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No Title Category Two Line Description

1 Analysis of Summer Olympics DatData Analysis The analysis of the Summ
2 Breast Cancer Detection Deep Learning Breast Cancer Detection
3 Covid-19 Vaccination Data AnalysData Analysis Covid-19 Vaccination Dat
4 Pixel-Based Car Driving Simulati Game Development and IExperience a unique 2D
5 Inventory Management System Data management and App Streamline bakery opera
6 Insurance Charges Data Analysis Data Analysis Analyzing insurance char
7 Real-Time Face Detection and Bl Computer Vision utilizing OpenCV to perf
8 Drowsiness Detection Computer Vision Using the Dlib library
9 Diabetes Prediction Machine Learning "Predicting Diabetes wit
10 Income Prediction Machine Learning Explore an in-depth KNN
11 Digit Recognition Machine Learning Mastering Handwritten D
12 Titanic Survival Prediction Machine Learning Unlocking Titanic's Sec
13 Iris Flower Classification Machine Learning Unlocking Nature's Beaut
14 Heart Disease Prediction Machine Learning Empowering Health Pred
15 Breast Cancer Detection Machine Learning Medicine Meets AI: Revo
16 Predicting Sales Impact based onMachine Learning Unveiling Sales Secrets
17 House Price Prediction Machine Learning Predict House Prices wi
18 Yawning Detection Computer Vision Stay Alert and Safe: Re
19 Height Prediction Machine Learning Unlock Precise Height
20 Car Price Prediction Machine Learning Rev up your car price pr
21 Body Fat Prediction Machine Learning Unlock Your Body's Secr
22 Road Trip Duration Prediction Machine Learning Optimize Your Road Trip
23 Student Marks Prediction Machine Learning Unlock Academic Succes
24 Customer Segmentation Machine Learning Demystifying Customer C
25 Movie Recommendation System Recommendation SystemUnlock Personalized M
26 Image Compression Machine Learning and ImUnlock the Power of Im
27 Market Basket Analysis Machine Learning Discover Profitable Item
28 Ad Selection - Click Through Rat Machine Learning Maximizing Rewards: Sm
29 Text Sentiment Analysis Natural Language ProcesUnlock Sentiments in T
30 Diabetes Prediction Deep Learning Revolutionizing Diabete
31 Security Camera Computer Vision Smart Surveillance: Det
32 Color-Based Object Tracking Computer Vision Track Anything, Anywhe
33 Real-time Face Detection and TraComputer Vision Watch OpenCV Detect F
34 Face Emotion Recognition Artificial Intelligence Experience AI-Powered
35 Speech Emotion Recognition Artificial Intelligence Listen Beyond Words: E
36 Object Recognition Artificial Intelligence Empowering Real-Time
37 Image Classification Deep Learning Training a CNN to Disti
38 Hand Gesture Recognition Deep Learning Training a CNN to Reco
39 Urdu Digits Recognition Deep Learning Deep Learning for Recog
40 Label Reading using Optical CharArtificial Intelligence Automating Text Extrac
41 Smart Attendance System Artificial Intelligence Efficiently Manage and
42 Vehicle Detection Artificial Intelligence Effortless Detection and
43 License Plate Recognition and TeArtificial Intelligence Efficient and Accurate V
44 Road Sign Recognition System Deep Learning Efficient Traffic Sign De
45 Lung Cancer Detection System Machine Learning Early Detection and Pre
46 Fake News Detection System Machine Learning Combatting Misinformat
47 Finding Tags from Web Text Natural Language ProcesExtracting Key Terms f
48 Object Recognition using Imagga Artificial Intelligence Automated Object Identi
49 Virtual Mouse Computer Vision Gesture-Controlled Com
50 Neural Style Transfer for Image Art
Computer Vision Transforming Images wit
51 IPL Data Analysis Data Analysis Unveiling Patterns, Insi
52 Skin Cancer Classification Deep Learning Using Deep Learning to
53 Construction Site Safety Computer Vision Empowering Constructio
54 Restaurant Name and Menu Genera Generative AI Crafting Delectable Din
55 Chat with PDF using LangChain Generative AI Unlocking Advanced PDF
56 Course Recommendation SystemGenerative AI Empowering Students wi
57 Brain Tumor MRI Classification Deep Learning A Deep Learning Approa
58 Pushup and Pushdown Detector Computer Vision Real-time Exercise Moni
59 Stock Price Prediction Deep Learning Harnessing Deep Learni
60 Speech-to-Text Conversion Artificial Intelligence Revolutionizing Commun
61 Brain Waves: Decoding Emotions Deep Learning Unlocking Human Emoti
The analysis of the Summer Olympics dataset provides a comprehensive exploration of the historical and statistical
Long Description Amount
Breast Cancer Detection using Artificial Neural Networks represents a cutting-edge application of deep learning tec
Furthermore, the analysis Rs.goes 5000beyond mere statistics, offering a nuanced perspective on the socio-cultural and ge
Covid-19 Vaccination Data Analysis is a crucial undertaking in the ongoing battle against the global pandemic. This
Moreover, this approachRs. is a15,000
testament to the transformative potential of artificial intelligence in the healthcare secto
The "Bakery Car Driving
Inventory Simulation System"
Management using Pygame," is an interactive
is a comprehensive 2D driving
Python project simulation
designed that leverages the Pyga
Furthermore, Covid-19 VaccinationRs. 5000 Data Analysis plays a pivotal role in ensuring equitable to streamline
vaccine bakery
distribution ope
Furthermore,this project, developers
the system Rs. 7000 can
extends explore the nuances
its functionality to customerof working with Pygame's
transactions. Customers event
make purchasesimage manipul
by ente
Rs. 10,000
This project involves a Rs. 5000
This project demonstrate Rs. 7000
This project, "Diabetes Prediction using Logistic Regression," demonstrates the practical implementation of logistic
This project,begins
The project titled "Dr Rs. 7000
by loading a diabetes dataset, which includes various health-related features like glucose levels,
The code provides insights
This project showcases the implementationinto
10,000 the model's of performance,
a K-Nearestachieving
Neighbors a good
(KNN)accuracy in diabetes
classification model prediction.
