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Table of Contents

1.0 INTRODUCTION TO ONLINE WORK.................................................................... 2

Basic definition of online work............................................................................................................. 2
Advantages of online work ................................................................................................................. 2
Disadvantages of online work.............................................................................................................. 2
Attributes of a freelancer..................................................................................................................... 2

2.0 SOFT SKILLS REQUIRED FOR ONLINE WORK................................................. 3

What soft skills will you need?.............................................................................................................. 3

3.0 JOBS AVAILABLE IN ONLINE WORK................................................................... 3

4.0 PLATFORMS FOR ONLINE WORK........................................................................ 5
4.1 Signing Up on Online Platforms: ................................................................................................... 5
4.1.1 Upwork Platform............................................................................................................... 5

4.1.2 Fiverr.com.......................................................................................................................... 8

4.1.3 Guru.Com........................................................................................................................... 11

5.0 ONLINE WORK SKILL TRAINING PER JOB CATEGORY................................ 12

5.1 Web Research.................................................................................................................................. 12
5.2 Transcription.................................................................................................................................... 13

5.3 Virtual Assistant............................................................................................................................... 14

5.4. Article / content writing ................................................................................................................ 16

6.0 BIDDING PROCESS AND ONLINE WORK SECURITY....................................... 18

7.0 MODE OF PAYMENT.................................................................................................. 20
8.0 ENTREPRENEURSHIP............................................................................................... 27
Intellectual Property............................................................................................................................. 28


Online Work Productivity..................................................................................................................... 29

Glossary of commonly used terms...................................................................................................... 29

TESTIMONIALS................................................................................................................ 30

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Basic definition of online work
Online work is a source of employment that allows one to work from anywhere, at any given time and
for whomever so long as one has a computer, tablet, internet connection. Online work offers a level
of freedom and flexibility not usually found in the traditional workplace usually 8am-5pm.

Freelancer -commonly known as online worker is a person, agency, or organization available to work
online at any given time for a client.
Client - A person or an organization who offers the job to a freelancer i.e. Employer on the platform
Platform -These are websites that connects freelancers and clients.

Advantages of online work

• Get started quickly…today even. As long as you already know the skill you plan to offer, getting started
is simply a matter of finding your first client.
• Easy to start. You can start right now, using your network find a client. While you’ll want to build a
LinkedIn profile and/or a website, you can network within your current career and friend networks to
find your first client.
• Flexibility. With Online work a freelancer can work from anywhere any time even at the comfort of their
• Pick and choose clients. While in the beginning you may take any client that will hire you, as you grow,
you can choose not to take on difficult clients. You can even fire them.
• High demand for freelancer. While the marketplace of freelancers is competitive, the need for quality,
reliable freelancers is growing. Many businesses don’t have employees and instead have a team of
• Minimal start-up cost. Working online does not require one to have a specified amount of capital to
start. If you have the necessary skills to provide the service you also have whatever equipment or
software you need to deliver.

Disadvantages of online work

• Getting enough clients to make freelancing an avenue that supports you and your family may take a
• Managing multiple clients and projects can be a challenge. It
• may be difficult to keep track of deadlines to deliver quality work on time
• Pay may be low to start out. Especially in today’s digital economy, many people expect to pay less for
work from a new freelancer.

Attributes of a freelancer
The following attributes are necessary to succeed in online work as a freelancer:
• Time consciousness - No client appreciates people who waste time. Don’t take too much work that
you cannot deliver on time, turnaround time must be respected, as much as you’re your own boss, the
online clients are equally your bosses, planning is very important.
• Dependability and Responsible - Be there when the client needs you most, though sometimes difference
in time zone might be a challenge you can readjust and plan to stay awake in order to deliver to the
clients satisfaction.
• Honesty and Integrity - This creates peace of mind and promotes relationships of trust with your clients.
A freelancer who is honest will bid for the first jobs but will retain the clients afterwards. Nobody
supervises you, your integrity will allow you identify all time- stealers and stick to the clients’ project.
• Detail oriented - A freelancer needs to pay attention to the expectations of the client
• Discipline - Make the client feel respected; address them by their title; do not interrupt when they are
speaking especially during official skype calls;

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What soft skills will you need?
i. Client relations: information, feelings, and meaning through verbal and non-verbal messages.
ii. Netiquette - This involves proper and polite way to communicate with other internet users.
iii. Negotiation skills - Working with others to find a mutually agreeable outcome
iv. Time management - It is not the amount of work that can be done in a given time but how efficient one is with
v. Organizational skills - being able to organize and respond quickly in time that include email checking and
platform checks, gather information from a number of sources and internet researches.
vi. Listening skills - Enables you provide good service and understand what a customer is saying, and generally
how he/she wants their work delivered.


Job Category Jobs Title Description Attributes

Data entry Is the entry and updating Office suite know-how, Typing
of Data speed,
Personal Assistants Serves as PA for the Potential Time management, Web
Online clients research,Data mining client
relation, Affiliate
Marketing customer service,
proof reading
Web research Gathering data Data mining, Ms Excel and
using Internet Access,
based tools and good organization skills
Virtual Assistant Video Capturing texts Translation skills, Listening
Captioning on a video skills,
Typing skills, Abilities to note
different languages,
Affiliate Marketing Web research, Data mining,
Marketing Arrangement office suite know how.
on behalf of
other clients
Content Developing Web research, grammar, Time
Writing/Article materials for management, Office suite
Writing websites, know-how
promotions, And Data mining
adverts etc.
Transcription This is the Listening skills, proof reading,
conversion of grammar, typing speed,
audio formats
into text

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Job Category Jobs Title Description Attributes
Editing and This involves Office suit know how, Editing
proof reading working on skills,
Documents English spelling, English
such as reports, grammar
minutes Power and PPT graphic development
Translation Conversion of specific forms Language fluency (English,
Writing and of languages (audio or video) Spanish,
Translation to formats that can be French and Italian) Office suit
understood or Interpreted) know how
Editing and gr5ammar skills

