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Pressure is a topic in form one physics syllabus that deals with exerting a force on a given area to
produce a pressure which is then transmitted through a liquid. Pressure basically is the force
applied normally or perpendicularly per unit area. Through applying force on a given area, there
is a force that is generated as a result of the perpendicular application and effect of this force on
that surface, this force acting normally on that surface is what is referred to as pressure.

This project thus aims at explaining the application of force on a given surface (one arm) to
produce a much bigger force on the other side (other arm). Physics is a science subject that
involves both theoretical and practical approaches to achieve the set targets or objectives in the
course, in addition, physics as a subject needs physical cooperation and interaction from both the

teacher and students. Calculations on this topic and explaining of some key concepts gives most
learners a challenge , the failure to understand and comprehend the key concepts on this topic
makes leaners not able to handle other topics in syllabus like work, power and machines. This is
because the knowledge acquired on this topic will be applied on work, power and machines since
the two topics are related in terms of content to be covered. This project therefore, will involve
designing of hydraulic lift and force pump, the two widest applications of pressure, that with this
project, learners will get better understanding and thus comprehend the topic better. That the
knowledge that learners will acquire from this project will give them first-hand information and
wide experience in terms of content and above all develop creativity and be motivated on
handling physics as a subject of their choice.


I declare that this is my original work and has never been presented anywhere before for any
award of marks.

Rubber stamp………………………………………………………..


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Rubber stamp………………………………………………………..









Table of Contents
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................................... i

PROJECT PROPOSAL APPROVAL AND DECLARATION ..................................................... ii

CHAPTER 1 ................................................................................................................................... 1

INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 1

1.0 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................ 1

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1.1. BACKGROUND INFORMATION .................................................................................... 1

VISION, MISSION, MOTTO AND CORE VALUES .............................................................. 2

1.2 PROJECT JUSTIFICATION ................................................................................................ 3

1.3 PROJECT PURPOSE ........................................................................................................... 3

1.4 PROJECT OBJECTIVES ..................................................................................................... 3

1.5 PROJECT PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION ......................................................................... 4

1.6 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE PROJECT .................................................................................. 5

CHAPTER 2 ................................................................................................................................... 6

LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................................................... 6

CHAPTER THREE ........................................................................................................................ 7

PROJECT DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY .............................................................................. 7

3.1 MATERIAL REQUIRED ..................................................................................................... 7

3.2 PROCEDURE ....................................................................................................................... 7

FORMULA DERIVATION ....................................................................................................... 8

3.3 PROJECT SIGNIFICANCE ................................................................................................. 8

3.4 PROJECT SUSTAINABILITY ............................................................................................ 9

CHAPTER 4 ................................................................................................................................. 10

CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ........................................................................... 10

4.1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 10

4.2 CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................... 10

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4.3 RECOMMENDATIONS .................................................................................................... 10

REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................. 11

APPENDIXES .............................................................................................................................. 12

APPENDIX 1: PROPOSED CALENDER OF ACTIVITIES .................................................. 12

APPENDIX 2 ............................................................................................................................ 13

DIAGRAMS OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT ....................................................................... 14



Most students from ABC Secondary School perceive pressure as a topic to be one of the
challenging we have in secondary school syllabus. Most students find it difficult especially when
explaining various applications that entails theoretical work and some problem solving
applicationns that entails mathematics concepts. Pascal principle deals with how pressure is
being transmitted in fluids (gases and liquids). It states that pressure exerted at one point in a
fluid is transmitted equally to all directions in an enclosed surfaces.

In this project,the construction of hydraulic lift and force pump entails several applications on a
real life situation that when constructed,it will increase the creativity and thinking capacity of
learners. In real life ,the car jerks, pumps for lifting water , lifting of bails by machines ,all rely
on the application of smaller/ larger force from one point in a fluid to produce a greater/smaller
force from the other end in the same fluid.

Pascal principle applications can be understood well by learners when having a model of the
machine being taught so that they can see how it operates. These models will therefore help
learners find it easy to understand how they work and be able to comprehend simple calculations
on them. It will also enable students relate the contents learned in class (theory) and what they
observed hence boosting their understanding since learners tend to understand most when they
see and touch as opposed to just listening.

Through the project creativity and self thinking will be enhanced as the two teaching models/aids
will be involved this developing new approach in teaching pressure as a topic in force one


ABC SECONDARY SCHOOL is one of the public secondary educational institutions located in
East Ugenya location,Ugenya Sub County ,Siaya County in Kenya.It has been sponsored by
Catholic. The school has established a remarkable reputation of being a seedbed of knowledge
since its inception in 1992. The School, as an academic institution is a generator and
disseminator of the Kenya Education Curriculum. It has made big leaps in its pursuit of
excellence through collaborations, interactions and community mobilization which has led to
development of KCSE graduates who are socially receptive, productive, disciplined,
academically endowed and service oriented.

The school has a teaching staff of 21 while the non-teaching staff stands at 11. The current
student population stands at 435. The student catchment is mainly from within the East Ugenya
location. The school occupies a land area of hectares surrounded by Anyiko Primary school and
Ligega Market.

