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After watching “Life of Pi”, try to ponder the following questions and answer them the best way

you can. We will discuss it together on our next meeting, after the mid-term week. Thank you 

1. What is the film about?

2. Do you think the film is based on reality? How much would you say is true, and how much is
not true?
3. What do you think of Pi? How would you describe him? Do you see any similarities between
you and Pi in terms of personality, ideology, or faith, and how? How is Pi different from
4. Pi is told as a character who is polytheistic. In your opinion, what is the reason for him to be
polytheistic? What do you think of it? Do you agree with his faith? How is polytheism,
monotheism, and atheism viewed in your own belief? Does it affect the way you live your
life? How?
5. Apart from Pi, there are also a zebra, a hyena, an orangutan, and a tiger on the lifeboat. What
do you think the animals represent? Which of the animals relate to you the most, and why?
6. Pi’s family runs a zoo in Pondicherry. What do you think of zoos? Should wild animals be
kept in zoos? What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of zoos? What other
alternatives can be used to preserve wild animals?
7. Later on, Pi told a different version of the story. Instead of the four animals he was with, he
told a version of the story in which there are four people on the lifeboat. The four people
were him, his mother, the cook, and the sailor. If the animals were replaced by the four
people, then which animal replaces who? Which version of Pi’s story do you think is the
most credible, and why?
8. Francis, or Mamaji as Pi called him, introduced the novelist to Pi by saying that Pi had a
story that would make him believe in God. After listening to (and witnessing) Pi’s story, do
you think other people would believe in God, and why? Do you think his story made you
believe in God? How does Pi’s story influence the way you see God, faith, and religion?
9. The novelist stated that Pi’s story has a happy ending. Do you agree with him, and why?
What would you consider to be a happy ending? Do you think there is an absolute
characteristic of what can be called a happy ending, or is it conditional?
10. Pi’s story ended with Richard Parker staring into the forest, and then walking into it without
looking back at Pi. By the time the locals rescued him, no one noticed a tiger walking into the
forest. Do you think Richard Parker was real, and was actually with Pi on that lifeboat the
whole time? What or who do you think Richard Parker represents, and why? Do you like this
ending of the story? What kind of ending would you have made?

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