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Good Evening , I am Proveen Krishnan 4th Medical student , before I proceed futher
may I confirm your details. May I know your NAME, AGE , RESIDENCE PLACE.

Thank you for coming in today. I understand you're seeking help with alcohol
dependence. Before I begin, I want to assure you that our conversation will be kept
confidential and non-judgmental. My goal is to support you in finding healthier ways
to cope and move forward. How have you been feeling lately?"


To better understand your situation, can you tell me about your relationship with
alcohol? How often do you drink, and in what quantities? Have you noticed any
negative impacts on your life as a result of your drinking?"


"Alcohol dependence is a serious condition that can have significant consequences

on your physical health, relationships, and overall well-being. It's important to
recognize the signs and understand the risks associated with excessive drinking. Are
you familiar with the symptoms of alcohol dependence?"

Exploration of Triggers:

"What are some situations or emotions that typically lead you to drink?
Understanding your triggers can help us develop strategies to cope with them in
healthier ways. Can you identify any specific triggers or patterns in your drinking

Goal Setting:

"Now, let's talk about your goals. What would you like to achieve in regards to your
alcohol use? Are you interested in cutting down, abstaining completely, or making
other changes to improve your health and well-being?"

Exploration of Support Systems:

"It's important to have a strong support system in place when making changes to
your drinking habits. Who in your life can offer you support and encouragement
during this process? Have you considered seeking support from friends, family, or
support groups?"

Developing Coping Strategies:

"Let's work together to develop some coping strategies that you can use when faced
with cravings or triggers. This might include finding alternative ways to manage
stress, engaging in activities that bring you joy, or reaching out to a trusted friend
when you need support. What coping strategies resonate with you?"

Relapse Prevention:

"Relapse is a common part of the recovery process, but it doesn't mean you've failed.
It's important to learn from any setbacks and continue moving forward. What are
some strategies you can use to prevent relapse and stay on track with your goals?"

Follow-Up and Resources:

"Our time is almost up for today, but I want to remind you that I'm here to support
you every step of the way. We can schedule follow-up sessions to check in on your
progress and adjust our plan as needed. Additionally, there are resources available,
such as support groups and therapy programs, that can provide additional support.
Would you like me to provide you with some resources to explore?"


"Thank you for sharing your experiences with me today. Remember, you are not
alone in this journey, and there is hope for recovery. I'm here to support you
whenever you need it. Take care, and I look forward to our next session."

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