Fixed assets for the school include; the land, 1administration block, 9 classrooms, 1 science
laboratory,1 library, 1 dining hall, 1 staff room, 1 store, 1 Finance Office ,6 blocks of
latrines.The school is managed by the Board of Management, the School Administration, the
Parents’ Association, the teaching staff, non-teaching staff and the Student Council

Popular sports and games in the school are football. Popular clubs and societies in the school are
Young Christian Students and Scouting

The school has a student population of 435 most of whom are drawn from within the East
Ugenya Location.


Our Vision

Quality education for self reliance in a challenging and competitive world

Our Mission

To produce self disciplined students with strong academic background

Our Motto
Strive for excellence

I wish to execute the project believing that it will have a positive impact not only to academic
performance of the learned but also to the learner's personal life. The proposed project in relation
to academic performance it will help in improving the learner's performance under a topic called
Pressure in general by improving the learner's retention and remembrance ability.

Reasons to the project was that the school has no teaching aid /apparatus that can be used to
illustrate the working of hydraulic lift and force pump. It will also integrate teaching from lecture
methods to learned centered method of teaching this wil help them understand the topic better.


The project is the right choice due to the following reasons :-

a) The project is to fabricated because it has already been planned in the teacher's
scheme of work ,hence the need for preparing a teaching aid for the same. This
increases the capacity of the learners understanding the concept....
b) Besides helping improve academic performance of the learners ,will also have a
positive impact in learner's personal life as it will provide learners with some answers
affecting their society,school even at home at large....
c) The project will further enable students do research in relevant field related to
pressure . The project this intends to turn physics subject into a more realistic and
visualised subject among the sciences through presentation of project work as a
teaching aid.


These are goals that the project is determined to achieve at the end of completion of the project

I. To promote learners centered learning approach. The project is constructed by

students with the teacher acting as a guide rather than a master....
II. o promote development of creativity amongst learners. Construction of pressure
models which will arouse their creativity in class work....

III. To promote thinking capacity and enable them to think beyond classroom work by
coming up with various models through use of improvised or recycled materials.....
IV. o increase interest of learners in physics. The model will fascinate the learners to
arouse their enthusiasm towards the topic....
V. Aids learners through demonstration hence breaking the monotony of lecture method
of teaching. This will facilitate the learners cognitive mastery of content and concept.


Since learners have perceived physics as difficult subject being a science with lots of calculation,
some of them have a negative attitude towards it. This can be attributed to the mode of
instruction that do occur in most of our secondary schools.

Most teachers don’t prefer teaching physics using teaching aids, they find it difficult and
perceive it as a waste of time and handling of large population during this exercise is tedious.

Physics being a science it deserves to be given quite more time where learners can engage in
some activities either in the field or in classroom using teaching aids to make it interesting where
they can concretize physics concepts in class and above all have a touch of various models to
help them understand concepts better and enhance their creativity.

To make physics a lively subject, it needs to be taught using models and any other material that
can be useful for easy understanding of the subject matter. This will enable students to
understand better what is being taught in classroom. Learners also need direct experience rather
than verbal description of content being learnt. I noticed that the project if designed will help in
improving teaching-learning process in the school. After close evaluation of the above proposed
projects and considering the availability of materials together with the significance of the project.
I realized that learners had difficulty in understanding this topic, explaining various applications
in pressure and power, work and machines.

Therefore the project will be of great significance to the learners because they will get to
understand well how the model works , the model will be available in science department to be
used in teaching and learning and hence ensuring that learners understand well various
applications of pressure and the topic, work, power and machines

This project will greatly help the form one and form three students in their study of pressure and
work, power and machines respectively. The project will also serve as teaching aid by teachers in
the school while handling the two mentioned topics.


Pascal's law is a fundamental principle in fluid mechanics and is crucial in understanding
hydraulic systems. Blaise Pascal, a French scientist, formulated this law in the 17th century. It
states that when there is an increase in pressure at any point in a confined fluid, there is an equal
increase in pressure throughout the fluid.

This law can be explained by considering the incompressible nature of fluids. When pressure is
applied to a fluid, the molecules transmit this pressure uniformly in all directions, allowing the
pressure to be distributed equally throughout the fluid. This means that if you apply a force to a
small area of a confined fluid, the same force will be exerted on a larger area elsewhere in the

Hydraulic systems utilize Pascal's law to transmit forces and multiply the applied pressure. By
applying a small force to a small piston in a confined fluid, the pressure is distributed equally,
resulting in a larger force being exerted by a larger piston connected to the same fluid. This
principle allows hydraulic systems to generate substantial forces and enable the transmission of
power efficiently.