Email and marketing This is the use of Email Conversant with one of the
automation resources to implement and following email automation
manage automatic software
marketing systems this is a Hubspot Callidus Cloud
core component of Adobe Campaign and finally
customer relationship have good data mining skills
management and is usually
used with co-operations with
a large Email database
Social Media Marketing Marketing of products and Facebook page management
Digital Marketing services using skills
social media platforms such Twitter as a marketing tool
as Facebook, Instagram as a marketing tool
Twitter, WhatsApp, How to generate interactive
telegram and Instagram content, Online activities or
games and how to develop
concrete marketing
Others Display advertising
Ghost writing
Legal jobs
Accounting and

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Platforms Description Link

Up work Data entry www.upwork.com
Virtual Assistants
Web research
Video Captioning
Affiliate Marketing
Content Writing
Fiverr Graphics and designs www.fiverr.com
Digital marketing
Writing and translation
Video and animation
People per Hour Blogging www.peopleperhour.com/
Web development
Market research
Creative Arts
I Writer Article Writing www.iwriter.com

Casting words Transcription and Data www.castingwords.com

Transcribe me Entry www.Transcribe me.com
Go transcripts www.gotranscripts.com
Cloud factory Audio transcription www.cloud factory.com
Video transcription
Data categorization
Imaging and Video
Speechpad.com Transcription and Video www.speech pad.com
Kuhustle Content writing, digital www.kuhustle.com
marketing, web design,
tutorial and programming

4.1 Signing Up on Online Platforms:

4.1.1 Upwork Platform
Is a global online work platform where businesses and independent professionals referred to as freelancers con-
nect to offer services to online clients who are their contractors or employers either on short term or long term

How do you sign up? Here we go.

Go to www.upwork.com
Step 1: Click on Sign-up and choose to start as an online worker not someone hiring online workers

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Step 2: Complete the dialogue box with your correct personal information

Step 3: Once completed you will get a notification message to verify the account by going to your email.

Step 4: on the link provided complete the profile creation.

I. Up work profile verification for completion

• The applicant should login to his/her email account and verify the link sent from the respective platform.
II. Profile creation

Attaching a photo
• Taken on close range
• The person whose photo is being taken should be smiling
• Should not be leaning
• Photos should be clear
• Needs to be taken on a plain background
• Should be a passport photo
• Photo should be individual and not group.

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vii. Create Title that describes your skill.

• Should follow normal punctuation
• Should relate to the skills mentioned in the overview
• Should be attractive

viii. Create a professional user name

• Always use official names.
• The name should follow the standard structure preferably the users email account.
Example: Good use of professional names vs unprofessional names
Monicah Musembi vs Pretty Musembi
Functional email address
• Should be official account bearing ones’ official names
• The registrant should avoid use of pseudo names
ix. Adding profile overview
An overview is a freelancer’s introduction on the online platform to potential clients when they come across
the freelancers’ profile.
• Needs to be brief
• Observe proper punctuation
• Should have a set of skills and attributes relevant to the job title

Profile Overview Sample

Thank you for viewing my profile! I am a detailed and thorough professional with over 25 years of
administrative experience- the last four in a “virtual office” environment. I specialize in delivering quality
services with respect to strict deadlines and high expectations. I am equipped with a dedicated home office
complete with a computer, copier/scanner/fax and color printer.

I provide creative and detailed administrative, writing, proofreading and editing services. I excel at working
under tight deadlines with strict expectations. I possess the self-discipline and time management skills
necessary to have served as a virtual employee for the past two years. I can bring value to your business and
help solve your administrative assistant issues. I have extensive experience in marketing, the health care
field advertising, real estate and small business management.

x. Skill addition-select all applicable skills that you have, such as Blog writing, Article writing, word press, Email

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xi. Add your educational and professional background. Describe vividly your educational training and any other
professional qualification or experience you possess.
xii. Adding your portfolio Enhance your profile by incorporating samples of your previous work done Use it to
show off projects related to any or all of your skills, so long as you personally have worked on every item you
add and adhere to all of Upwork’s Terms of Service.

To add a project to your portfolio:

Step 1: Go to the Find Work tab, and click the Edit Your Profile link.

Step 2: Scroll down to the Portfolio section and click the Add button.

Step 3: Enter a Title, Description, Category, and optional Completion Date.

Step 4: attach project files so the client has something to see. Images can be in in the usual picture
file format. jpg, .jpeg, .gif, or .png. Attachments can be in .doc, or .pdf format. The maximum size is
5 mb.

Step5: Click the Publish Project button.

xiii. Adding certificates to the platforms. Attach educational and professional certificate for verification.
xiv. Selecting preferred mode of payment(Paypal, Payoneer, M-pesa)
Step 1: Go to your account settings and select payment information
Step 2: click on get paid then choose the preferred mode of payment

To sign up on other platforms, the procedure is more or less the same and it is important to complete your profile
with the right personal information to enhance your chances of landing a client.

4.1.2 Fiverr.com
Fiverr is a marketplace where freelancers who are referred to us sellers offer services to online clients who are buyers,
beginning at a minimal cost of $5, which literally defines the origin of its name.

How do you sign up? Here we go.

Go to www.fiverr.com
Step 1: go to the Fiverr and click on Join.

Step 2: from the popup dialog box. You can either sign up with your email address or with your social sites.

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Step 3: Now, you have to enter the username, the password for your account and click on Join.

Step 4: confirm your account with the confirmation email to fully activate your account

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How it works
For a freelancers profile to be complete on Fiverr platform, gig key must be created, since it displays your competence
skills on the fiverr platform that can easily be accessed by the global clients.
Get paid. Get paid on time, every time. Payment is transferred to you upon order completion.

To create a Gig:
The title should be attractive; you can see the title of the top sellers relevant to your gig through internet research.
Selection of relevant category is so important because if your category selection is not good provide the easiest
packages for the customers to get orders easily. Be clever and provide them more extra work in less money than
others. It will attract more customers to your gig.

