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Legit Prep


Legit Prep
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Legit Prep

 Geographical Places: Egypt, Mediterranean Sea, Lebanon, Syria,

Jordon, Sinai Peninsula, Gaza Strip, Golan Height, Lake Tiberias
(Sea of Galilee), Dead Sea, Jordan River, West Bank, Jerusalem,
West Jerusalem, East Jerusalem, Old city, Al-Aqsa Mosque, Al-Qibli
Mosque, Dome of Rock, Wailing Wall, Church of Holy Sepulchre.
 1897: World Zionist Organisation: Theodor Herzl
 1915 and 1916: The Hussain-McMahan Correspondence
 1916: Sykes-Picot Agreement (France and Britain)
 1917: Balfour Declaration (To make Palestine as home land for
Jews people)
 1937: Peel Commission
 1947: Two State Partition Plan (UN- Resolution No. 181- Palestine:
45% and Israel: 55%)
 1948: Israel declared Independence, Arab-Israeli was: Exodus,
Nakba. (West Bank was Annexed by Jordan and Gaza Strip by Egypt)
 1956: Suez Crysis
 1964: PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organisation) was formed.
 1967: 6 days war (Israel Annexed the Gaza strip and Sinai Peninsula
from Egypt, West Bank from Jordan and Golan Height from Syria)
 1973: Yom Kippur (A surprise attack on Israel by Arab Countries)
 1978: Camp David Accord (Israel & Egypt)
 1987 to 1993: First Palestinian Intifada- Hamas formed
 1993 to 1995: The Oslo Accords (Israel & PLO)
 2000 to 2005: Second Palestinian Intifada
 2020: Abraham Accord: (UAE, Bahrain, Morocco, South Sudan and
 Palestine: Capital-Ramallah, Chairman of PLO-Mohd Abbas,
Chairman of Hamas- Ismail Haniyeh)
 Israel: Capital- Tel Aviv, Currency- Shekel, Parliament- Knesset-
Unicameral, Iron Dome- (Missile- Tamir), President-Isaac Herzog,
Prime Minister- Benjamin Netanyahu.

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Legit Prep

 Egypt-Cairo, Lebanon- Beirut, Syria- Damascus, Jordan- Amman,

Oman- Muscat, Iraq- Bagdad.

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Legit Prep

Jesus Christ (Isa alayhi al-salām-In Islam)


Religious Wars, Conflicts & Crusades

• Roman Invasion – Jews exiled from Judea

• Persecution of Jews in Europe

• 19th century – Zionism

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The Hussein-McMahon Correspondence

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UN Partition Plan of 1947 – Two State Solution

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Suez war 1956

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6 days war


Camp David Accords


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1993 - 1995: The Oslo Accords

 2021 Clashes

• Sheikh Jarrah dispute - threatened eviction of some Palestinian

families in East Jerusalem

• Jerusalem Day processions by Jewish groups through the Old City

of East Jerusalem

• Tensions & Clashes at Al-Aqsa Mosque

 2023: Gaza and Israel (7 Oct……)

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Legit Prep

 India’s Stand
• In 1948, India was the only non-Arab-state among 13 countries that
voted against the UN partition plan.

• 1948 – India did not recognize Israel’s independence

• India’s solidarity with the Palestinian cause

• 1950 – India recognised Israel

India – Israel Diplomatic Relations

• 1950 – 1992: No diplomatic relations

• External & Internal Factors:

i. Ward off Pakistan’s plan to isolate India over Kashmir

ii. India’s energy dependence on the Arab countries

iii. Sentiments of India’s electorate

• 1968: Covert relations between RAW & Mossad

1992 – India normalized ties with Israel

• Defence, Intelligence co-operation

• Science & Technology

• Agriculture

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