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Group 3 - DTA2023

Freedom of expression is one of the basic tenets of human rights across the globe. It
comprises of the freedom to express oneself without the fear of being intimidated, free
delivery of the speech, liberated press, freedom to disseminate and receive information and
the right to silence as well as free sharing of opinions (Temperman 2011, p.736).

1. B

It is also prudent to mention that other sub-elements of human rights such as the right
to take part in elections and the freedoms of association and thought are under the umbrella of
freedoms of speech and expression. Also, the social rights of an individual are directly
impacted by the freedom of expression rights. Governments should control freedom of speech
since it has been abused.

2. D

It is necessary for governments and specialized agencies to understand that freedom of

speech does not imply breaking the law with impunity. It is a basic right that facilitates the
sharing of opinions and offers objective solutions to problems which face society.

3. E

Truth can only be discovered when there are competing ideologies and arguments.
Open discussions to issues affecting humanity may assist the process of searching for the
truth. These benefits cannot be realized in the absence of freedom of expression.

The freedom of expression also lays the best foundation for self-fulfillment and
autonomy in society. Apart from the fact that it assists in finding the truth, freedom of
expression tends to fulfill the inner desire to express oneself whenever confronted by
challenging situations.


Democratic governments may be rendered non-functional in the absence of effective

communication. In other words, communication is a core operating pillar in governments that
boast of democracy (Haskins 1996, p.85). This implies that information should be allowed to
flow freely to enhance the democratization of global regimes.

6. H

For instance, it can be recalled that the emergence of totalitarian regimes and illiberal
governments have been worsened by the absence or inadequate application of the freedom of
speech. Some of these governments have opted to gag the press so that abuse of power and
corruption cannot be brought into the limelight.


There are also myriads of instances when the freedom of speech has been used as a
scapegoat to commit wrongs in society. In spite of the benefits derived from the freedom of
speech, justifying wrong actions through the practice has weakened some values. Eruptions of
violence and civil wars, especially in failed and weak states have been largely attributed to
abuse of the freedom of expression.

From the above arguments, it can be concluded that the freedom of expression should
be limited by respective regimes across the world to avoid the possibility of negative
outcomes. The benefits associated with the freedom of expression can be easily overshadowed
if regulatory measures are not put in place.

A. Unless freedom of expression is properly enshrined in our constitution, art and
literature may equally suffer because they largely depend on the available platforms of
freedom of speech to flourish.

B. Proponents of freedom of expression argue that the concept has not been
comprehended or interpreted correctly for a long time. They assert that freedom of expression
has its limits. For instance, the rights of other people must be put into consideration before
exercising the freedom to offer an opinion.

C. The implementation of freedom of expression often brings about good results

because pertinent issues that affect society are addressed. However, this democratic practice
has been tainted by a few isolated individuals who become self-centered after attaining the
anticipated gains.

D. Typical examples include the war-torn countries such as Southern Sudan and
Somalia. The current political crises in Syria and Ukraine have also been fuelled by the poor
use of the freedom of expression. Other negative implications of the freedom of expression
include separatism and infiltration of pornographic and other indecent materials into society
(de Zayas & Martín 2012, p.430).

E. The gains that have been made in the administration of contemporary societies are
directly linked to the freedoms of expression and speech. Some social and political theorists
even argue that the freedom of expression acts as a safety valve in the political governance of
state affairs (Haskins 1996, p.85). Checks and balances are only possible when the freedom of
expression is fully guaranteed.

F. On the other hand, freedom of expression has not brought along all the expected
benefits as argued out by some proponents of the practice. For example, it is greatly assumed
that all arguments that originate from the freedom of speech are accurate. Most individuals
and groups hardly take the time to listen to opposing viewpoints (Sturges 2005, p.302). As a
result, they can easily sway the opinion of many people at the expense of society.
G. A final and conclusive verdict can only be given after diverse ideas and viewpoints
have been heard. Several countries that allow freedom of expression do so to gather vital
information that can be used to enhance socio-economic and political development (Hamilton
& Pors 2003, p.408).

H. Freedom of expression or speech is valued across the world even though there have
been relentless attempts to curtail this provision by some illiberal and autocratic states.

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