If this is your first time creating a Gig, place your mouse over your username and click Selling.

Step 1: click Selling Gigs and select on add new gig.

Step 2: Fill out your seller profile, and then proceed to creating your Gig.

Some of the job categories include:

• Graphics and Design
• Digital marketing
• Writing and Translation
• Video and Animation
• Music and Audio engineering Programming and Technology

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4.1.3 Guru.Com
Guru.com is a freelance online marketplace for businesses and freelancers to connect, collaborate, and get work
done. Find, hire and manage talented freelancers around the globe. It allows companies to contract freelancers.
How do you sign up? Here we go.

Go to www.guru.com click on sign up then click on I need a job and sign up. Next, you will need to verify the email
address that you signed up with.

Step 1: Search for www.guru.com on your web browser

Step 2: Select the REGISTER LINK to create an account on Guru.com

Step 3: Select the section of work that you would like to do on the platform .2 options are listed as follows

I want to hire

I want to Work

Step 4: Once completed you will get a notification message to verify the account by going to your email.

Ministry of ICT

5.1 Web Research

Web research is valuable skills a freelancer needs to possess .Many online jobs require a freelancer to do thorough
research online. It is not just using the internet to collect information, but how accurate is that information,
organization, and presentation. It is an important skill to possess as a freelancer.

It is a good opportunity and does not require any qualification like a certificate and anybody can do it at the comfort
of their seat.

Benefits of doing web research:

• Reduces the cost of doing research.
• Quality of research is superior hence improving data accuracy.
• A freelancer is exposed to more and wide pool of sources of information as compared to the traditional
University based research.
Attributes of a web researcher:
• Search Engine Optimization: .It has features that help you conduct target searches for specific resources
such as images, videos, news, reports, maps.
• Evaluation of web resources(GOOGLE,BING,) –Based on relevance and accuracy
Skills required for a web researcher:
• Data mining-It is the process of identifying patterns in large sets of data.
• Microsoft office suite.
• Data organization(presentation of data)

How it Works
The most common type of search engine is the web based engines which use a technique called web crawling
–process in which a search engine build a list of key words using a special software called spider to comb
through web pages on the web.

Key words are stored according to their importance and relevance such that useful pages are listed at the

It uses the keywords to determine their relevance and the number of occurrences

Example: If you input the word Facebook, the search engine will consider more relevant pages than others hence it
will display Facebook official website since it is more relevant according to its index database and it is more occurring.

• Search engine work hand in hand with web browsers such as Mozilla Firefox, Operamini, Google chrome
which the freelancer will use to locate resources.
• Some web based resources cannot be searched and are regarded as invisible either because they are
password protected or unsafe.

Techniques used for web research

a. Simple Search Keyword Techniques
• Ensure you use keywords that are found in Web sites that you are looking for. This process helps you
filter keywords
• If you are using multiple keywords in your query remember to leave spaces between keywords
• Use nouns as keywords because they add descriptive value
• Spell keywords correctly e.g :when you use the HTML colour code as keywords instead of color code in
your query, links to web pages that use UK English will be listed instead of US English

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b. Advance search options

This is where you use filter words to restrict to search specific sites location. Example you can specify the
language in which search results should be listed and the number of search results that should be displayed.
c. Customizing search experience
d. Keyword research is one of the most important, valuable, and high return activities in the search marketing
field. It is not about getting results but getting the right result.

All you need to do is type a query containing key words .The more descriptive/specific the better. This will increase
the value of the query/results. For effective queries you need to specify relevant keywords.

5.2 Transcription
Overview of Transcription
It is the art of converting audio files to text. As a freelancer one needs to be equipped with the following
• Internet
• Computer
• Microsoft Word

Skills and attributes needed by the transcribers to succeed

• Typing skills-A freelancer typing speed and accuracy is a key component in delivering error free transcript.
To test or enhance your typing skills, one can visit typingmaster.com and typingtest.com.
• All freelancers should have effective listening skills that help the freelancer listen to the words and try
to picture what the speaker is saying.
• All freelancers should have comprehension and proofreading skills that will assist in providing client
ready transcripts.
• Time-keeping –Is an essential skill that all good transcribers should have to be able to submit transcripts
within the stipulated Turn-around-Time (TAT).
• Communication Skills –All freelancers must know how to effectively convey and receive messages using
various communication platforms.

Types of Transcripts
• General Transcription- A freelancer does not need any kind of training or certification. Examples are like
podcasts, Interviews and lectures.
• Specialized Transcription-A freelancer needs background knowledge because of the terms used in the
audio output.

Styles of Transcription
There are two main styles of transcription:
• Full Verbatim- This means typing out every word and sound on an audio or video file. It requires a keen
ear and attention to detail.
• Clean Verbatim-Also known as intelligent verbatim. This is where a transcriber captures the words and
omits sounds like coughs, claps, filler words (ums, ers) and false starts.

Transcription guidelines
• All transcripts should be in clean verbatim unless specified otherwise
• Numbers are transcribed in different ways:
• In transcription, spell out numbers 0 to 9, unless they are used as:
• Address (2 Alexander Street, 5th Floor)
• Phone number (+254725861993)
• Amount of currency (e.g. $7).
• Unit of measurement (e.g. “3 by 4 feet”)
• Date (12.11.2012)

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• Time (e.g. “2am”)
That means from number 10 - 11, 12, 13 etc.
Spell out any number that may start a sentence (e.g. “Two hundred candidates sat for their national

In cases where there is more than one speaker, the transcriber needs to indicate in their transcript that there is more
than one person participating in said conversation.
• How To Use Ellipses, Hyphens, Quotation Marks and Dashes
• Ellipses- used when a speaker trails off or pauses significantly in the middle of a statement.
Speaker 1:     John wanted to say he cared but ... You should update me about the status of that
Speaker 2:     I’m not sure what to...

