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Firstly, let me make sure that all of my beloved audiences already know about me.

So my name is Hana and I'm from and kelas 9.4.

So, in the chance that we got in today's evening, I'm going to tell you guys a story about Roro

The legend of Roro Jonggrang begins with the story of a great Kingdom, the Kingdom of Prambanan.
King Prambanan had a daughter who was famous for her beauty and here it is. Please welcome our
main character, Roro Jonggrang.

But in one day, the Kingdom of Prambanan was attacked by Bandung Bondowoso, the leader of the
Pengging state.

On the day of the attack action, Bandung Bondowoso met the King's daughter. He was fascinated by
her beauty and was desperate to marry her.

However, he could see that she was not interested in him, so he used to threaten her by telling her
that he would kill the entire family of Roro Jonggrang if she refused his marriage proposal.

Roro Jonggrang was very confused because she had no option other than accepting that marriage

But intelligently, an idea popped into her mind. She asked Bandung Bondowoso to build 1000
temples in one night only.

Surprisingly, Bandung Bondowoso accepted that request. "1000 temples, you say? I was expecting
something more than that. Of course, Of course. I will do that for you." In the day after he made a
deal with the dunes and quickly began to build the 1000 temples, Roro Jonggrang was so panicked
that she asked her servants to burn up the light. The demons mistook the burning light of the hay for
the light of the torn, and they immediately stopped the depth. The temple's construction with only
999 temples successfully constructed.

Bandung Bondowoso finally declared his failure. Knowing that he had been fooled by Roro
Jonggrang, he was very angry. He came to Roro Jonggrang to talk and met her directly. "I didn't know
that you are this kind of girl. How dare you cheat on me? I will curse you into a freaking temple." Say
Bandung Bondowoso.

And at the end, there were 1000 temples successfully constructed. Oh wait, wait wait, wait. But I
think left audiences are getting a little bit too focused on me that they didn't realize that the story
actually ends here.

The significance of this story in Indonesian culture lies in its representation of the power of wit and
intelligence to overcome even the most powerful of adversaries. It also highlights the importance of
keeping promises and the consequences of making deals with supernatural beings. The legend of
Roro Jonggrang has been passed down through generations in Javanese culture, and it continues to
be a beloved part of Indonesian folklore.

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