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Review, page 43, 140 - 190 words

You recently saw this notice on an English-language website called Book World.

Reviews wanted!

The best thriller I have ever read!

Have you read a thriller recently that you think other readers would enjoy?
Write us a review of the book. You should include information on:
• what it's about.
• why it's exciting.
• who you would recommend it to.
The best reviews will be posted on the website next month.

“It” by Stephen King

“It” is a thriller book which tells the story of a group of children that discovers a big secret
from in their hometown. Bill and his friends discover that an evil demon in the body of a
clown appears every 100 years to feed himself with on children, because of that they have to
find a way to kill and stop it from killing more people.
In the book, it is possible to understand many subtle things like the fact that the demon
transforms himself into the children's worst nightmares and as the book progresses we see
that the clown gets weaker and weaker as Bill gets braver.
I think that “It” is a very good thriller book that everyone that/who likes the genre will enjoy.
The narrative is very well written and you get attached to the story, as well as and you can’t
help sympathiseing with the protagonist.


Email, page 43, 140 - 190 words

You have received this email from your English-speaking friend, Kim.

It’s really kind of you to let me stay at your flat while you’re on holiday. Please could you let
me know how to get the keys? And could you also tell me anything else I need to know
about the flat and whether there’s anywhere near that I can buy food?
Thanks, Kim

Dear Kim,

Thanks for reaching me out. Of course you can stay in my flat during the holiday, just
remember to clean it up before I come back. Just to let you know, I will leave the keys under
my flower pot so that you can easily find them. There are also some things that I need you to
do while I'm traveling: firstly, I would like to ask you to feed my fish once every two days,
secondly, please don’t make any loud noises after 9:00pm, and lastly, please, close the
windows if it rains.
About your food, there is a good restaurant in on the corner of my street where you can buy
cheap and good Italian food. I hope I have answered all of your questions and I wish you a
wonderful holiday. Please contact me and tell me how it was, after the holiday!

Best wishes,


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