• Hyphens- used when there is a sudden interruption and cut off. Example:
Speaker 1:     The way that man treats his wife, even a-
Speaker 2:     I don’t care much about him.

• Quotation Marks-used when a quote is directly stated or implied. Example:

Speaker 1:     Peter said, “Alan, will not be able to go with us after all.” Can you believe it?
Speaker 1:     Then I told him, “I really don’t care,” and he said, “Okay then.”
Speaker 1:    I said, “What is going on?” Then Sarah goes, “I don’t know. Maybe we should find
out.” Of course, no one ever told us. We still don’t know.

• Dashes: Used to show an interruption of thought.

Dogs - particularly pure breeds -are prone to hip problems.

• Approaching the British English vs. American English transcripts while conducting your job searches.

• Bid for projects that you are well conversant with.

British English and American English are quite different in some aspects. Examples:

British English: We will have to meet at Christmas. She’ll be coming home at the weekend
American English:   Will they still be there on the weekend?
She’ll be coming home on weekends.

British English: I promised to write to her every day.

American English:   I promised to write her every day.

British English         This is the centre.

American English    This is the center.
British English:                 Pink is my favourite colour.
American English:            Pink is my favorite color.

Note: Since one cannot be able to master all the language variables, it is advised that for those who are capable of
purchasing both versions of the office suite to use their comprehensive library resources to assist in always providing
client ready transcripts.

5.3 Virtual Assistant.

A Virtual Assistant (VA) is an independent entrepreneur providing administrative, creative and/or technical services
using technological modes.

Benefits of being a virtual assistant

1. Helping others- Virtual assistants are true experts in the target markets they service and the skills they
provide. As a VA you need to have the desire to use your organizational skills and expertise to help
people run more efficient and profitable businesses. VA’s also act as consultants.
2. Flexibility and Independence- The freedom to choose the types of work and clients to deal with, and

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the flexibility of creating a schedule that fits one’s lifestyle is what makes it this type of job attractive.
3. Challenge and Variety- Due to working with many different types of clients in different industries, and
because they never know what projects may arise, virtual assistants have the unique challenge of
keeping up-to-date on emerging trends in many different areas.
4. Income potential- A Virtual assistant typically earns a higher per hour wage than an administrative
assistant performing similar tasks in a traditional office setting. Because businesses don’t have to pay
many of the costs associated with hiring on-site staff, this savings is reflected in the hourly rate that a
VA can charge.


• Communication skills - Since communication with your client takes place through the Internet. One
should be able to communicate clearly and effectively.
• Typing skills- As a Virtual assistant, no matter what the specialty, you should be able to type, since
nearly all clients or businesses who hire virtual assistants require documentation for every task a virtual
assistant does.
• Listening skills- listen and understand what his client says.
• Language skills- Every virtual assistant should learn how to write efficiently, with correct grammar usage.
• Organizational skills- Be organized, clients do not want sloppy, disorganized outputs. Virtual assistant
should be able to organize himself not only for the client’s sake but also for himself.
• Great personality-Virtual assistants should love what they are doing. Be a motivated and disciplined

Services offered by a virtual assistant

Transcription, web research, data entry, data mining, Setting up LinkedIn Groups; Social Media and Marketing; Event
coordination; Diary/Calendar Management; Email Management; Email Management’ Editing and Proofreading
NOTE: Don’t offer Call answering services. Suggest the client uses a call-answering service instead. You can always
get the summary emails sent to you by the company so you can call them all back in one go.

As a Virtual Assistant you need to take note of:

• Quiet
• Designated Work Area


Some of the equipment one needs to kick start a Virtual Assistant career are:
i. PCs or laptop
ii. Processor - from i3 going to i7 or higher
iii. Hard Disk – 160Gb or more
iv. Memory - 2Gb or up
v. CD-Rom Drive
vi. Monitor - LCD/LED 15” or higher
vii. Basic Keyboard, mouse, headset or speaker.

A stable and reliable internet connection is essential for a virtual assistant. Also make sure that you have a backup
connection just in case one is not working.

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5.4. Article / content writing
Article writing
This is a formal or informal writing for various independent contents like columns, blogs, or small newsletters. It’s
mostly used by journalists for investigative purposes or press releases to promote extra links as references for better
ranking of an item in web searches. The opinion expressed is not of the writer unless requested. They articles written
are usually long.

Content writing
Content writing is a broad limited but formal style of writing. It’s used to update about a particular product, or a
service, or some topic decided upon by the organization you are writing for. Content writing includes posts with
valuable information for beneficial marketing. It involves blogging, technical and web writing.

Skills and attributes of an article /content writer

1. Knowledge in conducting keyword research
2. Knowledge in use of various online tools
3. Your needs in writing should link you to potential customers
4. Computer literacy and editorial skills : a writer should be able to properly format use applications and
conduct tests as expected
5. Logical writing; one should post the overall appearance in a clear and logical order towards “conclusions”.
6. Time management: writer should allow enough time to review what is written before submission (
prepare and revise manual copies ahead of developing a final copy of the article
7. Objectivity: write with an end goal in mind to actually deliver quality information on your topic.
8. Research skills; know how to use various resources for conducting research beforehand.
9. Use of key links and keywords ; keywords are for online search engines to figure out where you belong
in their search results; create your content for your reader, to improve your chances of ranking well in
10. Grammar and proof reading and spell checking skills : always after writing and before submitting, do
the spelling and grammar checks

Quick Wins for Content writing

1. Make your posts visual ( limit your length of article t relevant wording)
2. Test content on all devices
3. Observe your grammar
• Bullet points to improve structure
• Formatting
4. Images relax the readers’ eyes
5. Headings help you organise your content
6. Use headings well to improve your search rankings
• Use Call-to-action headings for first impression that counts
• Avoid passive voice through don’t use unnecessary adverbs and buzzwords;
• Be consistent with the verb tense. It’s easier to be confused in longer sentences
• Stay away from common mistakes
• Create “SEO-friendly” content to increase your chances for being searched

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• Aim for relevance and brevity

• Employ your use of keywords in the right context; use them in headings

Services offered by article /content writers

1. Write and Sell readily written articles at a fee
2. Create newsletters for advertisement and use them online or offline
3. Affiliate websites : conduct research on trending items online for use in sales or blogs at a fee
4. Ghost-writing: articles written involve blog posts, paid for. These are considered intellectual property of
the original writer.
5. Flip a website: web developers create websites with useful developing content and drive traffic to it and
then sell it as a domain.
6. Google Ad-sense involves creating websites or blogs with codes and ads that will automatically appear
to generate traffic site.

