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Critical Literacies and Graphic Novels for English-Language Learners: Teaching Maus

By: Christian W. Chun (2009)

This article discusses about reaching proficiency in reading by using graphic novels.
The researcher believes that the pictures used within graphic novels may help readers,
including adolescent and adult language learners, understand the text better. This research is
conducted using the multiliteracies approach that consists of four frameworks. Those
frameworks include situated practice, overt instruction that introduces metalanguages, critical
framing of the cultural and social context, and transformed practice. Then, in implementing
the teaching of critical literacy of Maus in the classroom, the researcher uses collaborated
pilot study. Through the activities conducted in the classroom, the students are able to change
their perspective about history. They become more interested in history. As seen from this, the
students are more intrigued to know things through reading. Hence, this will improve
attraction in reading.
In conclusion, readers are affected by the text that they read. The same thing goes for
students who read certain texts. Reading materials have the ability to change their way of
thinking and living. Through the activity of reading graphic novels and conducting critical
literacy, students become more aware of what they bring and take from the text. From this
awareness, students will be able to read the world and the word.

Chun, C. W. (2009). Critical Literacies and Graphic Novels for English-Language Learners:
Teaching Maus. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 53(2), 144-153. doi:

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