for predictingIt also
The pivotal aspect of theRs. project
10,000 lies in the determination of the optimal K value for the KNN algorithm. Through a s
In project
this project,showcases Rs.
a Naive Bayest 10,000 Classifier is used to predict the survival outcomes of passengers aboard the Titanic. T
The "Iris Flowerthe datasetRs.is10,000
Classification divided into inputTrees"
Using Decision and output variables,
project and feature
utilizes machine scaling
learning is appliedto
techniques forclassify
data normaliz
iris flow
The project begins with Rs.
a comprehensive
10,000 exploration of the dataset, providing key insights
Heart disease is a leading cause of mortality worldwide, and accurate early diagnosis is crucial for timely interventio into its characteristics, a
This project
project showcases
aims to leverageRs.
the 10,000
variousof machine
machine learning
learning in healthcare by
classification offering to
algorithms a practical
enhancetool for heart
breast cancer disease
detection pre
Several popular
In this Python classification
project, weRs. 15,000
delve algorithms,
into the realmincluding Logistic Regression,
of data-driven K-Nearest
decision-making Neighbors,
by employing Support
Multiple Vector
Linear Clas
This heart
project of showcases
the project Rs. lies
the 10,000
in segmenting the
implementation of adataset
Simpleinto inputRegression
Linear (advertising budgets)
model and output
for predicting (sales)
house variables.
prices based
The heart of this projectRs. lies10,000
in training a Linear Regression model from scikit-learn to predict house prices using the
This innovative
project projectSupport
employs Rs. 7000
In this data-driven project, we Vector dive into Regression
the world of (SVR) to estimate
car price an individual's
prediction with precisionheight based
using Randomon their age.Regres
Forest It com
Following data preparation,
Rs. 10,000
the dataset is split into training and testing sets, and a polynomial
Our model is meticulously trained on a subset of the data, learning intricate relationships between car attributes and kernel SVR model is
This project is a testament 10,000
the power of machine learning and data analysis in the automotive industry, offering a
Step into thedemonstrates
This project realm of p Rs.the 10,000
application of Linear Regression in predicting road trip durations based on the distan
This project serves as a Rs.