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This is the process of identifying job opportunities on online platforms and developing proposals that meet the
client’s requirements.


STEP1: select the Find Work tab to get the list of job titles available in the job category of choice

STEP 2: A list of jobs posted is listed for you to make a selection

STEP 3: Once a selection is made; the details to the job can be previewed for the freelancer to check the work

requirements and if interested then he/she can submit a proposal to the client

STEP 4: Check to see client work history which forms a basis for proof of payment.

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STEP 5: Bid by setting a price value to the work you intend to do.

STEP 6: A cover letter detailing your interest to doing the job needs to be filled out.

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Mode of Payment
There are three (3) common modes of payment.

PayPal: This is a payment method considered as one of the fastest, easiest and most popular
options to receive online payments. You can receive payments from anywhere with this met
since it instantly credits money into your account.

How to sign up on PayPal

1. Go to the website www.Paypal.com and Click signup.
2. Choose the type of account you need to open from the option <Personal / business> and fill in the
information required.
3. In the option to link your card or do it later, click > Skip and log into your email account to confirm the
email from PayPal on new account
4. Confirm the Phone number you provided through text send from PayPal
5. From the prompt “your account is ready, login into Paypal.com” click > Go to your account
6. A welcome window appears and you are connected to the PayPal site. PayPal sends to your confirmation
email. You may need your bank statement or online statement Proof of account by confirmation the
transaction from PayPal>
7. Your account creation process is complete and you can start using it.

Payoneer card: Payoneer is a payment platform that is used by clients worldwide to make transactions
and payments. Its preferred because its offers multiple options for transaction invoicing, billing and mak-
ing bulk payments.

How to sign up for Payoneer

1. Access the portal www.payoneer.com and click on sign up.
2. Note the type of account is by default checked “individual”.
3. Enter your personal details and click NEXT.
4. Enter your password, security questions and identification details then click NEXT.
5. Choose the type of bank, country and currency to use and enter the specific bank details.
6. Choose your security option s and confirm to emails send into your inbox.

M-Pesa: This is a mobile money transfer platform used for sending, receiving funds and paying utility bills.
Today M-pesa offers loans and savings facilities to its subscribers.

The process M-pesa Registration

1. With your registered Safaricom Sim card
2. Go into the Safaricom Menu Options
3. Select the option “Activate” ( Safaricom sends to you a start key for activation)
4. Enter the 4 digit start key received. ( A prompt to enter your new Mpesa Pin appears)
5. Enter your secret 4-digit number that you will use
6. Confirm the new pin created by re-entering the 4digit number again
7. Safaricom sends the M-Pesa menu to your phone and a secret word
8. Confirm receipt by pressing “OK”

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Step 1: A freelancer needs to log into their Paypal account

Step 2: Click on the WALLET tab to link PayPal to your card/bank

Step 3: Click on the link to your card/bank option

Step 4: If a selection on the card details is selected, fill in the required details

Ministry of ICT
Step 5: To link to a bank, select the I have a different bank where you have an account

Step 6: Fill in the bank details as required

Step 7: Your linked card will look as below:

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Linking PayPal to Up Work

1. Go to www.upwork.com and login into your upwork account
2. Click on your profile to access the account settings
3. Click on Get paid
4. Select set up payment method
5. From the options below, select setup from your preferred method which in our case is PayPal

6. Once selected, you will be required to confirm the PayPal account details

7. Set up your payment schedule-this defines how and when to make withdrawals

8. You will be required to check the relevant tax information and change it to NON-Citizen

Ministry of ICT
The Dos and Don’ts of online payments
1. Find the right method of payment for your transactions
2. Find out the rates of currency conversions ; understand currency rates and fluctuations
3. Link only active accounts for payments
4. Be responsible with the privacy of your online transactions
5. Pay any freelancers that give you support in your work
6. Know who processes payments ; Don’t leave it until the last minute to raise complains
7. Ensure the client makes fixed- price offers; deposit a milestone payment into escrow.
8. Know the charges that apply on different online work and payment platforms
9. Create your profile with the right personal details
10. Verify your methods of payments and keep them up to date
• By phone
• By email
11. Organize finances using a budgeting process
12. Choose your online payment processing service with caution
13. Look out for hidden charges that you can fail to identify.
14. Use websites that display secure connections starting “https://“.
15. Be sure you have installed a comprehensive and up-to-date security software
16. Keep copies of transactions for future reference in case a dispute arises.
17. If you have a “wipe your phone” feature — use it to remotely erase all your personal data should your
device be lost or stolen.
18. Determine what types of payments you’ll need to collect.
• Consider one-time payments, recurring payments, subscription-based payments and choose
19. Be sure to have a SSL Certificate.
• Beware of keying in your credit card details; observe safety.
• SSL is the standard security protocol that provides encryption of credit card numbers
20. Run more than one email account
• Have a variety for various activities to minimise compromises in case of hack or purported phishing
21. Enable two-step verification; Check if your email or cloud service provider offers it
• Gmail prompts you every 30 days or when you log on from a different computer or device with this,
your account is safe from unauthorised access.
22. Lock your phone and tablet devices
• Keying in a password or code as a first line of defence
• employ other technology for additional security (2 factor authentication)
23. Be vigilant on auction sites and keep your online payment accounts secure
24. checking the bank account linked to one another
• consider having separate bank account or credit card to limit potential fraud
25. Lock down your Facebook account
• Social websites like Facebook regularly updates its timeline and privacy settings;
• Monitor your profile and privacy settings.
• Disable search engines that link to your timeline and activity logs.
• Remove your physical addresses, contacts, date of birth; information that could be used to fake
your identity.
• Delete or edit your “likes” and “groups” — they give information about you and can subject you to

Ministry of ICT

phishing and spamming emails.

