Dutch settlers in Africa who formed their own independent states

Sepoy-a indian soldier

Geopolitics- the in uence of geography, resources, and political power of international countries.

Scramble for Africa- the colonization and division of Africa by European countries.

Social Darwinism is a belief of survival of the ttest, mainly due to imperialism.

Resistance to imperialism- the movements by colonized peoples against imperial powers and

The Berlin Conference was a meeting held among European countries to split up and divide Africa
among one another.

Sepoy Mutiny- was a rebellion against the British in India by Indian soldiers, or sepoys.

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