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February 9, 2024 Alex Lee

Learning Update

Reporting up to: February 9, 2024

John Oliver Secondary
Alex Lee 530 East 41st Ave
Vancouver, BC
PEN: 139582720
V5W 1P3
Grade 08 604-713-8938

School Message

This is the Semester 1 Summary of Learning. Teachers have provided feedback on your student’s progress.
Students, parents, and guardians are encouraged to print and save a hard copy of all report cards for their own
records. In addition to the Learning Update, we remind families that students continue working on their Core
Competencies and completing their goals set earlier in the semester. Families would have received an email from
their children with the goals they have set for themselves for the year. Please reach out to teachers via email if
you have any questions or concerns. Email contact information can be found on the John Oliver website.


Ms. Anne Alvares

Students have been learning about healthy relationships. They will focus on their strengths, interests, and how
these can be related to
career goals. They will also be learning about goal setting, mindset, and resilence.

Attendance: Absent: 0 Late: 0

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February 9, 2024 Alex Lee


Ms. Nancy Palejko

You finished your first semester at high school! Congratulations! Along with everything else you learned, you also
picked up about 3 new French words every single day! Hold on to those words… you'll need them next year!

In class you worked very hard and collaborated well with your classmates. You were completely focused on the
goal and participated beautifully in all activities. You completed all the homework assigned and arrived on time for
As for your French proficiency, not only did you put extra creative effort into your written work, you also excelled
at thinking on your feet and speaking spontaneously in French. Your grasp of the grammar I taught and your
ability to remember all the new vocabulary was outstanding. Thank you for your enthusiasm!
If you'd like to keep your French still floating around in your head for next year's class, I suggest you sign up for
an online language learning app (some ideas: Duolingo and Babbel). You are now equipped to take either French
9 or Spanish Level 1.
Finally, it was my great pleasure to teach you. All the best next semester!

Attendance: Absent: 0 Late: 1


Ms. Teresa Laumen

Since the mid-semester report, we have covered polynomials (add/subtract/mult/divide) number and letter
combinations and continued with creating linear equations from patterns, solving linear equations and banking
and budgeting. The end of the semester included two budget projects: personal budget and grocery budget; and
reviewed the semester for a final exam.

Alex, you have a great grasp of the material that we covered. Make sure that you stay consistent in showing work
as this will be helpful when you face more difficult topics.
Take the final as an experience to learn from. In your process of preparing and writing, what would you change?

Attendance: Absent: 0 Late: 1


Mr. Nathan Johnson

You have shown excellence in active health and living. Congratulations. Be sure to exercise at least three times a
week since you don't have PE till next year.

Attendance: Absent: 0 Late: 0

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February 9, 2024 Alex Lee


Irving Lau

In the second half of the semester, students explored parts of the cell through a virtual tour in Minecraft as well as
learned about the immune system through researching and building a model of a pathogen. Students also
learned to triangulate the epicenter of an earthquake and used an online map to learn about plate tectonics. I'm
very much looking forward to seeing them all again for Science 9 Mini!

You have demonstrated a clear understanding of the big ideas presented in the course and a consistent command
of curricular competencies as outlined in the syllabus. Congratulations on an excellent and consistent effort and
achievement in the course! Thank you for your dedicated work all semester. Wishing you continued success for
Semester 2!

Attendance: Absent: 1 Late: 0

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February 9, 2024 Alex Lee

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