• Delete any apps permitted that you don’t use or don’t remember installing.
• Check out your profile as others see it

26. If in doubt, block ; say no to social media invitations from people you don’t know.
27. Think before you tweet and how you share information
28. Always have the customer service hotline contacts
29. Stick to the contract’s terms and conditions
30. Stay polite in the presence of a dispute and seek arbitration

1. Don’t use websites that Collect credit card information through a standard web forms.
2. Settle for a payment method that will not serve you in the long term
3. Do it without research; research all the options for processing payments.
4. Never click on a link you did not expect to receive
a. Criminals infect PCs with malware is by luring users to click on a link or open an attachment.

5. don’t share one or two passwords across accounts

b. Use complex passwords ; Add numerals and a special character

c. Memorise passwords and change them regularly
d. Never reuse your main email password

6. Trawling for personal details is the modern day equivalent to creating identity theft
7. Do not enter your information if the locked padlock is missing or open/broken
8. Be wary of public wi-fi; Most do not encrypt information ; your device can be compromised
9. Do not store your card details on websites; this can lead to mass security breaches
10. Don’t be afraid to ask questions
11. Do not provide telephone contacts of spouses or relatives as you may end up losing your earned income.


Withheld/Delayed Payment:

As an online worker a client may withhold or delay your payment after submitting your work. Some of the
reasons for this action include:

a. Provision of incorrect personal details such as telephone numbers and bank accounts when setting up
your profile.

b. Choice of wrong mode of payment. It is important to understand the terms and conditions of each
payment methods. Some modes of payment are instant while others may take up to three days be-
fore receiving payment.

c. Disputes resulting from incomplete, inaccurate or poor quality work. Ensure the assignment is com-
pleted and submitted as agreed before expecting payment.

As an online worker it is important to use the available mechanisms within the platforms to resolve any
arising disputes with clients.

Ministry of ICT
Dear Client,

I would like to apply for the Transcriptionist position with MKT Services. I have over ten years of transcription
experience in a number of different settings. In my current position of Data Transcriptionist with Lyons Data Services
I provide accurate transcription of audio to written form. In addition to typing approximately 100 words per minute
I am well-versed in a number of different industries including medical legal and entertainment.

I have a keen ear and perform my job with great accuracy. My organizational skills allow me to stay on top of a number
of tasks including record keeping. I have been praised by former employers and freelance clients for my accurate on-
time work. I would love the opportunity to bring this professionalism to MKT Services as a Transcriptionist.

I am confident that you’ll find my qualifications exceed your job requirements. I look forward to the opportunity to
meet with you face to face to discuss how I may be of service in your need for a Transcriptionist. Thank you so very
much for your time and consideration; I look forward to hearing from you soon.




An overview is a freelancer’s introduction on the online platform to potential clients when they come across the
freelancers’ profile.
• Needs to be brief
• Observe proper punctuation
• Should have a set of skills and attributes relevant to the job title

Profile Overview Sample

Thank you for viewing my profile! I am a detailed and thorough professional with over 25 years of
administrative experience- the last four in a “virtual office” environment. I specialize in delivering quality
services with respect to strict deadlines and high expectations. I am equipped with a dedicated home office
complete with a computer, copier/scanner/fax and color printer.

I provide creative and detailed administrative, writing, proofreading and editing services. I excel at working
under tight deadlines with strict expectations. I possess the self-discipline and time management skills
necessary to have served as a virtual employee for the past two years. I can bring value to your business and
help solve your administrative assistant issues. I have extensive experience in marketing, the health care
field advertising, real estate and small business management.

How to protect yourself

• Ensure your link is secure before you enter any form of payment that.
• Do not open up or respond to suspicious emails, images, attachments, texts or pop up
• Comprehend the software you are about to install, and ensure that you have pulled it from
a secure website. A secure site will have a web address beginning with https not http.
• No legitimate person(s) or organizations will ask you for your log in credentials. This information will
only be required when doing online banking.
• Create complex passwords. Make sure they have an uppercase, lowercase, a number, or a symbol to
make it difficult for people to guess or retrieve your passwords.

Ministry of ICT

Self- employment

Online work is like self-employment which calls for entrepreneurial qualities that include being good planner,
determined, motivated and excellent at creating opportunities for money. Consider the following golden rules of
self-employment in online work:

• Make your own opportunities

• Plan carefully

• Know what drives you

• Develop the entrepreneurial spirit skill set:

Establishing a Business in Kenya:

Types of business enterprises recognized under Kenyan Law:

Sole proprietorships: This is where one registers and manages a business as an individual. There is no legal distinction
between the owner and the business.

Partnerships: This is where two or more people come together to register and manage a business or company.

Cooperative Society: A cooperative is an autonomous association of people united voluntarily to meet their common
economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly owned and democratically controlled business.

Business registration: Registration of businesses in Kenya is undertaken in the Office of the Attorney General. The
following are the key steps:

Sole Proprietorship/Partnership:

• Copy of the Identity Card of the Proprietor/partners as may be the case.

• Copy of the PIN of the proprietor/partner as may be the case.

• Passport size photographs of the proprietor/partner as may be the case.

Limited Company:

• Copy of IDs of all the Directors

• Copy of PIN of all the Directors.

• Passport size photographs.

Co-operative Societies: Done under the Department of Cooperatives.

