Materi Phone Conversation

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Phone Conversation

Communication skills are very important. Communicating properly on the phone Is

especially important. People on the phone relycompletely on what you are saying, and
how you are speaking, to understand you fully.
As wellas speaking clearly when talking on the phone, it is vital to use the right level
of formality. If youare too formal, people might find it difficult to feel comfortable when
talkingto you. Ifyou are too informal, they might think you are being rude.
So, here are phrases we usually use when we want to have aphone conversation.
1. Answering the Phone (informal)
Hello. Matt here. (caller unknown)
b. Hi, Jody. Howare you?
C. Hey, Justin. What's up?

2. Answering the Phone (formal)

a. Hello? Serena speaking. (caller unknown)
b. John Sayles speaking. Who's calling, please? (caller unknown)
C. Doctor Martin's office. May I know who's caling, please? (caller unknown)
d. Thank you for calling Jeans Plus. Jody speaking.
e. Hello Maria. Nice to hear from you.
3. Introducing Yourself
a. Hey George. It's Lisa calling. (informal)
b. Hello, this is Julie Madison calling.
C. Hi. It's Angelina from the dentist's office here. (informal)
d. Hello Sayoko. This is Alan calling from Big Boyz Autobody.

4. Asking to Speak with Someone

a. Hi. ls Nina there? (informal)
b. Can you put Michael on? (informal)
C. Can I talk to Josef? Tell him Marilyn's calling. (informal)
d. May Ispeak to Mr. Green in the accounting department, please?
e. Good morning. Is Dr Martin available, please?
5. Connecting Someone
Just a sec. I"llget him. (informal)
b. Hang on a moment. I'll see if she's in. (informal)
C. One moment please. I'|l see if he's available.
d. Hold the line please. I'll put you through in a moment.
e. Please hold while Iput you through to the manager's office.

Chapter 3| May I Help You? 29

6. Making a Request
a. Could you please repeat that?
b. Would you mind spelling that for me?
C. Could you speak up a little, please?
d. Can you speak alittle slower, please. My English isn't very good, I'm
e. Could you let me know when she'Il be in the office, please? afraid.
f. Would you mind calling back in an hour? I'm in ameeting just now.
9. Can you call again? Ithink we have a bad connection.
h. Please hold for just a minute. Ihave another call.
Please don't call this number again.
7. Taking a Message
a. Can Itake a message?
b. Would you like to
leave amessage?
Sammy's not in. lcan tell him you called if you like.
d No, that's okay. I'll call him later. (informal)
e I'm sorry, but Lisa's not here at the
f I'm afraid he's stepped out.
moment. Can Itake amessage?
g. She's busy right now.
Would you like to leave a message?
Would you like her to return your call?
h. He's in ameeting at the
i. Fine. l'l let him know you
moment. Can he call you back when he's free?
I'llmake sure she gets
your message.
8. Leaving a Message 2
a Can | leave a
b. message?
Would you mind giving her a
C Would it be possible to leave message?
d. message?
Could youtell her Jonathon called?
Could you ask him to call Paul 3
f. Idon't think he when he gets in?
has my number. Do you
Thanks. James Brown and my
It's have a pen handy?
Confirming a Message number is 222 3456.
Let me repeat that just to
Was that 555 Charles make sure. It's James Brown at 222 3456? 4
C I'll make sure he Street, Apartment
gets the
Johnny, right? And youmessage.
d. It's
Okay, got it. Il| let him won't be at the club until
know. midnight. (informal)

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