This project delves into the world of 10,000 example
regressionof how machineinlearning,
algorithms specifically
the context Linearstudent
of predicting Regression,
markscan basedbe on
The core of the project lies
Rs. in
the exploration of various regression algorithms, including
Delve into the heart of customer behavior analysis with our project, "Unlocking Customer Insights: A Deep Dive into Linear Regression, Suppor
Dive projecttheisn't just
Rs. running
10,000 moviealgorithms; it's a voyage of discovery, where data transforms into actionable ins
In thisinto
Python world
project, personalized
we explore the recommendations
fascinating world of image with our project,
compression "Singular Value Decomposition
through Singular Value Decompositiofor Mo
By delving into this project, Rs. you'll
15,000 gain invaluable insights into the power of SVD in transforming raw data into meani
But the real excitement Rs. lies 10,000
in the image compression journey. We gradually introduce singular components to the o
In the "Optimizing Ad Selection Using Upper Confidence Bound (UCB) Algorithm" project, we explore a powerful tec
Market Basket Analysis Rs. i 10,000
The project begins with Rs. data10,000 preprocessing, loading a dataset containing user responses to different ads. The UCB
The project, "Empowering Diabetes Diagnosis with Artificial Neural Networks," is a pioneering effort to leverage the
Delve into the fascinati Rs. 15,000
This project presents a real-time security camera system built using OpenCV, a powerful computer vision library. Th
The project progresses Rs. by segregating
15,000 the dataset into input attributes and outcome labels, followed by data prepro
Whether you want to enhance Rs. 10,000 your home security, monitor a specific area, or simply explore computer vision applic
Experience seamless real Rs. 10,000
Experience the power ofRs. 5000
In this innovative project, we dive into the realm of Speech Emotion Recognition (SER) using cutting-edge technolo
This project leverages t Rs. 20,000
Experience the future ofRs. emotional
20,000 AI as our system accurately identifies and classifies emotions such as happiness
This project showcases the implementation of image classification using a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) bui
This project demonstrate Rs. 10,000
This project showcases the application of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for hand gesture recognition. By u
Once the CNN is trained, Rs. it can
15,000 classify new images with impressive accuracy. The code includes a function for pre
This project is focused on the development of a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) capable of recognizing handw
Upon successful training, Rs. the 15,000
CNN is capable of classifying new hand gesture images with high accuracy. The code
This project focuses on the application of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) to extract text content from images,
During training, the CNNRs. learns
15,000 to classify Urdu digits into one of ten classes with high accuracy. The project also in
A custom user-defined function Rs. 7000is defined to process image files, and the OCR engine is employed to recognize tex
The "Smart Attendance System using Facial Recognition" project is a cutting-edge solution for automating and strea
The "Real-time Vehicle Detection System" is a practical and efficient solution for identifying and tracking vehicles in
The project begins by encoding
Rs. 15,000the facial features of individuals from a database of images. Each person's face is c
The "License Plate Recognition System" is a robust and precise solution for automatically detecting and extracting l
This project utilizes the Haar
Rs. 7000
Cascade classifier to detect cars, making it highly reliable and robust. As the system p
The "Road Sign Recognition System" is an intelligent solution designed to detect and classify traffic signs, making r
This project showcases Rs.the 7000
power of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and utilizes the OpenALPR web service
The "Lung Cancer Detection System" is a vital tool in the early diagnosis and prediction of lung cancer, one of the m
This project showcases Rs.the 15,000
ability to load, preprocess, and train a CNN model on a diverse dataset of road signs. T
The "Fake News Detection System" is a cutting-edge solution designed to tackle the pervasive problem of fake new
The data is pre-processed,Rs. with
features like gender and lung cancer status mapped to numerical values for analys
The "Finding Tags from Web Text" project is a valuable tool for anyone seeking to extract meaningful tags, terms, a
Data preprocessing is performed
Rs. 15,000 to set the index and prepare the dataset for analysis. The text content of the articl
The "Object Recognition using Imagga" project offers a powerful solution for automated object identification within im
The web scraping phaseRs. involves
7000 fetching content from website using URL. Next, tokenization is applied to break th
The "Virtual Mouse" project introduces an innovative approach to computer navigation using hand gestures. By com
To perform object recognition,
Rs. 7000users simply provide an image URL, and the system retrieves tags and their corresp
This project showcases the power of neural style transfer, a fascinating application of deep learning and computer v
The project uses the MediaPipe
Rs. 10,000 library for hand detection and tracking, and the OpenCV library for real-time video p
The core of the project lies
Rs. in
a pre-trained deep learning model obtained from TensorFlow Hub. This model, which
Skin cancer is a prevalent human malignancy diagnosed primarily through visual examination, clinical screening, de
To fuel our analysis, weRs. 20,000
The project begins with Rs.
preprocessing, data cleaning, and exploratory data analysis to understand the distribut
In the dynamic realm of Rs. 25,000
This groundbreaking project, "Chat with PDF using LangChain + OpenAI," combines the power of LangChain and O
Introducing the "RestaurRs. 25,000
Embark on a journey of personalized education with our "Custom Chatbot Development and Deployment" project. D
Once you've set up the Rs.environment,
25,000 you'll witness the magic of LangChain and OpenAI in action. We load a PDF d
This project focuses on the development of a deep learning model for the classification of brain tumors in MRI imag
The journey continues withRs. data
25,000preprocessing and model integration using LangChain and OpenAI. We've meticulo
In the era of fitness-conscious individuals, tracking workouts with precision is paramount. The "Pushup and Pushdo
The core of the project involves
Rs. 20,000building a Deep Learning model, designed to learn and classify the various tumor ty
Accurate stock price prediction is a formidable challenge, captivating the attention of researchers and investors alik
This innovative solution Rs.
25,000computer vision and machine learning to provide users with accurate feedback o
This project begins with Rs.
preprocessing, including loading, summarizing, and cleansing, ensuring a clean datas
In an into
Dive era the
where communic
realm Rs. 25,000
of human emotions with 'Mind Waves,' an innovative project that harnesses the power of Deep L
The project delves into aRs.
25,000 exploration of EEG BrainWave data, analyzing feelings of negativity, neutr

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