Statutory Obligations

Taxation is the key source of revenue that the government of Kenya uses to provide public services to its citizenry.
Government provides a variety of services to their citizens including health, education, water, security, roads and
social security. It is therefore an obligation for every citizen to pay tax. There are two categories of taxes the National
and County Government:

Ministry of ICT
National Government Taxes
Type of Tax Description
Withholding Tax Withholding taxes are deducted at source from the
following sources of income: Interest, dividends,
royalties, management or professional fees such as
Online work, commissions, pension or retirement
annuity, rent, appearance or performance fees for
entertaining, sporting.
Value Added Tax It is an indirect tax levied on the consumption of
goods and services and it is charged at each stage of
production and distribution chain up to the retail stage.
VAT is levied on imported taxable goods and services. It
is charged at 16%.
Excise Tax This is a levy applied selectively on particular goods and
County Government Taxes
Property tax These are taxes levied on individual/institution properties
based on the value such as land rates, buildings etc.
Business licenses Operational fees charged on annual basis to businesses.

Other statutory requirements to do business in Kenya include:

Type of Statutory deduction Requirements Benefits

NHIF: It is a social health insurance • Have an income from In and Out Patient Medical cover
fund that provides both inpatient formal or self-employment NB:
and outpatient cover at hospitals exceeding 1000 monthly Accessing medical services in
nationwide. • Copy of National ID both public and private institution
including spouse if requires that you have a NHIF card.
applicable. To register for NHIF visit any NHIF
• Coloured passport photo offices within the county, Huduma
including spouse and Centre or the website.
dependants if applicable.
• Original and copies of Birth
certificates of dependants.
NSSF: Is a social security fund for • Copy of National ID • Retirement benefit
collection, safe keeping, investment • Coloured passport photo (pension)
and distribution of retirement funds • Two hundred shillings for • Survivors’ benefits payable
to Kenyans. card activation to dependent or a deceased
• Invalidity benefits payable
to members who are
permanently incapable to
work due to disability.

You don’t have to be employed to be registered and be a member of the two schemes.

Intellectual Property
“Intellectual property rights” are property rights over creations of the mind, both artistic and commercial, and
the corresponding fields of law. Under intellectual property law, owners are granted certain exclusive rights to a
variety of intangible assets, such as musical, literary, and artistic works; ideas, discoveries and inventions; and words,
phrases, symbols, and designs.
Common types of intellectual property include copyrights, trademarks, patents, industrial design rights and trade
To patent your work, you can access the forms available in the link below

Ministry of ICT


The new online workers will be linked to mentors through a mentor mentee matching process aligned to skill sets,
areas of interest and geographical location. The mentorship process will then commence and run for one month
after the new online workers complete their training. The mentorship process will entail the following stages:

Stage 1: Selection of Mentors

Stage 2: Induction of Mentors

Stage 3: Matching of Mentor Mentee and Actual mentoring Process

Stage 4: Creating a pipeline to ensure the mentees are learning

Stage 5: Monitoring of Mentorship and learning outcomes I

nduction of Mentors

Online Work Productivity

Online work encourages productivity so as to fit in modern market demands. Online workers require to be
continuously innovative and understanding the dynamics and expectations of the new and existing clients. For
enhanced productivity for an online worker there is need to consider the following:

1. Focusing on areas/fields related to one’s education/professional background training.

2. Teaming and work sharing to enhance cross learning and growth in income.
3. Undertaking professional online courses for up skilling, certification and higher rating.
4. Venturing in fields that attract higher pay such as STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and

Glossary of commonly used terms

• TAT: Stands for Turnaround Time. The time by which you should have delivered back the transcript.
• Timestamp: Means to mark the transcript with time codes, for example after every 5 minutes or after
every 10 minutes, or at every speaker change..
• Client Ready Transcript: Transcript MUST be of high quality, 99-100% accurate and one that will not need
any editing. Plagiarism is not allowed.
• Per Audio Hour: It is based on the audio duration and not normal working hours. For example, when
you start out, you will be looking to be paid between $10 to 15 per audio hour i.e $10 to 15 dollars per 60
• Hourly Jobs: payments are made based on the amount of time spent on a project.

Ministry of ICT


My name is Lucy Atieno; I work online from home and from my office space at IHub
Kenya. Being in a position to work from home has given me a chance to earn a living and
keep healthy parent-child proximity. I work as an online tutor and a content writer which
means I operate on a virtual interface. Some of the interfaces I have used since I started
working online include; Upwork, Fivver, Hioffer and freelancer.com. Other platforms
include getting direct clients on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and telegram.

I graduated from Moi University with a degree in Fisheries and

Aquatic Sciences in 2012. I am currently completing my master’s degree (Aquatic Sciences)

in the same Institution.
This is fully supported by the proceedings from my online work.

I started online work back in 2012 when I was doing my final year in campus. I was
introduced by a friend of mine who is currently a millionaire in this field. I first worked for
an employer who was also a student then, after doing a few articles for him, I was paid
Ksh. 4000 in a week. This became the turning point; I couldn’t believe I had just made my first cash that fast and the
rest became history.

One of the major challenges I have faced includes being coned. The other challenge has been lack of proper knowledge
on financial management since the payments are usually not made in lump sums. I overcame the challenge by
engaging mostly with clients overseas and networking so that I work with people I know personally. All I need to
work is a laptop, steady internet connection and a work station.

Apart from paying my school fees at master’s level with the proceedings from this job, I meet all my household
expenses. I would advise all newbies to train and try these jobs because they pay so well; do not sit and wait for a
daytime job in Kenya; you will never go wrong with online jobs as long as you are determined.

Caroline Njeri Waithaka, CONTENT WRITER

My name is Caroline Njeri Waithaka, I studied accounts in college though I can’t say
I have worked anywhere as an accountant. My Online journey started almost six
years ago now (I still can’t believe it’s been that long). It was actually something I
stumbled on. It all began when I gave birth to my daughter prematurely, since she
was so small and unstable I couldn’t afford to leave her in anyone’s care to work.