Pascal's law has significant applications in various fields, including engineering, automotive
systems, construction equipment, and more. It forms the basis for the operation of hydraulic
machinery, such as hydraulic lifts, braking systems, and steering systems, where the pressure is
used to control and manipulate mechanical components




Syringe- large size

Syringe- small size

Soft rubber tubing

Ball bearings

Frames (timber) /cardboard

A hydraulic crane is a type of crane that uses a hydraulic system to lift and move heavy objects.
Hydraulic cranes are used in a variety of applications, including construction, mining, and
manufacturing. The most important part of a hydraulic crane is the hydraulic cylinder, which is a
type of hydraulic pump. The hydraulic cylinder is responsible for moving the fluid that powers the
crane. The fluid is typically oil or water. To make a hydraulic crane with syringes and cardboard,
you will need: -A length of cardboard -A sharp knife -A ruler -A pen or pencil -A few empty
syringes -Some strong glue

First, use the ruler and knife to cut the piece of cardboard into a rectangle. The rectangle should
be about twice as long as it is wide.

Next, use the pen or pencil to mark out four equally spaced holes along one of the long sides of
the rectangle. These holes will be used to attach the syringes.

Now, take the four syringes and glue them to the cardboard, making sure that the needles are
pointing downwards. It doesn’t matter which syringe is attached to which hole, as long as they are
all pointing downwards.

Finally, fill each syringe with either oil or water. To operate the crane, simply press down on the
plunger of one of the syringes. This will cause the fluid to flow into the other syringes, lifting the

Considering force F1 is applied on a smaller piston of cross section area A1, force produced on
the large piston of cross section area A2 is F2. Then pressure P1 exerted on the liquid by small
piston due to F1 is given as

P1 = F1/A1

This pressure will be transmitted by liquid to the larger piston . Therefore , pressure of liquid
acting on the area A2 of the large piston is equal to P1. This ,the force F2 produced on the large
piston is given by

F2 = Pressure × Area

P1 × A2

But P1 = F1/A1

So F2= F1/A1 × A2

Therefore F2/F1 =A2/A1


The project has the following significance in learning of physics, chemistry and other sciences

It’s used practically in teaching thus helps in reinforcement of teaching. the model helps in
learning pressure

The model provides teacher with learning aids needed for construction, visual aids to simplify
the abstract concept and hence strong appeal to the learner’s sight which is easily harnessed to
maximize learning

The science department will be equipped well with learning resource material since the project
will add the teaching materials to the available one, hence improvement on teaching concepts in
the school.

The project save instructional time by concretizing abstract concepts

The models increases mental retention of the learners

The models can be used in teaching and learning concepts .

The school will be resources Centre where other schools can equip instructional materials


The proposed project was durable for approximately three to five years. Though whether the
proposed project will help for the approximated period depend on the storage and proper usage.



In this chapter, the general summary of the proposed project made to help give the on site of the

The recommendation is to give what I think of and advised on what to be done to enhance the
success on the execution of the proposed project, its utilization and its sustainability.

To summarize, the proposed project will be of much benefit to the students and to the whole
school environment and even to the educational sector as it will help in teaching and learning of
physics on the topic of electromagnetic

This is a list of a numbered recommendations on how to go about future proposed projects
monument. The following are some of the recommendations:
In Kisii University, the department of curriculum instruction and educational and management, is
recommended to approve the proposed project and provide any assistance that will be required
from the department.
The principal of ABC SECONDARY SCHOOL is recommended to provide any kind of support
whenever necessary to aid the execution of the proposed project. This will motivate the teacher
and the learners to dedicate themselves on the execution of the proposed project which will
contribute towards the general performance of the school.
The teacher is also recommended to assemble all the required materials on time to avoid time
rushing that might cause some kind of inconvenience thus altering with the effectiveness of the
proposed project.
The learners are recommended to actively participate in the execution of the proposed project as
this will help improve the understanding memory retention and remembrance of the proposed
project topic this will also train them in patience, independence, tolerance and innovativeness.

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The whole school staff is recommended to support the execution and the proposed project in all

1. Secondary Physics Students Book One KLB

2. "Physics: Principles with Applications" by Douglas C. Giancoli. This textbook covers various
principles of physics, including Pascal's principle, and how they apply to real-world
applications such as hydraulic systems.

3. "Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines" by R.K. Bansal. This book specifically focuses on
fluid mechanics and hydraulic systems, explaining Pascal's principle and its applications in
hydraulic lifts and other related projects.

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This calendar of events shows the completion of various stages of the project on a weekly basis
and the various people involved in its development.


Week 1 Reporting Teachers and students

Week 2 -3 Topic selections and problem Teacher (self)


Week 4 Writing of project proposal Teacher (self)

Week 5-6 Preparation and assembling of Teacher (self) and Form 1

materials East Learners

Week 7 - 8 Completion of the project Form 1 East Learners and

Teacher (self)

Week 10 Submission of the project to Teacher (self)


Week 11 Writing of the project report Teacher (self) and coordinator

Week 12 Project typing and binding Teacher (self)

Week 13 Submission of the project Coordinator and teacher (self)

proposal approval and project

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Below is the estimated price of items needed for the project to be successful.

Project Expenditure Table.


Syringe Large Size 5 @ Ksh. 25 Ksh. 125

Syringe Small size 2 @ Ksh. 10 Ksh. 20

Soft Rubber Tubing 3 @ Ksh. 100 Ksh. 300

Ball bearings 4 @ Ksh. 5 Ksh. 20

Frame (Timber) 4 pieces @ Ksh. 100 Ksh. 400

TOTAL Ksh. 865

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