My husband and I decided that it was best if I stayed at home and looked after her.
This was in the beginning of 2010, fast forward to the end of 2011. I was a bored and
idle housewife not to mention broke!
In an attempt to keep me occupied my husband bought me a desktop and got
me an internet connection from a cyber-outside our small apartment. Everything
fell into place after that moment; my brother in-law who was fresh out of campus
had just got a job writing content for someone in Umoja. That is the one thing that
sparked my curiosity, and with it I googled and taught myself how to earn at home and still be with my little girl.

The challenges back then were immense; the biggest one was that there were no suitable ways of withdrawing
money from PayPal to our accounts or Mpesa. I would work, get paid and then end up staring at money my online
account. Sometimes I had to send it to a friend in the US who would in turn send it to me via western union, which
was a very long and laborious process. With time things have really improved for freelancers, for instance equity
come into the industry in a big way.

Ministry of ICT

I am a content developer working on Up-Work among other platforms. As said before I have

6 years’ experience, most of which I have worked from my bedroom. I recently got an office after I got my second
baby who is a handful and of course the house is also a little bit too crowded. Additionally I also thought I should give
my house help her space to work unsupervised. My job pays all my bills, this not something I do part time, so you can
imagine I don’t have another stream of income (for now).

Well, since working online is such a wide term, number one step is to figure out what you want to do. The list is
endless, from photography, video captioning, blogging, transcribing, content writing ,affiliate marketing, creative
writing, academic writing, web developments, android app development(which my brother does) among others.


Education: Bachelor of Education (Arts)
Profession: High school teacher (English and Literature)

I started online work in 2012. Then, I worked as a teacher in a private school. The
work hours were extremely long and the salary did not match the hard work I put.
I was bored to the core.

So, I got online at every chance I got and started searching for online jobs. I
mentioned to a friend that I had heard about jobs that one could do at the comfort
of their homes and get paid, and luckily, she was doing it part-time. She introduced
me to working online. I started working part-time and after just a month, I realized
I could make more than my salary as a teacher. That was my turning point. I quit my
teaching job and started working full time online.

Well, I could write a novel about my challenges getting started as an online work! One, no one then believed I could
make any real money working online. Even my husband! But he was kind enough to buy me a laptop and a flybox for
internet. If I had not got any of these two items, I would never have started my online work journey. The challenge
was getting well-paying clients as a complete newbie with no record of work done and no training.
However, I finally managed to get some good clients who I still do work with up to date.

The cost of internet was also expensive because I was getting started. Some projects would get delayed because of
lack of internet. I didn’t have any training. I wasted so much time trying to learn stuff on my own. I feel if I had got
some prior guidance, I would have moved up faster. I would highly recommend training for anyone wishing to get
started as an online worker.

Working from home can be stressful which can lead to depression. Truth be told, humans beings are social beings and
that being said, getting out of the house to “talk” is vital. One easily forgets about having a social life and may end
up lonely when working online. There are times I wish I could just have lunch with my colleagues at work. Nowadays,
I routinely meet with other online workers every end of week to just hang out. It makes working online fun and less

I work as a content manager and a fulltime virtual assistant 40hrs (sometimes more in a week). 90% of my earnings
are from upwork.com. I have 5 years’ experience in online work.

All my work is done from the comfort of my home. Through online work, I was able to take myself back to University
for my bachelor’s degree. I am also able to cater for all my household expenses and invest in other projects both
online and offline.

Online work is real. However, to earn a sustainable income, you should be willing to put in the hours and work. It is
not a get rich quick scheme.

Ministry of ICT
We quit great jobs to go into business. Here’s what we’ve learnt. I have been
working from home since April 2011. I would describe myself as a freelance
writer, a blogger, a tech-preneur and internet marketer. My online work is solely
based on skills I have acquired throughout my life. I am not a graduate: I dropped
out of campus because I couldn’t hack what I had been admitted to study —
landscape architecture. Going by that, ‘what I studied in campus’ is definitely not
commensurate to the work I do.

I dropped out of campus to become an entrepreneur. But after school, I did

look for a job. I did transcription for some startup companies, data entry for
different entities (a company, an NGO, and church), sales for a textile company
and administration for a car hire company. While working for the car hire, I also
did some online work part-time. I resigned when my online income stabilized and
was almost outdoing my offline income. The success of it is that

I doubled my income in a month.

I don’t feel the need to be employed now. Being a freelancer and businessman was one of the best decisions I ever
made. Thank God that online work has enabled me to earn a living, pay my bills and sustain my family. There’s great
potential online and I believe by 2020 we’ll have Kenyans earning seven or more figures per month from it. It is my
hope to one day own a big online enterprise similar to Netflix, Uber, Facebook, Google, Amazon, and the likes; that
provide excellent solutions to everyday problems. (Courtesy of the Standard)
Read more at: https://www.standardmedia.co.ke/lifestyle/article/2001240249/i-rarely-leave-home-but-i-make-money

Ministry of ICT


1. Plagiarism Links

It’s the practice of taking someone else work or ideas and passing them off as one’s own. Examples:

• www.quetext.com
• www.plagarisma.net
• www.duplichecker.com
2. Transcribing Links
• www.transcribeme.com
• www.gotranscript.com
• www.transcribe.com
3. Grammar Links

• www.grammarly.com
• www.grammarcheck.com
4. Social Media Pages
• https://www.facebook.com/remarkable freelance Writers in Africa/
• https://www.facebook.com/awesome transcribers in Kenya/
• https://facebook.com/rich transcribers in Kenya/
5. Blogs
• www.transcriptionke.com
6. Platform Videos (Upwork)
• How to get started on upwork


• How to build your Online profile on Upwork


• How to Add a Withdrawal Method on Upwork


6. Online Portals for certification on various skills

• www.cousera.com
• www.tukoworks.com
• www.vls.co.ke
• www.alison.com

Ministry of ICT
Do you want to earn an income?

In order of priority what jobs would you like to do online?





Reflecting on the training, what skills would you like to grow in?






Ministry of ICT

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